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April 12 2020


Dear Editor, 
The reality of Good Friday and the restrictions imposed in the interest of mitigating COVID-19 have given me the latitude to pay more than usual attention to comments, in the media, about GECOM and in this instance about Lowenfield, per se, in relation to the “Lowenfield” proposal of 156 days for the recount. 
In that regard, I wish to make the following comments. 
1.There is no “Lowenfield proposal”. From the very inception, the CEO, Lowenfield, was pellucid that since the recount is to be undertaken under the authority vested in GECOM by Article 162 of the Constitution and section 22 of the Elections Laws (Amendment) Act, which do not specify procedures for a Recount, he would be relying on “guidance” from the Commission with regard to the manner of conduct of what he termed “a Commission Recount”. It is in that regard that the document, which the Commission directed the CEO to prepare, was responsive to written submissions from Commissioners and their oral guidance, both of which were provided. In those submissions Commissioner Benn proposed the following: i. “Two (2) paired Commissioner must initial the recount statement of poll.”(Sic). ii. “Two (2) paired Commissioner to sign accepted Tabulation forms.” (Sic). It is that articulation, given that there can only be three sets of paired Commissioners, which caused the proposal to suggest the use of only three workstations. The CEO may have misunderstood Benn`s proposal, however he should not be lambasted as if he originated the idea of three workstations. More so, since the document was a working/draft document; and Commissioner Benn clarified the apparent misunderstanding for consideration in the furtherance of the finalization of the document. 
2.The document did not benefit from detailed discussions, since Commissioner Gunraj, almost preemptively, sought permission to prepare another version, which he subsequently submitted as a joint document of Gunraj/Benn/Shadick, now acclaimed as a PPP/C submission. Permission was granted. It was therefore disingenuous and unethical for Commissioners to take to the media as if Lowenfield had conjured some plot to have the recount done in 156 days. His premise was based on Benn`s submission and on an estimation that each box would take approximately two hours to be recounted. The antagonistic Commissioners again, disingenuously, argued that it took one night to do the original count and juxtaposed that to “Lowenfield`s” 156 days. The fact is that “Lowenfield`s” 156 days is equivalent to 1560 hours of a sequential process as opposed to the election night  2339 simultaneous counts that would have taken 2339 hours if one hour on average, as is now being touted, is attributed to each count. There could be nothing short of mischief for Commissioners to cast aspersions on a 1560 hours sequential count juxtaposed to the E day 2339  hours simultaneous/lateral  counts. 
3.It should be noted that the entire Commission suggested five work stations for the CARICOM supervised Recount and conceded that four would have been undertaken. That too would have influenced the “Lowenfield” proposal, since no operational difference is envisaged, including some form of CARICOM involvement. 
The instigated conclusion of the public and personal ridicule of Lowenfield in person are grossly mis- and ill-informed. The Commissioners’ ridicule is at least malicious, albeit that Commissioner Gunraj grudgingly admitted that the proposal may have been influenced, in part and fundamentally, by Benn`s submission. 
There may be all sorts of criticisms of Lowenfield and GECOM but the latest is unfounded, ridiculous and malicious. 
Yours faithfully, 
Vincent Alexander 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PPP recount proposal accords carefully with law, Justice Singh must take command now


April 12 2020

Dear Editor, 
Close to 6 weeks after the 2nd March 2020 General and Regional Elections in Guyana, the world, in utter bewilderment, watches on, as a cabal, clutching illegally onto the reins of Government, continues to execute their joint enterprise with three Commissioners and a grouping within the GECOM Secretariat, to thwart the democratic process and prevent the declaration of the true results of those elections. 
After an avalanche of national and international condemnations, threats of sanctions from powerful quarters, the intervention of an unprecedented five Prime Ministers from the Region and a series of adverse Court rulings from various rungs of the judicial ladder, a decision was finally made on 15th March 2020, to conduct a recount of the ballots cast on 2nd March. As the recount was about to begin and clearly recognizing the consequences which will flow therefrom, they balked, running to Court, using the flimsy disguise of an ordinary citizen, to challenge the legality of an arrangement which their Leader requested and signed as part of a CARICOM initiative. 
Like their every endeavour in this fraudulent design, incompetence permeated the litigation. In the end, they lost. They would lose even greater when this litigation journeys to its final destination. By the time this article is read, we would be close to a month after that unanimous decision was made for the recount to be done. But we are no closer to its commencement. As I write, the modalities of its execution continue to be the subject of GECOM’s deliberations. Of course, the Government Commissioners continue to do everything possible to frustrate and delay the recount. In this regard, Commissioner Vincent Alexander, in essence, wants the decision to do a recount altered, to do an audit, instead. This must be fiercely resisted. No one ever called for an audit and no decision was ever made to do an audit. It is not provided for in the law and will only delay the process further. 
These three Commissioners always enjoy complicity from the Chief Election Officer. It has always been so and it will not change now. In trying to understand how this Commission deliberates and in interpreting some of its postures in legal proceedings filed, I get the impression that there is a pervading view in the Commission that the Chief Election Officer enjoys some degree of autonomy vis a vis the Commission. For example, the Chief Election Officer, without even consulting the Commission, retains his own lawyers and gives these lawyers instructions which collide violently with decisions and positions of the Commission. The Chief Election Officer is subject to the Commission both in and out of Court. Section 18 of the Election Laws (Amendment) Act, 2000, speaks conclusively on this issue: 
“S.(18) The Chief Election Officer and the Commissioner of Registration shall notwithstanding anything in any written law be subject to the direction of the Commission.” 
Section 17 of the said Act also vests in the Commission, responsibility for the efficient functioning of the Secretariat and for the appointment and disappointment of all staff of the Secretariat. So there cannot be any doubt that the Commission is in charge of the Secretariat and every staff of the Secretariat, including, the Chief Elections Officer. 
Earlier this week, Mr. Lowenfield was tasked with the responsibility of preparing a document reflecting the modus operandi of the impending recount. True to form, Mr. Lowenfield produces a document which is completely consistent with the political agenda of the Congress Place cabal: a proposal that would keep the cabal in Government for another six months, while incorporating Alexander’s scheme for an audit. The document is replete with materials and bases to create the platform for a legal challenge to be launched against the recount when it is convenient to the political masterminds to do so. Unfortunately, this stratagem and contrivance of theirs are too well known by now. 
They did it in 1997, when they supported the use of an ID card as a qualification to vote and then challenged the 1997 elections on this very ground. They installed Charrandass in Parliament, knowing fully well that he was a dual citizen and then challenged the No Confidence Motion on this very basis. Then more recently, David Granger, entered into an agreement to do a recount, at the level of CARICOM, and signed an Aide Memoire in relation thereto, then challenges its constitutionality in the Courts. These people simply cannot be trusted. 
It is for this reason that the PPP Commissioners put forward separate proposals. In so doing, we followed the law as closely as possible, very wary of a possible litigious entrapment. A recount is a legal process and cannot be the subject of political compromise. If we dare deviate from the law, no doubt they would rush to Court to knock it down. It is for this reason that our proposals incorporate the relevant sections of the Representation of the People Act. Sections 87 and 89 set out the process how a recount is done and the procedure on conclusion of the recount. The legislation refers to a “recount” as a “final count”. For example, section 87 provides: 
“S.(87) (1) Where a returning officer is required to have a final count of the votes cast for all, or some, of the polling places, he shall in the presence of such persons entitled under section 86(1) to be present as attend- 
(a)open each ballot box; 
(b)take out the ballot papers; 
(c)count and record the number of ballot papers taken from each ballot box; 
(e) count the votes recorded for each list of candidates…” 
It is as simple as that. Of course the law provides for how you treat invalid ballots and spoilt ballots etc. Once this process is followed, it cannot be the subject of a successful legal challenge. The legislation also provides for party representatives and observers to be part of the exercise. The law is silent on how many boxes can be counted at the same time, although, the law contemplates that all ten regions can be counted together. Hence, our proposal for 20 boxes and more than one region to be counted simultaneously. 
I urge all to support the PPP’s proposal and to reject any proposal which comes from APNU+AFC or Lowenfield. Like Mingo, he is part of the problem and cannot be part of the solution. In terms of the actual counting, we prefer that GECOM calls in aid a reputable auditing firm or the Office of the Auditor General to assist. The Secretariat staff at GECOM no longer enjoys public confidence. GECOM has the power to enlist such assistance, as is expressed in Article 162(1)(b): 
“162. (1) … the Commission- 
(b) shall issue such instructions and take such action as appear to it necessary or expedient to ensure impartiality, fairness and compliance with the provisions of this Constitution or any Act of Parliament on the part of persons exercising powers or performing duties connected with or relating to the matters aforesaid.” 
Before I close, I wish to make it clear that I do not associate Justice Claudette Singh with the political conspiracy articulated above. However, I will be less than honest if I exonerate her completely from blame. Her failure to act decisively and using that powerful casting vote with which she is legally equipped, have contributed significantly to the cabal currently holding this nation at ransom. However, they will not succeed. We are nearing the end of the road. Justice Singh must take command now. The recount must be kick started next week and conclude with every convenient speed. She must ensure that it is done transparently. Voting in support of our request to have the process televised and streamed live, will go a far way in achieving this objective. In the end, this process must enjoy public confidence. I remind her of the following stirring plea which she made in her submissions to the Court, in the Ulita Moore case: 
“In the present volatile situation, which pervades our country no effort must be spared to assure everyone that the process was fair and impartial. Lingering doubts that hang like a sword of Damocles over the head of the Commission must be removed. Confidence in the electoral process must be restored.” 
Yours faithfully, 
Anil Nandlall 


Justice Claudette Singh called on to take control of GECOM’s narrative by boosting PR

April 12 2020


Positioning the proposed national recount as a simple process is misleading the public and setting the stage for distrust and misrepresentation of the spirit and intent of the proposed work plan of Keith Lowenfield, Chief Elections Officer (CEO). It distorts GECOM’s commitment to ensuring compliance with its constitutional mandate in a fair, transparent and credible way.
The seeds of misrepresentation, confusion and division are being sowed, instead of concerned parties taking a rational approach to decision making at the level of the Commission. Such an approach will preserve the integrity of our institutions, social cohesion and oneness, in an effort to arrive at a resolution.
We need not continue to jump into the pits of hell to destroy each other every time we disagree. In doing so, we make ourselves vulnerable to opportunistic forces whose genuine interest may not be the collective, with whom we must either succeed together or fail together.
It is noted, those who are saying election results in Region 4 are not credible, themselves do not want a recount of the other regions, where the coalition has raised concerns and requested recounts that were denied. This occurred in districts where it has been said the PPP won.
There is a perception that some in society are forever deemed guilty and have to prove their innocence, while others are always innocent or victims. The hullabaloo over the past few days about a proposed work plan to conduct the recount in 156 days, ignored in large part, the role of a key player that has brought this upon the nation.
As per PPP-nominated Commissioner Sase Gunraj, his fellow PPP Commissioner Robeson Benn at a GECOM meeting advised the CEO that the computation of his work plan must see two commissioners at each workstation. This meant three workstations. Gunraj’s position was corroborated by PNC-nominated Commissioner Vincent Alexander.
In spite of this understanding of what the work plan would entail, Benn left the meeting last Wednesday and deliberately misled the media with a complaint about the amount of time it will take to complete the count.
At the conclusion of last Thursday’s meeting, Gunraj rationalised the CEO’s suggestion for the limited workstations and stated: “The CEO’s suggestion for three tables was informed by his understanding [of Benn’s recommendation] that each table should be manned by two paired commissioners (Guyana Chronicle 10th April – “Lowenfield to revise recounting plan…PPP-aligned commissioners counter with 10-day proposal). He further added, “That provided a major restriction, and with the removal of that restriction, I believe that the number of tables can be expanded very easily.”
This behaviour of Benn demonstrates an intent to create confusion, and misrepresent to the public the discussion that transpired in GECOM. It is time GECOM does something about this type of behaviour which is picked up by the party and their surrogates, and amplified by supportive media, resulting in the vilest of attacks, in this instance on the CEO and GECOM.
Justice Claudette Singh SC is called on to take control of the narrative as it relates to GECOM, its operation and decision making. Why is GECOM’s Public Relations Officer not the frontline person packaging and presenting information pertaining to the commission, which is her duty?
The majority of information coming from GECOM is through the PPP commissioners. Most times, as in this instance, they can easily be proven not factual only sensational. I am on public record as saying that for democracy to stand, GECOM cannot lose the battle for truth. This society is inundated with misinformation, even as there is a paucity of information from GECOM.
On one side there is confusion/concern and feelings of being somehow denied and held hostage to personal commitments and agreements influenced by lies and distortion. Supporters are trusting that the calm and patience exercised by their leaders will bring them the rewards of election victory, given results of Regions 1 to 10 were completed and duly declared, as supported in the ruling of Justice Franklyn Holder.
In denying the attempt by Reaz Holladar and Bharrat Jagdeo to have the second and final declaration nullified, Justice Holder stated that, “based on documents tendered before the Court, Mingo subsequently took the necessary steps to comply with the ruling of the Court, and more importantly Section 84” (Guyana Chronicle, 1st April, 2020- ‘No jurisdiction’ | High Court throws out PPP’s challenge to Mingo’s declaration’).
Said article also reports the Judge as saying that, “as of Tuesday, March 31, 2020, there was no evidence before the Court stating that the Region Four Returning Officer breached the High Court Order handed down by Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire”.
The other side has invested $34-plus million hiring a lobbying firm (Mercury Public Affairs) which from all appearances, seems set out to shape public opinion with regards to GECOM, the Government and election results. There are extensive lobbying efforts and a massive misinformation campaign, that also includes claims of the PPP having won the election.
To date, that has not been declared by GECOM or supported in the declared regional counts.
The stage has been well set – the plot to create confusion and damage the credibility of the election process/results. There is doubt that notwithstanding GECOM’s commitment to a recount, if the results do not represent what some desire, that these will ever be accepted. Such reaction will be aided by those who claim to know and are seemingly disinterested by efforts to address the grievances via a different process and in the presence of a CARICOM high level team.
Some have become emboldened in the disrespect permeating in the society created by the misinformation campaign. In media identification, GECOM and government officials are referred to in derogatory terms such as “crooks,” continuing to shape negative public opinion, even as we await a national recount.
Guyana has sunk to a new low. We have demonstrated by the actions of some that we would send Guyana into anarchy before we give an inch. How much farther could we sink when we invite foreign occupation of our lands? This must be the beginnings of the Dutch disease we have been warned of. It’s the oil.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper)


Tota: You are so naive to even think that The PPP is causing the delay. Gecom is responsible for this  and the reason why, is because GECOM is infested by the PNC bully and criminals.  They stopped counting because the PPP was winning and they didn't want to give up control of the Government. They don't want their ineptedness to be discovered.

Now, They cannot proceed with the counting because a lot of the ballots and SOP's are missing.  The PNC does not know how to government, they only know how to srea/ elections.  Burnham taught them well. Let  me tell ou this, If you have Indians so much why don't you take your family and go and live among the brothers ans sisters.  BAS.


@Ramakant-PEdit and re-post  because I can't understand all of what you are trying to say.  You seem to be disputing the fact that it is the PPP that is obstructing the recount. Regarding the latter: if someone instructs you to come up with a plan to count the votes with the condition that 2 commissioners will be at each station you do the math and tell me if Lowenfield's estimate was incorrect.  Note also that at the last GECOM meeting the PPP commissioners tried desperately to stop the total sequential recount.  There is something they are trying to hide.


Robeson Benn wanted 2 commissioners at each counting station.  Robeson is an engineer so his math must be good enough for him to understand the implications of that condition.  Anyway, they are past that so on Tuesday when they meet they will come up with a different approach. 


It is becoming clear to me that many people posting only read one section of the press or they blot out dissenting opinions.  For example, in blaming GECOM for the delay in recounting the votes they completely ignore the fact that it is the PPP commissioner, Robeson Benn, who wanted two commissioners at each counting station.  Since there are 6 commissioners there could only be 3 counting stations under this condition.  Do the math and you will agree with Lowenfield's estimate.  It is simple Arithmetic.


The current Commission is comprised as follows

Current Chairperson

Justice (ret'd) Claudette Singh, S.C., C.C.H., Chairperson

Mr. Vincent Alexander, Member  - PNC-R
Mr. Charles Corbin, Member -PNC-R
Mr. Desmond Trotman, Member - WPA

Ms. Bibi Safora Shadick, Member  -PPP/C
Mr. Robeson Benn, Member -PPP/C
Mr. Sase Gunraj, Member -PPP/C

Chief Election Officer

Mr.Keith Lowenfield

Deputy Chief Election Officer

Roxanne Meyers


Uncle Rama , let's assume your evaluation  of GECOM is infested by the PNC bully and criminals.

Above is the list of the Commission and CEO .

Who is mouth man ,running in front of  reporters ?

Who holding up the process ?

Who proposed to have 3 workstations with two Commissioner each for the recount ?  It's illegal to commissioners witnessing recount.

How Lowenfield came up 156 days ?

Take your time ,to give the answers.

Last edited by Django

156 days is for stupid backward people


That was a calculated from Robeson Benn proposal.

The funny parts are leader of the opposition said the party have an unassailable lead,he have the numbers ,not from calling in ,he have the SOPS.

When the party petitioned the Court for GECOM to produce the SOPS ,it was revealed they don't have all.


@Django When the party petitioned the Court for GECOM to produce the SOPS ,it was revealed they don't have all.

So, if the PPP doesn't have it all and the PNC wants to prove the PPP a fraud and liar, let them produce theirs. Case closed. I don't see why they have their own spreadsheet and would take 156 days to count.


You guys still think there will be an official results? Don't bank on it. This could drag on for a long time, meanwhile while the "caretaker" govt runs the country.

And there is not a single thing that Jagdeo and his buddies can do. Granger shows how much more powerful he is than Jagdeo.

skeldon_man posted:

@Django When the party petitioned the Court for GECOM to produce the SOPS ,it was revealed they don't have all.

So, if the PPP doesn't have it all and the PNC wants to prove the PPP a fraud and liar, let them produce theirs.

Case closed. I don't see why they have their own spreadsheet and would take 156 days to count.

APNU-AFC  don't have to declare their numbers or show any SOPS ,weak analogy.

GECOM responsible to make declaration ,any discrepancies ,questions are are put forward at the time.

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