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OK Folks:


* Oprah Winfrey recently told the BBC that many Americans hate being led by a black president---see Link:


* Is Oprah being racist or is she telling the truth ?


* Rev believes Oprah is telling the truth---47% of Americans despise their president because of his skin color.




* FACT: Many PNC supporters hate being led by an East Indian president





You can't change human nature---people want to be ruled by their own---and many will HATE if they are not ruled by their own.


Of course, the biggest haters in Guyana are not blacks---they are actually the dirty ones---the DIRTY PNC INDIANS.


Day in day out we hear BLAMING & Complaining from PNC supporters and dirty PNC Indians---what a bunch of losers----these haters and windbags would have you believe Guyana is being suffocated by the PPP---but nothing could be further from the truth----it was the PNC that ruined and bankrupted Guyana.








Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev you silly little prick, deal with this.


Originally Posted by asj:


Guyana president Donald Ramotar

using his office budget

to hide paying Fat Cats, Big Poke

and Crab Louse big $$$$$$


David Degroot -  

Crab Louse/Ghost Writer


 Gail Taxiera

Fat-Cat $967,985

Mahendra Roopnarine Freedom House Operative

$395,000 per month


Kwame McCoy

Presidential Information Liason Officer

$334,850 per month

Chitraykha Dass - 

Freedom House Secretary

$250,000 per month

Shanta Goberdan

GINA Editor-in-Chief

$295,460 per month

Neaz Subhan

Gina Director

$295,530 per Month

Odinga Lamumba

Black House of Israel Thug

Dr Roger Luncheon

Head President Secretariat

$895,326 per month

Hydar Ally

Deputy Head President Secretariat

$550,064 per month

Office of the President

 Running a Dharam Shala

for Friends and Cronies

Charles Ramson Jr

Technical Legal Director

$430,196 per month

Joseph Singh

Special Assistant to the President

$667,440 per month

Eshwar Persaud

OP's Protocol Advisor

$268,000 per month

Kit Nascimento

Special Advisor

Leroy Cort

Cabinet Monitor Officer

$155,628 per month

Chitraykha Dass

Presidential Political Liason Officer

$255,000 per month

Kwame Gilbert

Social Policy Officer

$294,585 per Month


Black House Of Isreal Thug

Cheddi Jagan 11

(Joey Son)

$489,666 per month

Desmond Kissoon

President Political Liaison Officer Region 9


Clive Lloyd

Presidential Advisor on Sports

$721,000 per month

Norman McClean


Zulfikar Mustapha

Head, Community Relations Liaison Officer

$307,600 per Month

Philip Bynoe

Black House of Israel Thug


Pay Sugar Workers G$800. per punt

while others are paid more than 

800% above the average worker....


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


Rev, it matters not if the PNC leader is African, East Indian or Amerindian.

What matters is the content of their character.



* I am not talking about character!


* I am talking about human nature---the masses want to be led by their own.



In that case, Rev, the PPP predominantly East Indian masses want to be led by their own mattie, not Rohee?

By your logic, it's fair to assume the PPP will lose the next elections if Rohee remains party leader.

The Indian masses could presumably vote for the Indian Ramjattan-led AFC.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Last election, an Afro Guyanese AFC supporter said all his Afro friends and Fam said they cannot vote for a name like "Ramjattan".  Seems for Blacks, it's more about the name than the message.

You are a liar. Stop making up stories.

He posted it on the AFC facebook page, but GR removed it.  The truth was just too hard to face.

Originally Posted by Rev: 

Now you folks know why the dirty PNC Indians like redux hate the East Indian Presidents of Guyana---the success of Jagdeo and Ramotar drives losers  like redux nuts.



u poorly educated fool . . . look up "psychological (Freudian) projection" and get a better understanding of yourself, arite?


har de har har har har har har har

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Last election, an Afro Guyanese AFC supporter said all his Afro friends and Fam said they cannot vote for a name like "Ramjattan".  Seems for Blacks, it's more about the name than the message.

You are a liar. Stop making up stories.

He posted it on the AFC facebook page, but GR removed it.  The truth was just too hard to face.

It hear say and you are an incorrigible liar.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev:

What a birdbrain--simpleton---dimwit---dunderhead---nincompoop---I am talking about Mitwah.



He shares the same grey matter as that tick.

Your mother does not think so.

Attack me, not my late mother.  She is not posting here, lil sissy.  Baseman is here, ready to punch your stink mouth.  Take me on.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

In that case, Rev, the PPP predominantly East Indian masses want to be led by their own mattie, not Rohee?

By your logic, it's fair to assume the PPP will lose the next elections if Rohee remains party leader.



Rohee may be party leader---but Ramotar is President---voters vote for President not party leader.


Anyway, you know how things work in the PPP---when it comes to choosing a new leader to be president or to run for the presidency---it is not a democracy---for example, Cheddi handpicked Janet---Janet handpicked Barath---Barath handpicked Donald---this pis$ED of Moses------and after his 2 terms are up---Donald will handpick the next person to contest the Presidency.


I rather doubt Rohee will replace Donald as President---but if he is, indeed, chosen, to lead the PPP in a presidential election---then that will be the end of the PPP leading Guyana----the PNC will take over.






redux's formal education was at three 3rd rate Universities


* UG

* University of Manchester

* New School


A loser and a duncy like redux should never brag about IQ or intelligence---actually people like redux who love to brag about IQ---this is how the great physicist Stephen Hawking describe the reduxes of this world:







Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev:

What a birdbrain--simpleton---dimwit---dunderhead---nincompoop---I am talking about Mitwah.



He shares the same grey matter as that tick.

Your mother does not think so.

Attack me, not my late mother.  She is not posting here, lil sissy.  Baseman is here, ready to punch your stink mouth.  Take me on.

You are Jack ass. Do you read the shit your post? Why do you have to lie? Your mother never thought of me as a tick, a black man told me so.

Originally Posted by Rev:



Rohee may be party leader---but Ramotar is President---voters vote for President not party leader.


Anyway, you know how things work in the PPP---when it comes to choosing a new leader to be president or to run for the presidency---it is not a democracy---for example, Cheddi handpicked Janet---Janet handpicked Barath---Barath handpicked Donald---this pis$ED of Moses------and after his 2 terms are up---Donald will handpick the next person to contest the Presidency.



So, Donald will not handpick Rohee.

Donald will not handpick Gail Teixeira.

Donald will handpick a mattie Indian.

Who you think is Donald's favourite Indian, Rev?

Originally Posted by Rev:

redux's formal education was at three 3rd rate Universities


* UG

* University of Manchester

* New School


A loser and a duncy like redux should never brag about IQ or intelligence---actually people like redux who love to brag about IQ---this is how the great physicist Stephen Hawking describe the reduxes of this world:





[antiman] Rev


hee hee hee . . . what a low-functioning dolt you are


i attended Queens College for High school and 3 of the finest universities in the US [never spent as much as a single semester pursuing higher education at UG or in the UK]


and, last i checked, pointing out that u reside in the idiot percentile where IQ is concerned is a universe away from "bragging" of my own


har de har har har har har har har!

Last edited by Former Member

Loser, nincompoop, and birdbrain Mitwah is like a long play record---when that numskull is hammered he resorts to bawling---"yuh mother---yuh mother---yuh mother---yuh sister---yuh sister---yuh sister."


This is how morons and imbeciles and buffoons like Mitwah operate---it's actually fun to see this lamebrain fool and idiot in operation.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

So, Donald will not handpick Rohee.

Donald will not handpick Gail Teixeira.

Donald will handpick a mattie Indian.

Who you think is Donald's favourite Indian, Rev?



Just like how Barath surprised everyone when he handicked Donald---Donald will surprise Guyana when he makes his pick---but it will be a good pick---a winning pick.


I'll keep it a secret for now.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

So, Donald will not handpick Rohee.

Donald will not handpick Gail Teixeira.

Donald will handpick a mattie Indian.

Who you think is Donald's favourite Indian, Rev?



I'll keep it a secret for now.



I know a young lady who will draw out your secret in a jiffy, Rev.

Come in, JB.

Please charm this secret out of the enigmatic Rev.

It's a matter of national importance.


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

So, Donald will not handpick Rohee.

Donald will not handpick Gail Teixeira.

Donald will handpick a mattie Indian.

Who you think is Donald's favourite Indian, Rev?



Just like how Barath surprised everyone when he handicked Donald---Donald will surprise Guyana when he makes his pick---but it will be a good pick---a winning pick.


I'll keep it a secret for now.


Antiman Rev

You know shit.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I know a young lady who will draw out your secret in a jiffy, Rev.

Come in, JB.




* JB has crush on 3rd rate economist Tarron Khemraj.


* Rev has been highly critical of TK in the past.


* And so JB hates and despises the Rev with a


By the way, Nehru has "a thing" for JB---and it looks like JB is slowly surrendering to the charms of pandit Nehru.hahahahaha



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I know a young lady who will draw out your secret in a jiffy, Rev.

Come in, JB.




* JB has crush on 3rd rate economist Tarron Khemraj.


* Rev has been highly critical of TK in the past.


* And so JB hates and despises the Rev with a


By the way, Nehru has "a thing" for JB---and it looks like JB is slowly surrendering to the charms of pandit Nehru.hahahahaha


Antiman Rev

We all know you are happy with your diamond tip dildo.

Originally Posted by Rev: 

Poor Mitwah! He is like a little chi wah wah---annoying little brat---all he does is barks and barks and barks---no one pays him any attention---but the loser keeps barking.



u look up "psychological (Freudian) projection" yet, rev?


take my advice . . . u just might find yourself u sad little antiman

Originally Posted by Rev:

The PNC supporters hate East Indian Donald Ramotar because he has the position they want their man Granger to have---bottom line--any East Indian man who holds the Presidency will be hated by the PNC supporters.



the boring weekend meanderings of a thoroughbred mediocrity calling himself 'rev' . . . yaaaaaaaaaawwwnnn

Originally Posted by Rev:



As you may have noticed the Rev refuses to engage directly with losers, fools, imbeciles, nincompoops, and ignoramuses like Mitwah and redux.


You see folks this is a good rule to follow when dealing with dunces, morons and uncivilized cretins like Mitwah and redux:



hee hee hee hee . . . sad, low-IQ rev's performance here giving new meaning to:




har de har har har har har har har har har har har


Rev we say a winner has Majority Support....

if not he is a looser.......

Plain & Simple...

Lets call a Spade a Spade

"Burnham Constitution is Unacceptable"

How could anyone be "a winner"

 with less than 50% ????

Who Vex....Vex


"Indians do not like Burnham Constitution"

Only Jagdeo, Ramotar, Black PNC Thugs,

House-of-Israel Killers & Election Riggers

Love Burnham Constitution

Who Vex....Vex


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



As you may have noticed the Rev refuses to engage directly with losers, fools, imbeciles, nincompoops, and ignoramuses like Mitwah and redux.


You see folks this is a good rule to follow when dealing with dunces, morons and uncivilized cretins like Mitwah and redux:




Now you ketch sense, some time back you blocked these pedos and then in a weak moment you unblock them, now you pay the price. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Rev:






Now you ketch sense, some time back you blocked these pedos and then in a weak moment you unblock them, now you pay the price. 

This is why I don't argue with you. You are an idiot and you will bring be down to your level and beat me with experience.

How many graves did you raid last night?




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I know a young lady who will draw out your secret in a jiffy, Rev.

Come in, JB.




* JB has crush on 3rd rate economist Tarron Khemraj.


* Rev has been highly critical of TK in the past.


* And so JB hates and despises the Rev with a


By the way, Nehru has "a thing" for JB---and it looks like JB is slowly surrendering to the charms of pandit Nehru.hahahahaha




I met Mr TK when he came to UG 2 times to give presentations. I don't have a crush. My mamoo has all his letters and Development Watch columns + lecturers at UG assign his columns to students. I'd rather go out with him any day any time than insecure losers like you and Mr Nehru.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

So, Donald will not handpick Rohee.

Donald will not handpick Gail Teixeira.

Donald will handpick a mattie Indian.

Who you think is Donald's favourite Indian, Rev?



I'll keep it a secret for now.



I know a young lady who will draw out your secret in a jiffy, Rev.

Come in, JB.

Please charm this secret out of the enigmatic Rev.

It's a matter of national importance.



Enigmatic Rev? It is clear to me he is a racist and a thieve who works at OP/NICIL/MOF. There is no mystery there. 


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