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ksazma posted:

Yuh lying again. Guyanese blacks never protested peacefully. It was always violent in nature. No doubt yuh looking for comfort but you wouldn't find any in your make believe world.

You cannot help with your racist instincts.  Not so long ago you were screaming that all the blacks in FL were lazy bums and beggars.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Yuh lying again. Guyanese blacks never protested peacefully. It was always violent in nature. No doubt yuh looking for comfort but you wouldn't find any in your make believe world.

You cannot help with your racist instincts.  Not so long ago you were screaming that all the blacks in FL were lazy bums and beggars.

A lot of them are lazy and unambitious. There is no sin in acknowledging that. No other race gets, nay, demand excuses for their actions whether good or bad. Blacks aren't any more special or important than any other person. But y'all can continue to stagnate y'all communities with all the excessive excuses. Blacks always protested violently in Guyana. But you don't want to deal with that so you go to your ever reliant go to excuse of claiming racism.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

My suggestion is we create a website or a dedicated thread on GNI and collect all these abuses against Indians in Guyana and globalize it.  We make sure it’s spread to international human rights agencies, to foreign govts, to everyone in the world.  

Everyone sees what happens in big countries, Guyana flies under the radar screen. 

Give it a catchy name that would be noticed by the world.  I have some ideas for names but want to hear other ideas. 

And then black people will do the same showing abuse of blacks by Indians.

Like when Yuji or Skeldon scream all kinds of filth about blacks, calling us nasty and smelly and screaming that they would never tolerate one of them into their family.

Already Tola's Asian students are calling you Indos racist.

Looks like business is slow with your black pudding and mauby cart. Is traffic down at the airport? Blacks lack money to keep your business afloat? You can always count on your SNAP and section 8 assistance.

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

Without knowing the reason for this man attacking the other young men, many here are getting carried away because it’s a black man beating up on some smaller Indian youths who seem to be defenseless. Does anyone know the reason why this is happening before jumping to conclusions and leveling the ethnic cleansing charges? The sound is a bit jumbled but I can clearly hear the guy accusing the others of “allyuh troubling my wife” several times. So apparently they were insulting or harassing the man’s wife and ended up getting a trashing for it. I could be wrong but I doubt whether this guy would just attack them for nothing at all. 

Is he wrong if he’s defending his wife from harassment? I would most likely handle the situation in a different manner by walking away but I’m also very protective of my wife and my son and I can understand if someone is defending his family from being harassed.

Suiting up with my armor now to block the expected incoming missiles. 

Didn’t this incident take place in a school?  His wife goes to their school?

I don’t know the circumstances for the attack and it seems that no one else does but they are jumping to conclusions without even knowing the events that led to this incident. I don’t know where the video is being recorded but his wife can be harassed by those kids whether or not she goes to the same school as they do. 

From the information I received all four of them are students at the same school.  Which makes it quite troubling as those three should have come together and put out a buss rass that will be told for the rest of his life.

Based on their body language, I think those three have accepted that they did something wrong and have resigned to taking the punishment or they would be fighting back. The one in the middle who’s getting the most licks seems to be the one who did whatever they did to the guy’s “wife”.

What does the wife look like?

Bibi Haniffa
ronan posted:
Mars posted:

Based on their body language, I think those three have accepted that they did something wrong and have resigned to taking the punishment or they would be fighting back. The one in the middle who’s getting the most licks seems to be the one who did whatever they did to the guy’s “wife”.

Mars is correct

Oh well.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

Without knowing the reason for this man attacking the other young men, many here are getting carried away because it’s a black man beating up on some smaller Indian youths who seem to be defenseless. Does anyone know the reason why this is happening before jumping to conclusions and leveling the ethnic cleansing charges? The sound is a bit jumbled but I can clearly hear the guy accusing the others of “allyuh troubling my wife” several times. So apparently they were insulting or harassing the man’s wife and ended up getting a trashing for it. I could be wrong but I doubt whether this guy would just attack them for nothing at all. 

Is he wrong if he’s defending his wife from harassment? I would most likely handle the situation in a different manner by walking away but I’m also very protective of my wife and my son and I can understand if someone is defending his family from being harassed.

Suiting up with my armor now to block the expected incoming missiles. 

Didn’t this incident take place in a school?  His wife goes to their school?

I don’t know the circumstances for the attack and it seems that no one else does but they are jumping to conclusions without even knowing the events that led to this incident. I don’t know where the video is being recorded but his wife can be harassed by those kids whether or not she goes to the same school as they do. 

From the information I received all four of them are students at the same school.  Which makes it quite troubling as those three should have come together and put out a buss rass that will be told for the rest of his life.

Based on their body language, I think those three have accepted that they did something wrong and have resigned to taking the punishment or they would be fighting back. The one in the middle who’s getting the most licks seems to be the one who did whatever they did to the guy’s “wife”.

What does the wife look like?

Do you expect me to answer a stupid question like this?

I don’t know any of the people in the video.

Last edited by Mars

Did you notice that the PNC backed GUYANA HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE has kept very very quiet about this matter. This fraudulent committee and it membership should be exposed. The guy, whoever it is, is doing this because he knows that he has to power to do it and will be protected by those in charge or the PNC. 

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Guyanese blacks never protested peacefully. It was always violent in nature.

you are a shameless "violent" liar and bigot

your post above is textbook StormFront stuff

Yes ksazma has boasted that he is a racist who hates blacks and sees them as inferior. Nothing that he says is original and he learns his lessons well from watching "Birth of a Nation".

ksazma posted:


A lot of them are lazy and unambitious. There is no sin in acknowledging that. No other race gets, nay, demand excuses for their actions whether good or bad. Blacks aren't any more special or important than any other person. But y'all can continue to stagnate y'all communities with all the excessive excuses. Blacks always protested violently in Guyana. But you don't want to deal with that so you go to your ever reliant go to excuse of claiming racism.

You really took good notes while watching "birth of a nation".  You got all the points down.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Guyanese blacks never protested peacefully. It was always violent in nature.

you are a shameless "violent" liar and bigot

your post above is textbook StormFront stuff

Yes ksazma has boasted that he is a racist who hates blacks and sees them as inferior. Nothing that he says is original and he learns his lessons well from watching "Birth of a Nation".

Is a stray dog inferior to you?

caribny posted:

Yes ksazma has boasted that he is a racist who hates blacks and sees them as inferior. Nothing that he says is original and he learns his lessons well from watching "Birth of a Nation".

Ever noticed that while y'all busy wasting time on who is racist and who is not, everyone else is busy getting up and getting by? Go ahead clutching to that sinking racist excuse straw if you so wish. It is a fact that black protestors in Guyana were always violent. Claiming racism doesn't change that fact.

caribny posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Guyanese blacks never protested peacefully. It was always violent in nature.

you are a shameless "violent" liar and bigot

your post above is textbook StormFront stuff

Yes ksazma has boasted that he is a racist who hates blacks and sees them as inferior. Nothing that he says is original and he learns his lessons well from watching "Birth of a Nation".

You are a congenital racist. 

caribny posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Guyanese blacks never protested peacefully. It was always violent in nature.

you are a shameless "violent" liar and bigot

your post above is textbook StormFront stuff

...Nothing that he says is original and he learns his lessons well from watching "Birth of a Nation".

And everything you say is original, from your head, making you a self-proclaimed racist!


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