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Originally Posted by Amral:

There has been a spike of reported replies sent to my attention. I cannot keep up and as a result I am ignoring all these reports at the moment. It will please me if you guys can work out your disputes in a civil manner and as for the guilty ones please resist the temptation of calling other members names.

now is the right time to kill some ppp low life

Originally Posted by Amral:

There has been a spike of reported replies sent to my attention. I cannot keep up and as a result I am ignoring all these reports at the moment. It will please me if you guys can work out your disputes in a civil manner and as for the guilty ones please resist the temptation of calling other members names.

I have no problems with the name calling or labeling. It's the race baiting and race hate that you are ignoring.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I have no problems with the name calling or labeling. It's the race baiting and race hate that you are ignoring.

* Mitwah is the most filthy and vulgar poster on this forum.


* Mitwah has been banned a few times because of his vulgarity.


* Now Mitwah has the audacity to complain about race baiting and race hate ?


* Amazing.


* GNI allows posters to express their opinions---opinions that may be deemed despicable by others.


* What GNI does not allow is vileness and vulgarity---personal insults and ad-hominem attacks on posters is unacceptable---attacks on posters mothers is unacceptable----by the way, this is something something that  the vulgar Mitwah is quite adept at---attacking the mothers of posters.


* Just recently Mitwah attacked my mother---but I ignored his nasty comment and let it slide.


These were Mitwah's remarks:


"You should ask the one who brought you into this world(your mother) why do you look so much like them. The truth hurts." Mitwah


* You see that---Mitwah loves to attack mothers of posters---I didn't complain to admin---I just ignored the comment.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, Why did you change my post?  I never mentioned your mother.



* This is the link to the thread where you attacked my mother:


* This is what you wrote:


"You should ask the one who brought you into this world why do you look so much like them. The truth hurts." Mitwah


* The part highlighted in red above---it's my mother who brought me into this world.


* And you attacked my 74 year old mother Mitwah.


* You are a nasty and vulgar man.


* Amral just lost his loving mother---I don't think amral will be pleased with you Mitwah attacking the mothers of posters on GNI.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, Why did you change my post?  I never mentioned your mother.



* This is the link to the thread where you attacked my mother:


* This is what you wrote:


"You should ask the one who brought you into this world why do you look so much like them. The truth hurts." Mitwah


* The part highlighted in red above---it's my mother who brought me into this world.


* And you attacked my 74 year old mother Mitwah.


* You are a nasty and vulgar man.


* Amral just lost his loving mother---I don't think amral will be pleased with you Mitwah attacking the mothers of posters on GNI.




You are a maggot. Show me where I was vulgar. You are a liar and would lie on your own mother. I just came back from a 75 year old mother's funeral. Your mother must be very proud of your racists posts. I am not to be blamed for your lack of comprehension of what I post. I did not attack your mother; I made a reference. That's not attack. You may not understand, due to your poor education. You are ugly and your ugliness is more than skin deep.   I am not here to write and please Amral.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, Why did you change my post?  I never mentioned your mother.



* This is the link to the thread where you attacked my mother:


* This is what you wrote:


"You should ask the one who brought you into this world why do you look so much like them. The truth hurts." Mitwah


* The part highlighted in red above---it's my mother who brought me into this world.


* And you attacked my 74 year old mother Mitwah.


* You are a nasty and vulgar man.


* Amral just lost his loving mother---I don't think amral will be pleased with you Mitwah attacking the mothers of posters on GNI.







I am quite surprised that Mitwah's vulgarity, indecency and personal attacks on other posters are tolerated. He is the most vile, indecent and vulgar poster on this BB.


He has never engaged in a civil conversation on this BB.


Shame on Mitwah for attacking your mother. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, Why did you change my post?  I never mentioned your mother.



* This is the link to the thread where you attacked my mother:


* This is what you wrote:


"You should ask the one who brought you into this world why do you look so much like them. The truth hurts." Mitwah


* The part highlighted in red above---it's my mother who brought me into this world.


* And you attacked my 74 year old mother Mitwah.


* You are a nasty and vulgar man.


* Amral just lost his loving mother---I don't think amral will be pleased with you Mitwah attacking the mothers of posters on GNI.







I am quite surprised that Mitwah's vulgarity, indecency and personal attacks on other posters are tolerated. He is the most vile, indecent and vulgar poster on this BB.


He has never engaged in a civil conversation on this BB.


Shame on Mitwah for attacking your mother. 

Yugii22 you are an Idiot. Making a reference is not an attack. You lack basic comprehension due to poor schooling and upbringing.

You are an incorrigible liar. Show me where I am vulgar.


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