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70s, 80s PNC reincarnated through Granger in APNU …. woe be unto the nation were the opposition to ever regain the reins of political power-RoheePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Gary Eleazar   
Friday, 15 March 2013 20:55

THE NATION is now witness to the reincarnation of the People’s National Congress of the 1970s and 1980s, when vindictiveness was its hallmark.



Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, flanked by Government Chief Whip Gail Teixeira and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, at the party’s presser at Freedom House yesterday

And this is being facilitated by the current A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) with Brigadier (rtd) David Granger at the helm.
This was the contention yesterday by Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, who was at the time speaking at a People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) weekly press engagement, where he deemed what is currently going on in the National Assembly, “Parliamentary Assassination.”
Rohee met with media operatives along with Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Government Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira.
The Home Affairs Minister said that during the heyday of the PNC in power, individuals who did not support were targeted.
He said that the signs of the old PNC’s reincarnation were evident at the last sitting of the National Assembly within the realms of APNU.
“I would wish to say to the public, woe be unto the nation, were the opposition to ever regain the reins of political power,” according to Rohee, as he pointed to what he called efforts to “return to the wild horse syndrome”.
He said that the parliamentary assassination has begun, and observed that the attacks have nothing to do with him.
Rather, “I am being used by the opposition as a means of getting to the government”.
This he said was glaring in Granger’s admission following the latest parliamentary fallout, when he indicated that the move to block the Firearms (Amendment) Bill was meant to send a message to the Executive.
The Minister of Home Affairs said too, that while the opposition has said it is championing accountability, “it is clear from their action, that they are not accountable to the Guyanese population they have ridden roughshod over?”.
National interest includes ensuring that its borders are not violated, according to Rohee.
He said that persons who engage in trafficking of firearms have no respect for borders. He asked, “Are we to draw the same conclusion, that the opposition, by complicity, is supporting persons who engage in those criminal activities”.
Had the legislation been passed and assented into law, it would have had made the security forces stronger in their efforts, in that they would have the “legal backing to do what they have to do to stop the firearms from coming in…we have gaps in our law and we are now seeking to bridge those gaps, and lo and behold, it was shot down by (the) opposition”.
He said that his view of the opposition action is that “Rohee’s head is much more valuable than the protection of our national sovereignty”.
The Home Affairs Minister said that the public will judge, and he referred to the fact that the opposition had failed in the courts and Parliament to seek to have him gagged, and further the Commission of Inquiry into the Linden killings also exonerated him.
“I am confident that they will fail in this one, that is preventing the Minister of Home Affairs from presenting Bills…the Bill is not about Rohee, but about the national interest”.
He suggested that when a political party is “prepared to sacrifice national interest for narrow political interest, we must take warning”.
The Government Chief Whip and Presidential Advisor on matters of governance, weighing in on the voted down firearms legislation, told members of the media that the political posturing of the opposition is vindictive and anti-national, and particularly offensive to every Guyanese affected by crime, one way or another.
She drew specific reference to the General Secretary of the PNCR, Oscar Clarke, who was himself recently shot and injured during a robbery attempt at his home.
Teixeira suggested that Clarke and his family must find the action by the opposition parties to be unacceptable.
Teixeira reminded the media of the nature of the Bill voted down, and what the government was looking to criminalize, namely the trafficking of firearms along with the importation of firearm components that can be later assembled into completed weapons.
Such a step by the ruling party in taking the legislation to the House was to reduce crime; but this “has now been brazenly stopped in its tracks by the opposition”.
She said the opposition, in its election campaign, used security as its major platform, but has in fact taken a myopic and anti-national position, And she lamented the fact that Bill cannot be returned to the Parliament “seems to mean nothing” to the opposition.
Commenting on whether government would budge on its position regarding the Minister of Home Affairs, Teixeira reminded that it is the President that has appointed Rohee as minister, and reiterated that the opposition has not provided anything of substance to warrant the removal of any minister, including Rohee.
“They have made accusations and each has been shot down,” said Teixeira, who questioned whether it is now just a matter of bullyism.
She said that the combined opposition has taken on the role of accuser, judge, jury and executioner.
“We will stand by the principle and rights issue that people have a right to due process,” said Teixeira, adding that Rohee has been vindicated at every level.
She says that the opposition tactic has now morphed into parliamentary assassination and reminds that it isn’t the first such “targeted and systematic” strategy utilized against members of the government.
Teixeira drew reference to attacks against the Former Minister of Home Affairs, Ronald Gajraj.
“They did it with Gajraj,” said Teixeira, adding that the attacks against the former minister persisted despite his being vindicated by a Commission of Inquiry.
She says also that the current Agriculture Minister, Leslie Ramsammy, during his tenure at the Health Ministry, was also subject to similar attacks.
“He (Rohee) is here and we will stand by our minister,” said Teixeira, pointing out that “if they can prove that he did something wrong, that is a different issue.”
Responding to quips by the AFC that it will pilot a similar Bill to the one voted down, and approve that one, Teixeira called the position “absolutely banal, bizarre, crazy mad.”
She says that the worrying developments in the House must not be taken lightly and “people must be worried about this level of thinking.”
Teixeira reminded the media that as long as a bill has been defeated in the House, it cannot be returned until the establishment of a new Parliament that would follow an election cycle.
She said government will wait and see what ‘magic’ the opposition intends to propose in a bid to manipulate the Parliamentary Standing Orders.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PNC before them, and the current PPP regime has already turned Guyana into a brutal dictatorship. So the OP suggestion is pure rubbish.

As for claiming the PNC are bandits: let's not kid ourselves. The PPP regime has stolen far more in the last 20 years than the combined total stolen from Guyana in the last 500 years.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The PNC before them, and the current PPP regime has already turned Guyana into a brutal dictatorship. So the OP suggestion is pure rubbish.

As for claiming the PNC are bandits: let's not kid ourselves. The PPP regime has stolen far more in the last 20 years than the combined total stolen from Guyana in the last 500 years.

With all the benign talk of the PNC today, it's all hog wash.  They will regress to the old PNC within one-two terms and become even worse.  The PNC will always have to rely on unconstitutional means to hold power, even if they honestly win at first.  They will use the military to enforce their will and we will see a return to the oppression and brutality of their first reign of terror.

Originally Posted by baseman:

With all the benign talk of the PNC today, it's all hog wash.  They will regress to the old PNC within one-two terms and become even worse.  The PNC will always have to rely on unconstitutional means to hold power, even if they honestly win at first.  They will use the military to enforce their will and we will see a return to the oppression and brutality of their first reign of terror.

i will humor you and ask for your 'evidence' to support this . . . other than the "blackman" thing, that is


Let us not kid ourselves, the AFC and PNC are out to destroy our beautiful country and will stop at nothing to bring back the PNC dictatorship from the dead. Guyanese must be vigilant and stand up to these dangerous politicians.


The AFC is full of power hungry politicians. They are out in full force and tied to the hips of the PNC. A vote for the AFC is indeed a vote for the PNC. Guyana is now at a crossroad. We are just a few steps away from the PNC restoring power Thanks to the AFC.


This Is very troubling. Indo Guyanese will once again suffer from the injustices of a PNC dictatorship. We must not forget what Afro dictators like Burnham and Hoyte did to Indo Guyanese.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let us not kid ourselves, the AFC and PNC are out to destroy our beautiful country and will stop at nothing to bring back the PNC dictatorship from the dead. Guyanese must be vigilant and stand up to these dangerous politicians.


The AFC is full of power hungry politicians. They are out in full force and tied to the hips of the PNC. A vote for the AFC is indeed a vote for the PNC. Guyana is now at a crossroad. We are just a few steps away from the PNC restoring power Thanks to the AFC.


This Is very troubling. Indo Guyanese will once again suffer from the injustices of a PNC dictatorship. We must not forget what Afro dictators like Burnham and Hoyte did to Indo Guyanese.


yaaaaaaaaaawn . . . go change your dress

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC is woven from the same fabric as the PNC. Afro dictatorship is once again on the horizon and we all know the the final results. 

yuh scales starting to show bai . . . cover up lil nah

Originally Posted by TK:

Guyana is already a semi-democracy. Or if you prefer a semi-dictatorship. 

The very fact that you can openly criticize the PPP and not brutalized when you visit Guyana is proof of democracy in action. Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Guyana is already a semi-democracy. Or if you prefer a semi-dictatorship. 

The very fact that you can openly criticize the PPP and not brutalized when you visit Guyana is proof of democracy in action. Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 




I have been stopped at the airport for the last two years. I was told a spy agency is looking at us. Does that look like democracy to you?  

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Guyana is already a semi-democracy. Or if you prefer a semi-dictatorship. 

The very fact that you can openly criticize the PPP and not brutalized when you visit Guyana is proof of democracy in action. Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 




I have been stopped at the airport for the last two years. I was told a spy agency is looking at us. Does that look like democracy to you?  

Many Guyanese were stopped at airports and questioned in the USA and Canada.


What makes you think that you are special. You must respect the laws of Guyana. Did you ever experience police brutality as a result of opposing the government of Guyana ?


The USA has watch list and so does Guyana. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

. . . Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 

these very things [and much much more!], in a 21st Century context, are occurring RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES in Guyana today under an Indo led PPP gangster govt


Ramjattan and Moses handed the leadership of the AFC to Nigel. Guyanese know that Nigel is a closet PNC. It is only a matter of time before Nigel merges the AFC and the PNC leaving Ramjattan and Moses in the cold.


Afro dictatorship will return to Guyana as long as the AFC is around. The AFC is out in full force in returning Guyana into a Afro dictatorship.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

. . . Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 

these very things [and much much more!], in a 21st Century context, are occurring RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES in Guyana today under an Indo led PPP gangster govt



I see that you are quite disturbed that I called out facts. All historians know who the PNC dictators were. The PNC will always remain the same.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Guyana is already a semi-democracy. Or if you prefer a semi-dictatorship. 

The very fact that you can openly criticize the PPP and not brutalized when you visit Guyana is proof of democracy in action. Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 




I have been stopped at the airport for the last two years. I was told a spy agency is looking at us. Does that look like democracy to you?  

Many Guyanese were stopped at airports and questioned in the USA and Canada.


What makes you think that you are special. You must respect the laws of Guyana. Did you ever experience police brutality as a result of opposing the government of Guyana ?


The USA has watch list and so does Guyana. 



Yeah...except those Guyanese may not have a visa and they are not under surveillance. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ramjattan and Moses handed the leadership of the AFC to Nigel. Guyanese know that Nigel is a closet PNC. It is only a matter of time before Nigel merges the AFC and the PNC leaving Ramjattan and Moses in the cold.


Afro dictatorship will return to Guyana as long as the AFC is around. The AFC is out in full force in returning Guyana into a Afro dictatorship.

Rohee must go. He is incompetent. Down with the PPP dictatorship.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stop derailing the topic. Many Guyanese were stopped and questioned at airports in the USA especially those with Muslim sounding names. 



Except the US is a democracy and Guyana is a semi-dictatorship heading to full dictatorship. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ramjattan and Moses handed the leadership of the AFC to Nigel. Guyanese know that Nigel is a closet PNC. It is only a matter of time before Nigel merges the AFC and the PNC leaving Ramjattan and Moses in the cold.


Afro dictatorship will return to Guyana as long as the AFC is around. The AFC is out in full force in returning Guyana into a Afro dictatorship.

so, the AFC having Nigel Hughes (Black man) in a leadership position makes that party illegitimate and a proponent of "Afro-dictatorship" . . hmmm?


lemme see . . . weren't you guys saying the same about Trotman?


much much more than slip(s) showing hay

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ramjattan and Moses handed the leadership of the AFC to Nigel. Guyanese know that Nigel is a closet PNC. It is only a matter of time before Nigel merges the AFC and the PNC leaving Ramjattan and Moses in the cold.


Afro dictatorship will return to Guyana as long as the AFC is around. The AFC is out in full force in returning Guyana into a Afro dictatorship.

Rohee must go. He is incompetent. Down with the PPP dictatorship.

It is your right to criticize the PPP. It is wrong for the PNC and AFC to vote down important crime fighting legislation. This will come back to haunt the AFC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ramjattan and Moses handed the leadership of the AFC to Nigel. Guyanese know that Nigel is a closet PNC. It is only a matter of time before Nigel merges the AFC and the PNC leaving Ramjattan and Moses in the cold.


Afro dictatorship will return to Guyana as long as the AFC is around. The AFC is out in full force in returning Guyana into a Afro dictatorship.

Rohee must go. He is incompetent. Down with the PPP dictatorship.

It is your right to criticize the PPP. It is wrong for the PNC and AFC to vote down important crime fighting legislation. This will come back to haunt the AFC.

There is no point passing new laws when we have about 300 pieces of legislation that the President is refusing his assent.


Rohee must go. The people have lost confidence in him.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ramjattan and Moses handed the leadership of the AFC to Nigel. Guyanese know that Nigel is a closet PNC. It is only a matter of time before Nigel merges the AFC and the PNC leaving Ramjattan and Moses in the cold.


Afro dictatorship will return to Guyana as long as the AFC is around. The AFC is out in full force in returning Guyana into a Afro dictatorship.

Rohee must go. He is incompetent. Down with the PPP dictatorship.

It is your right to criticize the PPP. It is wrong for the PNC and AFC to vote down important crime fighting legislation. This will come back to haunt the AFC.

There is no point passing new laws when we have about 300 pieces of legislation that the President is refusing his assent.


Rohee must go. The people have lost confidence in him.

This topic is about the AFC voting down important crime fighting legislation. This will come back to haunt the AFC. The AFC is indeed tied at the hips of the PNC. A vote for the AFC is indeed a vote for the PNC. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stop derailing the topic. Many Guyanese were stopped and questioned at airports in the USA especially those with Muslim sounding names. 



Except the US is a democracy and Guyana is a semi-dictatorship heading to full dictatorship. 

... With the AFC and PNC partnership. Thanks for finally accepting this fact. Ha Ha.


Yugi I know your dentures bothering you but you seem to also have short term memory deficit. The President did not sign many bills passed by the OPPOSITION , not because of its merit , but simply because it was piloted by the Opposition .


Rohee must go. The people have spoken. Look how Berbice is waving bye bye to de PPP/Corruptocrats.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi I know your dentures bothering you but you seem to also have short term memory deficit. The President did not sign many bills passed by the OPPOSITION , not because of its merit , but simply because it was piloted by the Opposition .


Rohee must go. The people have spoken. Look how Berbice is waving bye bye to de PPP/Corruptocrats.

The last time I saw pictures of less than 50 AFC supporters attend a "massive" AFC meeting. Many of the supporters came in from different parts of Guyana. Gerhard disgracefully posted they there was 300 in attendance. In your dreams Mitwah. The AFC is fading away like TK's ROAR.


Remember  them ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi I know your dentures bothering you but you seem to also have short term memory deficit. The President did not sign many bills passed by the OPPOSITION , not because of its merit , but simply because it was piloted by the Opposition .


Rohee must go. The people have spoken. Look how Berbice is waving bye bye to de PPP/Corruptocrats.

The last time I saw pictures of less than 50 AFC supporters attend a "massive" AFC meeting. Many of the supporters came in from different parts of Guyana. Gerhard disgracefully posted they there was 300 in attendance. In your dreams Mitwah. The AFC is fading away like TK's ROAR.


Remember  them ?

The AFC supporters are smart. They think and know how vindictive and vicious the PPP/C can be.


Rohee mus go.


Granger and Ramjattan need to sanction his backside with a vote of no confidence over and over again when there is colossal failure by the foolice under his watch.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah the speaker of the house already ruled on this issue. I guess that you are not well read on this matter. The AFC is spinning their wheels here. LOL

Yugibhai look how de the PPP voted with APNU and AFC to begin to restore Georgetown to its former glory.  


Ramotar is not qualified for the presidency. Remember he was hand picked to be the puppet.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
70s, 80s PNC reincarnated through Granger in APNU …. woe be unto the nation were the opposition to ever regain the reins of political power-RoheePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Gary Eleazar   
Friday, 15 March 2013 20:55

THE NATION is now witness to the reincarnation of the People’s National Congress of the 1970s and 1980s, when vindictiveness was its hallmark.



Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, flanked by Government Chief Whip Gail Teixeira and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, at the party’s presser at Freedom House yesterday

And this is being facilitated by the current A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) with Brigadier (rtd) David Granger at the helm.
This was the contention yesterday by Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, who was at the time speaking at a People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) weekly press engagement, where he deemed what is currently going on in the National Assembly, “Parliamentary Assassination.”
Rohee met with media operatives along with Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Government Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira.
The Home Affairs Minister said that during the heyday of the PNC in power, individuals who did not support were targeted.
He said that the signs of the old PNC’s reincarnation were evident at the last sitting of the National Assembly within the realms of APNU.
“I would wish to say to the public, woe be unto the nation, were the opposition to ever regain the reins of political power,” according to Rohee, as he pointed to what he called efforts to “return to the wild horse syndrome”.
He said that the parliamentary assassination has begun, and observed that the attacks have nothing to do with him.
Rather, “I am being used by the opposition as a means of getting to the government”.
This he said was glaring in Granger’s admission following the latest parliamentary fallout, when he indicated that the move to block the Firearms (Amendment) Bill was meant to send a message to the Executive.
The Minister of Home Affairs said too, that while the opposition has said it is championing accountability, “it is clear from their action, that they are not accountable to the Guyanese population they have ridden roughshod over?”.
National interest includes ensuring that its borders are not violated, according to Rohee.
He said that persons who engage in trafficking of firearms have no respect for borders. He asked, “Are we to draw the same conclusion, that the opposition, by complicity, is supporting persons who engage in those criminal activities”.
Had the legislation been passed and assented into law, it would have had made the security forces stronger in their efforts, in that they would have the “legal backing to do what they have to do to stop the firearms from coming in…we have gaps in our law and we are now seeking to bridge those gaps, and lo and behold, it was shot down by (the) opposition”.
He said that his view of the opposition action is that “Rohee’s head is much more valuable than the protection of our national sovereignty”.
The Home Affairs Minister said that the public will judge, and he referred to the fact that the opposition had failed in the courts and Parliament to seek to have him gagged, and further the Commission of Inquiry into the Linden killings also exonerated him.
“I am confident that they will fail in this one, that is preventing the Minister of Home Affairs from presenting Bills…the Bill is not about Rohee, but about the national interest”.
He suggested that when a political party is “prepared to sacrifice national interest for narrow political interest, we must take warning”.
The Government Chief Whip and Presidential Advisor on matters of governance, weighing in on the voted down firearms legislation, told members of the media that the political posturing of the opposition is vindictive and anti-national, and particularly offensive to every Guyanese affected by crime, one way or another.
She drew specific reference to the General Secretary of the PNCR, Oscar Clarke, who was himself recently shot and injured during a robbery attempt at his home.
Teixeira suggested that Clarke and his family must find the action by the opposition parties to be unacceptable.
Teixeira reminded the media of the nature of the Bill voted down, and what the government was looking to criminalize, namely the trafficking of firearms along with the importation of firearm components that can be later assembled into completed weapons.
Such a step by the ruling party in taking the legislation to the House was to reduce crime; but this “has now been brazenly stopped in its tracks by the opposition”.
She said the opposition, in its election campaign, used security as its major platform, but has in fact taken a myopic and anti-national position, And she lamented the fact that Bill cannot be returned to the Parliament “seems to mean nothing” to the opposition.
Commenting on whether government would budge on its position regarding the Minister of Home Affairs, Teixeira reminded that it is the President that has appointed Rohee as minister, and reiterated that the opposition has not provided anything of substance to warrant the removal of any minister, including Rohee.
“They have made accusations and each has been shot down,” said Teixeira, who questioned whether it is now just a matter of bullyism.
She said that the combined opposition has taken on the role of accuser, judge, jury and executioner.
“We will stand by the principle and rights issue that people have a right to due process,” said Teixeira, adding that Rohee has been vindicated at every level.
She says that the opposition tactic has now morphed into parliamentary assassination and reminds that it isn’t the first such “targeted and systematic” strategy utilized against members of the government.
Teixeira drew reference to attacks against the Former Minister of Home Affairs, Ronald Gajraj.
“They did it with Gajraj,” said Teixeira, adding that the attacks against the former minister persisted despite his being vindicated by a Commission of Inquiry.
She says also that the current Agriculture Minister, Leslie Ramsammy, during his tenure at the Health Ministry, was also subject to similar attacks.
“He (Rohee) is here and we will stand by our minister,” said Teixeira, pointing out that “if they can prove that he did something wrong, that is a different issue.”
Responding to quips by the AFC that it will pilot a similar Bill to the one voted down, and approve that one, Teixeira called the position “absolutely banal, bizarre, crazy mad.”
She says that the worrying developments in the House must not be taken lightly and “people must be worried about this level of thinking.”
Teixeira reminded the media that as long as a bill has been defeated in the House, it cannot be returned until the establishment of a new Parliament that would follow an election cycle.
She said government will wait and see what ‘magic’ the opposition intends to propose in a bid to manipulate the Parliamentary Standing Orders.


The parliamentary assassin are really Rohee .  Rohee is imposing himself for the people.


This is about crime fighting legislation. Do not try to derail the topic. This will come back to haunt the AFC.


The Afro led leadership of the AFC is now merging both parties. Wonder what party Ramjattan and Moses will join next ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Guyana is already a semi-democracy. Or if you prefer a semi-dictatorship. 

The very fact that you can openly criticize the PPP and not brutalized when you visit Guyana is proof of democracy in action. Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 



 Proof of democracy is in the existence of the precepts for democracy to flourish. I wonder if you saw the beating of the Amerind woman and her child last week and if you did can you point me to one instance where any  in the administration commented on it as antitethical to what they deem as responsible policing. To the contrary, they and their agents ignored it completely. Note as well that this party  hired a drug lord as their agent of state security and he murdered on their behalf over 400 people.


I am willing to demonstrate to you using  clear, precise and  well worn metrics for assessing a democracy to illustrate why we are in an autocracy. Start a thread on it if you want to discuss that rather than yap in an uninformed manner.


For starters, you should grasp that fact when they insisted that they are not accountable to the legislature. Note, the constitution that actualized the dictatorship you so abhor ( and I do as well  though my reasons do not rely on race as a metric) is the constitution that the PPP hide behind and use as their shield do defend "democracy". If you do not see that as strange then you are prescient to the raw material  in our experience that makes a democracy work

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is about crime fighting legislation. Do not try to derail the topic. This will come back to haunt the AFC.


The Afro led leadership of the AFC is now merging both parties. Wonder what party Ramjattan and Moses will join next ?


Seems like you can't emancipate yourself from your racialist mentality. Use some crazy glue on your dentures.


Granger and Ramjattan need to sanction his backside with a vote of no confidence over and over again when there is colossal failure by the foolice under his watch.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah the speaker of the house already ruled on this issue. I guess that you are not well read on this matter. The AFC is spinning their wheels here. LOL

Yugibhai look how de the PPP voted with APNU and AFC to begin to restore Georgetown to its former glory.  


Ramotar is not qualified for the presidency. Remember he was hand picked to be the puppet.

The AFC missed a golden opportunity to support crime fighting legislation and leave the PNC where they belong..... Thugs.


This will come back to haunt the AFC. This legislation was supported by the international community. The AFC chose to be mislead by Nigel on this one.


Nigel and his leadership style keeps hurting the AFC since he is a PNC closet supporter.


Moses and Ramjatlong have become choir boys to Nigel This is funny to watch as Nigel takes over the AFC with his radical brand of PNC thuggery.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah the speaker of the house already ruled on this issue. I guess that you are not well read on this matter. The AFC is spinning their wheels here. LOL

Yugibhai look how de the PPP voted with APNU and AFC to begin to restore Georgetown to its former glory.  


Ramotar is not qualified for the presidency. Remember he was hand picked to be the puppet.

The AFC missed a golden opportunity to support crime fighting legislation and leave the PNC where they belong..... Thugs.


This will come back to haunt the AFC. This legislation was supported by the international community. The AFC chose to be mislead by Nigel on this one.


Nigel and his leadership style keeps hurting the AFC since he is a PNC closet supporter.


Moses and Ramjatlong have become choir boys to Nigel This is funny to watch as Nigel takes over the AFC with his radical brand of PNC thuggery.

Ramotar missed a golden opportunity.


Granger and Ramjattan need to sanction his backside with a vote of no confidence over and over again when there is a colossal failure by the foolice.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah the speaker of the house already ruled on this issue. I guess that you are not well read on this matter. The AFC is spinning their wheels here. LOL

Yugibhai look how de the PPP voted with APNU and AFC to begin to restore Georgetown to its former glory.  


Ramotar is not qualified for the presidency. Remember he was hand picked to be the puppet.

The AFC missed a golden opportunity to support crime fighting legislation and leave the PNC where they belong..... Thugs.


This will come back to haunt the AFC. This legislation was supported by the international community. The AFC chose to be mislead by Nigel on this one.


Nigel and his leadership style keeps hurting the AFC since he is a PNC closet supporter.


Moses and Ramjatlong have become choir boys to Nigel This is funny to watch as Nigel takes over the AFC with his radical brand of PNC thuggery.

The PPP missed a gold opportunity to work majority opposition to address this crime fighting bill.


they with their goatishness decided to go alone as minority.


you Guys do not know Nigel history.  His father fought burn ham on democracy in the 70s and Nigel will play second fiddle to no PPP.


unlike ramu, who is Jagdeo man, Nigel is body's man.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah the speaker of the house already ruled on this issue. I guess that you are not well read on this matter. The AFC is spinning their wheels here. LOL

Yugibhai look how de the PPP voted with APNU and AFC to begin to restore Georgetown to its former glory.  


Ramotar is not qualified for the presidency. Remember he was hand picked to be the puppet.

The AFC missed a golden opportunity to support crime fighting legislation and leave the PNC where they belong..... Thugs.


This will come back to haunt the AFC. This legislation was supported by the international community. The AFC chose to be mislead by Nigel on this one.


Nigel and his leadership style keeps hurting the AFC since he is a PNC closet supporter.


Moses and Ramjatlong have become choir boys to Nigel This is funny to watch as Nigel takes over the AFC with his radical brand of PNC thuggery.

 The opportunity to fight crime existed in a complete crime fighting packaged that covered training, development of a crime fighting lab, and a centralized data base system and it was rejected because the PPP were afraid that the governments that proposed the package would infiltrate their condoning and covering for criminal elements.


Instead they sought for and is paying for help from a private company and we are still getting no where in terms of police reform, a forensic lab, central information system etc. We have some 1000 rapes of our young underage women who are forced to leave school and we do not even have a standard rape kit


Indeed the legislation presently proposed was and would be helpful but if Rohee is the one pretending he is the agent of crime fighting it is an insult. He needs to remove himself from that position and allow a more credible personality to do it. But the autocratic PPP needs to shove him in the face of his detractors just for good measure.

Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah the speaker of the house already ruled on this issue. I guess that you are not well read on this matter. The AFC is spinning their wheels here. LOL

Yugibhai look how de the PPP voted with APNU and AFC to begin to restore Georgetown to its former glory.  


Ramotar is not qualified for the presidency. Remember he was hand picked to be the puppet.

The AFC missed a golden opportunity to support crime fighting legislation and leave the PNC where they belong..... Thugs.


This will come back to haunt the AFC. This legislation was supported by the international community. The AFC chose to be mislead by Nigel on this one.


Nigel and his leadership style keeps hurting the AFC since he is a PNC closet supporter.


Moses and Ramjatlong have become choir boys to Nigel This is funny to watch as Nigel takes over the AFC with his radical brand of PNC thuggery.

The PPP missed a gold opportunity to work majority opposition to address this crime fighting bill.


they with their goatishness decided to go alone as minority.


you Goolagong do not know Nigel history.  His father fought burn ham on democracy in the 70s and Nigel will play second fiddle to no PPP.


unlike ramu, who is Jagdeo man, Nigel is body's man.

Stop the name calling. Admin rightfully wants it to end.


Now back to the topic.. It was Nigel and his radical brand of perceived terrorism that led to the Linden murders which an independent commission blamed the opposition for the violence and Rohee was vindicated. I know that this is still hard for the opposition to swallow but that is the truth.


The AFC resorts to gutter politics and does not care for the safety and development of Guyana.  Moses and Ramjattan are now choir boys for Nigel.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

With all the benign talk of the PNC today, it's all hog wash.  They will regress to the old PNC within one-two terms and become even worse.  The PNC will always have to rely on unconstitutional means to hold power, even if they honestly win at first.  They will use the military to enforce their will and we will see a return to the oppression and brutality of their first reign of terror.

i will humor you and ask for your 'evidence' to support this . . . other than the "blackman" thing, that is

Evidence FOOL????   You are that ILLITERATE on the History of Guyana???? Which bloody University employed a Pea brain like you????


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