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caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Think of what?   it’s been happening for 60 years.  So what you threatening?  if we speak up you will give us the Hutu solution?

Last time we had  tribal war I don't recall Indos, or Afros, having a good time of it.  THOUSANDS were killed or maimed and even more lost their property and had their lives disrupted.

Guyana is a nation where two groups have great capacity to seriously damage each other.  Why you think that this is good baffles.

And yes baseman loads of blacks have the same grievances against Indos that you have against Afros, and can be coerced into destructive behavior.  So keep throwing gas on an open flame and see what happens.

This atrocious of the PNC and their enforcers must be socialized globally.  Let the world see the living hell the PNC is recreating in Guyana!

Ray posted:

so, what's your solution?

Just what I said, expose it globally, make them into a pariah state, establishment strict conditions for any economic cooperation and have a human rights oversight group based in Guyana monitoring the behavior of the government and their enforcers!

PNC racism has been allowed to fester with impunity for far too long.  It’s time something changes.

Guyana is in a deep recession of human rights and democracy!

Ray posted:

ok the world this living hell

We have to collect, document, socialize and archive these incidents. People of Guyana must know where to upload these abuses.  

I see the old PNC Guyana emerging with every passing day!   We don’t have to wait for the Lusignans and Bartica to expose the undercurrent.

I tell you people, without action, Guyana Indians are heading into another long tunnel of darkness and gloom!


ok...good luck fellas...seems like you just looking to inflame versus trying to solve a problem

It looks like assault to me, and charges should be brought up against the person doing the assaulting.

The person being assaulted needs to report the incident and get a lawyer. FIle a lawsuit against the school and the perp.

I am sure both sensible blacks and indians would prefer this method, instead of going to war with each other


OK people....y’all need to CHILL with the emotions.

This is not about ethnic cleansing.

This is about BULLYISM pure and simple. 

But note this: Carib always tell you guys that y’all Indos afraid of black women (or you want to sleep with them??). But here is a male abusing Indos, who seem scared, as they should be (and the tape is not clear, nor does it have sound), but if this was Carib, would he cower and hide in the corner like these students? I think not.

My point is this: This is a situation where it seems that the victims are greater in number and the evidence is clearly in the video tape. They have a right to do whatever is necessary to protect themselves. If it was me, I would drop his pants, and belt him, then shave his hair and eyebrows, as a reminder of this type of bullyism. Bullies will only stop when you stop them.

I have Afros and Indos in my family...I can tell you none of them would put up with this BS. 

....that Afro dude is reacting that way because of the stereotypes that may have been ingrained in him, namely, that Indos are passive...

Y’all Indos need to change that culture and take a lesson from Malcolm X and the Black Panthers. Otherwise, tek it like an antigirl and go and cry in the corner.


VishMahabir posted:

OK people....y’all need to CHILL with the emotions.

This is not about ethnic cleansing.

This is about BULLYISM pure and simple. 

But note this: Carib always tell you guys that y’all Indos afraid of black women (or you want to sleep with them??). But here is a male abusing Indos, who seem scared, as they should be (and the tape is not clear, nor does it have sound), but if this was Carib, would he cower and hide in the corner like these students? I think not.

My point is this: This is a situation where it seems that the victims are greater in number and the evidence is clearly in the video tape. They have a right to do whatever is necessary to protect themselves. If it was me, I would drop his pants, and belt him, then shave his hair and eyebrows, as a reminder of this type of bullyism. Bullies will only stop when you stop them.

I have Afros and Indos in my family...I can tell you none of them would put up with this BS. 

....that Afro dude is reacting that way because of the stereotypes that may have been ingrained in him, namely, that Indos are passive...

Y’all Indos need to change that culture and take a lesson from Malcolm X and the Black Panthers. Otherwise, tek it like an antigirl and go and cry in the corner.


My bad...I think the ward is β€œanti-male” or β€œanti-man”?

Ray posted:

I am as pissed at anyone else at this, but some of us are more pissed because it's a black beating an indian. 

Some of us can relate to this type of bullyism and we know how that kid feels because we went thru it

SHit like that hurts, but we can't get carried away...just get the culprit and make him pay

At least baseman is honest.  He says that police brutality only interests them when the cop is black and the victim is Indo.  If an Indo cop brutalizes an Indo he doesn't care.  He endorses black cops brutalizing blacks.

Police brutality exists and its Indo police being brutal as well as black and the victims have been blacks, Amerindians and East Indians.  Ditto for police corruption.

When Ramotar was in power and blacks in poor parts of GT were complaining about police brutality. What was the reaction from the PPP frauds?  They screamed that these people deserved it and called the police heroes.

They now sing a different song when the cop is black and the victim is Indian.  They found it funny when an Indo police terrorist committed acts of real torture on a mixed Amerindian kid during the PPP era.

This is why all of these wails of "black man a kill ahbe" is pure hypocrisy.


Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

We take care of ours, you take care of yours.

think through this carefully and ask yourself if mounting a tribal war makes sense for those Indos who cannot afford a private militia.  This when a large % of Indo men flee if a black woman barks at them. 

With people like Yuji, Skeldon, Nehru,prashad and druggie leading this tribal war you all will be in serious trouble as they "frikken black PNC woman baad".

This Video reminds me of a movie I saw long ago, I believe the name was Drum.  It was how White slave owners used to discipline their slaves when they did not comply or stepped out of line.

I remember a Black activist some years ago talking about the Black experience and cried at that fear Black had when confronted by Whites in the streets and their enforcers.  The Blacks had no rights even if they were innocent.  Blacks did not retaliate because the retribution was worse than the wrong done onto them.  Even a White kid could spit on a Black and they can do nothing!

Guyana today is the USA deep South 100 years ago.  Today in Guyana, the Blacks are now the White masters and the Indians are the plantation Blacks!

VishMahabir posted:



....that Afro dude is reacting that way because of the stereotypes that may have been ingrained in him, namely, that Indos are passive...


The stereotype that he has is that Indos resent blacks and think that they are better than he is and he is showing who has the power.  

The stereotype that he also has is that Indos only care about other Indos.

The sad part about this is that its the poor Indo who feels his rage against Indians.  If the Indo was rich a bribe would have been paid, respect given and nothing would happen.  Yes when PPP family members committed rape and DWI it was black cops who ensured that they weren't punished, with due "incentives and bonuses" paid of course.

THAT is Guyana! 

Police brutality in Guyana has been a problem for quite a while.  In fact when complaints were made about this during the PPP era all of these PPP frauds, who always scream that police are "PNC" suddenly made them heroes because it was poor blacks who were being brutalized, some even been shot and killed.

Both Afros and Indos need to demonstrate to each other that they respect each other as humans and that they will object to abuse regardless as to the ethnicity of the perpetrator and the victim.

And yes we have a bunch of cowards always screaming that they want tribal war when black women terrify them.  I will never forget the squeals of Yuji and Skeldon>Man when the PPP lost. Screams of that black women can do what they want and nobody can tell them what to do.

Baseman posted:



Guyana today is the USA deep South 100 years ago.  Today in Guyana, the Blacks are now the White masters and the Indians are the plantation Blacks!

In the Old South all of the big houses were owned by whites. All of the big businesses were owned by whites. In Guyana of 2019 you cannot say that all of the big homes and big businesses are owned by blacks so you need to haul yourself.

Here is the deal. Rich Indos despise poor Indos and everyone knows this.  Do you think that the PPP would care about this if there wasn't an election?  No because police brutality was fierce under Jagdeo and Ramotar and the PPP did not one thing to stop it!  and yes then poor Afros, Indos and Amerindians suffered from this.

You all ran off to Canada and screamed " we want asylum".  The Canadians took one look at Guyana and stated that these claims were foolishness.  This was the late 80s.

I submit to you that Indos in Guyana are a whole lot more powerful now than they were then. Harmon, and the others spend all day with the rich Indos and chase off the blacks howling that they have no money.

If you wish to speak of the plight of the poor Indo who is made into cannon fodder by rich Indos and so don't receive protection against Afro bullying say so.  But your squeals that Indos in Guyana are under threat will have rich Indos  laughing as it was they who master minded the NCV and will probably get their wish if/when the CCJ makes their decision.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

I agree, Indians needs to punch back.  The three should have got up and kicked the crap out of the bastard.  Just like what them Ukraine bannas did in the mines!

and if they did all the cops would have entered the room and beaten them to pulp.  The blue wall exists all over the world.  Better believe that even the Indo cops would have been in there beating down these people.

When ABC nations offered the PPP money to fix and professionalize the police force and the judiciary you all screamed " we independent, ahbe gat mandate to do wha we want and we don't want you all in here to disrupt we drug runnings". 

So now the cops remain what they were, and now you are the victim. D2 warned you all about this and the response was that he was an Indo hater.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:



....that Afro dude is reacting that way because of the stereotypes that may have been ingrained in him, namely, that Indos are passive...


The stereotype that he has is that Indos resent blacks and think that they are better than he is and he is showing who has the power.  


So you are confirming the Black guy was acting out as you expected and don't doubt the video!

You are confirming all of what you were disputing earlier!

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:



....that Afro dude is reacting that way because of the stereotypes that may have been ingrained in him, namely, that Indos are passive...


The stereotype that he has is that Indos resent blacks and think that they are better than he is and he is showing who has the power.  

The stereotype that he also has is that Indos only care about other Indos.

The sad part about this is that its the poor Indo who feels his rage against Indians.  If the Indo was rich a bribe would have been paid, respect given and nothing would happen.  Yes when PPP family members committed rape and DWI it was black cops who ensured that they weren't punished, with due "incentives and bonuses" paid of course.

THAT is Guyana! 

Police brutality in Guyana has been a problem for quite a while.  In fact when complaints were made about this during the PPP era all of these PPP frauds, who always scream that police are "PNC" suddenly made them heroes because it was poor blacks who were being brutalized, some even been shot and killed.

Both Afros and Indos need to demonstrate to each other that they respect each other as humans and that they will object to abuse regardless as to the ethnicity of the perpetrator and the victim.

And yes we have a bunch of cowards always screaming that they want tribal war when black women terrify them.  I will never forget the squeals of Yuji and Skeldon>Man when the PPP lost. Screams of that black women can do what they want and nobody can tell them what to do.

Lets be clear here, and look at this from a GUYANESE perspective.

You are micro-analyzing a simple situation of brutality and bullyism.

I understand the racial overtones that may be implied because the country is divided and everyone On this site only defend their turf without looking at the perspective of the other side.

However, we can spin this all we want, but I dont care if this aggressor was an Indo, Amerindian or Afro...this is bullyism in full display. I did hear some muffled voices, but the words do not seem to indicate that the aggressor is using racial slurs (I could be wrong). Then that would ALSO make it a bias crime.

These types of behavior are common in societies  in less developed societies, where people lack the education and allow backwardness to dictate their behavior. This dude is doing his bully-whipping as if he has experience in doing so...without any regard, or even for a slight moment believing that he will be caught and reprimanded. Rage has taken over. 

That dude is a bully. He should be arrested by the crime chief and this video should be shown all across the TV as a wake up call to put an end to these type of behavior. 

The only smart person in this video is the person who took his/her cell phone out and recorded the incident. I hope that dude was an Afro person.  


Keep me posted on when he is arrested and charged with aggravated assault. A woman was arrested and charged for making a comment on social media. This is physical assault which is much more egregious than that woman's comment on social media. There used to be some folks from Campbellville who used to come pick fight with us while we played cricket in Prashad Nagar. We used to beat them soundly and send them packing. Dem skont didn't have anywhere to play in Campbellville but instead of being on good behavior when they are in our neighborhood, they adopt their natural instincts of being bullies and used to pay heavily for it. Those kids should have gotten up and put the kind of beating on his skont that he will forever remember.

Ray posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Unfortunately, We have to take matters into our own hands when law enforcement and the international community don’t care. 

some of you can talk plenty

Of course, some of us can talk plenty.  I come from a family with one of the best defensive track record against ethnic bullyism in Guyana. One of us is familiarly known as the savior of Indians in Guyana.  And in 1964 my father was the front man against an impending massacre in his village. To this day in his elder years he is a marks man and can set any record straight if provoked.

Bibi Haniffa

Without knowing the reason for this man attacking the other young men, many here are getting carried away because it’s a black man beating up on some smaller Indian youths who seem to be defenseless. Does anyone know the reason why this is happening before jumping to conclusions and leveling the ethnic cleansing charges? The sound is a bit jumbled but I can clearly hear the guy accusing the others of β€œallyuh troubling my wife” several times. So apparently they were insulting or harassing the man’s wife and ended up getting a trashing for it. I could be wrong but I doubt whether this guy would just attack them for nothing at all. 

Is he wrong if he’s defending his wife from harassment? I would most likely handle the situation in a different manner by walking away but I’m also very protective of my wife and my son and I can understand if someone is defending his family from being harassed.

Suiting up with my armor now to block the expected incoming missiles. 

Mars posted:

Without knowing the reason for this man attacking the other young men, many here are getting carried away because it’s a black man beating up on some smaller Indian youths who seem to be defenseless. Does anyone know the reason why this is happening before jumping to conclusions and leveling the ethnic cleansing charges? The sound is a bit jumbled but I can clearly hear the guy accusing the others of β€œallyuh troubling my wife” several times. So apparently they were insulting or harassing the man’s wife and ended up getting a trashing for it. I could be wrong but I doubt whether this guy would just attack them for nothing at all. 

Is he wrong if he’s defending his wife from harassment? I would most likely handle the situation in a different manner by walking away but I’m also very protective of my wife and my son and I can understand if someone is defending his family from being harassed.

Suiting up with my armor now to block the expected incoming missiles. 

Didn’t this incident take place in a school in Berbice?  His wife goes to their school?  I believe they are all teenagers.  How old is the wife?

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

Without knowing the reason for this man attacking the other young men, many here are getting carried away because it’s a black man beating up on some smaller Indian youths who seem to be defenseless. Does anyone know the reason why this is happening before jumping to conclusions and leveling the ethnic cleansing charges? The sound is a bit jumbled but I can clearly hear the guy accusing the others of β€œallyuh troubling my wife” several times. So apparently they were insulting or harassing the man’s wife and ended up getting a trashing for it. I could be wrong but I doubt whether this guy would just attack them for nothing at all. 

Is he wrong if he’s defending his wife from harassment? I would most likely handle the situation in a different manner by walking away but I’m also very protective of my wife and my son and I can understand if someone is defending his family from being harassed.

Suiting up with my armor now to block the expected incoming missiles. 

Didn’t this incident take place in a school?  His wife goes to their school?

I don’t know the circumstances for the attack and it seems that no one else does but they are jumping to conclusions without even knowing the events that led to this incident. I don’t know where the video is being recorded but his wife can be harassed by those kids whether or not she goes to the same school as they do. 

Mars posted:

Without knowing the reason for this man attacking the other young men, many here are getting carried away because it’s a black man beating up on some smaller Indian youths who seem to be defenseless. Does anyone know the reason why this is happening before jumping to conclusions and leveling the ethnic cleansing charges? The sound is a bit jumbled but I can clearly hear the guy accusing the others of β€œallyuh troubling my wife” several times. So apparently they were insulting or harassing the man’s wife and ended up getting a trashing for it. I could be wrong but I doubt whether this guy would just attack them for nothing at all. 

Is he wrong if he’s defending his wife from harassment? I would most likely handle the situation in a different manner by walking away but I’m also very protective of my wife and my son and I can understand if someone is defending his family from being harassed.

Suiting up with my armor now to block the expected incoming missiles. 

I could not hear the video clearly either, but in the public arena, he lost his are smart enough to handle it another way...he was not.


Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

Without knowing the reason for this man attacking the other young men, many here are getting carried away because it’s a black man beating up on some smaller Indian youths who seem to be defenseless. Does anyone know the reason why this is happening before jumping to conclusions and leveling the ethnic cleansing charges? The sound is a bit jumbled but I can clearly hear the guy accusing the others of β€œallyuh troubling my wife” several times. So apparently they were insulting or harassing the man’s wife and ended up getting a trashing for it. I could be wrong but I doubt whether this guy would just attack them for nothing at all. 

Is he wrong if he’s defending his wife from harassment? I would most likely handle the situation in a different manner by walking away but I’m also very protective of my wife and my son and I can understand if someone is defending his family from being harassed.

Suiting up with my armor now to block the expected incoming missiles. 

Didn’t this incident take place in a school?  His wife goes to their school?

I don’t know the circumstances for the attack and it seems that no one else does but they are jumping to conclusions without even knowing the events that led to this incident. I don’t know where the video is being recorded but his wife can be harassed by those kids whether or not she goes to the same school as they do. 

From the information I received all four of them are students at the same school.  Which makes it quite troubling as those three should have come together and put out a buss rass that will be told for the rest of his life.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

Without knowing the reason for this man attacking the other young men, many here are getting carried away because it’s a black man beating up on some smaller Indian youths who seem to be defenseless. Does anyone know the reason why this is happening before jumping to conclusions and leveling the ethnic cleansing charges? The sound is a bit jumbled but I can clearly hear the guy accusing the others of β€œallyuh troubling my wife” several times. So apparently they were insulting or harassing the man’s wife and ended up getting a trashing for it. I could be wrong but I doubt whether this guy would just attack them for nothing at all. 

Is he wrong if he’s defending his wife from harassment? I would most likely handle the situation in a different manner by walking away but I’m also very protective of my wife and my son and I can understand if someone is defending his family from being harassed.

Suiting up with my armor now to block the expected incoming missiles. 

Didn’t this incident take place in a school?  His wife goes to their school?

I don’t know the circumstances for the attack and it seems that no one else does but they are jumping to conclusions without even knowing the events that led to this incident. I don’t know where the video is being recorded but his wife can be harassed by those kids whether or not she goes to the same school as they do. 

From the information I received all four of them are students at the same school.  Which makes it quite troubling as those three should have come together and put out a buss rass that will be told for the rest of his life.

Based on their body language, I think those three have accepted that they did something wrong and have resigned to taking the punishment or they would be fighting back. The one in the middle who’s getting the most licks seems to be the one who did whatever they did to the guy’s β€œwife”.


Education Ministry probing viral video of violence at NA technical institute

The Ministry of Education has launched an investigation into the savage beating of three students by another which reportedly occurred at the New Amsterdam Technical Institute.

A video of the incident first surfaced on social media Tuesday and shows a student cuffing, slapping and using a belt to beat three others in their head and face.

When contacted, Public Relations Officer of the Education Ministry Murtland Haley said that the incident has been brought to the attention of the relevant officer and an investigation has been launched.

Haley could not say when the incident occurred but noted that the investigation will be thorough.

Maxine Thompson, the head teacher of the Technical Institute, could not be reached for a comment on the incident when News Room made contact with the school.

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:



....that Afro dude is reacting that way because of the stereotypes that may have been ingrained in him, namely, that Indos are passive...


The stereotype that he has is that Indos resent blacks and think that they are better than he is and he is showing who has the power.  


So you are confirming the Black guy was acting out as you expected and don't doubt the video!

You are confirming all of what you were disputing earlier!

Confirming what? We are talking about police brutality.  If he showed power against black people during the PPP era and you all celebrated him and called him a hero then why you think you wouldn't feel his lust for power now?

Django posted:

Education Ministry probing viral video of violence at NA technical institute

The Ministry of Education has launched an investigation into the savage beating of three students by another which reportedly occurred at the New Amsterdam Technical Institute.

A video of the incident first surfaced on social media Tuesday and shows a student cuffing, slapping and using a belt to beat three others in their head and face.

When contacted, Public Relations Officer of the Education Ministry Murtland Haley said that the incident has been brought to the attention of the relevant officer and an investigation has been launched.

Haley could not say when the incident occurred but noted that the investigation will be thorough.

Maxine Thompson, the head teacher of the Technical Institute, could not be reached for a comment on the incident when News Room made contact with the school.

Good move. When they are done with their investigation, they should throw his ass in jail.

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

We take care of ours, you take care of yours.

think through this carefully and ask yourself if mounting a tribal war makes sense for those Indos who cannot afford a private militia.  This when a large % of Indo men flee if a black woman barks at them. 

With people like Yuji, Skeldon, Nehru,prashad and druggie leading this tribal war you all will be in serious trouble as they "frikken black PNC woman baad".

This Video reminds me of a movie I saw long ago, I believe the name was Drum.  It was how White slave owners used to discipline their slaves when they did not comply or stepped out of line.

I remember a Black activist some years ago talking about the Black experience and cried at that fear Black had when confronted by Whites in the streets and their enforcers.  The Blacks had no rights even if they were innocent.  Blacks did not retaliate because the retribution was worse than the wrong done onto them.  Even a White kid could spit on a Black and they can do nothing!

Guyana today is the USA deep South 100 years ago.  Today in Guyana, the Blacks are now the White masters and the Indians are the plantation Blacks!

as usual..pure nonsense

VishMahabir posted:




Lets be clear here, and look at this from a GUYANESE perspective.


The only smart person in this video is the person who took his/her cell phone out and recorded the incident. I hope that dude was an Afro person.  

So suddenly you are "Guyanese".  Had the victims been blacks, as they usually are, would this have concerned you?  Or suddenly it does because it is Indians who are victimized.

Oh yes I can remember when the police were considered "heroes" by the PPP and its base when they were beating up and shooting poor black boys. The assumption that every black kid was a criminal so deserved this treatment. When parents were begging they got demonized in the most racist ways during the PPP era.

If they treated their own people like that it was clear that those who they are more ambivalent about would not be exempt.

Now we will see if the Coalition gov't shows more compassion than does the PPP.

But I know the results.  You and the others will either deny what happened to young black boys under the PPP, or you will wail that you didn't know.  Now suddenly this problem of police brutality and corruption will arise to an issue that is important because it fits into a narrative of the violent black abusing the poor saintly Indian.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Good move. When they are done with their investigation, they should throw his ass in jail.

And under the PPP the response was a Chronicle editorial screaming that blacks were all violent criminals.  This because they dared to protest against PPP abuse, including that which they suffered from the police and GDF.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:



....that Afro dude is reacting that way because of the stereotypes that may have been ingrained in him, namely, that Indos are passive...


The stereotype that he has is that Indos resent blacks and think that they are better than he is and he is showing who has the power.  


So you are confirming the Black guy was acting out as you expected and don't doubt the video!

You are confirming all of what you were disputing earlier!

Confirming what? We are talking about police brutality.  If he showed power against black people during the PPP era and you all celebrated him and called him a hero then why you think you wouldn't feel his lust for power now?

this is among students at NA Technical Institute

nothing to do with PNC or police brutality

Mars posted:

Based on their body language, I think those three have accepted that they did something wrong and have resigned to taking the punishment or they would be fighting back. The one in the middle who’s getting the most licks seems to be the one who did whatever they did to the guy’s β€œwife”.

Mars is correct

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Good move. When they are done with their investigation, they should throw his ass in jail.

And under the PPP the response was a Chronicle editorial screaming that blacks were all violent criminals.  This because they dared to protest against PPP abuse, including that which they suffered from the police and GDF.

Yuh lying again. Guyanese blacks never protested peacefully. It was always violent in nature. No doubt yuh looking for comfort but you wouldn't find any in your make believe world.


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