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Plaisance residents block planned tower on community ground

April 1, 2013; By Chevy Devonish

Dozens of irate residents from the East Coast village of Plaisance yesterday blocked the erecting of a tower for the government’s e-governance project noting that it was to be placed on their community centre ground.
The residents swarmed the Plaisance Community Centre Ground and stopped what engineer for the Ministry of Public Works, Walter Willis says is the first of over 50 signal towers to be erected for the  e-governance project.  A meeting will now be held tomorrow to try to settle the dispute. It is unclear how the ground was chosen for the tower and residents were incensed that there had been no consultation with them.

The Plaisance Community Centre Ground, East Coast Demerara

The Plaisance Community Centre Ground, East Coast Demerara

Speaking to Stabroek News yesterday Willis explained that the works are part of the Government of Guyana’s $3.1 billion e-governance project, and that he was tasked with assisting with the implementation of the project by providing the necessary technical oversight.
Asked why the community centre ground was chosen for the site of the tower, Willis said that though several factors could have played a role in determining the site of the tower, he was unaware of these and was simply told by Project Manager, Alexi Ramotar, that this was to be the site of the first tower.
The tower, he said, only required a 33x33ft space of land, which was in line with the ground’s pavilion.
One resident said that village residents were completely oblivious to what was happening in their “own back yard” since the government had not engaged them on the matter.

Residents of Plaisance gathered yesterday at the entrance of the Plaisance Community Centre Ground

Residents of Plaisance gathered yesterday at the entrance of the Plaisance Community Centre Ground

The piles which were ordered away by Supervising Engineer Walter Willis after residents opposed any further works on the site

The piles which were ordered away by Supervising Engineer Walter Willis after residents opposed any further works on the site

Rodwell Lewis, a resident of Plaisance and a member of the Development Committee said that the works had apparently begun some days ago. He said that a group of persons who frequented the ground noticed construction works in progress when they visited the ground for a football game last week. He said that the works were dismissed since they men thought the works were being carried out by their Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC).
Residents say however that alarms were raised after a group of Chinese nationals were yesterday seen carrying out works on the tower’s foundation. A Chinese company has been engaged for the e-governance project. Upon seeing this, residents say they converged on the site and approached the supervising engineer to find out the nature of the works being done. It was only then, said the angry residents, that  they became aware of what was happening.
Former People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) MP Aubrey Norton, who was present at the location, described the act as “contemptuous” and “ridiculous.”
He said that the constitution stipulates that if ever a government decision will impact a community the way this project will, the community members ought to be engaged. This apparently was not done. Norton explained that instead the government implemented an Interim-Management Committee (IMC) and gave it administrative control of the Community Centre and the Ground. This therefore enabled them to acquire permission to commence works on the tower.
Plaisance residents also challenged this form of control. The residents said that theirs was the only Centre along the East Coast that was not controlled by the people of the community. They said that the IMC does not take proper care of the ground which has become uneven and over-run with brush. Further, mud from the excavated foundation site was placed at several sections of the ground, making an already bad situation worse.
In addition, residents say that many of their requests to use the ground for events are usually turned down by its administrators because of complaints made by residents of the housing scheme located directly behind the ground.
Norton said that the issue could have been avoided if the tower which previously existed in Sparendaam was not demolished and relocated to Parfait Harmonie, West Bank Demerara. He said that the transmitter was one of the best of its kind, but was pulled down to make room for the housing scheme better known as Pradoville 2.
More than this, he said that the radiation which may be emitted from the tower to be erected will present a health hazard for persons who utilize the Plaisance ground.
Residents of the committee say that they will not take the matter lightly and several of them were mobilizing to traverse the community in an effort to create awareness and raise support.

The 35ft x 35ft area which was excavated to lay the foundation of the tower

The 35ft x 35ft area which was excavated to lay the foundation of the tower

Willis said that once the project was challenged by residents he ordered the sub-contractor to demobilize and called for the removal of all materials and equipment that had been taken to the site. He said that a meeting will be convened tomorrow, during which the residents’ concerns will be heard and considered.
The project will see the running of fibre-optic cables all the way from Lethem to Georgetown. The project, the Government says will lower the cost of doing business in Guyana. Ramotar had told Stabroek News that one of the major problems ICT companies have is frequencies since it is very expensive. By using fibre optic and microwave the government aims to lower costs to encourage companies to come on board as well as lower its own costs in relation to the use of more advanced technology.
Works are expected to be completed by September after several setbacks caused the project to miss its completion date by more than two years.
In his budget speech on Monday, Finance Minister Ashni Singh referred to the towers to be built under the project.
He said “In 2013, over $2 billion is budgeted to advance this work, including provision for the construction of 54 LTE-A towers to be strategically placed in the most densely populated areas from Moleson Creek to Charity, Linden and Lethem. Once completed, e-Government services and content will be delivered to the major population centres using this network.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Goadee Walla, Happy all fools day to  you and your family.


April 1. This is the day upon which we are reminded of what you are on the other three hundred and sixty-four.

Last edited by Mitwah

You could get banned for using my avatar and obscene language. But having a job as the official low low blocker for the AFC must be a boost for the ego. Imagine having an AFC job hiding under a bed and blocking low low with the mouth all in the quest for preventing underaged intercourse. what a guy ahahahaha


Some People need to be left to live in Dog SHIT. Here a Govt trying to modernize and uplift their standard of living and they are complaining. Now, having said that, I am puzzled as to why no discussion took place with the Local Authorities before work started. The Govt failed to do the basic thing of engaging the Community . What a bloody Shame.


blowing things out of proportion is a known tactic used by the those in the press who supports the opposition. The Stabroek News has lost its independence to power-hungry politicians and the opportunist elements in the society. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

"Norton said that the issue could have been avoided if the tower which previously existed in Sparendaam was not demolished and relocated to Parfait Harmonie, West Bank Demerara. He said that the transmitter was one of the best of its kind, but was pulled down to make room for the housing scheme better known as Pradoville 2.

More than this, he said that the radiation which may be emitted from the tower to be erected will present a health hazard for persons who utilize the Plaisance ground."

They could have left it at Pradoville2, I heard something about radiation being used as a cleaning agent on vermin.


In fact the tower was erected with sinister motives, to control the mind of Plaisance villagers so they would vote for the PPP. One is slated for Buxton, Agricola and Linden. But it looks like the afc/pnc have thwarted the plans of the evil PPP. hahahaa

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the tower was erected with sinister motives, to control the mind of Plaisance villagers so they would vote for the PPP. One is slated for Buxton, Agricola and Linden. But it looks like the afc/pnc have thwarted the plans of the evil PPP. hahahaa

Happy birthday!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Some People need to be left to live in Dog SHIT. Here a Govt trying to modernize and uplift their standard of living and they are complaining. Now, having said that, I am puzzled as to why no discussion took place with the Local Authorities before work started. The Govt failed to do the basic thing of engaging the Community . What a bloody Shame.

don't be an idiot ( I know it's hard for you)...but don't you think the people who live there have some rights too? It's their community ground...why don't the Govt build it in the middle of the cricket ground at Providence?

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Some People need to be left to live in Dog SHIT. Here a Govt trying to modernize and uplift their standard of living and they are complaining. Now, having said that, I am puzzled as to why no discussion took place with the Local Authorities before work started. The Govt failed to do the basic thing of engaging the Community . What a bloody Shame.

The question you should ask is..whats in it for the people of plesance...are they gona be employment for them? No. Jabba the Hut son Alexi already contract chinese..the PPP would not even give them "dog shit" so I say let them go bulid it in China...


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the tower was erected with sinister motives, to control the mind of Plaisance villagers so they would vote for the PPP. One is slated for Buxton, Agricola and Linden. But it looks like the afc/pnc have thwarted the plans of the evil PPP. hahahaa

Correct, it will emit high-frequency radio waves to re-map the synapses and reduce fertility among people close-by.  Alyuh tink black people stupid?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the tower was erected with sinister motives, to control the mind of Plaisance villagers so they would vote for the PPP. One is slated for Buxton, Agricola and Linden. But it looks like the afc/pnc have thwarted the plans of the evil PPP. hahahaa

Correct, it will emit high-frequency radio waves to re-map the synapses and reduce fertility among people close-by.  Alyuh tink black people stupid?

 Why cannot it be exactly as the people claim it is; an appropriation of community space?


It is not us that think black folks or for that matter, any opposing the PPP is stupid from your perspective; it is you who hates black folks. You luxuriate in the reflected glow of the PPP simply because you think they are an Indian identified party as opposed to that other party, the one where the neg.roes are!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the tower was erected with sinister motives, to control the mind of Plaisance villagers so they would vote for the PPP. One is slated for Buxton, Agricola and Linden. But it looks like the afc/pnc have thwarted the plans of the evil PPP. hahahaa

Correct, it will emit high-frequency radio waves to re-map the synapses and reduce fertility among people close-by.  Alyuh tink black people stupid?

 Why cannot it be exactly as the people claim it is; an appropriation of community space?


It is not us that think black folks or for that matter, any opposing the PPP is stupid from your perspective; it is you who hates black folks. You luxuriate in the reflected glow of the PPP simply because you think they are an Indian identified party as opposed to that other party, the one where the neg.roes are!

I actually applaud the Plaisantians for standing for their rights causing the Govt to re-think.  Under the PNC, if was an Indian village, was bayonet, bullets, boots, batons, brutality, bludgeoned, and all that goes with the PNC.  Today's Guyana has a Govt which respects human rights.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the tower was erected with sinister motives, to control the mind of Plaisance villagers so they would vote for the PPP. One is slated for Buxton, Agricola and Linden. But it looks like the afc/pnc have thwarted the plans of the evil PPP. hahahaa

Correct, it will emit high-frequency radio waves to re-map the synapses and reduce fertility among people close-by.  Alyuh tink black people stupid?

 Why cannot it be exactly as the people claim it is; an appropriation of community space?


It is not us that think black folks or for that matter, any opposing the PPP is stupid from your perspective; it is you who hates black folks. You luxuriate in the reflected glow of the PPP simply because you think they are an Indian identified party as opposed to that other party, the one where the neg.roes are!

I actually applaud the Plaisantians for standing for their rights causing the Govt to re-think.  Under the PNC, if was an Indian village, was bayonet, bullets, boots, batons, brutality, bludgeoned, and all that goes with the PNC.  Today's Guyana has a Govt which respects human rights.

Some are too blind, deaf and plain Stupid to understand what you are saying.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the tower was erected with sinister motives, to control the mind of Plaisance villagers so they would vote for the PPP. One is slated for Buxton, Agricola and Linden. But it looks like the afc/pnc have thwarted the plans of the evil PPP. hahahaa

Correct, it will emit high-frequency radio waves to re-map the synapses and reduce fertility among people close-by.  Alyuh tink black people stupid?

 Why cannot it be exactly as the people claim it is; an appropriation of community space?


It is not us that think black folks or for that matter, any opposing the PPP is stupid from your perspective; it is you who hates black folks. You luxuriate in the reflected glow of the PPP simply because you think they are an Indian identified party as opposed to that other party, the one where the neg.roes are!

I actually applaud the Plaisantians for standing for their rights causing the Govt to re-think.  Under the PNC, if was an Indian village, was bayonet, bullets, boots, batons, brutality, bludgeoned, and all that goes with the PNC.  Today's Guyana has a Govt which respects human rights.

Some are too blind, deaf and plain Stupid to understand what you are saying.

You really mix up banna, you meant "smart"

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the tower was erected with sinister motives, to control the mind of Plaisance villagers so they would vote for the PPP. One is slated for Buxton, Agricola and Linden. But it looks like the afc/pnc have thwarted the plans of the evil PPP. hahahaa

Correct, it will emit high-frequency radio waves to re-map the synapses and reduce fertility among people close-by.  Alyuh tink black people stupid?

 Why cannot it be exactly as the people claim it is; an appropriation of community space?


It is not us that think black folks or for that matter, any opposing the PPP is stupid from your perspective; it is you who hates black folks. You luxuriate in the reflected glow of the PPP simply because you think they are an Indian identified party as opposed to that other party, the one where the neg.roes are!

I actually applaud the Plaisantians for standing for their rights causing the Govt to re-think.  Under the PNC, if was an Indian village, was bayonet, bullets, boots, batons, brutality, bludgeoned, and all that goes with the PNC.  Today's Guyana has a Govt which respects human rights.

You seen the report on the giving away of the Amerindian's lands or did you miss it?

How about the shooting of peaceful protestors just because?

How about....RK?

How about....Fat Man?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the tower was erected with sinister motives, to control the mind of Plaisance villagers so they would vote for the PPP. One is slated for Buxton, Agricola and Linden. But it looks like the afc/pnc have thwarted the plans of the evil PPP. hahahaa

Correct, it will emit high-frequency radio waves to re-map the synapses and reduce fertility among people close-by.  Alyuh tink black people stupid?

 Why cannot it be exactly as the people claim it is; an appropriation of community space?


It is not us that think black folks or for that matter, any opposing the PPP is stupid from your perspective; it is you who hates black folks. You luxuriate in the reflected glow of the PPP simply because you think they are an Indian identified party as opposed to that other party, the one where the neg.roes are!

I actually applaud the Plaisantians for standing for their rights causing the Govt to re-think.  Under the PNC, if was an Indian village, was bayonet, bullets, boots, batons, brutality, bludgeoned, and all that goes with the PNC.  Today's Guyana has a Govt which respects human rights.

Some are too blind, deaf and plain Stupid to understand what you are saying.

baseman, nehru and the others are simple tribesmen who dress up in modern garb and call themselves "Guyanese," "Americans," "Canadians," etc. . . .


the primitivism at the core of their being is barely touched by 'education' supposedly acquired in multiple decades living in law ruled societies


pity them

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Some are too blind, deaf and plain Stupid to understand what you are saying.

So even though you can recognize the symptoms you fail to see why it is. Radiation from those towers has been causing it.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the tower was erected with sinister motives, to control the mind of Plaisance villagers so they would vote for the PPP. One is slated for Buxton, Agricola and Linden. But it looks like the afc/pnc have thwarted the plans of the evil PPP. hahahaa

Correct, it will emit high-frequency radio waves to re-map the synapses and reduce fertility among people close-by.  Alyuh tink black people stupid?

 Why cannot it be exactly as the people claim it is; an appropriation of community space?


It is not us that think black folks or for that matter, any opposing the PPP is stupid from your perspective; it is you who hates black folks. You luxuriate in the reflected glow of the PPP simply because you think they are an Indian identified party as opposed to that other party, the one where the neg.roes are!

I actually applaud the Plaisantians for standing for their rights causing the Govt to re-think.  Under the PNC, if was an Indian village, was bayonet, bullets, boots, batons, brutality, bludgeoned, and all that goes with the PNC.  Today's Guyana has a Govt which respects human rights.

Some are too blind, deaf and plain Stupid to understand what you are saying.

baseman, nehru and the others are simple tribesmen who dress up in modern garb and call themselves "Guyanese," "Americans," "Canadians," etc. . . .


the primitivism at the core of their being is barely touched by 'education' supposedly acquired in multiple decades living in law ruled societies


pity them

Guyana is living under the rule of law.  The protests caused to Govt to halt and re-think.  I do agree if this tower was taking up community lands, then the people are within their rights to object.  I'm sure moving the tower would not cause operational or technical issues.  You should be glad you dealing with a decent Govt which have the power of imminent domain.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the tower was erected with sinister motives, to control the mind of Plaisance villagers so they would vote for the PPP. One is slated for Buxton, Agricola and Linden. But it looks like the afc/pnc have thwarted the plans of the evil PPP. hahahaa

Correct, it will emit high-frequency radio waves to re-map the synapses and reduce fertility among people close-by.  Alyuh tink black people stupid?

 Why cannot it be exactly as the people claim it is; an appropriation of community space?


It is not us that think black folks or for that matter, any opposing the PPP is stupid from your perspective; it is you who hates black folks. You luxuriate in the reflected glow of the PPP simply because you think they are an Indian identified party as opposed to that other party, the one where the neg.roes are!

I actually applaud the Plaisantians for standing for their rights causing the Govt to re-think.  Under the PNC, if was an Indian village, was bayonet, bullets, boots, batons, brutality, bludgeoned, and all that goes with the PNC.  Today's Guyana has a Govt which respects human rights.

Some are too blind, deaf and plain Stupid to understand what you are saying.

baseman, nehru and the others are simple tribesmen who dress up in modern garb and call themselves "Guyanese," "Americans," "Canadians," etc. . . .


the primitivism at the core of their being is barely touched by 'education' supposedly acquired in multiple decades living in law ruled societies


pity them

Guyana is living under the rule of law.  The protests caused to Govt to halt and re-think.  I do agree if this tower was taking up community lands, then the people are within their rights to object.  I'm sure moving the tower would not cause operational or technical issues.  You should be glad you dealing with a decent Govt which have the power of imminent domain.

my comment has very little to do with your silly 'victory' lap regarding the tower


u, perhaps, are simply overcome with bigotry and too stupid to understand what I am talking about


btw, the term is "eminent domain" fool

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the tower was erected with sinister motives, to control the mind of Plaisance villagers so they would vote for the PPP. One is slated for Buxton, Agricola and Linden. But it looks like the afc/pnc have thwarted the plans of the evil PPP. hahahaa

Correct, it will emit high-frequency radio waves to re-map the synapses and reduce fertility among people close-by.  Alyuh tink black people stupid?

 Why cannot it be exactly as the people claim it is; an appropriation of community space?


It is not us that think black folks or for that matter, any opposing the PPP is stupid from your perspective; it is you who hates black folks. You luxuriate in the reflected glow of the PPP simply because you think they are an Indian identified party as opposed to that other party, the one where the neg.roes are!

I actually applaud the Plaisantians for standing for their rights causing the Govt to re-think.  Under the PNC, if was an Indian village, was bayonet, bullets, boots, batons, brutality, bludgeoned, and all that goes with the PNC.  Today's Guyana has a Govt which respects human rights.

Some are too blind, deaf and plain Stupid to understand what you are saying.

baseman, nehru and the others are simple tribesmen who dress up in modern garb and call themselves "Guyanese," "Americans," "Canadians," etc. . . .


the primitivism at the core of their being is barely touched by 'education' supposedly acquired in multiple decades living in law ruled societies


pity them

Guyana is living under the rule of law.  The protests caused to Govt to halt and re-think.  I do agree if this tower was taking up community lands, then the people are within their rights to object.  I'm sure moving the tower would not cause operational or technical issues.  You should be glad you dealing with a decent Govt which have the power of imminent domain.

my comment has very little to do with your silly 'victory' lap regarding the tower


u, perhaps, are simply overcome with bigotry and too stupid to understand what I am talking about


btw, the term is "eminent domain" fool

What you clowns don't disclose, the land involved is very small and has no impact of the community property.  Furthermore, there was a tower in that very spot during the PNC days and it emitted much much higher doses of ambient power than the proposed tower.  These levels are deemed safe in the US and other developed nations.


This is nothing more than giving the Govt a hard time in any way they can.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the tower was erected with sinister motives, to control the mind of Plaisance villagers so they would vote for the PPP. One is slated for Buxton, Agricola and Linden. But it looks like the afc/pnc have thwarted the plans of the evil PPP. hahahaa

Correct, it will emit high-frequency radio waves to re-map the synapses and reduce fertility among people close-by.  Alyuh tink black people stupid?

 Why cannot it be exactly as the people claim it is; an appropriation of community space?


It is not us that think black folks or for that matter, any opposing the PPP is stupid from your perspective; it is you who hates black folks. You luxuriate in the reflected glow of the PPP simply because you think they are an Indian identified party as opposed to that other party, the one where the neg.roes are!

I actually applaud the Plaisantians for standing for their rights causing the Govt to re-think.  Under the PNC, if was an Indian village, was bayonet, bullets, boots, batons, brutality, bludgeoned, and all that goes with the PNC.  Today's Guyana has a Govt which respects human rights.

Some are too blind, deaf and plain Stupid to understand what you are saying.

baseman, nehru and the others are simple tribesmen who dress up in modern garb and call themselves "Guyanese," "Americans," "Canadians," etc. . . .


the primitivism at the core of their being is barely touched by 'education' supposedly acquired in multiple decades living in law ruled societies


pity them

Guyana is living under the rule of law.  The protests caused to Govt to halt and re-think.  I do agree if this tower was taking up community lands, then the people are within their rights to object.  I'm sure moving the tower would not cause operational or technical issues.  You should be glad you dealing with a decent Govt which have the power of imminent domain.

my comment has very little to do with your silly 'victory' lap regarding the tower


u, perhaps, are simply overcome with bigotry and too stupid to understand what I am talking about


btw, the term is "eminent domain" fool

What you clowns don't disclose, the land involved is very small and has no impact of the community property.  Furthermore, there was a tower in that very spot during the PNC days and it emitted much much higher doses of ambient power than the proposed tower.  These levels are deemed safe in the US and other developed nations.


This is nothing more than giving the Govt a hard time in any way they can.

baseman, before you bray compulsively/desperately [again] and embarrass yourself beyond retrieval, i suggest you look [again] and remind us just WHO are the "clowns" parsing the 'fine points' of the "proposed tower" issue on this comment thread . . . arrite?


'sad shape' doesn't even come close to describing your present condition


Ramotar is the Landlord and his son Alexi has the constitutional right to usurp any parcel of land he sees fit. Baseman will agree with me. The effects of radiation on the villagers does not matter since they are mostly Afro Guyanese. Right Baseman?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ramotar is the Landlord and his son Alexi has the constitutional right to usurp any parcel of land he sees fit. Baseman will agree with me. The effects of radiation on the villagers does not matter since they are mostly Afro Guyanese. Right Baseman?

The point is, the tower was being built on the same spot where there was another for decades.  Furthermore, the ambient power of this tower is a fraction of what came from the old tower.  This has been deemed safe by any international standards.  However, one would expect katahars to join forces with these folks to block the development.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ramotar is the Landlord and his son Alexi has the constitutional right to usurp any parcel of land he sees fit. Baseman will agree with me. The effects of radiation on the villagers does not matter since they are mostly Afro Guyanese. Right Baseman?

The point is, the tower was being built on the same spot where there was another for decades.  Furthermore, the ambient power of this tower is a fraction of what came from the old tower.  This has been deemed safe by any international standards.  However, one would expect katahars to join forces with these folks to block the development.

Baseman, your Govt decides to put up a structure just a short distance from your home. What is the first thing the Govt will do? Hear this, they'll send out info to all residents, hold a meeting and bash it out.

Did the corrupt PPP do this?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ramotar is the Landlord and his son Alexi has the constitutional right to usurp any parcel of land he sees fit. Baseman will agree with me. The effects of radiation on the villagers does not matter since they are mostly Afro Guyanese. Right Baseman?

The point is, the tower was being built on the same spot where there was another for decades.  Furthermore, the ambient power of this tower is a fraction of what came from the old tower.  This has been deemed safe by any international standards.  However, one would expect katahars to join forces with these folks to block the development.

Baseman, your Govt decides to put up a structure just a short distance from your home. What is the first thing the Govt will do? Hear this, they'll send out info to all residents, hold a meeting and bash it out.

Did the corrupt PPP do this?

It's the replacement of a former tower.


whenever the ppp want to do a  development why the big serect why they did not do the righthing and consult with the people maybe the people might agree and they will be no problem but this ppp government is running this country like they  own it 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ramotar is the Landlord and his son Alexi has the constitutional right to usurp any parcel of land he sees fit. Baseman will agree with me. The effects of radiation on the villagers does not matter since they are mostly Afro Guyanese. Right Baseman?

The point is, the tower was being built on the same spot where there was another for decades.  Furthermore, the ambient power of this tower is a fraction of what came from the old tower.  This has been deemed safe by any international standards.  However, one would expect katahars to join forces with these folks to block the development.

Baseman, your Govt decides to put up a structure just a short distance from your home. What is the first thing the Govt will do? Hear this, they'll send out info to all residents, hold a meeting and bash it out.

Did the corrupt PPP do this?

It's the replacement of a former tower.

How long ago was this tower removed and why was it removed?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Ramotar is the Landlord and his son Alexi has the constitutional right to usurp any parcel of land he sees fit. Baseman will agree with me. The effects of radiation on the villagers does not matter since they are mostly Afro Guyanese. Right Baseman?

The point is, the tower was being built on the same spot where there was another for decades.  Furthermore, the ambient power of this tower is a fraction of what came from the old tower.  This has been deemed safe by any international standards.  However, one would expect katahars to join forces with these folks to block the development.



The old tower was in what is now Pradoville 2. It was removed so that the oligarchs could build their castles.


"Norton said that the issue could have been avoided if the tower which previously existed in Sparendaam was not demolished and relocated to Parfait Harmonie, West Bank Demerara. He said that the transmitter was one of the best of its kind, but was pulled down to make room for the housing scheme better known as Pradoville 2."

Originally Posted by warrior:

when the ppp come out of power the new government will name pradoville11 state property

Unfortunately for you dreamers, hope it's sweet dreams, cuz that is all you will have.

Govt scraps using Plaisance playground for E-governance towerPDF | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Wednesday, 03 April 2013 17:41
Plaisance residents on Tuesday picketed in front of the entrance to their Community Centre and Playground.

Government has scrapped plans to erect an E-Governance transmission tower on the Plaisance Community Centre’s playground, after residents there intensified protest against what they said was the unauthorised and unacceptable decision to do so.

Civil Engineer, Walter Willis on Wednesday said the decision was taken because the residents were not engaged before hand.

“If the stakeholders have concerns and we didn’t engage them, we are at fault and the only way I tried to correct that is to say we’ll stop, we will withdraw the equipment and everything and then we will get into a huddle and probably engage the people,” he told Demerara Waves Online News (

The E-Governance project entails the provision of free or low-cost Internet access to communities across the country through government's fibre-optic cable that has originated in Brazil. The plans include the secure inter-link of certain government agencies and departments that will offer some services Online.

He said alternative sites including the former transmission site for the state-owned National Communications Network (NCN) radio station near the Sparendaam Seawall. “We are looking for another location within the Plaisance NDC (Neighbourhood Democratic Council).”plaisance_tower

Willis said the excavated area just north of the Community Centre and pavilion would be refilled, the foundation greenheart piles removed and the ground levelled. He maintained that the site of the tower would not have affected the size of the ground and the transmitter power would be lower than those by the phone companies.

In an initial reaction, Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) activist Aubrey Norton welcomed the decision by government. “If they withdraw, that’s the best thing for them to do in the sense that you just can’t damage the ground.

“I think they should have in the first place consulted with people and if is anything an appropriate place would have been found in Plaisance but you just can’t put it on the ground,” Norton told DemWaves.

The Plaisance community’s leadership team has scheduled a strategy meeting for Wednesday evening to discuss a number of other burning issues that are affecting villagers.

Norton and other residents have accused government of attempting to dominate the village whose residents are mainly opposition suppporters. Another example, they have pointed to, is the granting of permission to a private company to build several buildings on the Sparendaam cemetery.


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