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It's time to knock it off. Whatever you may want to express about Priya Manickchand, posting the pictures here - lampooned or photo-shopped do not make us any wiser, stronger, better, smarter or high-minded. It does not capture your frustrations of her and her party. What it does is say a whole lot about us - demeaning, uneducated, riff-raff (no pun intended there Ray).


So fellahs, grow up. Time to stop scoring points like sophomoric goons. Cus out the lady yes, but man, those pictures do not add anything. If anything they're distracting.

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Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time to knock it off. Whatever you may want to express about Priya Manickchand, posting the pictures here - lampooned or photo-shopped do not make us any wiser, stronger, better, smarter or high-minded. It does not capture your frustrations of her and her party. What it does is say a whole lot about us - demeaning, uneducated, riff-raff (no pun intended there Ray).


So fellahs, grow up. Time to stop scoring points like sophomoric goons. Cus out the lady yes, but man, those pictures do not add anything. If anything they're distracting.

Dude, shut your trap. They lady lied. She posted this tirade of supposedly classless people harassing their new choice for PM. I  have not seen  anyone being ungracious to the lady yet that supposedly arbiter of class and good taste had the gall to say  it occurred. And who Photoshopped what? Those are her own ugly mug..big  nose like the liberty bell and all! And why is it she cannot be lampooned when she lies like a skunk?  She is a public figure and any image, cartoon, characterization meant to illustrate her wretched personality is fair game.


Note she telegraphed the PPP new trajectory for attack on the AFC APNU coalition They are classless and anti women! The invention of supposedly harassment of the new PM is their own invention.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time to knock it off. Whatever you may want to express about Priya Manickchand, posting the pictures here - lampooned or photo-shopped do not make us any wiser, stronger, better, smarter or high-minded. It does not capture your frustrations of her and her party. What it does is say a whole lot about us - demeaning, uneducated, riff-raff (no pun intended there Ray).


So fellahs, grow up. Time to stop scoring points like sophomoric goons. Cus out the lady yes, but man, those pictures do not add anything. If anything they're distracting.

I's a bit overboard...I had to delete a number of threads...even suspending Shaittan...but lots of folks here were upset about the suspension


Dem boys seh…Tell Priya dont get vex

June 6, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

When Priya wake up de other morning, she didn’t expect to see school children looking like slave fetching wood to cook. Somebody wake up de children, dress dem fuh school and then send dem to de mountain fuh wood that somebody cut wid power saw. Boys and gyal had to wuk side by side. No exemption. This thing was happening fuh some time and all de people talk nobody ain’t tek notice. One man seh that he even write a love letter to Priya, “Dear Priya. Dem have some li’l children wukking like drugga ants just to put some food in dem stomach. Your friend, Glenn.” Nutten ain’t happen suh de man buy a camera and tek out de photo. He get more action that he could imagine. Priya get vex. She claim how de Waterfalls paper pay fuh de photo. Wha wrang wid that? What is worth having is worth paying for. Dem boys seh that she husband pay fuh de ring she wearing. A team going in fuh see de children fetch de wood. Dem walking wid a tape to measure de children chest muscle and dem biceps fuh outfit dem fuh de Olympics body building competition. Dem got other children doing some wuk in de city. None of dem more big than eleven but dem already know fuh repair road. Dem boys see a set wukking outside Ohh Pee filling a hole wha Donald shoulda full but wha he lef because he claim how de budget cut. Was a small hole when it start but de people at Ohh Pee tek it fuh nutten. Now it get big. It nearly swallow Jagdeo car and is that mek dem li’l children run to borrow a donkey cart to do de repairs. Priya didn’t hear bout de child labour in this case because de wuk was to help out Donald. Dem now got a plan fuh tek de set in Georgetown and send dem to Plaisance to fix another road that Jagdeo bruck up. De powers can even send dem into de bush to fetch wood. Dem can use de cart. Talk half and tell Priya don’t cuss de messenger


That lady is the squarest peg in the govt, in addition to Burkett and others.


Not an educator, and can't talk the language of education.


She said she got the job after wrapping tape on pencils.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Brother Ram, I did not make this up: "She said she got the job after wrapping tape on pencils."


Bro. when last you went to Guyana and visited schools.



When the last you went??? And if  you did, are you BLIND???


It's the Guyanese way. By now you should know that Guyansee are a negative complaining type of people. They feel good about bad talking. I can spot a Guyanese a mile away. Plenty time I does hide

Originally Posted by TI:

It's the Guyanese way. By now you should know that Guyansee are a negative complaining type of people. They feel good about bad talking. I can spot a Guyanese a mile away. Plenty time I does hide

I agree. Especially Dem Snakeoil Salesmen. Shameless bunch of Parasites!!!

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Sarcasm and rhetorics will get you no where.  The Lady did a good job as Education Minister..  


Vote PPP.

shut up fool tell us how she did a good job,do not repeat your self like a parrot 

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time to knock it off. Whatever you may want to express about Priya Manickchand, posting the pictures here - lampooned or photo-shopped do not make us any wiser, stronger, better, smarter or high-minded. It does not capture your frustrations of her and her party. What it does is say a whole lot about us - demeaning, uneducated, riff-raff (no pun intended there Ray).


So fellahs, grow up. Time to stop scoring points like sophomoric goons. Cus out the lady yes, but man, those pictures do not add anything. If anything they're distracting.

I's a bit overboard...I had to delete a number of threads...even suspending Shaittan...but lots of folks here were upset about the suspension

The standard was set here during the Obama's election. I among others, complained that using symbols of the Reich or representing Obama as Hitler and even more malicious and racist imagery was not appropriate. Those images may still be on the site. Do you remember the lampooning of Mrs Obama as a negress or the sambo imagery here?


I understand you were not the moderator then and may want to set a new standard but you will have to be firm and fair. You cannot let yugi who does not know who the hell I am insist I live in a the streets and is on welfare ( he does the same for others) and then ban folks because the ask DG if he would like what is happening to our elderly in Guyana happen to his mom. You have to be fair.


I do not know anyone posted anything obscene of Priya. The woman is a bare faced liar. She is on Facebook complaining about the treatment of the PM candidate when no one attacked the woman. Insisting she has no record to speak of in political life or record of activism is not an attack. Those are the facts. And how dare that crass woman imply any in the opposition is unfair to women when under her watch and under her authority women and young girls  has endured an increasingly horrific life in Guyana with no recompense!


She is open to ridicule for her actions, her demeanor and her performance. For her to insist she represent class in Guyana is a laugh. To the contrary, most think her a loon and somewhat on the unstable side given her vitriolic personage and regular  use as a PPP hound dog.


Again, if you would want to present a more balanced forum, I am in agreement. You would first have to stop Nehru from his online cussing and demand every posting here have a commentary or opinion statement. You would also have to enforce rules of argumentation and demand any deviation in the form of personal attacks, trolling, spamming etc stopped. Unfortunately, that is already a losing battle since even on academic sites moderated in real time with multiple moderators with permanent bannings that is a tough job. You are here only part time. However, I hope you try.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Asking about the standards!


If we cannot call her a fat


can we call her a fat

looking like her put some red lipstick on and this will be a splitting image 

ObOriginally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Sarcasm and rhetorics will get you no where.  The Lady did a good job as Education Minister..  


Vote PPP.

shut up fool tell us how she did a good job,do not repeat your self like a parrot 

Obviously you did not attend school at anytime in your life. Like all of us who have had a job, we tried to do the best job we could at that time. If our superiors were not satisfied, we got terminated. Priya is doing her job and if the President is feels that she is not capable of doing her job, a qualified replacement will be sought. In the meantime, stop the nonsense of bashing the lady. You and your kids live in Canada, concentrate on yours first. Guyana is not Canada or America.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
ObOriginally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Sarcasm and rhetorics will get you no where.  The Lady did a good job as Education Minister..  


Vote PPP.

shut up fool tell us how she did a good job,do not repeat your self like a parrot 

Obviously you did not attend school at anytime in your life. Like all of us who have had a job, we tried to do the best job we could at that time. If our superiors were not satisfied, we got terminated. Priya is doing her job and if the President is feels that she is not capable of doing her job, a qualified replacement will be sought. In the meantime, stop the nonsense of bashing the lady. You and your kids live in Canada, concentrate on yours first. Guyana is not Canada or America.

your problem is you swim in too much  shit trench,your head is full of shit,then the ppp full your head with more shit with them bottom house meetings your head have so much shit it feel like a septic tank,now every decent guyanese which you is not one know that the ppp do not hire people on merit but on who can cuss down the best and the best thief get the best position which you can fit in right here for a position,now if i was you i will try and do what you do best and that is go hunt wild cabbage with your shot gun and hope your welfare check come through  

Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time to knock it off. Whatever you may want to express about Priya Manickchand, posting the pictures here - lampooned or photo-shopped do not make us any wiser, stronger, better, smarter or high-minded. It does not capture your frustrations of her and her party. What it does is say a whole lot about us - demeaning, uneducated, riff-raff (no pun intended there Ray).


So fellahs, grow up. Time to stop scoring points like sophomoric goons. Cus out the lady yes, but man, those pictures do not add anything. If anything they're distracting.


My Dear Friend,


I pride myself on still having retained some of my sophomoric goonish nature. I don't wanna be an old man yet.


I'm surprised that you of all people would call for some special treatment of Priya Pig. On what objective basis do we accord her this special treatment. As a woman? As an Indian? As an Indian woman? As a Minister? As a fellow Guyanese? As a PPP member?


Tell me the criteria so we can apply it equally all around.


One of the things that even tyrants cannot take away is the ability of the people to ridicule them and bring them into public contempt. This is one of the few weapons we have left.


Also, FYI many a lampooning exercise have ended up toppling governments.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time to knock it off. Whatever you may want to express about Priya Manickchand, posting the pictures here - lampooned or photo-shopped do not make us any wiser, stronger, better, smarter or high-minded. It does not capture your frustrations of her and her party. What it does is say a whole lot about us - demeaning, uneducated, riff-raff (no pun intended there Ray).


So fellahs, grow up. Time to stop scoring points like sophomoric goons. Cus out the lady yes, but man, those pictures do not add anything. If anything they're distracting.


My Dear Friend,


I pride myself on still having retained some of my sophomoric goonish nature. I don't wanna be an old man yet.


I'm surprised that you of all people would call for some special treatment of Priya Pig. On what objective basis do we accord her this special treatment. As a woman? As an Indian? As an Indian woman? As a Minister? As a fellow Guyanese? As a PPP member?


Tell me the criteria so we can apply it equally all around.


One of the things that even tyrants cannot take away is the ability of the people to ridicule them and bring them into public contempt. This is one of the few weapons we have left.


Also, FYI many a lampooning exercise have ended up toppling governments.

She is HUMAN unlike a DONKEY like you. Hope you understand the difference.


This Minister is a Media Hog (meaning that she sent glamour pictures to the media outlets, asking them to use those). She sits in kindergarten benches, hugs the little black kids, and obviously seeks media attention.


It would not be surprising that the Doctorate was arranged for the boosting of her profile, given the lack of experience and background in education.


The $10,000 give away was a publicity stunt.  Why was that given through the Education Ministry? What is the link between that giveaway and educational policy?


Can the PPP boys explain why she did not win a seat in the Central Committee and Kwame did?

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

This Minister is a Media Hog (meaning that she sent glamour pictures to the media outlets, asking them to use those). She sits in kindergarten benches, hugs the little black kids, and obviously seeks media attention.


It would not be surprising that the Doctorate was arranged for the boosting of her profile, given the lack of experience and background in education.


The $10,000 give away was a publicity stunt.  Why was that given through the Education Ministry? What is the link between that giveaway and educational policy?


Can the PPP boys explain why she did not win a seat in the Central Committee and Kwame did?

Because it is a Grant to hep children to go to school, hence Education NOT the Heducation you gat!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

This Minister is a Media Hog (meaning that she sent glamour pictures to the media outlets, asking them to use those). She sits in kindergarten benches, hugs the little black kids, and obviously seeks media attention.


It would not be surprising that the Doctorate was arranged for the boosting of her profile, given the lack of experience and background in education.


The $10,000 give away was a publicity stunt.  Why was that given through the Education Ministry? What is the link between that giveaway and educational policy?


Can the PPP boys explain why she did not win a seat in the Central Committee and Kwame did?

Because it is a Grant to hep children to go to school, hence Education NOT the Heducation you gat!!!

Nehru Bhai, I think this Jay Bharrat is JB reincarnated. Just my feelings. He is not new on this bb.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

This Minister is a Media Hog (meaning that she sent glamour pictures to the media outlets, asking them to use those). She sits in kindergarten benches, hugs the little black kids, and obviously seeks media attention.


It would not be surprising that the Doctorate was arranged for the boosting of her profile, given the lack of experience and background in education.


The $10,000 give away was a publicity stunt.  Why was that given through the Education Ministry? What is the link between that giveaway and educational policy?


Can the PPP boys explain why she did not win a seat in the Central Committee and Kwame did?

Because it is a Grant to hep children to go to school, hence Education NOT the Heducation you gat!!!

Nehru Bhai, I think this Jay Bharrat is JB reincarnated. Just my feelings. He is not new on this bb.

Hey hey hey...Sketel Man. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

This Minister is a Media Hog (meaning that she sent glamour pictures to the media outlets, asking them to use those). She sits in kindergarten benches, hugs the little black kids, and obviously seeks media attention.


It would not be surprising that the Doctorate was arranged for the boosting of her profile, given the lack of experience and background in education.


The $10,000 give away was a publicity stunt.  Why was that given through the Education Ministry? What is the link between that giveaway and educational policy?


Can the PPP boys explain why she did not win a seat in the Central Committee and Kwame did?

Because it is a Grant to hep children to go to school, hence Education NOT the Heducation you gat!!!

Nehru Bhai, I think this Jay Bharrat is JB reincarnated. Just my feelings. He is not new on this bb.

JAY bai i think skelton man is a ass reincarnated into a donkey 

Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time to knock it off. Whatever you may want to express about Priya Manickchand, posting the pictures here - lampooned or photo-shopped do not make us any wiser, stronger, better, smarter or high-minded. It does not capture your frustrations of her and her party. What it does is say a whole lot about us - demeaning, uneducated, riff-raff (no pun intended there Ray).


So fellahs, grow up. Time to stop scoring points like sophomoric goons. Cus out the lady yes, but man, those pictures do not add anything. If anything they're distracting.


As usual during the week OI AM BUSY AND CANNOT READ gnI AS i WILL LIKE TO however Jusr peeked in and noticed your thread.

Once again you have shown that you are a decent and fair brother.


In this world we cannot stop people from being mischievous or foolish but  what we can do as you did, advise others to be civil and show respect to people who do not have the same views as us.

rECENTLY we saw how Mayor Guiliani is making himself a fool by stating that President Obama does not love America and a hold host of other garbage that he is spewing.

I am a bit surprised at D2 FOR GOING SO FAR AS POSTING PICTURES OF A FAT PIG. Over the years D2 has been a fair and decent poster and maintained a certain level of civility. 


Everyone knows I am not a fan of the PPP and I have chastised the late Dr Jagan for his policies however I still maintain that Dr Jagan was a leader who was honest and in his own right was a statesman. I wish my fellow posters can see beyond the politics and treat our political opponent with a certain amount of respect. 

Originally Posted by warrior:

JAY bai i think skelton man is a ass reincarnated into a donkey 

Sometime all you does come over with some nonsense I tell you.

Let me make it clear Skeldon man is my countryman and even though we are from opposite sides of the political spectrum I will still defend the brother in an attack.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time to knock it off. Whatever you may want to express about Priya Manickchand, posting the pictures here - lampooned or photo-shopped do not make us any wiser, stronger, better, smarter or high-minded. It does not capture your frustrations of her and her party. What it does is say a whole lot about us - demeaning, uneducated, riff-raff (no pun intended there Ray).


So fellahs, grow up. Time to stop scoring points like sophomoric goons. Cus out the lady yes, but man, those pictures do not add anything. If anything they're distracting.


As usual during the week OI AM BUSY AND CANNOT READ gnI AS i WILL LIKE TO however Jusr peeked in and noticed your thread.

Once again you have shown that you are a decent and fair brother.


In this world we cannot stop people from being mischievous or foolish but  what we can do as you did, advise others to be civil and show respect to people who do not have the same views as us.

rECENTLY we saw how Mayor Guiliani is making himself a fool by stating that President Obama does not love America and a hold host of other garbage that he is spewing.

I am a bit surprised at D2 FOR GOING SO FAR AS POSTING PICTURES OF A FAT PIG. Over the years D2 has been a fair and decent poster and maintained a certain level of civility. 


Everyone knows I am not a fan of the PPP and I have chastised the late Dr Jagan for his policies however I still maintain that Dr Jagan was a leader who was honest and in his own right was a statesman. I wish my fellow posters can see beyond the politics and treat our political opponent with a certain amount of respect. 

you have to earn respect,being a ppp minister is not one of them

Originally Posted by warrior:


you have to earn respect,being a ppp minister is not one of them

Okay so all of them fill their pockets and I agree, so call them what they are,  thieves not pigs.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by warrior:


you have to earn respect,being a ppp minister is not one of them

Okay so all of them fill their pockets and I agree, so call them what they are,  thieves not pigs.


You're probably right. Why should innocent pigs (intelligent animals) be compared to PPPites and Muslims


She must stop the pretending that she is a real "Doctor." 


The degree is not recognized by employers as having the same stature as a corresponding earned doctorate degree and should not be represented as such. It is sometimes recommended that such degrees be listed in one's CV as an award and not in their education section.[4] With regard to the use of this honorific, the policies of institutions of higher education generally ask that recipients "refrain from adopting the misleading title"[5] and that a recipient of an honorary doctorate's use of the title "Dr" before his or her name should be restricted to engagement with the institution of higher education in question and not within the broader community.[6]

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by warrior:


you have to earn respect,being a ppp minister is not one of them

Okay so all of them fill their pockets and I agree, so call them what they are,  thieves not pigs.

Ow Bhai does call them Poke.....

Whats the Difference between Pig & Poke.....

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by warrior:


you have to earn respect,being a ppp minister is not one of them

Okay so all of them fill their pockets and I agree, so call them what they are,  thieves not pigs.

Ow Bhai does call them Poke.....

Whats the Difference between Pig & Poke.....

Poke is po0ke!!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My Dear Friend,


I'm surprised that you of all people would call for some special treatment of Priya Pig. On what objective basis do we accord her this special treatment. As a woman? As an Indian? As an Indian woman? As a Minister? As a fellow Guyanese? As a PPP member?


Tell me the criteria so we can apply it equally all around. just got tiring......that's all.........

Originally Posted by Chief:

rECENTLY we saw how Mayor Guiliani is making himself a fool by stating that President Obama does not love America and a hold host of other garbage that he is spewing.

Interesting equivalency.........

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Chief:

rECENTLY we saw how Mayor Guiliani is making himself a fool by stating that President Obama does not love America and a hold host of other garbage that he is spewing.

Interesting equivalency.........


A few posters headed by Shaitaan feast on negatives.



President Obama is the father when it comes to ignoring some  negative comments and when possible  he use some  as stepping stones. Today the man is President of the USA. 


The fools who tried to tarnish the man still remain where they were when he was a congressman.


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