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Dave posted:


Carter suggested election in August. PPP Commissioners agree to Carter suggestion for the list. Not a house to house registration. 

So if the PPP agrees with the Carter Center why all the screams about the gov't being "illegal".  They should in fact be lobbying for an August date.

The Carter Center suggested August as a compromise because they fear that Jagdeo's screaming "chase dem out" is heightening the tensions that already exist.  

Of course who has "migrated" will depend on information provided by a Coalition ministry.  You all fervently believe that the gov't will rig and have now given them a perfect path way to do so.  The Persauds will have migrated and the Thompsons will remain in Guyana, with a Brooklyn 2nd home.

It might be worse than a House to House where the PPP will have more input because it will be dealing with real facts, and not what a ministry says that it is.  How will the PPP verify ministry date without doing a House to House to determine whether someone did migrate?

Dave posted:

APNU is in government ( u knows that rite) it will look bad on them if voilence erupted on the street.  

And that would have been obvious to you were you not the die hard black hating racist that even you admitted that you were.

APNU is working with GECOM to do this and will not allow violence from their supporters to offset their strategy of making Jagdeo look like the power grabbing thug who will encourage heightened tensions in his grab for access to oil largesse.

The diplomatic corps already know that Irfaan is an idiot because he showed up with Jagdeo and had nothing to say, even as his goal is to lead the nation.

Jagdeo is allowing his ego to box him into a corner because he sincerely believes that he owns all of Guyana as he already owns the PPP.

caribny posted:
Dave posted:


Carter suggested election in August. PPP Commissioners agree to Carter suggestion for the list. Not a house to house registration. 

So if the PPP agrees with the Carter Center why all the screams about the gov't being "illegal".  They should in fact be lobbying for an August date.

The Carter Center suggested August as a compromise because they fear that Jagdeo's screaming "chase dem out" is heightening the tensions that already exist.  

Of course who has "migrated" will depend on information provided by a Coalition ministry.  You all fervently believe that the gov't will rig and have now given them a perfect path way to do so.  The Persauds will have migrated and the Thompsons will remain in Guyana, with a Brooklyn 2nd home.

It might be worse than a House to House where the PPP will have more input because it will be dealing with real facts, and not what a ministry says that it is.  How will the PPP verify ministry date without doing a House to House to determine whether someone did migrate?

 the Illegal Government will only be caretaker until election. 

Regarding the Persaud and Thomas .. it’s computerize - a one man show to update. Read how Cater Center suggest it can be done, a few tweaking around as agree by all parties is no big deal. 

caribny posted:
Dave posted:

APNU is in government ( u knows that rite) it will look bad on them if voilence erupted on the street.  

And that would have been obvious to you were you not the die hard black hating racist that even you admitted that you were.

APNU is working with GECOM to do this and will not allow violence from their supporters to offset their strategy of making Jagdeo look like the power grabbing thug who will encourage heightened tensions in his grab for access to oil largesse.

The diplomatic corps already know that Irfaan is an idiot because he showed up with Jagdeo and had nothing to say, even as his goal is to lead the nation.

Jagdeo is allowing his ego to box him into a corner because he sincerely believes that he owns all of Guyana as he already owns the PPP.

Why my racialism in this, YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT. 

What does Irfaan has to do with this discussion. 

You are the one box in a corner. Running out of words on the subject. 

caribny posted:
Dave posted:


Carter suggested election in August. PPP Commissioners agree to Carter suggestion for the list. Not a house to house registration. 

So if the PPP agrees with the Carter Center why all the screams about the gov't being "illegal".  They should in fact be lobbying for an August date.

After midnight on March 21, 2019, the individuals still being considered as a government are in an unconstitutional manner.

Carter Center does not dictate, make interpretations nor render decisions on the current issues --- they are in a role similar to all other entities who have opinions on the situation.

Granger government as a caretaker entity must, according to Section 106; subsections  (6) and (7) of the Guyana Constitution, have an election by March 21, 2019.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

Of course who has "migrated" will depend on information provided by a Coalition ministry.  You all fervently believe that the gov't will rig and have now given them a perfect path way to do so.  The Persauds will have migrated and the Thompsons will remain in Guyana, with a Brooklyn 2nd home.

 the Illegal Government will only be caretaker until election. 

Regarding the Persaud and Thomas .. it’s computerize - a one man show to update. Read how Cater Center suggest it can be done, a few tweaking around as agree by all parties is no big deal. 

Are you so limited that you dont know that people can enter and delete data?  Anyway Volda say "me glad because I gun show all dem PPP people done migrate!"

If the PPP agrees to an August date they should be petitioning Granger to allow parliament to meet so that a 2/3 vote can be done to give the gov't up to August.

Instead a few score of them are walking around with dirty card board and illiterate scrawls screaming "de govt illegal".

Jagdeo is in fact angry with the Carter Center for agreeing to a 5 month extension.  Of course I maintain that Jagdeo knows that he isnt ready but needs to heighten your tribal paranoia by pretending that he is, and black violence is imminent.  After all your terror of blackman is why you vote PPP.

Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:


Carter suggested election in August. PPP Commissioners agree to Carter suggestion for the list. Not a house to house registration. 

So if the PPP agrees with the Carter Center why all the screams about the gov't being "illegal".  They should in fact be lobbying for an August date.

After midnight on March 21, 2019, the individuals still being considered as a government are in an unconstitutional manner.

Carter Center does not dictate, make interpretations nor render decisions on the current issues --- they are in a role similar to all other entities who have opinions on the situation.

Granger government as a caretaker entity must, according to Section 106; subsections  (6) and (7) of the Guyana Constitution, have an election by March 21, 2019.

So DG do you think that a nation can function with no parliament for another 5 months?  No it cannot and so the mere fact that the PPP doesnt agree to the proposed extension is because they are angered by the intervention of the Carter Center.

And yes Jagdeo is part of the legislative part of government so if Granger is illegal today so is he.

caribny posted:
Dave posted:

Of course who has "migrated" will depend on information provided by a Coalition ministry.  You all fervently believe that the gov't will rig and have now given them a perfect path way to do so.  The Persauds will have migrated and the Thompsons will remain in Guyana, with a Brooklyn 2nd home.

 the Illegal Government will only be caretaker until election. 

Regarding the Persaud and Thomas .. it’s computerize - a one man show to update. Read how Cater Center suggest it can be done, a few tweaking around as agree by all parties is no big deal. 

Are you so limited that you dont know that people can enter and delete data?  Anyway Volda say "me glad because I gun show all dem PPP people done migrate!"

If the PPP agrees to an August date they should be petitioning Granger to allow parliament to meet so that a 2/3 vote can be done to give the gov't up to August.

Instead a few score of them are walking around with dirty card board and illiterate scrawls screaming "de govt illegal".

Jagdeo is in fact angry with the Carter Center for agreeing to a 5 month extension.  Of course I maintain that Jagdeo knows that he isnt ready but needs to heighten your tribal paranoia by pretending that he is, and black violence is imminent.  After all your terror of blackman is why you vote PPP.

Terror of Blackman HahaHa... you obviously don’t know what you talking. 

Let sleeping does lie. 

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:


Carter suggested election in August. PPP Commissioners agree to Carter suggestion for the list. Not a house to house registration. 

So if the PPP agrees with the Carter Center why all the screams about the gov't being "illegal".  They should in fact be lobbying for an August date.

After midnight on March 21, 2019, the individuals still being considered as a government are in an unconstitutional manner.

Carter Center does not dictate, make interpretations nor render decisions on the current issues --- they are in a role similar to all other entities who have opinions on the situation.

Granger government as a caretaker entity must, according to Section 106; subsections  (6) and (7) of the Guyana Constitution, have an election by March 21, 2019.

So DG do you think that a nation can function with no parliament for another 5 months? 

No it cannot and so the mere fact that the PPP doesnt agree to the proposed extension is because they are angered by the intervention of the Carter Center.

And yes Jagdeo is part of the legislative part of government so if Granger is illegal today so is he.

It has nothing to do with another 5 months, three months, etc..

Again, quite simply ...

Granger government failed to adhere to Section 106; subsections  (6) and (7) of the Guyana Constitution; hence they are now illegally occupying the offices of government.

Dave posted:
caribny posted:


Terror of Blackman HahaHa... you obviously don’t know what you talking. 

Let sleeping does lie. 

I can only judge you by what you write and this hysterical screaming of black violence when you had no evidence that it would occur just shows your mindset.

You admit that you are  a racist and you prove this every day. Thanks to people like you the vast majority of blacks will NEVER vote PPP until they remove people like you from their ranks@!

caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:


Terror of Blackman HahaHa... you obviously don’t know what you talking. 

Let sleeping does lie. 

I can only judge you by what you write and this hysterical screaming of black violence when you had no evidence that it would occur just shows your mindset.

You admit that you are  a racist and you prove this every day. Thanks to people like you the vast majority of blacks will NEVER vote PPP until they remove people like you from their ranks@!

Too bad for your low down thinking majority of blacks love me and I call a spade a spade . 

You wanna say u are not racist ... go fool someone else .

I provide food on the table for 14 blacks family  .. some has been working for me for 11 years.. that say something rite. 

Now disappear. 

Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:


Terror of Blackman HahaHa... you obviously don’t know what you talking. 

Let sleeping does lie. 

I can only judge you by what you write and this hysterical screaming of black violence when you had no evidence that it would occur just shows your mindset.

You admit that you are  a racist and you prove this every day. Thanks to people like you the vast majority of blacks will NEVER vote PPP until they remove people like you from their ranks@!

Too bad for your low down thinking majority of blacks love me and I call a spade a spade . 

You wanna say u are not racist ... go fool someone else .

I provide food on the table for 14 blacks family  .. some has been working for me for 11 years.. that say something rite. 

Now disappear. 

Yes but you make many generalized anti black statements which would embarrass the PPP as they try to bring more blacks under the tent.  The fact that you provide food does not give you the right to denigrate them.  

There are many good hardworking blacks, even some in the PNC!

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:


Terror of Blackman HahaHa... you obviously don’t know what you talking. 

Let sleeping does lie. 

I can only judge you by what you write and this hysterical screaming of black violence when you had no evidence that it would occur just shows your mindset.

You admit that you are  a racist and you prove this every day. Thanks to people like you the vast majority of blacks will NEVER vote PPP until they remove people like you from their ranks@!

Too bad for your low down thinking majority of blacks love me and I call a spade a spade . 

You wanna say u are not racist ... go fool someone else .

I provide food on the table for 14 blacks family  .. some has been working for me for 11 years.. that say something rite. 

Now disappear. 

Yes but you make many generalized anti black statements which would embarrass the PPP as they try to bring more blacks under the tent.  The fact that you provide food does not give you the right to denigrate them.  

There are many good hardworking blacks, even some in the PNC!

If you take the context of providing food as been FREE that’s not what I meant. I specifically say “ employment “ .  

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:


Terror of Blackman HahaHa... you obviously don’t know what you talking. 

Let sleeping does lie. 

I can only judge you by what you write and this hysterical screaming of black violence when you had no evidence that it would occur just shows your mindset.

You admit that you are  a racist and you prove this every day. Thanks to people like you the vast majority of blacks will NEVER vote PPP until they remove people like you from their ranks@!

Too bad for your low down thinking majority of blacks love me and I call a spade a spade . 

You wanna say u are not racist ... go fool someone else .

I provide food on the table for 14 blacks family  .. some has been working for me for 11 years.. that say something rite. 

Now disappear. 

Yes but you make many generalized anti black statements which would embarrass the PPP as they try to bring more blacks under the tent.  The fact that you provide food does not give you the right to denigrate them.  

There are many good hardworking blacks, even some in the PNC!

If you take the context of providing food as been FREE that’s not what I meant. I specifically say “ employment “ .  

And to further add - I am NOT a PPP card holder. Had my bitter share with PPP. I have a long history with them and wouldn’t betray them, irrespective of my experience. 

Personally, PPP NEVER gives me anything. 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:


Terror of Blackman HahaHa... you obviously don’t know what you talking. 

Let sleeping does lie. 

I can only judge you by what you write and this hysterical screaming of black violence when you had no evidence that it would occur just shows your mindset.

You admit that you are  a racist and you prove this every day. Thanks to people like you the vast majority of blacks will NEVER vote PPP until they remove people like you from their ranks@!

Too bad for your low down thinking majority of blacks love me and I call a spade a spade . 

You wanna say u are not racist ... go fool someone else .

I provide food on the table for 14 blacks family  .. some has been working for me for 11 years.. that say something rite. 

Now disappear. 

Yes but you make many generalized anti black statements which would embarrass the PPP as they try to bring more blacks under the tent.  The fact that you provide food does not give you the right to denigrate them.  

There are many good hardworking blacks, even some in the PNC!

If you take the context of providing food as been FREE that’s not what I meant. I specifically say “ employment “ .  

Do you realize your defense makes it look even worse than if you were providing free food.  So they work for you, you make a profit and benefit from their labor and you feel free to denigrate!  No wonder Blacks don’t trust Indians!

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:


Terror of Blackman HahaHa... you obviously don’t know what you talking. 

Let sleeping does lie. 

I can only judge you by what you write and this hysterical screaming of black violence when you had no evidence that it would occur just shows your mindset.

You admit that you are  a racist and you prove this every day. Thanks to people like you the vast majority of blacks will NEVER vote PPP until they remove people like you from their ranks@!

Too bad for your low down thinking majority of blacks love me and I call a spade a spade . 

You wanna say u are not racist ... go fool someone else .

I provide food on the table for 14 blacks family  .. some has been working for me for 11 years.. that say something rite. 

Now disappear. 

Yes but you make many generalized anti black statements which would embarrass the PPP as they try to bring more blacks under the tent.  The fact that you provide food does not give you the right to denigrate them.  

There are many good hardworking blacks, even some in the PNC!

If you take the context of providing food as been FREE that’s not what I meant. I specifically say “ employment “ .  

Do you realize your defense makes it look even worse than if you were providing free food.  So they work for you, you make a profit and benefit from their labor and you feel free to denigrate!  No wonder Blacks don’t trust Indians!

Banna, I was making a reference to Carib not to be ungrateful. Irrespective if I was making a profit or not, I am paying for someone services who appreciate it for 11 years ( that's the way they see it as someone putting food on their table, the same as my supplier  puts food on my table ) If my explanation is misinterpret.. my apology to you and any one. 

Further, what does lack of trust by blacks has to do with Indians. I speak for myself. My opinions are mine. My business was rob multiple times by black and was shoot by blacks, so according to you I should trust NO BLACKS. SMFH.

Dave posted:

Too bad for your low down thinking majority of blacks love me

So you say but your comments about blacks are always negative.  Do you dare say this to their faces.  And given that the vast majority of blacks vote PNC don't think that you can weasel out by screaming "Ah mean only dem PNC black man".

Btw most slave masters in times past screamed that their slaves loved them as well.  Such are the delusions of the incredible racists who scream about how blacks are always complaining.

Your attempts at being brave while 2,000 miles from me hidden behind your device make me laugh.

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:


Terror of Blackman HahaHa... you obviously don’t know what you talking. 

Let sleeping does lie. 

I can only judge you by what you write and this hysterical screaming of black violence when you had no evidence that it would occur just shows your mindset.

You admit that you are  a racist and you prove this every day. Thanks to people like you the vast majority of blacks will NEVER vote PPP until they remove people like you from their ranks@!

Too bad for your low down thinking majority of blacks love me and I call a spade a spade . 

You wanna say u are not racist ... go fool someone else .

I provide food on the table for 14 blacks family  .. some has been working for me for 11 years.. that say something rite. 

Now disappear. 

Yes but you make many generalized anti black statements which would embarrass the PPP as they try to bring more blacks under the tent.  The fact that you provide food does not give you the right to denigrate them.  

There are many good hardworking blacks, even some in the PNC!

Slave masters used to provide food for their slaves as well so why he thinks that this impresses I can only ponder about. 

Does he know what they say about him behind his back?  How many does he have in decent paying management/professional positions?  Because it is evident that this man doesn't know how to deal with educated and independent black people.

Dave posted:

Banna, I was making a reference to Carib not to be ungrateful.

And here he goes.  Showing how disrespectful he is to black people.

1.  You aren't doing me any favors so why should I be grateful to you?

2.  If these were bad employees you would fire them on the spot.

3.  You pay them because they provide service to you, so you should also be grateful for their services.  Its an exchange.  They need a job and you need decent, honest, productive and competent employees. A mutual exchange.

4.  It wouldn't surprise me if you hired them because their economic situation was such that they had to take abuse from you.  This is often the case in Guyana among the lower paid workers.

Baseman posted:


Do you realize your defense makes it look even worse than if you were providing free food.  So they work for you, you make a profit and benefit from their labor and you feel free to denigrate!  No wonder Blacks don’t trust Indians!

And now you see why I cannot be seen around PPP folks.  This behavior is quite common around them.  Look at Rohee's daughter.

And the PPP Head Negro Luncheon screamed that he doesn't see evidence that she is a racist.  Even PPP blacks apparently hate black people!

You all have a lot of work to do before you get significant black support.  The problem is that most of the blacks the PPP deals with are either the criminals (Lumumba, etc.), unscrupulous (Edghill)  self hating (Sam Hinds and Roger Luncheon) or hungry belly types who will sell their souls for a free beer and a roti.


ksazma posted:

Anyone set fiah tuh any business yet?

And you wait with a potential for a massive orgasm if you hear that marauding blacks are killing Indians.  You were extremely angry when this didn't happen after the NCV.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyone set fiah tuh any business yet?

Someone was seen fetching a refrigerator on his back.

Yes it was jagdeo as he needs to get cold beer for his protestors as part of the payment that he promised them.  He can no longer fund crowds from taxpayer funds as he used to do.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyone set fiah tuh any business yet?

And you wait with a potential for a massive orgasm if you hear that marauding blacks are killing Indians.  You were extremely angry when this didn't happen after the NCV.

Bai, yuh nah get tired lying. When did I ever advocated for violence after the NCV. On the other hand, you spent many posts threatening that blacks will resort to violence.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyone set fiah tuh any business yet?

And you wait with a potential for a massive orgasm if you hear that marauding blacks are killing Indians.  You were extremely angry when this didn't happen after the NCV.

Bai, yuh nah get tired lying. When did I ever advocated for violence after the NCV. On the other hand, you spent many posts threatening that blacks will resort to violence.

You were the one screaming about violent black man killing Indians.  I warned that the PNC could give the PPP a hot time.  In your convoluted brain you translated that into racial violence.

kp posted:
Nehru posted:

Kascz, and we thought Trump could LIe, well demdis yah mek Trump looks like a saint

PNC is paying them by the number of lies them can post.

Now go and console Jagdeo as it doesn't look as if the Carter Center likes him.

caribny posted:
kp posted:
Nehru posted:

Kascz, and we thought Trump could LIe, well demdis yah mek Trump looks like a saint

PNC is paying them by the number of lies them can post.

Now go and console Jagdeo as it doesn't look as if the Carter Center likes him.

The man is a true Leader he does not suck up to any Whiteman, he left that for you and your Tribe. When Whiteman talk alyuh does trimble.

kp posted:

Carib did you hear Blacks are killing innocent Indians in Guyana?

 Carib alone beating Drum and dancing, one man band for the PNC, all his Tribe jump ship due to embarrassment.

Its interesting that Dave and Ksazma were screaming their anticipation of this and here you are pretending is if it is I who made that prediction.

Now go and console the rest of you PPP frauds that apparently the world isn't on your side with this fiasco.  The current gov't is NOT illegal and only the PPP wishes to create an event where tensions are heightened.  The PNC learned since 2001 that they don't know how to manage protests in ways that benefit their cause.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyone set fiah tuh any business yet?

And you wait with a potential for a massive orgasm if you hear that marauding blacks are killing Indians.  You were extremely angry when this didn't happen after the NCV.

Bai, yuh nah get tired lying. When did I ever advocated for violence after the NCV. On the other hand, you spent many posts threatening that blacks will resort to violence.

You were the one screaming about violent black man killing Indians.

Can you bring up the post(s) where I did so?

kp posted:

The man is a true Leader he does not suck up to any Whiteman, he left that for you and your Tribe. When Whiteman talk alyuh does trimble.

And just a few days ago Jagdeo was screaming for the ABC nations to invade Guyana and rescue Indo from blackman. 

Now because white man isn't interesting in your squeals you are singing a different tune.  Carter Center wasn't called by the Coalition.  It was Jagdeo who screamed for international intervention and the Center, knowing that the ABC nations have more important issues came to hear what this crying baby called Guyana was wailing about.......AGAIN.

Now why does the Center have no need to go to any Caribbean nation aside from Guyana and maybe Haiti?


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