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Ray posted:
alena06 posted:
Ray posted:

I wonder who it will be

Doesn’t take much to defeat Irfaan. PNC must be having a good laugh. 

Also, the momentum the NCV started has stalled due the selection of Irfan...

I think this is a major blow to the PPP...

You people are the real jokers.  I have to read and laugh.  So simple minded and shallow.  And to think some of you call yourself forever PPP because Ayuh navel string buried in 200 years PPP.  

You fair weather self servers are exactly what the PPP have to be aware of.  

So the PNC having a good laugh, just like they were just prior to the NCV.  

Watch what happens next!!

Dont believe Granger is totally unhappy with the direction things went!!

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
alena06 posted:
Ray posted:

I wonder who it will be

Doesn’t take much to defeat Irfaan. PNC must be having a good laugh. 

Also, the momentum the NCV started has stalled due the selection of Irfan...

I think this is a major blow to the PPP...

You people are the real jokers.  I have to read and laugh.  So simple minded and shallow.  And to think some of you call yourself forever PPP because Ayuh navel string buried in 200 years PPP.  

You fair weather self servers are exactly what the PPP have to be aware of.  

So the PNC having a good laugh, just like they were just prior to the NCV.  

Watch what happens next!!

Dont believe Granger is totally unhappy with the direction things went!!

We thought you were a die-hard PPP also. That is until you bolted to the AFC.

Gilbakka posted:
Ray posted:

I think Granger will beat Irfan

It's not man-to-man. It's PNC versus PPP with its spearhead Jagdeo. And PPP will win in a free and fair election.

Keep on dreaming, lots of PPP supporters aren't happy with Irfaan Ali as Presidential Candidate.

In your mindset they will be sheeple and go out to vote for the PPP. Alexi Ramouthar on FB comments said PPP are stupid, lots of supporters had no good to thing to say either.

kp posted:

Putting Irfan aside, does people vote for the person or their allegiance to the political party and it's ideology.

In Guyana, it has always been the party. Until people got fooled in 2015 to be magnanimous. But they realized quickly that being magnanimous caused them to get screwed. I don't think they will make the same mistake again. If they do, then they would again deserve the government they chose.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
alena06 posted:
Ray posted:

I wonder who it will be

Doesn’t take much to defeat Irfaan. PNC must be having a good laugh. 

Also, the momentum the NCV started has stalled due the selection of Irfan...

I think this is a major blow to the PPP...

You people are the real jokers.  I have to read and laugh.  So simple minded and shallow.  And to think some of you call yourself forever PPP because Ayuh navel string buried in 200 years PPP.  

You fair weather self servers are exactly what the PPP have to be aware of.  

So the PNC having a good laugh, just like they were just prior to the NCV.  

Watch what happens next!!

Dont believe Granger is totally unhappy with the direction things went!!

We thought you were a die-hard PPP also. That is until you bolted to the AFC.

Simple man!!  Didn’t Charandaas also joined the AFC!!

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Keep on dreaming

In your mindset 

Watch your 'ad hominem'. I didn't tell you "keep on dreaming" and "in your mindset" when you said Granger for second term. 

Well you think people are fools, you are not speaking from analytical view point, it's emotional. By the way what's the motive for  mentioning "Free and Fair Elections"

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Keep on dreaming

In your mindset 

Watch your 'ad hominem'. I didn't tell you "keep on dreaming" and "in your mindset" when you said Granger for second term. 

Well you think people are fools, you are not speaking from analytical view point, it's emotional. By the way what's the motive for  mentioning "Free and Fair Elections"

Django, Remember Gilly has seen more political years than you.
I will leave you with this Lord Byron's piece to ponder:

My hair is grey, but not with years,
Nor grew it white
In a single night,
As men's have grown from sudden fears:
My limbs are bow'd, though not with toil,
But rusted with a vile repose

How come ONLY the PPP supporters are concern with their leadership? The PNC,AFC,APNU don't care a rats ass who is their leader, presently you have a half dead man as president, then a Neemak as Prime Minister and a cock eye ,ygly jaat as Vice-president, do you hear anybody like Django, Carib, Rawan etal complaining?? NO NO. Let's don't be swayed by these PNC lap dogs and slop carriers for them to tell what the PPP should do, tell them Bugger OFF, mind their business. LONG LIVE THE PPP, leaders will come and go the party lives on.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Keep on dreaming

In your mindset 

Watch your 'ad hominem'. I didn't tell you "keep on dreaming" and "in your mindset" when you said Granger for second term. 

Well you think people are fools, you are not speaking from analytical view point, it's emotional. By the way what's the motive for  mentioning "Free and Fair Elections"

Django, Remember Gilly has seen more political years than you.
I will leave you with this Lord Byron's piece to ponder:

My hair is grey, but not with years,
Nor grew it white
In a single night,
As men's have grown from sudden fears:
My limbs are bow'd, though not with toil,
But rusted with a vile repose

Arright, have your day !!!!

Django posted:

Alexi Ramouthar on FB comments said PPP are stupid

Alexei Ramotar always thought PPP folks stupid. That's why he mismanaged and wasted $$$400+Million of fibre optic cables and walked away without remorse. He was one cause of the PPP loss in 2015. There must never be another Alexei-type fiasco in a future PPP government.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Alexi Ramouthar on FB comments said PPP are stupid

Alexei Ramotar always thought PPP folks stupid. That's why he mismanaged and wasted $$$400+Million of fibre optic cables and walked away without remorse. He was one cause of the PPP loss in 2015. There must never be another Alexei-type fiasco in a future PPP government.

Now there is Irfaan Ali,Presidential Candidate, the financial wizard who used pencil with an erasure in accounting at the Housing Ministry, added to his portfolio the Scrap Metal fiasco.

So what you think, will there be a win in the next elections ?


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