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What Covid-19? it was launched by the US DoD in their Chemtrails to have people beg for a vaccine to cure themselves! It had two chemicals, barium oxide and aluminum oxide two chemicals harmful to our respiratory systems, along with polymers. But I've said this before! Go on believing in a virus which is really a kind of pollution! The worse is yet to come with the vaccine! I'm waiting to see if it will be mandatory! Did China fly over North America spreading Chemtrails? Their planes would have been shot down! Of what other use were the Chemtrails?Go pull your knees around your head like Cain! He's hoping Jehovah, the alien, will mistake him for a huge crab, especially with his eyes protruding from the effort! Just fart, Cain! It will help relieve the pressure on your neck!

@Former Member posted:

I thought you liked excrement! After all, you obviously like Cain that you would venture into uncharted and uninhibited territory! Uninvited yet!

This immature infant character, lacks intelligence to understand this is public forum, which allows a person to post anywhere.

Last edited by Tola
@Tola posted:

Hea black men are the greatest. They take over from where the coolie man failed their women.

Fool, you are no better than a condom! Use it and discard! The black man's claim to fame, huh? I've made black women give up on their black men for my talents in bed! You're just a disposable tool like a dildo! Why, I even had a nurse in a hospital call another to view my magnificence, thinking I was asleep but my tool was awake and looking for action! You know nothing about the art of making love and your tool is deficient, I'm sure, or you wouldn't boast!

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