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Granger condemns arrest of Christopher Jones, political harassment

-demands probe

Christopher Jones

Christopher Jones

August 21 ,2020


Former president David Granger this afternoon condemned the arrest of former Sports Director Christopher Jones and demanded an immediate investigation into what he dubbed a coordinated political attack.

“I take this opportunity to strongly condemn the recent unwarranted and unlawful deprivation of the rights and freedom of Mr. Christopher Jones. As leader of the PNCR and representative of the list from which Christopher Jones was recently extracted to be a Member of Parliament, I call for an immediate end to this season of politically inspired harassment by the PPP,” Granger said in a statement issued this afternoon by the PNCR.

“The actions of ranks of the Guyana Police Force, who blatantly disregarded an order of the court and unlawfully entered the premises of Mr. Christopher Jones; arrested him and illegally seized personal property, must be stoutly condemned and immediately investigated. The PNCR will not allow this type of harassment of former public servants or any citizen by agents of the state to stand.  The PNCR calls on all Guyanese to join us to strongly condemn this abuse of state power and the persecution of an innocent man,” he added.

Granger, who noted that the PNCR stands firmly with Jones and will do everything to ensure that his rights and freedom are no longer violated, said the party is calling for an immediate cessation of harassment and politically inspired witch-hunting’ of current and former public servants.

“The PNCR demands an immediate investigation into what is clearly a well-coordinated and orchestrated political attack,” he added.

Jones, who has since been released, was arrested in the wee hours of this morning after police ranks broke into his home and seized equipment as part of a larceny probe.



My wife visited Guyana just before covid and she brought back a fresh bottle for me. The Guyanese customs started laughing when they saw coconut oil 

My wife pulled out one of my picture and showed it to them, not one grey hair. They stopped laughing and started asking questions about the benefits of coconut oil. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Nehru posted:

The Police should tell Gangster to go Fly Uncle Charlie Kite!!!!!!!!

I just received info that the grant was not directly issued to Jones. If so, then it begs questions as to why were these items stored at his private residence ?  This is a major breaking news.

This story is getting bigger and bigger.

Looks like I will end up with egg on my face after I defended Lampy. 

Last edited by Former Member

Dem APNU/AFC boys filled their pockets real good.  They can party and struggle against the PPP government without worrying how to pay bills.  They took good care of themselves and left the country broke.  

Mitwah can help negotiate the debts the APNU/AFC have with NCN.  Maybe he and Django can do some fundraising to help their beloved parties.

Billy Ram Balgobin

The APNU boys steal and get the token Indians to defend them on GNI. During the past 5 years, they plundered the treasury and let their members believe that they would win the 2020 election, so they don't have to worry about being caught. Then they tried to blame the PPP.

They even get KN to print fake news.

Last edited by Ramakant-P

Dem APNU/AFC boys filled their pockets real good.  They can party and struggle against the PPP government without worrying how to pay bills.  They took good care of themselves and left the country broke.  

Mitwah can help negotiate the debts the APNU/AFC have with NCN.  Maybe he and Django can do some fundraising to help their beloved parties.

Billyram ,discuss the topic ,why bring members in the conversation ? do any members direct you what to do ?

Last edited by Django
@sachin_05 posted:

Twelve Barber chair should cost less than U$2000 or G$400,000 something not right here...

The Man wants to open his own barbershop. So he stole the barbershop equipment.

I remember when the PNC had wanted to open their own bookshop. They used the Police to raid Michael Forde bookshop at PPP headquarters. They stole everything.  Imagine they could even run a bookshop much less a cake shop. This happened in 1974.

@Django posted:

Get the facts ,instead of condoning Police harassment.

If the Coalition Government did such ,there would be different tune singing.

I am not condoning Police Harassment because there isn't any. They are now doing their job that they never did under the  APNU coalition. You should pay attention to statements made by one of your administrators who advocated violence if the APNU/AFC didn't win. I tell it as it is.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I am not condoning Police Harassment because there isn't any.

They are now doing their job that they never did under the  APNU coalition.

You should pay attention to statements made by one of your administrators who advocated violence if the APNU/AFC didn't win. I tell it as it is.

Are you for real ? what job ? harassing political opponents .Baby Kong doing great with barely winning the tainted 2020 elections.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I am not condoning Police Harassment because there isn't any. They are now doing their job that they never did under the  APNU coalition. You should pay attention to statements made by one of your administrators who advocated violence if the APNU/AFC didn't win. I tell it as it is.

Nonsense...chupidness na gat cure.  He is becoming chupider and chupider.

@Django posted:

Get the facts ,instead of condoning Police harassment.

If the Coalition Government did such ,there would be different tune singing.

True bai. And you would either be silent or condemning the newspaper that reported it. Not so long ago you took issue with SN & KN coverage of the PNC attempt to rig the elections. That is politics and we are all guilty of taking sides.

I don't know the circumstances in this matter so will wait on the full details. I read that the Coalition government dragged Ali out of his home at 3AM too but I don't know the circumstances of that matter either so I wouldn't comment on it one way or the other.

@Former Member posted:

It is always easier spending other peoples' money. Jones wasn't interested in deals. He seemed more interested in steals. From the people of Guyana.

How do you know what Jones was interested in?  Jagdeo and Ali stole billions from the people of Guyana and they are getting ready to steal a whole lot more--shameless people.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I am not condoning Police Harassment because there isn't any. They are now doing their job that they never did under the  APNU coalition. You should pay attention to statements made by one of your administrators who advocated violence if the APNU/AFC didn't win. I tell it as it is.

Who cares what you think about anything?  Chupidness na gat cure!

@Former Member posted:

True bai.

And you would either be silent or condemning the newspaper that reported it.

Not so long ago you took issue with SN & KN coverage of the PNC attempt to rig the elections. That is politics and we are all guilty of taking sides.

I don't know the circumstances in this matter so will wait on the full details. I read that the Coalition government dragged Ali out of his home at 3AM too but I don't know the circumstances of that matter either so I wouldn't comment on it one way or the other.

The first sentence shows confusion.

There are lots of issues with the media ,the owners can be named , who stand to gain from the government .Only PNC attempt to rig ? the Elections re-count revealed massive rigging in PPP strongholds.

@Former Member posted:

I found this on the other side where this guy is calling for the killing of PPP members. It turns out he started a company in Florida in October last year but it is now inactive. Maybe it is because he did not file his 2020 Annual Report. The Broward Sheriff should pay him a visit pronto.

Image may contain: 1 person



Image may contain: text that says 'Rawle Hercules 7h· Guyana Defense Force. [GDF) It's is time for a military coup until a new and democratic President can be elected. Stop all of this nonsense. Kill or jail those bastards for ife They have brought back terror to our land, let the sword deal with the sword. I vote for the kill. 4 Comments 7Shares'

Image may contain: text that says 'Rawle Hercules The simple life, am a [Guyoilnease) I am a work-a-holic who enjoys the simple things in life. Add Friend Business Owner er/Engineer at R. Hercules Enterprise LLC. Former Sergeant at United States Army Studied PMP at DeVry University- Miramar, Florida Studied General Studies/Geology Studies at Columbus State University Went to Mackenzie High School, Linden, Guyana'

What's the point ? are the thread being derailed ?

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

The first sentence shows confusion.

There are lots of issues with the media ,the owners can be named , who stand to gain from the government .Only PNC attempt to rig ? the Elections re-count revealed massive rigging in PPP strongholds.

Like the half dozen private citizen you could present your evidence of rigging to a court of law. Unless you afraid the Jagabaat would buss up yuh balls like he did Grainger

@Former Member posted:

I found this on the other side where this guy is calling for the killing of PPP members. It turns out he started a company in Florida in October last year but it is now inactive. Maybe it is because he did not file his 2020 Annual Report. The Broward Sheriff should pay him a visit pronto.

Image may contain: 1 person



Image may contain: text that says 'Rawle Hercules 7h· Guyana Defense Force. [GDF) It's is time for a military coup until a new and democratic President can be elected. Stop all of this nonsense. Kill or jail those bastards for ife They have brought back terror to our land, let the sword deal with the sword. I vote for the kill. 4 Comments 7Shares'

Image may contain: text that says 'Rawle Hercules The simple life, am a [Guyoilnease) I am a work-a-holic who enjoys the simple things in life. Add Friend Business Owner er/Engineer at R. Hercules Enterprise LLC. Former Sergeant at United States Army Studied PMP at DeVry University- Miramar, Florida Studied General Studies/Geology Studies at Columbus State University Went to Mackenzie High School, Linden, Guyana'

The police should break down his door and lock he rass up. This amounts to treason. 

@Former Member posted:

True bai. And you would either be silent or condemning the newspaper that reported it. Not so long ago you took issue with SN & KN coverage of the PNC attempt to rig the elections. That is politics and we are all guilty of taking sides.

I don't know the circumstances in this matter so will wait on the full details. I read that the Coalition government dragged Ali out of his home at 3AM too but I don't know the circumstances of that matter either so I wouldn't comment on it one way or the other.

DJ was silent when a Kulie Ali was dragged out of his home at 3:00 am. Let's wait from him to condemn this illegal act. 

@Django posted:

Most are blind ,they don't see the rigging , boggles my mind about my kind.

Afraid of BabyKong !!! that's for the meekly.

Stop saying people are blind when they don’t agree with you. I can say you are foolish for believing the lies APNU was spreading about election fraud but you would accuse me of name calling. How is the election petition coming along, I am eagerly awaiting to hear all the evidence of election fraud committed by PPP (your worst nightmare)

@Ace posted:

Stop saying people are blind when they don’t agree with you.

I can say you are foolish for believing the lies APNU was spreading about election fraud but you would accuse me of name calling.

How is the election petition coming along, I am eagerly awaiting to hear all the evidence of election fraud committed by PPP (your worst nightmare)

What the re-count revealed ??  well there is name calling ,gathering from the sentence .Duh is for lightweights school of thoughts.

Last edited by Django
@Ace posted:

Stop saying people are blind when they don’t agree with you. I can say you are foolish for believing the lies APNU was spreading about election fraud but you would accuse me of name calling. How is the election petition coming along, I am eagerly awaiting to hear all the evidence of election fraud committed by PPP (your worst nightmare)

My cousin in Guyana, a well educated guy, said anyone who don’t recognize the PNC tried a fast one must be brain dead.  He has a few PNC friends who privately admitted the PNC lost. 

@Django posted:

Can your cousin tell what happened in PPP strongholds on the East Coast Demerara ?

The Jagabaat use jumbie to vote right under the noses of not only PNC hand pick GECOM crew but observers from six political parties, the ABC, the OAS and Caricom. Jagabaat the great not only neutralize Mingo/ Lolobai rigging but buss up Grannger balls...

@Django posted:

The first sentence shows confusion.

There are lots of issues with the media ,the owners can be named , who stand to gain from the government .Only PNC attempt to rig ? the Elections re-count revealed massive rigging in PPP strongholds.

The bitter truth is that neither is my writing confusing nor you reading deficient. All we have here is a case where the truth is getting in your way.

Secondly, regarding those evidence of massive rigging, we don't have to wait very long as the deadline for the petition is a week from tomorrow.. 

@Former Member posted:

I found this on the other side where this guy is calling for the killing of PPP members. It turns out he started a company in Florida in October last year but it is now inactive. Maybe it is because he did not file his 2020 Annual Report. The Broward Sheriff should pay him a visit pronto.

Image may contain: 1 person



Image may contain: text that says 'Rawle Hercules 7h· Guyana Defense Force. [GDF) It's is time for a military coup until a new and democratic President can be elected. Stop all of this nonsense. Kill or jail those bastards for ife They have brought back terror to our land, let the sword deal with the sword. I vote for the kill. 4 Comments 7Shares'

Image may contain: text that says 'Rawle Hercules The simple life, am a [Guyoilnease) I am a work-a-holic who enjoys the simple things in life. Add Friend Business Owner er/Engineer at R. Hercules Enterprise LLC. Former Sergeant at United States Army Studied PMP at DeVry University- Miramar, Florida Studied General Studies/Geology Studies at Columbus State University Went to Mackenzie High School, Linden, Guyana'

@Django posted:

What's the point ? are the thread being derailed ?

I posted it purely for effect and sadly I got the effect I expected. While this person is calling for the murder of a sitting President, you had no condemnation for him but rather if it was intended to derail the thread.

It proves that you only react to these kinds of things when they are directed at a PNC member.

It is now 5 long hours since you questioned my motive and unfortunately at no time during those 5 long hours have you rethink what this person was calling for and return to the thread to condemn him.

@Former Member posted:

I posted it purely for effect and sadly I got the effect I expected. While this person is calling for the murder of a sitting President, you had no condemnation for him but rather if it was intended to derail the thread.

It proves that you only react to these kinds of things when they are directed at a PNC member.

It is now 5 long hours since you questioned my motive and unfortunately at no time during those 5 long hours have you rethink what this person was calling for and return to the thread to condemn him.

 Mature people don't insinuate ,too much finger pointing and dictating what one should say or do. Quite interesting school of thoughts ,every thread a black face have to be plastered in parts of the discussion .

Thread should have been started with heading of the Black fella intent ,so he can get some bashing and perhaps the authorities will pick up on it ,instead of hiding it in the discussions.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

The bitter truth is that neither is my writing confusing nor you reading deficient. All we have here is a case where the truth is getting in your way.

Secondly, regarding those evidence of massive rigging, we don't have to wait very long as the deadline for the petition is a week from tomorrow.. 

The truth disseminating need many grains of salt.

@Former Member posted:

I posted it purely for effect and sadly I got the effect I expected. While this person is calling for the murder of a sitting President, you had no condemnation for him but rather if it was intended to derail the thread.

It proves that you only react to these kinds of things when they are directed at a PNC member.

It is now 5 long hours since you questioned my motive and unfortunately at no time during those 5 long hours have you rethink what this person was calling for and return to the thread to condemn him.

Did you expect anything different?  One of the posse said the PPP leadership will be blown to "smithereens" if they took power.  And they were cheering.

Take comfort in the fact that the PNC not seeing power for a very long time.  they can say what the want, they will stay at the back of the bus until they shed their law-of-the-jungle mentality.

@Former Member posted:

I posted it purely for effect and sadly I got the effect I expected. While this person is calling for the murder of a sitting President, you had no condemnation for him but rather if it was intended to derail the thread.

It proves that you only react to these kinds of things when they are directed at a PNC member.

It is now 5 long hours since you questioned my motive and unfortunately at no time during those 5 long hours have you rethink what this person was calling for and return to the thread to condemn him.

@Django posted:

 Mature people don't insinuate ,too much finger pointing and dictating what one should say or do. Quite interesting school of thoughts ,every thread a black face have to be plastered in parts of the discussion .

Thread should have been started with heading of the Black fella intent ,so he can get some bashing and perhaps the authorities will pick up on it ,instead of hiding it in the discussions.

Still hasn't been able to bring yourself to comment on the man's threat bai. Keep in mind also that I have not mentioned the word black at anytime so I don't know why you feel the needs to mention that in both sentences. It could have been an Indian supporter of the PNC making the same threat and I would have posted it too.

@Tola posted:

Please explain, I don't understand. 

Take this Jones case for instance. The only thing we know for a fact is that some police visited Jones' private residence and asked permission to search his property which he refused on the grounds that the police did not have a search warrant. We learned from another report that the police remained outside his resident until a warrant was issued at around 12:30AM. With that warrant they searched his property confiscated some materials and arrest him before he was subsequently released. Those are the only things we know and as time goes by we will learned how much of this is true or not.

The heading of this article states that there was police harassment. That is untrue because Jones was not harassed at anything during this matter. He wants to claim harassment because it suits his agenda. Labba will tell you that the police and army are mostly aligned with the PNC and Jones being a influential PNC member would have to do something really blatant for the police to even show up at his house to conduct a search.

@Former Member posted:

Take this Jones case for instance. The only thing we know for a fact is that some police visited Jones' private residence and asked permission to search his property which he refused on the grounds that the police did not have a search warrant. We learned from another report that the police remained outside his resident until a warrant was issued at around 12:30AM. With that warrant they searched his property confiscated some materials and arrest him before he was subsequently released. Those are the only things we know and as time goes by we will learned how much of this is true or not.

The heading of this article states that there was police harassment. That is untrue because Jones was not harassed at anything during this matter. He wants to claim harassment because it suits his agenda. Labba will tell you that the police and army are mostly aligned with the PNC and Jones being a influential PNC member would have to do something really blatant for the police to even show up at his house to conduct a search.

How do you determine that there was no harassment, when there was intimidation ? 


Searching a person's home without a warrant is ipso facto illegal.  Disregarding an order of a court is ipso facto contempt.  Let's pay attention to what happens here and track who issued orders to the police to go after Mr. Jones.  For anyone who had doubts the PPP is beginning to show its true colours--a corrupt dictatorship oriented cult.  They must be resisted and removed .

@Tola posted:

How do you determine that there was no harassment, when there was intimidation ? 

'Harassment is a form of discrimination. It includes any unwanted physical or verbal behaviour that offends or humiliates you. Generally, harassment is a behaviour that persists over time. Serious one-time incidents can also sometimes be considered harassment'.

'To intimidate is defined as to frighten someone or to make someone be in awe of you, especially if you do so in order to get what you want. An example of intimidate is to act very tough to scare your enemies'.

Some police station in Guyana lock their gates at night and sometimes don't even answer the phone. Jones search took place after midnight. Is that normal for the Guyana police force, when a surprise warrant search can take place during the day ?


@Totaram posted:

Searching a person's home without a warrant is ipso facto illegal.  Disregarding an order of a court is ipso facto contempt.  Let's pay attention to what happens here and track who issued orders to the police to go after Mr. Jones.  For anyone who had doubts the PPP is beginning to show its true colours--a corrupt dictatorship oriented cult.  They must be resisted and removed .

Its no surprise that the Attorney General is listed on the documents. 

@Totaram posted:

Nandlall is acting like a big time bully.  It is only a matter of time before he and the other cultists are cut down to size.  Let them keep up the harassment and the reaction will certainly come.

During the last PPP government they were known to their voters by  : arrogance, nastiness and vindictiveness and it  looks like this trend is starting again.  

Last edited by Tola
@Tola posted:

What circumstance existed for a night search, when it was a surprise ? 

What matters the most, is that they request a search and was refused permission to do so. Chris demanded a search warrant and they went and got one.  He was very uncooperative. 

When all this died down it will be written in History that the PNC's greatest achievement, is trying to open a barbershop.


@Former Member posted:

When the Police arrest alleged criminals and recover state assets, the bottom house crew label it as intimidation. 

Dem na gat shame. 

I am just surprise that no one is asking what a well to do politician working as a government minister was thinking when he procured a grant intended for struggling Guyanese who can use it to create an independent livelihood. Then storing that in his private residence not even showing any signs of using it for the purpose for which it was procured as illegally as it was obtained. Instead this thread is on 5 pages on a supposed harassment that may never have occurred.

@Ramakant-P posted:

What matters the most, is that they request a search and was refused permission to do so. Chris demanded a search warrant and they went and got one.  He was very uncooperative. 

When all this died down it will be written in History that the PNC's greatest achievement, is trying to open a barbershop.


This is PPP's harassment.

@Ramakant-P posted:

What matters the most, is that they request a search and was refused permission to do so. Chris demanded a search warrant and they went and got one.  He was very uncooperative. 

When all this died down it will be written in History that the PNC's greatest achievement, is trying to open a barbershop.


It may even show that Jones never intended to open a barbershop.


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