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D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

 I doubt JJ renounced her US citizenship. And correct me if I am wrong, was not Hoyte Saint Lucian born? At least I have seen reports to that effect. The PNC are simply trolling hither thither to avoid the elections.

red herring and idle gossip . . . Hoyte is Guyana born

He practiced law in the Islands before returning permanently to Guyana, and for sure he didn't own a St. Lucian passport

further, it goes with saying that foreign place of birth is not Constitutionally disqualifying

and, there is a dispositive term in Article 155 . . . "act"

look it up and come again

I have looked at it and have given you my addendum....custom and preference. Common law accepts as legal what has been a practice in the society over some time with no ill consequences. We have had over a generation of acceptable practice of dual citizens in the legislature. I have also seen the PPP arguments as to JJ's eligibility for office. The APNU has many of their legislators with dual citizenship and have never seen to deem it improper. The same for the PPP. Any court  has to take that long standing practice into context with protestations this time. The sole purpose is to invalidate a vote. I do not have to come again. I merely have to point out hypocrisy and the practice of lowest forms of political  dark arts here in hope to avoid being booted from office.

your post is a skundle o bunt to camouflage the argument consequences of repeating idle gossip and poor information

and, Constitutionally, Janet Jagan was eligible to be President

btw, you talking pure skvnt about "Common Law" in this context

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

I have looked at it and have given you my addendum....custom and preference. Common law accepts as legal what has been a practice in the society over some time with no ill consequences. We have had over a generation of acceptable practice of dual citizens in the legislature. I have also seen the PPP arguments as to JJ's eligibility for office. The APNU has many of their legislators with dual citizenship and have never seen to deem it improper. The same for the PPP. Any court  has to take that long standing practice into context with protestations this time. The sole purpose is to invalidate a vote. I do not have to come again. I merely have to point out hypocrisy and the practice of lowest forms of political  dark arts here in hope to avoid being booted from office.

your post is a skundle o bunt to camouflage the argument consequences of repeating idle gossip and poor information

and, Constitutionally, Janet Jagan was eligible to be President

btw, you talking pure skvnt about "Common Law" in this context

I am not deterred by your peculiarity of assaults. They do not make your prose any more precise or intellectually sound. They actually demeans an apparent native lucidity.

In lieu of that I am looking for good sense and practices that has been in the mainstream of the long philosophical debate about what is right and just precepts in a society. Constitutions  are not born out of thin air as athena ( goddess of wisdom by the way) from the head of zeus.

They are abstracted from the traditions and customs of a society.  This area is the fountain head...the well spring for what ultimately becomes constitutional. Britain does not have a formal constitution. Were we still using Privy Council we would be relying on a thousand year legacy of unwritten practices. We now rely on our post colonial legacy

Customs and traditions matter and if a generation allowed legislators to possess dual citizens with out any harm being done to the society, the question arises why does it matter now? The answer to that is self evident; a stupid party allowed itself to be bushwhacked. On that account they want to save their backsides by reaching to invalidate customer practice. 

Last edited by Former Member
comrade posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Dave posted:
D2 posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Looks like Shuman getting toasted slowly.

Both sides know he will pick up at least two votes and their authority to run rough shod over the Guyanese people would have a 90 day term limit. They are hell bent on plotting schemes to discredit him.

Hold on to that promised money. 

There are thousands of Amerindians clamoring for a new day against the corrupt regimes that overlorded on their communities. Granger already earned their contempt and the PPP had 23 years to remedy their plight. Jagdeo broke up Wai Wai land into bantustans and yet awarded Chu Hong more land than all the tribes! Plus we have Dharamlall as an example of that they think of us.Not one of the head honcho present that day intervened on his contemptuous speech.

We are taking names and seeking new alliances to find justice. Lots of disaffected urbanites and intellectuals will gladly come our way. They know that Guyana's future does not lie with the the two party in complete control of the state. It lies in one or the other in a plurality with small parties as checks. Guyanese will never see justice with these two corrupt agencies in control of politics.

This is complete bullcrap.  PPP MPs Alistair Charlie, Pauline Sukhai, and Yvonne Pearson are well respected and vibrant in their Amerindian community.  Stop making up garbage.  You are sounding foolish and desperate.

Pauline Sukhai ( Rosanne Campbell ) looks very respected in her new dentures,.all paid for by the Guyanese taxpayers .

Her name is Pauline Rosanne Campbell Sukhai.  Get the name right.

D2 posted:
ronan posted:

I have looked at it and have given you my addendum....custom and preference. Common law accepts as legal what has been a practice in the society over some time with no ill consequences. We have had over a generation of acceptable practice of dual citizens in the legislature. I have also seen the PPP arguments as to JJ's eligibility for office. The APNU has many of their legislators with dual citizenship and have never seen to deem it improper. The same for the PPP. Any court  has to take that long standing practice into context with protestations this time. The sole purpose is to invalidate a vote. I do not have to come again. I merely have to point out hypocrisy and the practice of lowest forms of political  dark arts here in hope to avoid being booted from office.

your post is a skundle o bunt to camouflage the argument consequences of repeating idle gossip and poor information

and, Constitutionally, Janet Jagan was eligible to be President

btw, you talking pure skvnt about "Common Law" in this context

I am not deterred by your peculiarity of assaults. They do not make your prose any more precise or intellectually sound. They actually demeans an apparent native lucidity.

In lieu of that I am looking for good sense and practices that has been in the mainstream of the long philosophical debate about what is right and just precepts in a society. Constitutions  are not born out of thin air as athena ( goddess of wisdom by the way) from the head of zeus.

They are abstracted from the traditions and customs of a society.  This area is the fountain head...the well spring for what ultimately becomes constitutional. Britain does not have a formal constitution. Were we still using Privy Council we would be relying on a thousand year legacy of unwritten practices. We now rely on our post colonial legacy

Customs and traditions matter and if a generation allowed legislators to possess dual citizens with out any harm being done to the society, the question arises why does it matter now? The answer to that is self evident; a stupid party allowed itself to be bushwhacked. On that account they want to save their backsides by reaching to invalidate customer practice. 

first, you are not  qualified to pronounce either on my "lucidity" or my prose

second, repeating the same meandering, uninformed nonsense over and over and over again responding to nothing in particular only hardens the image of an empty, ego-driven, detached windbag

Mitwah posted:
comrade posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This is complete bullcrap.  PPP MPs Alistair Charlie, Pauline Sukhai, and Yvonne Pearson are well respected and vibrant in their Amerindian community.  Stop making up garbage.  You are sounding foolish and desperate.

Pauline Sukhai ( Rosanne Campbell ) looks very respected in her new dentures,.all paid for by the Guyanese taxpayers .

Yuh mean  better that our GNI Queenee? 

Mits, be  careful how you use the name Queenee pan GNI.  That is a respected name of a respected person, whom many call a friend in real life.

But there could be a queen, who might not even  be close to Queenee. 

ronan posted:

first, you are not  qualified to pronounce either on my "lucidity" or my prose

second, repeating the same meandering, uninformed nonsense over and over and over again responding to nothing in particular only hardens the image of an empty, ego-driven, detached windbag

I consider my self authoritative to crappy attempts at being relevant. Lucidity is overwhelmed by that rambling, nonsense most of the time as with this which does not concern itself what what was said but with  a nonsense rant in the absence of seriousness. 

D2 posted:
ronan posted:

first, you are not  qualified to pronounce either on my "lucidity" or my prose

second, repeating the same meandering, uninformed nonsense over and over and over again responding to nothing in particular only hardens the image of an empty, ego-driven, detached windbag

I consider my self authoritative to crappy attempts at being relevant. Lucidity is overwhelmed by that rambling, nonsense most of the time as with this which does not concern itself what what was said but with  a nonsense rant in the absence of seriousness. 

ress yuhself banna

stop wasting people's time with this insistent, asinine derail of the conversation

Mitwah posted:
ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:
ronan posted:

 and, Constitutionally, Janet Jagan was eligible to be President

Did she ever gave up her US Citizenship? 

she was born in the USA . . . that is NOT an "act"

adopting Guyanese citizenship is an "act"

Did she ever gave up her US Citizenship? Yes or No?

i have no idea whether she renounced her birthright US Citizenship or not

but that is an affirmative something NOT required by the Guyana Constitution for matters being considered here

yuji22 posted:

Took time to read the article and based on allegations of Molestations,  this SICK and Arrogant Pric* Shuman is finished Politically. Those looking for an Amerindian Party need to look elsewhere.

D2 Buckman party died before it was even registered.

Hey Hey Hey.

Given the amount of accusations leveled against members of the PPP which is yet to be proven, one should be hesitant to pass judgment on others prior to full adjudication!

That being said, I doubt he can match the PPP in that community!


Did you take time to read the entire article ? He attacked a Preist and his wife from the Anglican Church. That was a major mistake, he is one arrogant and Sick Pric*. That attack is not an allegation.

The allegations are the molestation claims. Based on my expert analysis, he will be eventually be charged as the victims came forward. The Amerindian community is not taking shyte from so called leaders who allegedly molest young people.

He is finished politically. I repeat, those who are looking for an Amerindian Party need to look elsewhere.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Took time to read the article and based on allegations of Molestations,  this SICK and Arrogant Pric* Shuman is finished Politically. Those looking for an Amerindian Party need to look elsewhere.

D2 Buckman party died before it was even registered.

Hey Hey Hey.

Given the amount of accusations leveled against members of the PPP which is yet to be proven, one should be hesitant to pass judgment on others prior to full adjudication!

That being said, I doubt he can match the PPP in that community!

Rass baij, you tun wan stand up citizen for due process. During PPP time this was not the case, your lot tried and convicted them in the court of public opinion. Now you change your tune. Note that is he own Amerindian people that hurling the accusations against him, yet you ready to give him a pass. 

ronan posted:
D2 posted:
ronan posted:

first, you are not  qualified to pronounce either on my "lucidity" or my prose

second, repeating the same meandering, uninformed nonsense over and over and over again responding to nothing in particular only hardens the image of an empty, ego-driven, detached windbag

I consider my self authoritative to crappy attempts at being relevant. Lucidity is overwhelmed by that rambling, nonsense most of the time as with this which does not concern itself what what was said but with  a nonsense rant in the absence of seriousness. 

ress yuhself banna

stop wasting people's time with this insistent, asinine derail of the conversation

What do you think you do when you do not contribute any information but pretends  allusion to your superior intellect is sufficient?

The APNU is trolling the borders of reason for a means to stay in power. After never having concern themselves that they have a third of their ministers as dual citizens they now want to remain in office by insisting having citizenship makes one invalid for parliament..

Chew on t hat as as the big waste of time. Also,  nonsense quips and quirky allusions only you can understand should remind you what is asinine. 

D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:
ronan posted:

first, you are not  qualified to pronounce either on my "lucidity" or my prose

second, repeating the same meandering, uninformed nonsense over and over and over again responding to nothing in particular only hardens the image of an empty, ego-driven, detached windbag

I consider my self authoritative to crappy attempts at being relevant. Lucidity is overwhelmed by that rambling, nonsense most of the time as with this which does not concern itself what what was said but with  a nonsense rant in the absence of seriousness. 

ress yuhself banna

stop wasting people's time with this insistent, asinine derail of the conversation

What do you think you do when you do not contribute any information but pretends  allusion to your superior intellect is sufficient?

The APNU is trolling the borders of reason for a means to stay in power. After never having concern themselves that they have a third of their ministers as dual citizens they now want to remain in office by insisting having citizenship makes one invalid for parliament..

Chew on t hat as as the big waste of time. Also,  nonsense quips and quirky allusions only you can understand should remind you what is asinine. 

no sir, you don't get away that easy

i brought a shyte load of facts to demolish your childish posts

you have yet to properly refute even one

most sane here are on to your bluff and 'pretend' game

ronan posted:
D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:
ronan posted:

first, you are not  qualified to pronounce either on my "lucidity" or my prose

second, repeating the same meandering, uninformed nonsense over and over and over again responding to nothing in particular only hardens the image of an empty, ego-driven, detached windbag

I consider my self authoritative to crappy attempts at being relevant. Lucidity is overwhelmed by that rambling, nonsense most of the time as with this which does not concern itself what what was said but with  a nonsense rant in the absence of seriousness. 

ress yuhself banna

stop wasting people's time with this insistent, asinine derail of the conversation

What do you think you do when you do not contribute any information but pretends  allusion to your superior intellect is sufficient?

The APNU is trolling the borders of reason for a means to stay in power. After never having concern themselves that they have a third of their ministers as dual citizens they now want to remain in office by insisting having citizenship makes one invalid for parliament..

Chew on t hat as as the big waste of time. Also,  nonsense quips and quirky allusions only you can understand should remind you what is asinine. 

no sir, you don't get away that easy

i brought a shyte load of facts to demolish your childish posts

you have yet to properly refute even one

most sane here are on to your bluff and 'pretend' game

Not one damn thing...reference to the constitution to which I remind you it is not the only guide. Provide some fact that the APNU and the PPP for that matter did not know they ministers were dual citizens. Knowing this and both mutually accepting it for over a generation constitute acceptance of the practice 

I write enough for you to grab on to and not the quirky drivel you pretend serves as a proper response for everything,. 

D2 posted:

. . . reference to the constitution to which I remind you it is not the only guide. Provide some fact that the APNU and the PPP for that matter did not know they ministers were dual citizens.

what exactly does that particular irrelevancy "refute"?

in a matter of Law and the Constitution

as you would say, you argue like a cow

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

. . . reference to the constitution to which I remind you it is not the only guide. Provide some fact that the APNU and the PPP for that matter did not know they ministers were dual citizens.

what exactly does that particular irrelevancy "refute"?

in a matter of Law and the Constitution

as you would say, you argue like a cow

And as cows you do think that it is only the flavor of grass that matters. What matters is custom...both the PPP and the PNC practiced this for a injury to the state arose from the practice. Why is it suddenly a concern? The PNC got caught with their Pants down. Note Ramotar did not try to argue any of these silly things. He could have easily pulled all of the same gutter tricks but  did not. The APNU by habit and custom  feels it can skirt propriety

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

. . . reference to the constitution to which I remind you it is not the only guide. Provide some fact that the APNU and the PPP for that matter did not know they ministers were dual citizens.

what exactly does that particular irrelevancy "refute"?

in a matter of Law and the Constitution

as you would say, you argue like a cow

What matters is custom...

this is just insistent dunceness

waste of my time

Last edited by Former Member
🍆   Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Took time to read the article and based on allegations of Molestations,  this SICK and Arrogant Pric* Shuman is finished Politically. Those looking for an Amerindian Party need to look elsewhere.

D2 Buckman party died before it was even registered.

Hey Hey Hey.

Given the amount of accusations leveled against members of the PPP which is yet to be proven, one should be hesitant to pass judgment on others prior to full adjudication!

That being said, I doubt he can match the PPP in that community!

Rass baij, you tun wan stand up citizen for due process. During PPP time this was not the case, your lot tried and convicted them in the court of public opinion. Now you change your tune. Note that is he own Amerindian people that hurling the accusations against him, yet you ready to give him a pass. 

Here is a new year's gift. 

ronan posted:
D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

. . . reference to the constitution to which I remind you it is not the only guide. Provide some fact that the APNU and the PPP for that matter did not know they ministers were dual citizens.

what exactly does that particular irrelevancy "refute"?

in a matter of Law and the Constitution

as you would say, you argue like a cow

What matters is custom...

this is just insistent dunceness

waste of my time

No, it highlight the nastiness and the invidious means the APNU will go to try to survive when if they were a sound regime with the people backing they would simply chalk it up to being careless and gone on with the elections.

Instead they went to on to suggest 33 is not greater than 32 and that they now the fellow was bribed with no evidence then as  a last resort they would sacrifice a third of their legislators including some of their head honchos just to beg the question on a generational practice.

As I said, they are the crew that cannot paddle straight and they persist they can win races because they have sheeple like you cheering them on. 

D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

. . . reference to the constitution to which I remind you it is not the only guide. Provide some fact that the APNU and the PPP for that matter did not know they ministers were dual citizens.

what exactly does that particular irrelevancy "refute"?

in a matter of Law and the Constitution

as you would say, you argue like a cow

What matters is custom...

this is just insistent dunceness

waste of my time

No, it highlight the nastiness and the invidious means the APNU will go to try to survive when if they were a sound regime with the people backing they would simply chalk it up to being careless and gone on with the elections.

Instead they went to on to suggest 33 is not greater than 32 and that they now the fellow was bribed with no evidence then as  a last resort they would sacrifice a third of their legislators including some of their head honchos just to beg the question on a generational practice.

As I said, they are the crew that cannot paddle straight and they persist they can win races because they have sheeple like you cheering them on. 

fair comment . . . you are entitled to vent

the sheeple part is amusing

but what does all that emptying have to do with Law and the Constitution on matters of MP eligibity . . . huh?

and a small suggestion . . . let the Coalition worry about "sacrifice" of their legislators, arite

i don't think they need crocodile advice from flighty people like you on the way forward

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

fair comment . . . you are entitled

but what does all that have to do with Law and the Constitution on matters of MP eligibity?

That it is not all there is to the proper, right and just way...courts also look to common law ie customs and long standing usages as well as  on codified laws

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
ronan posted:

fair comment . . . you are entitled

but what does all that have to do with Law and the Constitution on matters of MP eligibity?

That it is not all there is to the proper, right and just way...courts also look to common law ie customs and long standing usages as well as  on codified laws

banna, you don't know anything about "common law" in this context

please stop

cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

Shuman and his hopes for a party cork duck. You are now worse than TK. Go grasshop elsewhere. 

He is one sick and arrogant SOB. 

What Shuman is being accused of is minor to what the PPP and APNU are guilty of. I hope his party kicks ass. 

His party will kick shyte. Shuman is a scumbag.

That shameless POS attacked an Anglican Preist and his wife. Combine that with the molestation charges and young victims coming forward. 

That chap is a disgrace to Amerindians.

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
D2 posted:
ronan posted:

fair comment . . . you are entitled

but what does all that have to do with Law and the Constitution on matters of MP eligibity?

That it is not all there is to the proper, right and just way...courts also look to common law ie customs and long standing usages as well as  on codified laws

banna, you don't know anything about "common law" in this context

please stop

Well then help me nuh rather that twiddle your thumbs and pontificate on your  superior intellect. If you ask, I think it is quite suspect you have anything substantial there  given the  long repetitious tete a tete on nothing more than the rationalization of the brazen PNC trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat.

The appeal to the constitution is a ruse plain and simple. It was never a bother before they got caught with their pants down. Why  did they not see this as wrong before?...It was because it was acceptable practice ...and a benign practice at that  going for a generation. It is a sterile court that will not look at this.

Mitwah posted:
🍆   Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Took time to read the article and based on allegations of Molestations,  this SICK and Arrogant Pric* Shuman is finished Politically. Those looking for an Amerindian Party need to look elsewhere.

D2 Buckman party died before it was even registered.

Hey Hey Hey.

Given the amount of accusations leveled against members of the PPP which is yet to be proven, one should be hesitant to pass judgment on others prior to full adjudication!

That being said, I doubt he can match the PPP in that community!

Rass baij, you tun wan stand up citizen for due process. During PPP time this was not the case, your lot tried and convicted them in the court of public opinion. Now you change your tune. Note that is he own Amerindian people that hurling the accusations against him, yet you ready to give him a pass. 

Here is a new year's gift. 

Thanks, I will regift ðŸ†  Image result for Gift Gif  and pass on to Lilly, you can advise him to put it were the sun don't shine. 


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