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During a CNN interview, Bernie Sanders said, "Clearly I favor her opponent. His views are much closer to mine than Wasserman Schultz's. And let me also say this, with all due respect to the current chairperson: If elected president, she would not be reappointed to the chair of the DNC."

Strange though is that Tim Canova has major issues with Sanders especially with Sanders' perceived attitude to Israel (or maybe that is just Canova jockeying for Jewish support). I think the real issue is that Shultz' closeness to Hillary makes Sanders feel slighted by her resulting in his response to her re-election campaign.

This could be the same with those former PPP now AFC members attitude to Jagdeo. Maybe they saw their political careers going nowhere given Jagdeo's popularity (Moses did say that he left the PPP because he was not nominated presidential candidate in 2011) and power and sought other means to advance their career.

Politics is a dirty sport.

Nehru posted:

Jagdeo is the second best President Guyana had but he lost his way during the end of this Presidency.  Hopefully, he has reflected, lessons learned, acknowledge mistakes and are on a mission to turn things around. If so, Guyana has a very BRIGHT future.

You hoping he'll free up the drug runnings and money laundering?


Imagine if Jagdeo had allowed himself to be pushed around like Cheddie, the PPP would have been bullied and terrorized out of government a long time ago by the PNC. Jagdeo did what he had to do to offset the PNC mo fiah, slo fiah threats with his own method of defiance. Ramotar on the other hand was easily pushed around and couldn't even make it through a full term. For the better part of two decades, the PNC tried many different intimidation tactics to deny the popular vote their right. The mayhem that took place some 10+ years ago could have been so much worse and the unforgiveable thing is that the PNC referred to those violent criminals as freedom fighters and even gave fineman a stately funeral.


Excellent Kaz.  And for that very reason I give Jagdeo higher points than Cheddi.  Jagdeo would not have sat down quietly and watch thousands of people flee their country in one of the largest peacetime migrations in recent history.  Cheddi turned a blind eye and buried his head in the sand.  I am not saying he was a bad man.  I am saying he did not provide leadership to the people of Guyana when they needed it most.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why the PPP has not slammed some of you with libel lawsuits is beyond my understanding.

I could tell you why but it may implicate people I know. Take it for granted I know a hell of a lot more about issues in Guyana than you ever will.

Bring it on.  Implicate them and bring justice and democracy for the sake of the people of Guyana.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why the PPP has not slammed some of you with libel lawsuits is beyond my understanding.

I could tell you why but it may implicate people I know. Take it for granted I know a hell of a lot more about issues in Guyana than you ever will.

Bring it on.  Implicate them and bring justice and democracy for the sake of the people of Guyana.  

No thank you.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why the PPP has not slammed some of you with libel lawsuits is beyond my understanding.

I could tell you why but it may implicate people I know. Take it for granted I know a hell of a lot more about issues in Guyana than you ever will.

Bring it on.  Implicate them and bring justice and democracy for the sake of the people of Guyana.  

Gal, In a Democracy even the retarded has a right to speak.

Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why the PPP has not slammed some of you with libel lawsuits is beyond my understanding.

I could tell you why but it may implicate people I know. Take it for granted I know a hell of a lot more about issues in Guyana than you ever will.

Bring it on.  Implicate them and bring justice and democracy for the sake of the people of Guyana.  

Gal, In a Democracy even the retarded has a right to speak.

You are living proof.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Excellent Kaz.  And for that very reason I give Jagdeo higher points than Cheddi.  Jagdeo would not have sat down quietly and watch thousands of people flee their country in one of the largest peacetime migrations in recent history.  Cheddi turned a blind eye and buried his head in the sand.  I am not saying he was a bad man.  I am saying he did not provide leadership to the people of Guyana when they needed it most.

I lived in Prashad Nagar, a stones throw from Bel Air. I had many friends in Bel Air and on many of my visits there would see Cheddie and Janet outside their yard and I could just walk up to them and chat with them without intimidation. Remember I did not have a PYO card like Gilly since I was not ever active in any political party. They were a very simple soft spoken and friendly couple. And all the times I spoke with them, I don't think it was ever about Guyana's politics since as I stated, I was not political. It was about life, weather, work, school and such.  Jagdeo having that soft disposition would have been over-ran by the PNC and at the worse possible time when the PNC ambassador fineman was on the prowl.

antabanta posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why the PPP has not slammed some of you with libel lawsuits is beyond my understanding.

I could tell you why but it may implicate people I know. Take it for granted I know a hell of a lot more about issues in Guyana than you ever will.

Bring it on.  Implicate them and bring justice and democracy for the sake of the people of Guyana.  

Gal, In a Democracy even the retarded has a right to speak.

You are living proof.

Keep on speaking RETARD and remember God Bless America. If you were still in Tiger Bay you would have been treated like an animal.

ksazma posted:

Imagine if Jagdeo had allowed himself to be pushed around like Cheddie, the PPP would have been bullied and terrorized out of government a long time ago by the PNC. Jagdeo did what he had to do to offset the PNC mo fiah, slo fiah threats with his own method of defiance. Ramotar on the other hand was easily pushed around and couldn't even make it through a full term. For the better part of two decades, the PNC tried many different intimidation tactics to deny the popular vote their right. The mayhem that took place some 10+ years ago could have been so much worse and the unforgiveable thing is that the PNC referred to those violent criminals as freedom fighters and even gave fineman a stately funeral.

Aaah.  Finally you admit that you are indeed a PPP supporter.

So quit with this nonsense that you are objective!

Nehru posted:
antabanta posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why the PPP has not slammed some of you with libel lawsuits is beyond my understanding.

I could tell you why but it may implicate people I know. Take it for granted I know a hell of a lot more about issues in Guyana than you ever will.

Bring it on.  Implicate them and bring justice and democracy for the sake of the people of Guyana.  

Gal, In a Democracy even the retarded has a right to speak.

You are living proof.

Keep on speaking RETARD and remember God Bless America. If you were still in Tiger Bay you would have been treated like an animal.

what you going to buse me for next? Being 6' tall or my good looks? I think it's great that you are the proof of your own statement. Think about it. You don't need a prop. You don't need to do any research and make any presentations. It is truly an amazing situation.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Imagine if Jagdeo had allowed himself to be pushed around like Cheddie, the PPP would have been bullied and terrorized out of government a long time ago by the PNC. Jagdeo did what he had to do to offset the PNC mo fiah, slo fiah threats with his own method of defiance. Ramotar on the other hand was easily pushed around and couldn't even make it through a full term. For the better part of two decades, the PNC tried many different intimidation tactics to deny the popular vote their right. The mayhem that took place some 10+ years ago could have been so much worse and the unforgiveable thing is that the PNC referred to those violent criminals as freedom fighters and even gave fineman a stately funeral.

Aaah.  Finally you admit that you are indeed a PPP supporter.

So quit with this nonsense that you are objective!

Where did I say that I am a PPP supporter bai?


In my travels to Guyana in the early years of the Jagdeo Presidency and the interactions Ii had with Black civil servants it was clear that Jagdeo was a refreshing and invigorating leader. He was sociable in the Georgetown scene (which surprised me) and he had a penchant for going out with mixed race girls. Also whatever the judgement you cannot ignore the fact that Jagdeo was seen as a strong man for Indians who stood up against the perception of the weak Indian. And boy, did he ever raise the level of black-on-black killing to a fine art. He was a different kind of leader because while he was strong in the area mentioned above (and you have to question the morals of that), he certainly did not transform Guyana economically and Guyana's macro-economic fortunes always had a IMF/World Bank imprint.

antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why the PPP has not slammed some of you with libel lawsuits is beyond my understanding.

I could tell you why but it may implicate people I know. Take it for granted I know a hell of a lot more about issues in Guyana than you ever will.

Bring it on.  Implicate them and bring justice and democracy for the sake of the people of Guyana.  

No thank you.

chicken shit!!

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Imagine if Jagdeo had allowed himself to be pushed around like Cheddie, the PPP would have been bullied and terrorized out of government a long time ago by the PNC. Jagdeo did what he had to do to offset the PNC mo fiah, slo fiah threats with his own method of defiance. Ramotar on the other hand was easily pushed around and couldn't even make it through a full term. For the better part of two decades, the PNC tried many different intimidation tactics to deny the popular vote their right. The mayhem that took place some 10+ years ago could have been so much worse and the unforgiveable thing is that the PNC referred to those violent criminals as freedom fighters and even gave fineman a stately funeral.

Aaah.  Finally you admit that you are indeed a PPP supporter.

So quit with this nonsense that you are objective!

Where did I say that I am a PPP supporter bai?

I really don't think that any rational person would read the one sided rant that you wrote, and then think that you are being objective.

As it is there are theories that Sat Sawh was killed by people friendly to the PPP. But you don't even mention this possibility.  Nor do you query why so many years after, the PPP didn't get to the bottom of this killing, forcing his family to approach Granger on this matter.

Its a democratic country, so you have a right to be a PPP supporter.  Just don't be hypocritical, and pretend that you aren't.

Kari posted:

 And boy, did he ever raise the level of black-on-black killing to a fine art.

And when he did so he lost the support that he was beginning to get among blacks, when he first came to power.

The man is a monster who did severe damage to race relations in Guyana, as effectively as Burnham did.

But you see that black on black killing was due to para militias being armed.  So when the brown bai KKK scream about crime, they ought to remember who established these units.

I also don't know how Indians paying blacks to engage in violence, sometimes on other Indians, changes the perception of the Indian as being weak and emasculated.  In fact it deepened it.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib if you knew any Guyanese history you would not have to reduce yourself to racist rants and name calling to participate in this conversation. You clearly don't belong here. 

Oh, I see.  The GNI is now the brown bai KKK site, so that all who don't demonize blacks don't belong here.

I think that this might shock those who run this site.

caribny posted:


Its a democratic country, so you have a right to be a PPP supporter.  Just don't be hypocritical, and pretend that you aren't.

You have really lost your mind bai. While I have said that I am neutral to the PPP, I have said very strongly that I don't like the PNC. What is there for me to be objective to. I don't care for Guyana's politics. I don't even care to be involved in American politics even though I have lived here much longer than I have lived in Guyana. Do you seriously think I would ever be in one of those crazy protests taking blows for any politician who will end up walking away with all the bitches while I am left to lick my wounds? To recap, I don't support any political party but based on my time in Guyana, I don't like the PNC. That is my right.

Nehru posted:

Jagdeo is the second best President Guyana had but he lost his way during the end of this Presidency.  Hopefully, he has reflected, lessons learned, acknowledge mistakes and are on a mission to turn things around. If so, Guyana has a very BRIGHT future.

The PPP has learned from their mistakes and will be a much better party next time around.  They will make different mistakes as they are human.  The PNC, on the other hand, returned and it's like they simply had a timeout for 23 years.  Nothing has changed in their political stance in Guyana.  They are just carrying along exactly where they left off in 1992!

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:


Its a democratic country, so you have a right to be a PPP supporter.  Just don't be hypocritical, and pretend that you aren't.

You have really lost your mind bai. While I have said that I am neutral to the PPP, I have said very strongly that I don't like the PNC.

Neutrality to the PPP would indicate that you would analyze their good and bad points.  You only focus on what you think are their good, even though their bad points will be quite obvious.

But continue with your ardent support for the PPP. You do have that right.

ba$eman posted:

The PPP has learned from their mistakes and will be a much better party next time around.  They will make different mistakes as they are human. 

HMMM. Still to hear what the PNC is now doing that is like what Burnham did.

Appears to me as if stealing, and handing over assets to the oligarchs and the Chinese is more their style.  That is the Jagdeoite PPP, so why your screams?

caribny posted:

Neutrality to the PPP would indicate that you would analyze their good and bad points.  You only focus on what you think are their good, even though their bad points will be quite obvious.

But continue with your ardent support for the PPP. You do have that right.

My objective is to point out where the current government is hapless. That alone keep me busy enough bai. Now when this government begin doing noteworthy positive things, I will alter my opinion of them.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

The PPP has learned from their mistakes and will be a much better party next time around.  They will make different mistakes as they are human. 

HMMM. Still to hear what the PNC is now doing that is like what Burnham did.

Appears to me as if stealing, and handing over assets to the oligarchs and the Chinese is more their style.  That is the Jagdeoite PPP, so why your screams?

Racism, ethnic cleansing, to name a few!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

The PPP has learned from their mistakes and will be a much better party next time around.  They will make different mistakes as they are human. 

HMMM. Still to hear what the PNC is now doing that is like what Burnham did.

Appears to me as if stealing, and handing over assets to the oligarchs and the Chinese is more their style.  That is the Jagdeoite PPP, so why your screams?

Racism, ethnic cleansing, to name a few!

Banna take a break and come back,reinvigorate yourself.

ba$eman posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why the PPP has not slammed some of you with libel lawsuits is beyond my understanding.

I could tell you why but it may implicate people I know. Take it for granted I know a hell of a lot more about issues in Guyana than you ever will.

Bring it on.  Implicate them and bring justice and democracy for the sake of the people of Guyana.  

No thank you.

chicken shit!!

on the worst day of my life, I'm more man than you could ever be

Cobra posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This one tells a million........


This picture shows genuine love for Guyanese children. It give them joy and smiles on their faces to embrace our president.  

The expression on everyone's faces show unbelievable admiration.  this must make Caribj pee himself!

Last edited by Former Member

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