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* FACT: Many PNC supporters hate being led by an East Indian president





You can't change human nature---people want to be ruled by their own---and many will HATE if they are not ruled by their own.


Of course, the biggest haters in Guyana are not blacks---they are actually the dirty ones---the DIRTY PNC INDIANS.


Day in day out we hear BLAMING & Complaining from PNC supporters and dirty PNC Indians---what a bunch of losers----these haters and windbags would have you believe Guyana is being suffocated by the PPP---but nothing could be further from the truth----it was the PNC that ruined and bankrupted Guyana.







Originally Posted by Rev:




* FACT: Many PNC supporters hate being led by an East Indian president





You can't change human nature---people want to be ruled by their own---and many will HATE if they are not ruled by their own.


Of course, the biggest haters in Guyana are not blacks---they are actually the dirty ones---the DIRTY PNC INDIANS.


Day in day out we hear BLAMING & Complaining from PNC supporters and dirty PNC Indians---what a bunch of losers----these haters and windbags would have you believe Guyana is being suffocated by the PPP---but nothing could be further from the truth----it was the PNC that ruined and bankrupted Guyana.








Envy, bitterness and racist attitude are not good for your heart. Look carefully...MORON! 

Originally Posted by Rev:




If every cabinet member of President Ramotar's administration were afro---PNC supporters would still HATE---you see folks---PNC supporters hate being led by an East Indian President.






yuh showing plenty leg heah rev bai. . . de red pumps and panty suit u


we know u reaching out to 'scratch' dat special itch even your large dildo collection can't handle


unfortunately, u stinking antiman, none of the men on GNI [even with de nuff nuff tiefin cash on offer] want to get "vex" with you . . . kapeesh?


u might need to call back de rat and kwamee to resume de pounding

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Now you ketch sense, some time back you blocked these pedos and then in a weak moment you unblock them, now you pay the price. 



The Rev has always believed in forgiveness, but you were 100% right all along---it's downright stupid to forgive imbeciles, morons, sexual deviants(redux), numskulls, and uncivilized creeps like Mitwah.



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Rev:




[. . . X-RATED]






yuh showing plenty leg heah rev bai. . . de red pumps and panty suit u


we know u reaching out to 'scratch' dat special itch even your large dildo collection can't handle


unfortunately, u stinking antiman, none of the men on GNI [even with de nuff nuff tiefin cash on offer] want to get "vex" with you . . . kapeesh?


u might need to call back de rat and kwamee to resume de pounding

Last edited by Former Member

PPP’s 20-year unbroken rule an era of broken promises – AFC

October 4, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

“Tomorrow (October 5th) marks 20 unbroken years of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) in Government, and much of what is positive over the years, has been lost in the frenzy over political control and domination.” This notion was expressed by Alliance for Change (AFC) Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo, during the Party’s weekly press briefing. Nagamootoo, who once served as a Minister in the PPP Government from 1992 to 2000, reflected that when the PPP assented to Office, it was supposed to be “the dawn of a new era”.

AFC Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

“The ‘new era’ promise has been betrayed, and working people have lost faith and hope in the PPP. It is divided and weak and under its present ‘Jagdeoite’ leadership, it can no longer by itself guarantee Guyana good, stable and effective governance. The PPP’s rule has been an era of broken promises.” Nagamootooo stressed that during the 20-year period, President Bharrat Jagdeo ruled from 1999 to 2011, and those years stand out as Guyana’s disgraced era of political vulgarity, lawlessness and corruption. He noted that the early years of the Party in Office were not mired in corruption. “The Cheddi Jagan presidency was the golden gem of “lean and clean” in governance. It was short-lived. While the formal political democracy for which we had fought relentlessly, was to survive, the frugal and honest government of Cheddi Jagan died with him,” Nagamootoo reflected. The veteran politician stressed that 20 years ago Guyanese voted for a change in how Government did business, as they sought benefits for their hard work and taxes, improved social services and job opportunities, but the story of development has been lost in the narrative of corruption. “There is no parallel in Guyana’s history for the vulgar descent into corrupt practices as that unfolding under the PPP’s watch. The inheritors have put Cheddi Jagan and his crop of selfless fighters to shame. “These inheritors have become get-rich-quick elite that have forged an incestuous relationship with rags-to-riches tycoons. They and their cronies swindle billions of dollars on scamsâ€Ķfailed construction projects; accounts hidden from the treasury; super salaries for sinecure employment together with ‘fat cat’ pensions, perks and privileges; rigged contracts for computers, drugs, pirated textbooks.” Nagamootoo opined that after 20 years, “the social fabric of society is disintegrating, as there seems to be no effective safety net for the poor and vulnerable. In addition, Government has to be held accountable for the near financial collapse of the National Insurance Scheme in which thousands of contributors invested and are now pushed to the edge of uncertainty”. “The drain in public funds, plus squandermania and waste, has resulted in greater borrowing so that Guyana’s national debt today is higher than that under the PNC regime,” Nagamootoo noted.




Rev we say a winner has Majority Support....

if not he is a looser.......

Plain & Simple...

Lets call a Spade a Spade

"Burnham Constitution is Unacceptable"

How could anyone be "a winner"

 with less than 50% ????

Who Vex....Vex


"Indians do not like Burnham Constitution"

Only Jagdeo, Ramotar, Black PNC Thugs,

House-of-Israel Killers & Election Riggers

All those who Love Burnham Constitution

Who Vex....Vex


Rev did Karma miss all your Friends & Buddies??


Who Vex....Vex


Jagdeo & Ramotar are two

House Of Isreal Indians....

Rev R U 1 2

Who Vex....Vex


Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev we say a winner has Majority Support....

if not he is a loser.......

Plain & Simple...




Check out the results of the American election in 1992:


43.0%...Bill Clinton(elected President)

37.4%...George Bush---lost the election

18.4%...Ross Perot---3rd party candidate


* Did you see those numbers Jalil ?


* Did Bill Clinton win a majority ?


* Of course not--he only received 43% of the votes.


* Would you describe Clinton as a loser because he did not get a majority in the 1992 election ?


* Definitely not!





East Indian Ramotar received 48.6% of the votes---and the law of the land---the constitution says he should form the government.


But anyway jalil---this thread is about PNC supporters who hate having an East Indian man as their president.










* The Rev will not permit you to engage in obfuscation!


* This thread addresses the deep prejudice of PNC supporters in Guyana---they absolutely despise being led by an East Indian president.


* Actually Afro PNC supporters are among the most racist people on planet earth.


* And the dirty PNC Indians who support the PNC---they are among the most egregious haters on planet earth.





Originally Posted by Rev:




* FACT: Many PNC supporters hate being led by an East Indian president





You can't change human nature---people want to be ruled by their own---and many will HATE if they are not ruled by their own.


Of course, the biggest haters in Guyana are not blacks---they are actually the dirty ones---the DIRTY PNC INDIANS.


Day in day out we hear BLAMING & Complaining from PNC supporters and dirty PNC Indians---what a bunch of losers----these haters and windbags would have you believe Guyana is being suffocated by the PPP---but nothing could be further from the truth----it was the PNC that ruined and bankrupted Guyana.







It is clear there is an affinity for kind but the idea  of "kind" in this sense ass  human nature is ignorant. It is but convenient labeling wrought of long history of group/identity formation behind common religion, language, common sacred symbols etc...all socially constructed.


If ever there is one constant within this context is that groups can be formed on the fly given the right condition for what ever reason( be thay cricket teams, fraternity, sorority or political  parties). PNC/PPP are artificial and not archetypes of kind

What kinds they are is incidental.


This follows that it is not that PNCites or PPPites hate each other but the reinforcement of negative politics that  predicates differences in the groups and place them as adversaries. It emphasizes differences in origins and  de-emphasize nation, nationalism and  national identity and is the cause of our present tragedy. In short it creates two teams that compete for the the state as a prize. That is our problem


To say PNCite hate being led by non PNCite is crass sloganeering.Anything you say of the PNC can be said of thre PPP.  To be stuck in this mode of behavior is to be the elephant in the room.   If  one  pretend like you do not to see you end up spewing the racist bilge that one is accustomed to coming from you.


This was posted over in social: SHOPPING: men vs Women



Check out the new fragrance for men---page 85 of the December GQ magazine---it's Givenchy's "Gentlemen Only"




Givenchy introduces Gentlemen Only for the distinguished man of today. His natural, refined elegance is a reflection of the times. 

This fragrance embodies the essential virtues of being a gentleman like the Rev: courtesy, elegance, and chivalry. It is modern yet timeless, capturing the essence of a man(Rev) who is witty, intelligent, and exceeds effortlessly in all aspects of life. A state of mind, a way of being a gentleman under all circumstances.

Gentlemen Only is a distinct, deliberate, and charming fragrance. It is deliciously disconcerting with its blend of freshness, sensuality, and masculine qualities. A fragrance for a man of taste—a fragrance for a gentleman like Rev. 



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

This was posted over in social: SHOPPING: men vs Women



Check out the new fragrance for men---page 85 of the December GQ magazine---it's Givenchy's "Gentlemen Only"




Givenchy introduces Gentlemen Only for the distinguished man of today. His natural, refined elegance is a reflection of the times. 
This fragrance embodies the essential virtues of being a gentleman like the Rev: courtesy, elegance, and chivalry. It is modern yet timeless, capturing the essence of a man(Rev) who is witty, intelligent, and exceeds effortlessly in all aspects of life. A state of mind, a way of being a gentleman under all circumstances. 
Gentlemen Only is a distinct, deliberate, and charming fragrance. It is deliciously disconcerting with its blend of freshness, sensuality, and masculine qualities. A fragrance for a man of taste—a fragrance for a gentleman like Rev. 



Dude, go sit on a need a rude awakening. Self approbation is venal.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

To say PNCite hate being led by non PNCite is crass sloganeering.



You are a man with a penchant for being long-winded, rambling and bombastic. You are also a man who cannot handle the truth. And the god honest truth is the PNC supporters in Guyana hate being led by an East Indian president.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

To say PNCite hate being led by non PNCite is crass sloganeering.



You are a man with a penchant for being long-winded, rambling and bombastic. You are also a man who cannot handle the truth. And the god honest truth is the PNC supporters in Guyana hate being led by an East Indian president.



what truth? the stilted reasoning or rather disjointed rambling that is your forte?

Originally Posted by Danyael:

what truth?



Folks like yourself who are ardent supporters of the PNC--your hatred and contempt for the Rev is understandable. There is nothing the Rev preaches that you will find agreeable and to your liking.


But 99.9% of PPP supporters will view the Rev's thesis and postulations as almost sacred and divine. They see the truths in the Rev's teachings.





Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Rev:




[. . . X-RATED]






rev bai, we know u reaching out to 'scratch' dat special itch even your large dildo collection can't handle


unfortunately, despite all the [not so] sly come-ons, the Givenchy fragrance, etc., none of the men u want on GNI [even with de nuff nuff tiefin cash on offer] want to get "vex" with you . . . kapeesh?


u might need to call back de rat and kwamee to resume de pounding

Last edited by Former Member


PNC supporters like the sexual deviants redux and Mitwah will try their utmost to derail this thread---these sleazebags can't handle the truth---the truth offends them---and so they resort to a tactic they know best---posting obscenities, vulgarity, coarseness and profanities.


But in a democracy where free speech is treasured, even losers, nincompoops, imbeciles, morons and creeps like sexual deviants redux and mitwah have a right to express their crassness.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

what truth?



Folks like yourself who are ardent supporters of the PNC--your hatred and contempt for the Rev is understandable. There is nothing the Rev preaches that you will find agreeable and to your liking.


But 99.9% of PPP supporters will view the Rev's thesis and postulations as almost sacred and divine. They see the truths in the Rev's teachings.





Useless obfuscating bullshit. Retreating to the bigotted idea of the PNC being the quintessential evil and I support them is not going to help. On both premises you are just begging the question of the PPP ever being worthy.


You are a Nym,  I would care less about investing any emotion in you. I simply do what is necessary when confronted with ignorance writ large. I call it what it is.


Who view your opinion is divine is also besides the point. We know the PPP wins by appealing to ethnicity and keeping the people as loyal zombies. My job is to  provide the right antidote to make them wake up and reclaim their minds.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

what truth?



Folks like yourself who are ardent supporters of the PNC--your hatred and contempt for the Rev is understandable. There is nothing the Rev preaches that you will find agreeable and to your liking.


But 99.9% of PPP supporters will view the Rev's thesis and postulations as almost sacred and divine. They see the truths in the Rev's teachings.








You are one hundred percent correct. PNC supporters will NEVER accept or respect any Indo Guyanese leader. They ate grass and drank sea water but still supported the thug and dictator Burnham. This is a fact.


This sentiment is currently exhibited in the AFC where Nigel (an Afro Guyanese) is the leader of the party. Indos like Moses are playing second fiddle to Nigel, Cathy and Trotman.


Great observations Rev. Who Vex Vex.

Originally Posted by Rev: 

PNC supporters like the sexual deviants redux and Mitwah will try their utmost to dertail this thread---these sleazebags can't handle the truth---the truth offends them---and so they resort to a tactic they know best---posting obscenities, vulgarity, coarseness and profanities.


But in a democracy where free speech is treasured, even losers, nincompoops, imbeciles, morons and creeps like sexual deviants redux and mitwah have a right to express their crassness.



u stupid little antiman, purveyor of filth and vector of disease . . . didn't u earlier adopt the great drugabeer's goadie 'solution' of "blocking" my posts to spare your tender sensibilities further trauma, no?


har de har har har har har har

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


PNC supporters like the sexual deviants redux and Mitwah will try their utmost to derail this thread---these sleazebags can't handle the truth---the truth offends them---and so they resort to a tactic they know best---posting obscenities, vulgarity, coarseness and profanities.





Let us not forget the PNC wing of the party i.e. dirty PNC Indians always send their female family members to PNC meetings to satisfy their PNC Masters by performing acts of vulgarity. They are dirty indeed.

Last edited by Former Member


Originally Posted by Danyael:


My job is to  provide the right antidote to make them wake up and reclaim their minds.



You are doing a great job providing "the right antidote."


Check this out Danyael:



Now danyael:


* 51% of the posters on this forum are WINNERS.


* The winners will agree wholeheartedly with the viewpoints of the Rev.


* On the other hand, 49% of posters are LOSERS.


* The losers will agree wholeheartedly with Danyael.





Posters who find themselves agreeing with the Rev---congrats you are winners; those who find themselves agreeing with Danyael---sorry but you are losers.





Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let us not forget the PNC wing of the party i.e. PNC Indians always send their female family members to PNC meetings to satisfy their Masters.

suh . . . rev kick u out on the street now to drum up some trade and defend his honor, eh?


well yugeee, i guess that's how small time, small dick pimps and their co-dependent hoes roll . . . whether in Region 4 or 11

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

what truth?



Folks like yourself who are ardent supporters of the PNC--your hatred and contempt for the Rev is understandable. There is nothing the Rev preaches that you will find agreeable and to your liking.


But 99.9% of PPP supporters will view the Rev's thesis and postulations as almost sacred and divine. They see the truths in the Rev's teachings.








You are one hundred percent correct. PNC supporters will NEVER accept or respect any Indo Guyanese leader. They ate grass and drank sea water but still supported the thug and dictator Burnham. This is a fact.


This sentiment is currently exhibited in the AFC where Nigel (an Afro Guyanese) is the leader of the party. Indos like Moses are playing second fiddle to Nigel, Cathy and Trotman.


Great observations Rev. Who Vex Vex.

Sir, you and the Rev do not presently know what constitute leaders. You support what is clearly  backward and reprobate thinking. Leaders for a multi ethnic nation are not defined by their ethnicity but by the ability to initiate social action that would be sound from whatever perspective.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The Homo T_K/redux has been banned by the Honourable and Respectable yuji. I do not mingle with Dirty PNC Indians.


Redux/T_K/Homo is:




Please add me to your banned list as well if you intend to be a performing seal rather than a reasonable man.


There is no need to ban a DALIT like D2. You have been excluded a long time ago. Stop degrading yourself any further. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The Homo T_K/redux has been banned by the Honourable and Respectable yuji. I do not mingle with Dirty PNC Indians.


Redux/T_K/Homo is:




Please add me to your banned list as well if you intend to be a performing seal rather than a reasonable man.


There is no need to ban a DALIT like D2. You have been excluded a long time ago. Stop degrading yourself any further. 

I see exclude means include  to you...among other topsy turvy things! Sorry, I do not self identify with the dalit clan. I am lucono.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 Rev, You are one hundred percent correct. PNC supporters will NEVER accept or respect any Indo Guyanese leader.


Great observations Rev. Who Vex Vex.

yuji bhai:



The winners(51%) on GNI like yourself cherish the truth, but it's the losers who are deeply offended.



these two low IQ antimen, blowing kisses while giving hand jobs to each other fuh free . . . cute?


ahmmmm . . . how grotesque!


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