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Last night I was attack because I am GAY at Players Bar and Restaurant in Queens NY, by members of the Aman Tassa Group. The bouncer let my basher ran before the cops came. I was hit in the head with a trophy. I received 7 staples in my head.

HATE CRIMES MUST STOP!!! No one gives another person the right to hit another. We are all children of GOD no matter our RACE, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, COLOR OF OUR SKIN, RELIGION and GENDER!!!

I am out the hospital, even more strong now then ever and ready to take this community and fight for my LGBTQ people rights.

I have exclusive videos of this Hateful act.....Please help me PUT AN END TO HATE CRIMES/ ANTI-VIOLENCE ***Tears***

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Last night I was attack because I am GAY at Players Bar and Restaurant in Queens NY, by members of the Aman Tassa Group. The bouncer let my basher ran before the cops came. I was hit in the head with a trophy. I received 7 staples in my head.

HATE CRIMES MUST STOP!!! No one gives another person the right to hit another. We are all children of GOD no matter our RACE, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, COLOR OF OUR SKIN, RELIGION and GENDER!!!

I am out the hospital, even more strong now then ever and ready to take this community and fight for my LGBTQ people rights.

I have exclusive videos of this Hateful act.....Please help me PUT AN END TO HATE CRIMES/ ANTI-VIOLENCE ***Tears***

Sorry to learn about your attack. If you have 'exclusive video' of the incident please take it to the police and make an official report. All the best. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Last night I was attack because I am GAY at Players Bar and Restaurant in Queens NY, by members of the Aman Tassa Group. The bouncer let my basher ran before the cops came. I was hit in the head with a trophy. I received 7 staples in my head.

HATE CRIMES MUST STOP!!! No one gives another person the right to hit another. We are all children of GOD no matter our RACE, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, COLOR OF OUR SKIN, RELIGION and GENDER!!!

I am out the hospital, even more strong now then ever and ready to take this community and fight for my LGBTQ people rights.

I have exclusive videos of this Hateful act.....Please help me PUT AN END TO HATE CRIMES/ ANTI-VIOLENCE ***Tears***

Sorry to hear that you were assaulted.


Was it gay guys or straight guys who beat you up?


Was your partner Nehru there with you and did he defend you? Was he also hurt?


Originally Posted by Sheik101:
What nonesense is Paul up to now. Me, sase and the rest of the guys go there all the time without any incident. The guy probably thought he was in  Liberty gay xpress bar which is Paul prominent hang out spot. Sad to see such an outcome though. This is a free country.

So, you hanging out in bars that painted in pink and purple? Express is no longer a gay bar. All them funny fellas gone to Players. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I don't hang out on Liberty again. It's been a year since I'v been to any bars on Liberty. Express never has an incident like the one that exposed Players. Now every body knows that players is a gay bar. 

As usual, you don't have a clue what you're saying. Where is the evidence that players is a gay bar? because of its decor? or that one of your kind got whacked in his head with a throphy?  If your're using this as a foundation to discredit the establishment, then you're more of a jackass than I was first led to believe.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I don't hang out on Liberty again. It's been a year since I'v been to any bars on Liberty. Express never has an incident like the one that exposed Players. Now every body knows that players is a gay bar. 

As usual, you don't have a clue what you're saying. Where is the evidence that players is a gay bar? because of its decor? or that one of your kind got whacked in his head with a throphy?  If your're using this as a foundation to discredit the establishment, then you're more of a jackass than I was first led to believe.

The straight men has an obligation to protect the gays from bashing. Offer them a drink and sit with them as well. Nehru, come in Bhai...It's players playing today.


LGBT Caribbean Community Member Brutally Attacked for Being Gay
Outraged Community Leaders Call for Change

June 24, 2013 New York

Yesterday, Mohamed (Zaman) Amin was viciously attacked in a hate crime at Players Bar and Restaurant ON Liberty Avenue in Richmond Hill, Queens, NY 11419 on Sunday, June 23, 2013.

Today, a coalition of progressive organizations became moved by a photo of Zaman with blood pouring out of his head and on to his face and clothes, shared on the internet.  Zaman received eight stitches from a blow to be back of his head from a metal trophy used as a weapon, and he is currently still hospitalized.

Zaman is an artist/dancer and activist for LGBTQ equality in the New York Indo-Caribbean community, known as "Little Guyana". The concerned community leaders who have expressed their condemnation of this violent attack and are committed to combat homophobic tyranny, include the following organizations: Chutney Pride, the Indo-Caribbean Alliance, Jahajee Sisters, The Rajkumari Cultural Center, Sadhana, and Sangam - Indo-Caribbean Queer Voices, and hereby released the following statements:

"This disgusting violence is unacceptable. It is high time for us to be addressing the real issue of anti-gay hate that plagues our community and makes it an unsafe place to be. Chutney Pride is here to support Zaman and help uproot homophobia in the Indo-Caribbean community." - Mohamed Q. Amin, Chutney Pride

"We are distressed to learn of the attack on Zaman, who has been a leading activist for LGBTQ rights in the Caribbean community. This kind of violence follows other recent violent attacks we have seen against gay men in NYC. Fortunately, we are determined to show that there are far more of us who stand in solidarity with Zaman than those would rather see the LGBTQ community silenced again." - Richard David, Indo-Caribbean Alliance

"What happened to Zaman is deplorable. We as a community can no longer refuse to confront cultural biases against LGBTQ persons and the violence that it promotes. LGBTQ people are our friends and family members and, if they are not safe, this is a problem that affects us all." - Rohan Sooklall, Sangam

"This is a disgusting act of violence based on rigid gender norms that result in the persecution of LGBTQ people. For too long, we have been silent about the way our culture denigrates people based on their sexual orientation. The time for creating change is long overdue. We stand in solidarity with Zaman." - Shivana Jorawar, Jahajee Sisters

"Zaman is the most beautiful, respectful, gifted and talented young person I've met in a long time. He has worked and supports the Rajkumari Center, and, performed free for many fundraising events in our community. Friend of the People - during Sandy Hurricane, Zaman, his loving family and friends distributed food and supplies to victims many weekends.  I CALL ON ALL BUSINESS OWNERS, COMMUNITY and RELIGIOOUS LEADERS TO STAND WITH US TO STOP THE ABUSE OF OUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS!" - Pritha Singh, Rajkumari Cultural Center

"We at Sadhana believe in the principle of ahimsa and condemn all forms of violence. As a progressive coalition of Hindu Americans, we condemn the violent attack on Mohamed (Zaman) and demand that the Ozone Park and Richmond Hill residents strongly condemn this act of violence as well. Zaman is a human being and should not be seen as any different from any other human in this world." - Rohan Narine, Sadhana


Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

The assault must be STOP in its TRACK.


We must all treat everyone with respect.

Is there any news from that tassa group denying they had a part in this? They now have a label attached to them....hate mongers

95% of the people that hire a Tassa band will care less if they beat up a gay person.

Guyanese and Caribbean people has little   tolerance for gays and lesbians.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

The assault must be STOP in its TRACK.


We must all treat everyone with respect.

Is there any news from that tassa group denying they had a part in this? They now have a label attached to them....hate mongers

95% of the people that hire a Tassa band will care less if they beat up a gay person.

Guyanese and Caribbean people has less  tolerant for gays and lesbians.

I don't know about that Chief. Attitudes are changing and in the diaspora it might be different from the territories back home. Social mores are influenced by media and people all over the Caribbean have Internet and American Television.


Conservative religion obviously have an issue with LBGT mores. The Holy Books are used to show disapproval of this human condition - just like the Bible was once used to justify the place of Blacks.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

The assault must be STOP in its TRACK.


We must all treat everyone with respect.

Is there any news from that tassa group denying they had a part in this? They now have a label attached to them....hate mongers

95% of the people that hire a Tassa band will care less if they beat up a gay person.

Guyanese and Caribbean people has less  tolerant for gays and lesbians.

I don't know about that Chief. Attitudes are changing and in the diaspora it might be different from the territories back home. Social mores are influenced by media and people all over the Caribbean have Internet and American Television.


Conservative religion obviously have an issue with LBGT mores. The Holy Books are used to show disapproval of this human condition - just like the Bible was once used to justify the place of Blacks.

The younger West Indian generation is definitely more tolerant towards Gays. However it is the parents who usually foot the bill for Tassa bands and other such things for weddings and parties.

Originally Posted by Chief:



Young people(American) on  a whole, and I am speaking about age 30 and below, does not hold prejudices towards people of different color and sexual orientation.


Remember who voted big time for Obama the first time he ran for the white house.


As for the Caribbean youths that might not be the same.

As for the Caribbean youths that might not be the same.


Then the Internet and popular American culture has no sway on Caribbean youths.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

The assault must be STOP in its TRACK.


We must all treat everyone with respect.

Is there any news from that tassa group denying they had a part in this? They now have a label attached to them....hate mongers

95% of the people that hire a Tassa band will care less if they beat up a gay person.

Guyanese and Caribbean people has little   tolerance for gays and lesbians.

You cast a horrible light on us that is not true. Hindu religion never had any problems with gay people. I also know that community well and while homophobia is not dead it is also not a plague.


I would surely not endorse this band unless its leaders come out and say they are not for this and if any of their members were a part they will be sanctioned and/or turn over to the police. This is violence against another human being.


You need to add your voice of disdain to this behavior.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
How do u feel about dis chap bein gay fullah

Is not about how I feel it's about what GOD SAYS IN ALL THE REVEALED BOOKS.

Homosexuality is forbidden, starts and stops there!!

A whole city was destroyed by fire and brimstone.

Chief, some say that this is not a choice, that these people are born this way. If this is the case, what is your response?
I'm sure Gay Purana could shed some light on this matter.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

It finally comes down to bus head and gay bashing. Since that place was painted in pink and purple I know it was going to be gay bar. Our resident Shiek101 frequent that place knowing it's antimen headquarter. 

This is low!!

Sheik should sever all relationship with you.

Why, just for saying that he goes to a gay bar? Mind you that players is in close proximity to Al Abidin. You, stinger and sheik full of shit if you ask me.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
How do u feel about dis chap bein gay fullah

Is not about how I feel it's about what GOD SAYS IN ALL THE REVEALED BOOKS.

Homosexuality is forbidden, starts and stops there!!

A whole city was destroyed by fire and brimstone.

Chief, some say that this is not a choice, that these people are born this way. If this is the case, what is your response?
I'm sure Gay Purana could shed some light on this matter.

Agreed. Being gay is not by choice. I knew a six year old boy on our block that always wanted his nails polished and playing with dolls. He would come over and dress in my daughter's dress and danced. He was happy to do this. I know a few Guyanese here that have gay members in their families.

We should all condemn the hate crime meted out to this gay man. I hope these people are charged with a hate crime.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
How do u feel about dis chap bein gay fullah

Is not about how I feel it's about what GOD SAYS IN ALL THE REVEALED BOOKS.

Homosexuality is forbidden, starts and stops there!!

A whole city was destroyed by fire and brimstone.

This proves that man wrote those books. If god created the gays then he/she must take ownership of his creation. 


In a pair of landmark decisions, the Supreme Court on Wednesday struck down the 1996 law blocking federal recognition of gay marriage, and it allowed gay marriage to resume in California by declining to decide a separate case.

The court invalidated the Defense of Marriage Act, which denied federal benefits to gay couples who are legally married in their states, including Social Security survivor benefits, immigration rights and family leave.


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