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skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

That would increase corruption, to say the least. Thieving is NOT serviced with distinction.

Djangy is being sarcastic, throwing this in the face of the PPP. How soon he forgot that Hammie Green was awarded for being the PNC apex thug. 

H Greene is an antikoolie serial. Nevertheless we do not want to turn him into a hero by persecuting him. Let him die in his bed screaming for another can of condensed milk.


Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the isame level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

Ramotar is on point.  He has every right to give his opinion.  These gentlemen worked under his administration, under his Presidency.  He knows them better than you and I.  He knows how hard they have worked.  Brassington put in some yeoman efforts to build the Marriott.  Ashni Singh is one of the most brilliant men to come out of Guyana. He topped the Caribbean in both O'Levels and A Levels.  He has a PhD in Finance from an acredited British University.  

Whoa! Whoa! So because one has a high education they cannot be considered a thief? 

On the mention of Ramotar on point I agree. Puppeteer BJ had his pointed fingers up Ramotar's ass manipulating him.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Skelly is an old fart who stuck in the past.

Skelly is a good guy. Guyana today is gradually morphing into the old PNC Guyana so Skelly is not off point to make that connection. The burden is on the APNU to prove in 2020 that they are not the old PNC. Until then, the jury is out on them.

Well to each his own,I would reiterate the Coalition don't have to rig elections to win,the numbers are on their side.

Bai, the jury is still out on the 2015 elections. After nearly two decades, Al Gore still haven't conceded the 2000 elections. And that elections result was given more due process than the 2015 one in Guyana.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

Ramotar is on point.  He has every right to give his opinion.  These gentlemen worked under his administration, under his Presidency.  He knows them better than you and I.

He is a dunce and was taking orders from Jagdeo,the leader of the PPP groomed by Cheddi and Janet to take over after their demise.That party will be doomed if it chooses to have a leader for life.

He maybe dunce.  But he was President of a country.  List your credentials and let's compare.

Due to blind voters.

My credentials are earned honestly and will outshine his,I know that fella.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

True, but I believe they were handled in a way to humiliate the PPP and Indians in general.  This is all trumped up charges!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

True, but I believe they were handled in a way to humiliate the PPP and Indians in general.  This is all trumped up charges!

Disagree,let the chips fall where they may.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

True, but I believe they were handled in a way to humiliate the PPP and Indians in general.  This is all trumped up charges!

But that wouldn't surprise me. I have been saying for years now that the Coalition government is hapless. Why would I expect them to do anything with any level of dignity? The charges will take care of themselves. To the brothers' credit, they returned to Guyana to answer their sommons. They didn't stay away like that Simpson dude back when Rodney was murdered.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:

Lock em up!

For what?

Being fat and useless

Ummmm.  Ummmm.  I really want to comment on that.  I am trying really hard not to get personal with you. Can't risk getting ban again.  Bye.

Why do you want to be personal with me...I didn't get personal with you...I called some fat PPP people useless

If you want get even, call some PNC people fat and useless

ksazma posted:
kp posted:
Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:

Lock em up!

For what?

Being fat and useless

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Now, why yuh gun go pick pun Riff's weight? We all lil overweight. Well, I know I am. 

yuh can't insult PPP politicians...all dem PPP people take it personal...they into people worship

Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:

Lock em up!

For what?

Being fat and useless

Ummmm.  Ummmm.  I really want to comment on that.  I am trying really hard not to get personal with you. Can't risk getting ban again.  Bye.

Why do you want to be personal with me...I didn't get personal with you...I called some fat PPP people useless

If you want get even, call some PNC people fat and useless

Correct the discussions are about  the folks in PPP and PNC.

Why attack the messengers who points out their deficiencies in public office.

Last edited by Django
Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Riff posted:

Lock em up!

For what?

Being fat and useless

Ummmm.  Ummmm.  I really want to comment on that.  I am trying really hard not to get personal with you. Can't risk getting ban again.  Bye.

Why do you want to be personal with me...I didn't get personal with you...I called some fat PPP people useless

If you want get even, call some PNC people fat and useless

I agree with Riff here. These people are public people and are open to discussion and criticision. That is why I had to caution Mits about succumbing to his tendencies to comment about peoples' families. I see he still did so yesterday. Hopefully he will one day learn to resist his worst tendencies.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

Ramotar is on point.  He has every right to give his opinion.  These gentlemen worked under his administration, under his Presidency.  He knows them better than you and I.

He is a dunce and was taking orders from Jagdeo,the leader of the PPP groomed by Cheddi and Janet to take over after their demise.That party will be doomed if it chooses to have a leader for life.

He is not a dunce but he was encircled by BJ's "nest of vipers" at OP etc, who undermined him on anything BJ did not agree.  There were some big fights between them, one time Luncheon had to sit them down and make peace.

Ramotar wanted to do some things differently but BJ wanted it his way.  He (BJ) never accepted not being president!

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the isame level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

Ramotar is on point.  He has every right to give his opinion.  These gentlemen worked under his administration, under his Presidency.  He knows them better than you and I.  He knows how hard they have worked.  Brassington put in some yeoman efforts to build the Marriott.  Ashni Singh is one of the most brilliant men to come out of Guyana. He topped the Caribbean in both O'Levels and A Levels.  He has a PhD in Finance from an acredited British University.  

Whoa! Whoa! So because one has a high education they cannot be considered a thief? 

On the mention of Ramotar on point I agree. Puppeteer BJ had his pointed fingers up Ramotar's ass manipulating him.

What did Ashni Singh thief?  He spent 20 years serving his country in various jobs when he could have been building a solid career elsewhere with his family.  Never once was he accused of thiefing.  

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

Ramotar is on point.  He has every right to give his opinion.  These gentlemen worked under his administration, under his Presidency.  He knows them better than you and I.

He is a dunce and was taking orders from Jagdeo,the leader of the PPP groomed by Cheddi and Janet to take over after their demise.That party will be doomed if it chooses to have a leader for life.

He is not a dunce but he was encircled by BJ's "nest of vipers" at OP etc, who undermined him on anything BJ did not agree.  There were some big fights between them, one time Luncheon had to sit them down and make peace.

Ramotar wanted to do some things differently but BJ wanted it his way.  He (BJ) never accepted not being president!

Ramu don't have have leadership qualities,the best and brightest left the PPP since the days when Jagan was in the pastures.When the PPP came to power in 1992 there was no one around to fill the offices,Jagan struggled to find good people.

After Jagan's demise and Jagdeo took over a bunch of poor ass never see come fuh see was put in to offices,few can stand out to be above board and credible.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

Ramotar is on point.  He has every right to give his opinion.  These gentlemen worked under his administration, under his Presidency.  He knows them better than you and I.

He is a dunce and was taking orders from Jagdeo,the leader of the PPP groomed by Cheddi and Janet to take over after their demise.That party will be doomed if it chooses to have a leader for life.

He is not a dunce but he was encircled by BJ's "nest of vipers" at OP etc, who undermined him on anything BJ did not agree.  There were some big fights between them, one time Luncheon had to sit them down and make peace.

Ramotar wanted to do some things differently but BJ wanted it his way.  He (BJ) never accepted not being president!

Ramu don't have have leadership qualities,the best and brightest left the PPP since the days when Jagan was in the pastures.When the PPP came to power in 1992 there was no one around to fill the offices,Jagan struggled to find good people.

After Jagan's demise and Jagdeo took over a bunch of poor ass never see come fuh see was put in to offices,few can stand out to be above board and credible.

So since none of these guys qualify to be President, why don't you go back  and do the job?  I'm sure your expertise, leadership skills, education, and sound experience can be put to good use for the sake of the Guyanese people.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

Ramotar is on point.  He has every right to give his opinion.  These gentlemen worked under his administration, under his Presidency.  He knows them better than you and I.

He is a dunce and was taking orders from Jagdeo,the leader of the PPP groomed by Cheddi and Janet to take over after their demise.That party will be doomed if it chooses to have a leader for life.

He is not a dunce but he was encircled by BJ's "nest of vipers" at OP etc, who undermined him on anything BJ did not agree.  There were some big fights between them, one time Luncheon had to sit them down and make peace.

Ramotar wanted to do some things differently but BJ wanted it his way.  He (BJ) never accepted not being president!

Ramu don't have have leadership qualities,the best and brightest left the PPP since the days when Jagan was in the pastures.When the PPP came to power in 1992 there was no one around to fill the offices,Jagan struggled to find good people.

After Jagan's demise and Jagdeo took over a bunch of poor ass never see come fuh see was put in to offices,few can stand out to be above board and credible.

So since none of these guys qualify to be President, why don't you go back  and do the job?  I'm sure your expertise, leadership skills, education, and sound experience can be put to good use for the sake of the Guyanese people.

Unfortunately diasporas are not welcomed warmly.

There are people there who can do the job,point to note they are not from the PPP.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ramotar is on point.  He has every right to give his opinion.  These gentlemen worked under his administration, under his Presidency.  He knows them better than you and I.  He knows how hard they have worked.  Brassington put in some yeoman efforts to build the Marriott.  Ashni Singh is one of the most brilliant men to come out of Guyana. He topped the Caribbean in both O'Levels and A Levels.  He has a PhD in Finance from an acredited British University.  

Whoa! Whoa! So because one has a high education they cannot be considered a thief? 

On the mention of Ramotar on point I agree. Puppeteer BJ had his pointed fingers up Ramotar's ass manipulating him.

What did Ashni Singh thief?  He spent 20 years serving his country in various jobs when he could have been building a solid career elsewhere with his family.  Never once was he accused of thiefing.  

I never said anything about Ashni being a thief, you on the other hand make it seem because one has a solid educational background they are saints.

cain posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Unfortunately diasporas are not welcomed warmly.


I agree. When Granger was over here, he kept basically asking people for their money only. 

Quite a change from what was said when BJ visited he would use govt card to spend on dem guys, didn't Nehru make mention of that?

Well you believe what Nehru posted  then you believe in zombie.

cain posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Unfortunately diasporas are not welcomed warmly.


I agree. When Granger was over here, he kept basically asking people for their money only. 

Quite a change from what was said when BJ visited he would use govt card to spend on dem guys, didn't Nehru make mention of that?

Yeah. Nehru used to sport up pon de Guyana government credit card. That is why he like Jagdeo so much.

Good thing back then Guyana had money to put pun de credit card. Nowadays, Guyana broke like hell. Just like credit card and dem dreams. 

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

True, but I believe they were handled in a way to humiliate the PPP and Indians in general.  This is all trumped up charges!

It's a ploy to discredit the PPP to give PNC an edge in the 2020 election. Jagdeo get book sense but Granger get street smart. Burnham used to thief buy don't get caught. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

True, but I believe they were handled in a way to humiliate the PPP and Indians in general.  This is all trumped up charges!

It's a ploy to discredit the PPP to give PNC an edge in the 2020 election. Jagdeo get book sense but Granger get street smart. Burnham used to thief buy don't get caught. 

Wha Burnham thief bhai ? there is nothing to show and what book sense Jagdoe got more than Granger ?

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

True, but I believe they were handled in a way to humiliate the PPP and Indians in general.  This is all trumped up charges!

It's a ploy to discredit the PPP to give PNC an edge in the 2020 election. Jagdeo get book sense but Granger get street smart. Burnham used to thief buy don't get caught. 

Wha Burnham thief bhai ? there is nothing to show and what book sense Jagdoe got more than Granger ?

He thief Hope Estate from Amin Sankar.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

No politician is above the law. Anyone who abuses their government held position should be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as any other citizen. Allegations are just that. They still have to be proven guilty so Ramotar should just shut up and let the case be tried in court.

True, but I believe they were handled in a way to humiliate the PPP and Indians in general.  This is all trumped up charges!

It's a ploy to discredit the PPP to give PNC an edge in the 2020 election. Jagdeo get book sense but Granger get street smart. Burnham used to thief buy don't get caught. 

Wha Burnham thief bhai ? there is nothing to show and what book sense Jagdoe got more than Granger ?

He thief Hope Estate from Amin Sankar.

Suh who own Hope Estate ?


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