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Former Member
Quote from Vish:
4 hours ago

Whilst I was at this meeting, I witnessed a poor display by many of the Executives for the APNC/AFC


An elderly Indian guy was booing at the back.


He was forcefully grabbed and was in the move to be "Chucked Out"


It did not stop there.


These guys then called the NYPD and wanted them to take him out forcefully.


Even "George Correira" had to intervene.


It is clear they had no respect for the US law as he was not disturbing the peace, just in opposition.


It was a sad happening


Replies sorted oldest to newest

AFC / APNU was taking appropriate precautionary action the PPP has a known penchant for violence.


Dr Randy Persaud lied to NY police, arrested during protest


New York -New York police on Friday arrested Dr. Randy Persaud during a protest outside of Club Tobago where President of Guyana, Bharrat Jagdeo, and People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Presidential nominee, Donald Ramotar, were scheduled to hold talks with supporters.
Persaud is the key figure linked to the Office of the President in Guyana and is said to be involved in Government’s propaganda work.

Protestors on Friday in front of Club Tobago where President Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar, PPP/C's Presidential Candidate, were scheduled to speak.

Media reports said that Persaud initially told police that his name is Baron Randolph but he was later identified.
The protest was said to be comprising of persons sympathetic to opposition parties Alliance for Change (AFC) and People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) who made calls for a change in Guyana. There were a number of placards in evidence.
Media reports also said that action was organised by AFC members and led by the PNCR Organising Secretary Brooklyn Chapter, Jennifer Ferreira-Dougall.
There was a police presence and the protestors were behind barriers.
According to sources at the scene, Dr Persaud requested an interview with the protestors. When asked to identify the organization he represented, he reportedly refused to present proper identification and started to mock the gathering.
Invitees said that the protestors were no more than 30 persons with about 20 of them being AFC supporters.
The meeting between Jagdeo and Ramotar and the community organizations representing Guyanese in the area was organised by the Association of Concerned Guyanese (ACG) – USA, among other groups.
Just recently the ACG – New York Chapter of the PPP had issued a statement endorsing the selection of Donald Ramotar as the presidential candidate of the party for the 2011 regional and general elections.
The meeting went ahead without major incident with both the President and Ramotar spoke of the plans for Guyana and criticised Presidential Candidates of AFC and PNCR, Khemraj Ramjattan and David Granger.
The two independent newspapers, Kaieteur News and Stabroek News, also reportedly came under attack from the President and Ramotar.
More than 200 persons attended the meeting, it was reported.


Hooliganism and Brutality are trademarks of the PNC.


Let us not forget the Brutality endured mainly by Indo Guyanese during the 28 Years of PNC Dictatorship.


History can and will repeat itself, Beware of the brutality of the PNC. They will NEVER tolerate free speech and freedom of expression.


The actions of the PNC in the USA is what the PNC is made up of.


Emails, recorded telephone conversation exposeâ€ĶJagdeo/Nandlall/Sattaur plot to kill staff and shutdown K/News

October 4, 2014 | By | Filed Under Heist of Guyana, News 

September 21, 2014

Jagdeo/Sattaur plot to destroy Kaieteur News unearthed

Publisher of the Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall, is in possession of incontrovertible evidence of a plot by former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, and Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Khurshid Sattaur, to bring down Kaieteur News. Confidential documentation, leaked to this publication, reveals that the Commissioner-General provided the former President with detailed tax information of a number of independent media houses in - a a The disclosure of the information by GRA’s Commissioner-General to Jagdeo, represents a grave breach of the ‘Oath of Secrecy’ sworn to by Sattaur as an officer of the Guyana Revenue Authority, said one lawyer. In taking the Oath, Sattaur solemnly declared that he would “truly, faithfully, impartially and honestly execute the powers vested in him.” He also swore that he would “judge and determine upon all matters and things before him without fear, affection, or malice”. And he swore, too, not to disclose any tax information concerning any taxpayer, but this has not been the case. Both Jagdeo and Sattaur are fully aware of the impropriety of their action and as such Sattaur even acknowledged, in the documents, that Jagdeo is expected to treat the information with confidence, said the lawyer. The documents would lift the lid off a few Government officials who have been insisting that all is right in Guyana and democracy is very much alive, he added. Both Kaieteur News and Stabroek News have been on the receiving end of Government’s anger over critical issues like corruption, value for money on projects, and local government elections.


Indo Guyanese can see a repeat of who are being arrested at the request of the PNC. 


Please post more of the what the PNC is capable of.


Beware of the PNC. The days of PNC brutality and suppression of freedom of speech and expression are around the corner.


Vote wisely. Do you want another 28 years of PNC brutality and rigging ?


Vote for brutality, Vote PNC.

Last edited by Former Member

Odinga lumumba to be charged for assaulting election officer

house negroes - odinga lumumba and movado

the glen lall: The Director of Public Prosecutions has recommended that Presidential Adviser Odinga Lumumba be charged for the alleged assault of presiding officer Onika Beckles on Elections Day.
Lumumba is likely to appear in court this week.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

PPP Violent Operative being arrested in New York



Brodaman can attest to the fact that this chap was very violent at this protest.

Bullshit you LYING DOG. I was there!!!


Nehru Bhai


Tell all of your relatives and friends in Guyana and USA. Please remind them of what the PNC is capable of. The PNC will NEVER change.


Moses and Ramjattan have sold out Indo Guyanese to PNC dawgs.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Quote from Vish:
4 hours ago

Whilst I was at this meeting, I witnessed a poor display by many of the Executives for the APNC/AFC


An elderly Indian guy was booing at the back.


He was forcefully grabbed and was in the move to be "Chucked Out"


It did not stop there.


These guys then called the NYPD and wanted them to take him out forcefully.


Even "George Correira" had to intervene.


It is clear they had no respect for the US law as he was not disturbing the peace, just in opposition.


It was a sad happening


You need a bone and Vishnu in his destitution for something sordid to say, throw you a bone.  The only sad thing happening here is Vishnu is an ass at times and you are...well plain stupid.


The fact remains that the PNC will never allow free speech. This is a warning to Guyanese as to what the PNC is all about.


The PNC has changed their name but they remain an oppressive and violent party where no one is allowed to oppose their views.


Moses and Ramjattan sold out Indo Guyanese and are part of a new oppressive PNC movement to silence their opponents.


Shame on the PNC dawgs, they will never change. Not in 100 years.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The fact remains that the PNC will never allow free speech. This is a warning to Guyanese as to what the PNC is all about.


The PNC has changed their name but the they remain an oppressive and violent party where no one is allowed to oppose their views.


Moses and Ramjattan sold out Indo Guyanese and are part of a new oppressive PNC movement to silence their opponents.


Shame on the PNC dawgs, they will never change. Not in 100 years.

Ask Crum-Ewing about free speech in PPP Guyana.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

PPP Violent Operative being arrested in New York



Brodaman can attest to the fact that this chap was very violent at this protest.

Bullshit you LYING DOG. I was there!!!

Very very very violent fella, he was convicted in New York.


The PPP has a well established record of violence in Guyana and in America.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

PPP Violent Operative being arrested in New York



Brodaman can attest to the fact that this chap was very violent at this protest.

Bullshit you LYING DOG. I was there!!!

So why was the Violent protestor arrested? was it because he was polishing his cute nails? or was it because he was putting on lipstick for Jagdeo?


That's not a free speech issue; the inside hecklers were just trying to be wicked.


The outside protesters were vintage PPP.  What is Moses a neemakaram for? Did he sell out Indians or did he sell out Jagan? 


The neemakaram sign is plain racism, if the PPP is implying that Moses working with Granger, a black man, is selling out.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

That's not a free speech issue; the inside hecklers were just trying to be wicked.


The outside protesters were vintage PPP.  What is Moses a neemakaram for? Did he sell out Indians or did he sell out Jagan? 


The neemakaram sign is plain racism, if the PPP is implying that Moses working with Granger, a black man, is selling out.

He once said that he would have to be a neemak haram in order to join the AFC. His own words.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Quote from Vish:
4 hours ago

Whilst I was at this meeting, I witnessed a poor display by many of the Executives for the APNC/AFC


An elderly Indian guy was booing at the back.


He was forcefully grabbed and was in the move to be "Chucked Out"


It did not stop there.


These guys then called the NYPD and wanted them to take him out forcefully.


Even "George Correira" had to intervene.


It is clear they had no respect for the US law as he was not disturbing the peace, just in opposition.


It was a sad happening


You need a bone and Vishnu in his destitution for something sordid to say, throw you a bone.  The only sad thing happening here is Vishnu is an ass at times and you are...well plain stupid.

Happy to see that more people are seeing this jackass for what he really is.

But this is insuting jackases for they are useful can carry some load, this Vishnu can only carry his stink ass lying  mouth.


It is time that the PNC is exposed for their dirty acts.


The PNC has changed their name but they will never change their violent and oppressive nature. 


This reminds me of my fellow Berbicians who were murdered by the PNC just because they refused to allow the PNC to rig.


Take note, the PNC is back and this time they are practicing their dirty ways in the USA, a country of freedom and freedom of expression.


For those who wonder why the PNC is never trusted, read and take a look at those who are being arrested. Take a very close look.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Odinga lumumba to be charged for assaulting election officer

house negroes - odinga lumumba and movado

the glen lall: The Director of Public Prosecutions has recommended that Presidential Adviser Odinga Lumumba be charged for the alleged assault of presiding officer Onika Beckles on Elections Day.
Lumumba is likely to appear in court this week.

PPP violence continues unabated............

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

That's not a free speech issue; the inside hecklers were just trying to be wicked.


The outside protesters were vintage PPP.  What is Moses a neemakaram for? Did he sell out Indians or did he sell out Jagan? 


The neemakaram sign is plain racism, if the PPP is implying that Moses working with Granger, a black man, is selling out.

He once said that he would have to be a neemak haram in order to join the AFC. His own words.



IMRAN KHAN, GEORGETOWN, MARCH 23 --- "I believe I may have figured out part of the reason why the PPP has been failing to attract considerable numbers of people to their public meetings. The PPP is an exclusionary party. This being in addition to the fact that they have lost the confidence of the people.

This evening I was passing through Albouystown. I came upon a PPP meeting at which Kwame Gilbert had just commenced speaking. I thought this to be intriguing as I had heard that Gilbert had become disenchanted and will not be on the PPP campaign trail. In addition, to their credit, the meeting had what appeared to be a decent audience of about 30-40 persons. This was very different to other PPP meetings in Georgetown which have been attracting no one in some instances and no more than 5-10 persons in other instances.

I intended to take a photo of Gilbert speaking and the persons in the background with the intention of posting it here to say that things seem to be picking up for PPP and if they can get people to turn out in Albouystown then we on Team APNU+AFC need to work harder.

I stopped and walked up to the corner where the meeting was being held and I was immediately approached by a rotund chap in a red polo shirt. He became aggressive and abusive towards me. I did not know who he was but he kept coming towards me, pointing his finger at me and declaring loudly that I was “brave”.

The rotund chap kept insisting that I was “brave” to come in front his house.

After I told him I did not know who he was he said he is Taps’ son, that his name is Jason Abdullah and repeated that I was brave to come in front his house. He claimed that I wrote things about him, including that he is a “news carrier”. He signalled his photographer to take my photograph.

Not wanting to cause a further confrontation with this belligerent chap I and the persons I was with left. As we were leaving the photographer took several photos of the vehicle we were in.

No wonder persons are not turning up in any significant numbers at the PPP meetings. These aren’t meetings for Guyanese to turn up to, they are clearly exclusively for PPP sheep and those seem to be in increasing short supply.

And disturbingly why would I be brave for attending a PPP meeting? What bravery is required? Is my life or limb under threat to stand at a roadside and listen to Gilbert or others speak about why people should vote for PPP? Is a PPP public meeting a hostile environment that I should require bravery to be present? What exactly was Abdullah saying? Does he own the roads and sidewalks in Albouystown such that I, a Guyanese, am not permitted to stand peacefully on them and listen to a man speak? Do the PPP and their Little Ceasars feel that this country belongs to them and them alone? I interpret his words to me as threats.

A political campaign is a contest. I am on the APNU+AFC team, I want to know what the other side is saying and how they are doing what they are doing. I want to be at a few of their meetings to gauge the mood of the people there. Despite not being able to attract persons to the vast majority of their public meetings I am impressed with the thought that went into the construction of their speaking platform. It clearly is a good design, raised off the ground, nicely branded with the party colours and appears to have some sort of sound system built in. The PPP should take credit for that. It is just that they need to have people at the meetings to hear their message and not be consigned to speaking to the road on a nightly basis.

On the other hand I welcome PPP folks to APNU+AFC meetings. Come as frequently as you like and bring as many persons as you like. We are inclusive.

The other reason I put this information here is so that should anything happen at any time to me or the vehicle I am using or anyone of the persons I was with you will have already known of this incident.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Quote from Vish:
4 hours ago

Whilst I was at this meeting, I witnessed a poor display by many of the Executives for the APNC/AFC


An elderly Indian guy was booing at the back.


He was forcefully grabbed and was in the move to be "Chucked Out"


It did not stop there.


These guys then called the NYPD and wanted them to take him out forcefully.


Even "George Correira" had to intervene.


It is clear they had no respect for the US law as he was not disturbing the peace, just in opposition.


It was a sad happening




Images (2)
  • APNU meeting 119: he was forced out
  • APNU meeting 120: He was forced out
This was an elderly gentleman who was heavily medicated.
He was just "Booing" Grainger.
The APNU/AFC goons started to flex their muscle.  We are still in the US of A. The freedom of speech is a constitutional right.
This elderly, sick gentleman's rights were trampled upon by APNU/AFC executives( names I have).
NYPD elected to leave this gentleman in the hall but the Goons were fired up and ready to attack this defenseless elderly person
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Quote from Vish:
4 hours ago

Whilst I was at this meeting, I witnessed a poor display by many of the Executives for the APNC/AFC


An elderly Indian guy was booing at the back.


He was forcefully grabbed and was in the move to be "Chucked Out"


It did not stop there.


These guys then called the NYPD and wanted them to take him out forcefully.


Even "George Correira" had to intervene.


It is clear they had no respect for the US law as he was not disturbing the peace, just in opposition.


It was a sad happening




Vish M
Your numbers were grossly inflated and a significant portion of the attendees were observers and not supporters
Originally Posted by Brodaman:

The demons outside Naresa Hall came to make trouble and almost got the asses kicked in. From ass kicker, to side kick, to kick back and now to kick ass! Good think they got wise and left after they saw 400+ people.


Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Your numbers were grossly inflated and a significant portion of the attendees were observers and not supporters
Originally Posted by Brodaman:

The demons outside Naresa Hall came to make trouble and almost got the asses kicked in. From ass kicker, to side kick, to kick back and now to kick ass! Good think they got wise and left after they saw 400+ people.



So tell us about how you is a big shat PPP man now


The PPP is now in daily contact with you to manage their Richmond Hill campaign

Originally Posted by Vish M:
This was an elderly gentleman who was heavily medicated.
He was just "Booing" Grainger.
The APNU/AFC goons started to flex their muscle.  We are still in the US of A. The freedom of speech is a constitutional right.
This elderly, sick gentleman's rights were trampled upon by APNU/AFC executives( names I have).
NYPD elected to leave this gentleman in the hall but the Goons were fired up and ready to attack this defenseless elderly person
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Quote from Vish:
4 hours ago

Whilst I was at this meeting, I witnessed a poor display by many of the Executives for the APNC/AFC


An elderly Indian guy was booing at the back.


He was forcefully grabbed and was in the move to be "Chucked Out"


It did not stop there.


These guys then called the NYPD and wanted them to take him out forcefully.


Even "George Correira" had to intervene.


It is clear they had no respect for the US law as he was not disturbing the peace, just in opposition.


It was a sad happening





PNC will not hesitate to attack anyone including the sick and elderly if anyone opposes them.


The PNC is the same old and rotten PNC.


Vote for PNC = Vote for a return to oppression and violence.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Your numbers were grossly inflated and a significant portion of the attendees were observers and not supporters
Originally Posted by Brodaman:

The demons outside Naresa Hall came to make trouble and almost got the asses kicked in. From ass kicker, to side kick, to kick back and now to kick ass! Good think they got wise and left after they saw 400+ people.




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