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Proroguing parliament presents opportunity for gov’t, opposition to agree on agenda – Nandlall

Posted By Staff Writer On November 9, 2014 @ 5:21 am In Local News | No Comments

Facing parliamentary opponents determined to push through a no-confidence motion against the government in the National Assembly tomorrow, Attorney-General Anil Nandlall yesterday urged the opposition to reconsider and said that the suspension of the House presents a “golden opportunity” for both sides to agree on an agenda.

President Donald Ramotar on Tuesday threatened that he will either prorogue (suspend) or dissolve Parliament if the opposition proceeds with its planned motion of no-confidence. The combined opposition – APNU and AFC- remain resolute that they would go ahead with the motion and met on Friday to finalise their plans for specific anticipated government moves tomorrow. If passed, the no-confidence motion would force the President and his Cabinet to resign and general elections would have to be held within three months.

However, with the prorogation of Parliament, the government can win itself breathing room for up to six months then it has to recall Parliament again.

It seems likely that the President would suspend Parliament should the opposition move ahead with the no-confidence motion and while emphasising that he is not committing government to this course, Nandlall, in an interview with Stabroek News yesterday talked-up prorogation. The government, in an ad appearing today also said that prorogation offers an opportunity for the opposition to demonstrate their commitment to consensus building and to work out with the government, a parliamentary agenda that will be beneficial to all Guyanese.

“Prorogation is valid up to six months…so the government can’t go beyond six months and in my view this presents an opportunity for the opposition and the government to return to the table. The prorogation can be recalled at any time and Parliament can resume sitting by another proclamation issued by the President once we arrive at a position so this presents an opportunity for the government and opposition to sit around the table to work out an agenda that will benefit the people of this country,” Nandlall told Stabroek News.

Emphasising that the President has not yet committed to which course he will adopt, the Attorney-General noted the different options available and said each one is provided for by the Constitution.

“Prorogation is an attractive concept because…politics is dynamic and things change quickly in politics…dissolution offers finality, it’s final. Dissolution is final, it means that we’re going to the elections,” he said. “Prorogation offers us, offers the country options and that option is to go back to the table and work a modus vivendi with the opposition and that is the opportunities that the prorogation presents,” the Attorney-General added.

“I hope that the Leader of the Opposition [David Granger] who said that he is interested in consensus-building, he is interested in working together, the option of a prorogation presents him with that golden opportunity,” Nandlall asserted.

He also noted that Granger alluded to “unpredictable consequences” and “I am alluding to predictable consequences.” The ball, he said, is now in Granger’s court for him “to match his words with deeds.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Anil Nandlall is fighting desperately to keep the PPP in power so he can remain minister/AG. This is desperation time. The desperados at Freedom House and OP all want to safeguard their vested interests.

A while back Donald Ramotar was taunting the AFC with "bring it on" and "make my day" with regard to the no-confidence motion. His exiled parrots on this BB were repeating that mantra "bring it on."

Now, the Donald has begun to whistle a new tune with lyrics containing "prorogue" and "dissolve."

Not surprising. The main PPP players are persons with a Stalinist/authoritarian mindset who will do their darnedest to stay in power.

But Nandlall is deluding himself if he thinks the opposition will agree with the PPP regime on any agenda if parliament is prorogued.

No parliament will mean no talks with the undemocratic regime. It will mean streetfighting.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Anil Nandlall is fighting desperately to keep the PPP in power so he can remain minister/AG. This is desperation time. The desperados at Freedom House and OP all want to safeguard their vested interests.

A while back Donald Ramotar was taunting the AFC with "bring it on" and "make my day" with regard to the no-confidence motion. His exiled parrots on this BB were repeating that mantra "bring it on."

Now, the Donald has begun to whistle a new tune with lyrics containing "prorogue" and "dissolve."

Not surprising. The main PPP players are persons with a Stalinist/authoritarian mindset who will do their darnedest to stay in power.

But Nandlall is deluding himself if he thinks the opposition will agree with the PPP regime on any agenda if parliament is prorogued.

No parliament will mean no talks with the undemocratic regime. It will mean streetfighting.



100 percent accurate about Canada:


"However, when the Conservative Party Stephen Harper Government was faced with a no-confidence vote which it was sure to lose, Prime Minister Harper asked the Governor General Her Excellency Michaëlle Jean to prorogue parliament, and she granted the prorogation on December 4, 2008; and given that Canadians perceive elections to be won or lost by specific political parties, one of the arguments used in support of prorogation was: since the Conservatives claimed victory at the election in 2008, then any move to alter that electoral result would be unconstitutional and undemocratic (Desserud, 2009, p.41)."

Originally Posted by Kari:

I believe it is clear that the President can only prorogue Parliament if there is a national emergency. We have to delve into what defines a national emergency in law.

In Stalinist-speak, PPP emergency = national emergency.

Remember the king who said "I am the State"?

Well, PPP is the State/nation. Or so they think.


Ramotar Emergency is we need to thief mo so therefore we need to suspend parliament and allow wholesale thiefin and empty the coffers before the people chase abee out from govament.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Anil Nandlall is fighting desperately to keep the PPP in power so he can remain minister/AG. This is desperation time.

Whats your scenario.  Do you think that the AFC will get 50.1% of the  votes, or APNU?  The PPP is corrupt and incompetent.  The APNU is not an intelligent party, and one that has been prone to internal squabbling for almost a decade.  Guyanese knew that in 2011 and yet they still gave the PPP 49% of the votes and APNU 40%.  And voter turn out tumbled to 68%, vs 85% a scant 10 years before.


So what has either the AFC or APNU done to win 50.1% of the votes?  Do either party have the funds to offset the fact that the PPP has huge benefits of incumbency?  Has the AFC done internal polling to gauge whether those who assert that many of the votes which they got in 2011 in regions 5 and 6 are now disappointed with the AFC?


AFC supporters have had a bad history of over estimating their support.  They operate on the premise that because the PPP and the PNC have very dissatisfied support bases that this automatically translates into votes for the AFC.  It didn't in 2011. 


I know that there are many who worship the ground that Nagamootoo walks in for reasons which they NEVER disclose, but or the rest of us who care little about the PPP what does Nagamootoo represent that is so unique that will lead to the AFC increasing their votes from 10% to 50%.


The "we are not the PPP or the PNC" doesn't work.  Many people prefer the devil they know than the one they don't.  And others, especially younger people, just feel that the whole exercise is a waste of their time so refuse to participate in the political process.


Now HM, Mitwah, and Jalil and jump up and down and call me a racist.  Redux and Mr T can call me "anti AFC" (so reminiscent of the dictatorial behavior of the PPP and the PNC who damn any who disagree with them as the "enemy").


But that doesn't address a very valid problem that the AFC has.


They are going to take Guyana down an expensive path of haing two elections in one year.  The PPP can afford it.  APNU and the AFC cannot, and in any case they haven't even developed effective grass roots organizations.


I know this because Gerhard has left them, even though he is still wishes them well.  He doesn't see the AFC as having the resources to gain more votes than APNU and the PPP combined.  I challenge any of the AFC fanatics sitting down in NY, or Toronto to explain Gerhard's decision.  We all know him to be an man of outstanding integrity, and one of the few who is a GUYANESE at heart (not Indo or Afro or Amerindo). But he did what he did.


Why, if the AFC is poised to win more votes than APNU and the PPP combined?



Originally Posted by caribny:
Redux and Mr T can call me "anti AFC" (so reminiscent of the dictatorial behavior of the PPP and the PNC who damn any who disagree with them as the "enemy").

dude, get a grip . . . how is being "anti-AFC" anything other than my take on your irrationalities and your pique?


i am anti-PPP . . . is that a bad thing?


reflect a bit before u post more nonsense

Last edited by Former Member
You are not Anti AFC you are just not recognizing the realities facing Granger and the PNC.

Granger has squandered all the political capital he got in 2011 and you think he will hold onto that support because black people will just piss away their votes behind him I disagree.

You also ignore the strength of the AFC with Hughes, selfish Trotman and others who have played their cards right with Lindeners etc.

The PNC has never had this formidable an opponent to take black votes away from them.

You are hoping black and young black people stay home that is regressive thinking and I don't see that happening.

Hughes will not campaign for APNU on the AFC platform this time around, the dynamics have changed.

Freddie Kissoon will not be sharing out APNU flyers at AFC campaign events in the next election.
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Anil Nandlall is fighting desperately to keep the PPP in power so he can remain minister/AG. This is desperation time.

Whats your scenario.  Do you think that the AFC will get 50.1% of the  votes, or APNU?  The PPP is corrupt and incompetent.  The APNU is not an intelligent party, and one that has been prone to internal squabbling for almost a decade.  Guyanese knew that in 2011 and yet they still gave the PPP 49% of the votes and APNU 40%.  And voter turn out tumbled to 68%, vs 85% a scant 10 years before.


So what has either the AFC or APNU done to win 50.1% of the votes?  Do either party have the funds to offset the fact that the PPP has huge benefits of incumbency?  Has the AFC done internal polling to gauge whether those who assert that many of the votes which they got in 2011 in regions 5 and 6 are now disappointed with the AFC?


AFC supporters have had a bad history of over estimating their support.  They operate on the premise that because the PPP and the PNC have very dissatisfied support bases that this automatically translates into votes for the AFC.  It didn't in 2011. 


I know that there are many who worship the ground that Nagamootoo walks in for reasons which they NEVER disclose, but or the rest of us who care little about the PPP what does Nagamootoo represent that is so unique that will lead to the AFC increasing their votes from 10% to 50%.


The "we are not the PPP or the PNC" doesn't work.  Many people prefer the devil they know than the one they don't.  And others, especially younger people, just feel that the whole exercise is a waste of their time so refuse to participate in the political process.


Now HM, Mitwah, and Jalil and jump up and down and call me a racist.  Redux and Mr T can call me "anti AFC" (so reminiscent of the dictatorial behavior of the PPP and the PNC who damn any who disagree with them as the "enemy").


But that doesn't address a very valid problem that the AFC has.


They are going to take Guyana down an expensive path of haing two elections in one year.  The PPP can afford it.  APNU and the AFC cannot, and in any case they haven't even developed effective grass roots organizations.


I know this because Gerhard has left them, even though he is still wishes them well.  He doesn't see the AFC as having the resources to gain more votes than APNU and the PPP combined.  I challenge any of the AFC fanatics sitting down in NY, or Toronto to explain Gerhard's decision.  We all know him to be an man of outstanding integrity, and one of the few who is a GUYANESE at heart (not Indo or Afro or Amerindo). But he did what he did.


Why, if the AFC is poised to win more votes than APNU and the PPP combined?



I hear you Carib. Here's my personal opinion briefly. PPP mass support at this moment is at its lowest ebb. The stench of corruption, favoritism, nepotism, crony capitalism has turned droves of folks away from the PPP. Even fair-minded PPP lower rank members admit that in private exchanges.

Given well-planned and coordinated elections campaigns: [1] the AFC will increase its votes and seats; [2] the PNC will not lose its voters, never mind the internal party bickering. Lindeners are on record as asserting that the PNC is still their party. APNU/PNC has to remember mistakes in 2011 elections and rectify them this time. They've already taken some crucial steps like registering GT folks on the PLE. Rohee saw the jump in numbers and squealed like a dethroned fowlcock. APNU has to keep up the momentum and get its voters out. The PPP got only 26,662 votes more than APNU last elections. The PPP Indo-base has dwindled since then, as the 2012 Census shows. APNU stands a chance of winning the presidency. It has promised shared government with AFC getting first preference. AFC may agree or not, depending on their performance in the coming elections. The odds are against the PPP.



HM, your obvious contempt for and condescending posture regarding the 2 most prominent Afro-Guyanese in the AFC empowers the tribal mistrust of people like caribny


your way does not build a transformational multi-racial party dude


and yes, i've been paying close attention . . .



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Anil Nandlall is fighting desperately to keep the PPP in power so he can remain minister/AG. This is desperation time. The desperados at Freedom House and OP all want to safeguard their vested interests.

A while back Donald Ramotar was taunting the AFC with "bring it on" and "make my day" with regard to the no-confidence motion. His exiled parrots on this BB were repeating that mantra "bring it on."

Now, the Donald has begun to whistle a new tune with lyrics containing "prorogue" and "dissolve."

Not surprising. The main PPP players are persons with a Stalinist/authoritarian mindset who will do their darnedest to stay in power.

But Nandlall is deluding himself if he thinks the opposition will agree with the PPP regime on any agenda if parliament is prorogued.

No parliament will mean no talks with the undemocratic regime. It will mean streetfighting.



100 percent accurate about Canada:


"However, when the Conservative Party Stephen Harper Government was faced with a no-confidence vote which it was sure to lose, Prime Minister Harper asked the Governor General Her Excellency Michaëlle Jean to prorogue parliament, and she granted the prorogation on December 4, 2008; and given that Canadians perceive elections to be won or lost by specific political parties, one of the arguments used in support of prorogation was: since the Conservatives claimed victory at the election in 2008, then any move to alter that electoral result would be unconstitutional and undemocratic (Desserud, 2009, p.41)."

There are two things wrong with the above rationalization as to a reason for doing the same in Guyana. Prorogeing parliament in Canada is not the same.


First it is a hybrid parliamentary / federal system. Local autonomous regions, the 10 provinces would only be marginally affected. We did not even have local elections in 2 decades so the PPP would in effect have complete totalitarian dominion over the entire country . 


Secondly, the PPP is a minority government and cannot supplant the majority voice of the people.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
There are two things wrong with the above rationalization as to a reason for doing the same in Guyana. Prorogeing parliament in Canada is not the same.


First it is a hybrid parliamentary / federal system. Local autonomous regions, the 10 provinces would only be marginally affected. We did not even have local elections in 2 decades so the PPP would in effect have complete totalitarian dominion over the entire country . 


Secondly, the PPP is a minority government and cannot supplant the majority voice of the people.



While there is a system of provincial governments, the Canada Federal Government is similar to governments in other countries; in this case Guyana.


Guyana Government similar to the Canada Federal Government is that it can prorogue parliament at an apt time.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Anil Nandlall is fighting desperately to keep the PPP in power so he can remain minister/AG. This is desperation time.

Whats your scenario.  Do you think that the AFC will get 50.1% of the  votes, or APNU?  The PPP is corrupt and incompetent.  The APNU is not an intelligent party, and one that has been prone to internal squabbling for almost a decade.  Guyanese knew that in 2011 and yet they still gave the PPP 49% of the votes and APNU 40%.  And voter turn out tumbled to 68%, vs 85% a scant 10 years before.


So what has either the AFC or APNU done to win 50.1% of the votes?  Do either party have the funds to offset the fact that the PPP has huge benefits of incumbency?  Has the AFC done internal polling to gauge whether those who assert that many of the votes which they got in 2011 in regions 5 and 6 are now disappointed with the AFC?


AFC supporters have had a bad history of over estimating their support.  They operate on the premise that because the PPP and the PNC have very dissatisfied support bases that this automatically translates into votes for the AFC.  It didn't in 2011. 


I know that there are many who worship the ground that Nagamootoo walks in for reasons which they NEVER disclose, but or the rest of us who care little about the PPP what does Nagamootoo represent that is so unique that will lead to the AFC increasing their votes from 10% to 50%.


The "we are not the PPP or the PNC" doesn't work.  Many people prefer the devil they know than the one they don't.  And others, especially younger people, just feel that the whole exercise is a waste of their time so refuse to participate in the political process.


Now HM, Mitwah, and Jalil and jump up and down and call me a racist.  Redux and Mr T can call me "anti AFC" (so reminiscent of the dictatorial behavior of the PPP and the PNC who damn any who disagree with them as the "enemy").


But that doesn't address a very valid problem that the AFC has.


They are going to take Guyana down an expensive path of haing two elections in one year.  The PPP can afford it.  APNU and the AFC cannot, and in any case they haven't even developed effective grass roots organizations.


I know this because Gerhard has left them, even though he is still wishes them well.  He doesn't see the AFC as having the resources to gain more votes than APNU and the PPP combined.  I challenge any of the AFC fanatics sitting down in NY, or Toronto to explain Gerhard's decision.  We all know him to be an man of outstanding integrity, and one of the few who is a GUYANESE at heart (not Indo or Afro or Amerindo). But he did what he did.


Why, if the AFC is poised to win more votes than APNU and the PPP combined?



You have a wrong premise to your  calculation. Any party has to only to gain 34 percent and that is definitely within the reach of the APNY and not a remote possibility for the AFC.

Originally Posted by redux:

HM, your obvious contempt for and condescending posture regarding the 2 most prominent Afro-Guyanese in the AFC empowers the tribal mistrust of people like caribny


your way does not build a transformational multi-racial party dude


and yes, i've been paying close attention . . .



You may call it contempt and condescending I call it honesty.


There is nothing that I have said about leaders in the AFC that you can refute, it is the truth, yes?


If many in the PPP were honest with Jagdeo and these criminals there today early on they would not have become the tyrants they are today.


Many of us today cannot stomach the truth and thats ok, they are willing to turn the cheek because oh its "our leaders" so lets protect and couch the truth.


I will continue to be honest.



President Donald Ramotar on Tuesday threatened that he will either prorogue (suspend) or dissolve Parliament if the opposition proceeds with its planned motion of no-confidence. The combined opposition – APNU and AFC- remain resolute that they would go ahead with the motion and met on Friday to finalise their plans for specific anticipated government moves tomorrow. If passed, the no-confidence motion would force the President and his Cabinet to resign and general elections would have to be held within three months.


However, with the prorogation of Parliament, the government can win itself breathing room for up to six months then it has to recall Parliament again.



Proroguing parliament presents opportunity for gov’t, opposition to agree on agenda – Nandlall, Posted By Staff Writer On November 9, 2014 @ 5:21 am In Local News | No Comments

Immaterial ramblings.


Simple matter ... pass the no-confidence motion.


Elections must then be held within three months; or at a longer time as determined by a large majority of MPs in parliament.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
There are two things wrong with the above rationalization as to a reason for doing the same in Guyana. Prorogeing parliament in Canada is not the same.


First it is a hybrid parliamentary / federal system. Local autonomous regions, the 10 provinces would only be marginally affected. We did not even have local elections in 2 decades so the PPP would in effect have complete totalitarian dominion over the entire country . 


Secondly, the PPP is a minority government and cannot supplant the majority voice of the people.



While there is a system of provincial governments, the Canada Federal Government is similar to governments in other countries; in this case Guyana.


Guyana Government similar to the Canada Federal Government is that it can prorogue parliament at an apt time.

you waste my time....Federal and unicameral single constituency systems are alien creatures

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
There are two things wrong with the above rationalization as to a reason for doing the same in Guyana. Prorogeing parliament in Canada is not the same.


First it is a hybrid parliamentary / federal system. Local autonomous regions, the 10 provinces would only be marginally affected. We did not even have local elections in 2 decades so the PPP would in effect have complete totalitarian dominion over the entire country . 


Secondly, the PPP is a minority government and cannot supplant the majority voice of the people.



While there is a system of provincial governments, the Canada Federal Government is similar to governments in other countries; in this case Guyana.


Guyana Government similar to the Canada Federal Government is that it can prorogue parliament at an apt time.

you waste my time....Federal and unicameral systems single constituency systems are alien creatures

Spending quality time to understand and then issue comments might be an appropriate approach for you, Stormborn.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by redux:

HM, your obvious contempt for and condescending posture regarding the 2 most prominent Afro-Guyanese in the AFC empowers the tribal mistrust of people like caribny


your way does not build a transformational multi-racial party dude


and yes, i've been paying close attention . . .



You may call it contempt and condescending I call it honesty.


There is nothing that I have said about leaders in the AFC that you can refute, it is the truth, yes?


If many in the PPP were honest with Jagdeo and these criminals there today early on they would not have become the tyrants they are today.


Many of us today cannot stomach the truth and thats ok, they are willing to turn the cheek because oh its "our leaders" so lets protect and couch the truth.


I will continue to be honest.



ok poser, in the spirit of "honesty" then, tell us the basis of your statement that Nigel Hughes "did not support the [AFC] 2011 campaign"


oh wait, u pelt da wan then weaseled out with a godlike "[he] did so in the flesh but not in spirit"


i guess that's "truth" and bravery for y'all


actually, klowns like rev do it better


First of all don't call me a poser. If anything you are the friggin poser.


Second I will state here for you clearly to ensure you understand pellucidly what it is that I am saying.


On the campaign trail in 2011 Nigel Hughes campaigned on the AFC platform all over the place and his key phrases were that "I am not a part of the AFC" he also stated "I am not telling you who to vote for" but do not vote for the PPP.


This is a bonafide fact which you can verify in a variety of ways, ask your friends in the AFC and if they have a shred of integrity they will attest to this what I am saying to you here. There is also quite a bit of video out there of Nigel Hughes making these addresses in Linden, NA etc.


Again I will repeat, the truth escapes many like you. But these are the facts, you can attempt to again get personal with me but deal with the facts and what I am saying to you. 


Oh and don't compare me to rev and these other morons how different are you from them in your holier than thou leader worship?


I will also add for you to digest a bit further and this may give you some shitting but that may be good to get the toxins out.


Ask your AFC brethren how much the AFC spent to campaign in Black areas? Ask them to show you the figures in terms of how much they spent campaigning in black areas vs indian ones and why? when you seek those answers then you can bring your ass back here to have an intelligent conversation with me.


Ignorance is a blessing for characters like you, now go do some homework, run along.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
There are two things wrong with the above rationalization as to a reason for doing the same in Guyana. Prorogeing parliament in Canada is not the same.


First it is a hybrid parliamentary / federal system. Local autonomous regions, the 10 provinces would only be marginally affected. We did not even have local elections in 2 decades so the PPP would in effect have complete totalitarian dominion over the entire country . 


Secondly, the PPP is a minority government and cannot supplant the majority voice of the people.



While there is a system of provincial governments, the Canada Federal Government is similar to governments in other countries; in this case Guyana.


Guyana Government similar to the Canada Federal Government is that it can prorogue parliament at an apt time.

you waste my time....Federal and unicameral systems single constituency systems are alien creatures

Spending quality time to understand and then issue comments might be an appropriate approach for you, Stormborn.

It is  good to know you  are an idiot after spending quality time to inform yourself on the differences between federalism and unicameral systems and you still maintain the above opinion.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
There are two things wrong with the above rationalization as to a reason for doing the same in Guyana. Prorogeing parliament in Canada is not the same.


First it is a hybrid parliamentary / federal system. Local autonomous regions, the 10 provinces would only be marginally affected. We did not even have local elections in 2 decades so the PPP would in effect have complete totalitarian dominion over the entire country . 


Secondly, the PPP is a minority government and cannot supplant the majority voice of the people.



While there is a system of provincial governments, the Canada Federal Government is similar to governments in other countries; in this case Guyana.


Guyana Government similar to the Canada Federal Government is that it can prorogue parliament at an apt time.

you waste my time....Federal and unicameral systems single constituency systems are alien creatures

Spending quality time to understand and then issue comments might be an appropriate approach for you, Stormborn.

It is  good to know you  are an idiot after spending quality time to inform yourself on the differences between federalism and unicameral systems and you still maintain the above opinion.

It is good to know you are an idiot -- usual statements while staring at yourself in the mirror.  

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

First of all don't call me a poser. If anything you are the friggin poser.


Second I will state here for you clearly to ensure you understand pellucidly what it is that I am saying.


On the campaign trail in 2011 Nigel Hughes campaigned on the AFC platform all over the place and his key phrases were that "I am not a part of the AFC" he also stated "I am not telling you who to vote for" but do not vote for the PPP.


This is a bonafide fact which you can verify in a variety of ways, ask your friends in the AFC and if they have a shred of integrity they will attest to this what I am saying to you here. There is also quite a bit of video out there of Nigel Hughes making these addresses in Linden, NA etc.


Again I will repeat, the truth escapes many like you. But these are the facts, you can attempt to again get personal with me but deal with the facts and what I am saying to you. 


Oh and don't compare me to rev and these other morons how different are you from them in your holier than thou leader worship?


I will also add for you to digest a bit further and this may give you some shitting but that may be good to get the toxins out.


Ask your AFC brethren how much the AFC spent to campaign in Black areas? Ask them to show you the figures in terms of how much they spent campaigning in black areas vs indian ones and why? when you seek those answers then you can bring your ass back here to have an intelligent conversation with me.


Ignorance is a blessing for characters like you, now go do some homework, run along.

idiot . . . in 2011 Nigel Hughes was not an executive member of the AFC; i am not even sure he was even officially a member of that party


i am not an AFC insider so will stand corrected if this is inaccurate


nevertheless, he campaigned hard for the AFC in Linden and other APNU strongholds; indeed across the whole friggin country


i watched the Linden videotapes . . . what about his soft sell in an APNU stronghold do u find so damning?


are u so bereft and so simple that political cunning requires a tutorial?


if Nigel Hughes was campaigning for APNU (which is what u are saying), what was he doing on the AFC platform event after event after event?


why trust him now?


oh, still waiting to hear from u about the mind meld where u learned that Nigel Hughes campaigned in the flesh, not the spirit


and btw, i will call u whatever i feel like calling u within the rules of this BB, kapeesh? . . . so cut the feeble macho shit, arite?


Shit for brains, it matters not whether he was an executive his wife was a senior executive with the party and he was a senior advisor to the party involved in all high level conversations even though he was not an "elected" executive.


Soft sell my ass. Nigel Hughes as I said earlier which you cannot accept was on the AFC campaign platform using the language I described this was no secret. Several persons raised this as an issue and the leadership of the party was at pains to bring it up with Hughes as a matter of fact one person who broached the subject with him was then pulled aside by Ramjattan to say listen man dial it down. Hughes like Trotman was campaigning in the flesh but not in spirit those are the facts. You were not there, speak about what you know. Then come and peddle your bullshit.


You are obtuse and refuse to accept the realities I have laid out all you can do is rant and rave and try to deflect in the most poor manner possible.


Not an AFC executive, what a friggin dunce you are. You make a great political supporter, dunce and follow blindly. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Shit for brains, it matters not whether he was an executive his wife was a senior executive with the party and he was a senior advisor to the party involved in all high level conversations even though he was not an "elected" executive.


Soft sell my ass. Nigel Hughes as I said earlier which you cannot accept was on the AFC campaign platform using the language I described this was no secret. Several persons raised this as an issue and the leadership of the party was at pains to bring it up with Hughes as a matter of fact one person who broached the subject with him was then pulled aside by Ramjattan to say listen man dial it down. Hughes like Trotman was campaigning in the flesh but not in spirit those are the facts. You were not there, speak about what you know. Then come and peddle your bullshit.


You are obtuse and refuse to accept the realities I have laid out all you can do is rant and rave and try to deflect in the most poor manner possible.


Not an AFC executive, what a friggin dunce you are. You make a great political supporter, dunce and follow blindly. 

the AFC are not my "brethren" . . . u are the insider, not me


your argument about the language Nigel Hughes used on the stump is with yourself; re-read my post


however, my question remains unanswered, if he was so objectionable and harmful to the campaign (pro-APNU, in effect), why was he allowed to continue?


why is he chairman of the party today?


be brave

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If you were listening you would have heard what I said earlier.


The dynamics have changed. Understand that first..............2011 is a very different time. A lot has happened since 2011 to now.


Granger made a deal with Trotman to make him speaker much to the chagrin of a lot of folks, Trotman has openly defied the PNC and pissed them off ruling against them in parliament many times.


The events that led to linden etc. have all created a different reality than what as 2011.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

If you were listening you would have heard what I said earlier.


The dynamics have changed. Understand that first..............2011 is a very different time. A lot has happened since 2011 to now.


Granger made a deal with Trotman to make him speaker much to the chagrin of a lot of folks, Trotman has openly defied the PNC and pissed them off ruling against them in parliament many times.


The events that led to linden etc. have all created a different reality than what as 2011.

Trotman is not the issue here . . . the sitting AFC chairman is what i am talking about


noting the consensus among a group of AFC "insiders" here on GNI that he cannot be trusted; hence his wife, a senior executive member, is also suspect


caribny must be having a good laugh at y'all falling into his "Indo Party II" trap


u can't make this shyte up . . . smh


You are all over the map. Indo party II complete and utter nonsense I bet you like Caribny is of the opinion that I was once a PPP supporter as well. Just reading your comments I can tell that you would easily assume I am a huge supporter of Ramjattan and company as well. You need to try reading more carefully rather than babbling nonsense. You make a lot of assumptions, none based on fact or substance.


Trotman is not the issue but again instead of listening and trying to comprehend what I am saying you venture off into lala land. I brought up the Trotman issue to illustrate that 2011 is not 2014 a lot has changed. Relationships and other points of views have changed.


You yapp a lot but listening and trying to understand seems illusive for you. You can shake your head all you want just hope it doesn't fall off.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are all over the map. Indo party II complete and utter nonsense I bet you like Caribny is of the opinion that I was once a PPP supporter as well.


Trotman is not the issue but again instead of listening and trying to comprehend what I am saying you venture off into lala land. I brought up the Trotman issue to illustrate that 2011 is not 2014 a lot has changed. Relationships and other points of views have changed.


You yapp a lot but listening and trying to understand seems illusive for you. You can shake your head all you want just hope it doesn't fall off.

being "all over the map" is your Freudian projection problem


i direct u to focus and address my observations/questions regarding Nigel Hughes, arite?


it's may be difficult, but you're a smart fella





I have said enough on the Nigel issue my position stands and I have been clear as I could ever be on that issue.


If you feel differently or have a different point of view you are entitled to those views. Your initial nonsense about me having contempt and or condescending views of the leadership of the AFC is complete and utter bull.


Again what I have said stands, you have been unable to refute what I have said. The facts are the facts you nor I can change them.


The Truth can be harsh but it is the truth.

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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I have said enough on the Nigel issue my position stands and I have been clear as I could ever be on that issue.


If you feel differently or have a different point of view you are entitled to those views. Your initial nonsense about me having contempt and or condescending views of the leadership of the AFC is complete and utter bull.


Again what I have said stands, you have been unable to refute what I have said. The facts are the facts you nor I can change them.


The Truth can be harsh but it is the truth.

i suggest u re-review your idle posts these past couple of days re mr Hughes, contextualize, then grab a dictionary and look up "contempt"/"condescending" then get back to me, arite?


it'll do u good

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Anil Nandlall is fighting desperately to keep the PPP in power so he can remain minister/AG. This is desperation time.

Whats your scenario.  Do you think that the AFC will get 50.1% of the  votes, or APNU?  The PPP is corrupt and incompetent.  The APNU is not an intelligent party, and one that has been prone to internal squabbling for almost a decade.  Guyanese knew that in 2011 and yet they still gave the PPP 49% of the votes and APNU 40%.  And voter turn out tumbled to 68%, vs 85% a scant 10 years before.


So what has either the AFC or APNU done to win 50.1% of the votes?  Do either party have the funds to offset the fact that the PPP has huge benefits of incumbency?  Has the AFC done internal polling to gauge whether those who assert that many of the votes which they got in 2011 in regions 5 and 6 are now disappointed with the AFC?


AFC supporters have had a bad history of over estimating their support.  They operate on the premise that because the PPP and the PNC have very dissatisfied support bases that this automatically translates into votes for the AFC.  It didn't in 2011. 


I know that there are many who worship the ground that Nagamootoo walks in for reasons which they NEVER disclose, but or the rest of us who care little about the PPP what does Nagamootoo represent that is so unique that will lead to the AFC increasing their votes from 10% to 50%.


The "we are not the PPP or the PNC" doesn't work.  Many people prefer the devil they know than the one they don't.  And others, especially younger people, just feel that the whole exercise is a waste of their time so refuse to participate in the political process.


Now HM, Mitwah, and Jalil and jump up and down and call me a racist.  Redux and Mr T can call me "anti AFC" (so reminiscent of the dictatorial behavior of the PPP and the PNC who damn any who disagree with them as the "enemy").


But that doesn't address a very valid problem that the AFC has.


They are going to take Guyana down an expensive path of haing two elections in one year.  The PPP can afford it.  APNU and the AFC cannot, and in any case they haven't even developed effective grass roots organizations.


I know this because Gerhard has left them, even though he is still wishes them well.  He doesn't see the AFC as having the resources to gain more votes than APNU and the PPP combined.  I challenge any of the AFC fanatics sitting down in NY, or Toronto to explain Gerhard's decision.  We all know him to be an man of outstanding integrity, and one of the few who is a GUYANESE at heart (not Indo or Afro or Amerindo). But he did what he did.


Why, if the AFC is poised to win more votes than APNU and the PPP combined?



Granger said money is not important for the winning of an election. I tend to agree with him to a point. What APNU and AFC doan understand, not because the government is a thiefing one, that means a good portion of the electorate knows about it or care to know about it. The people ketching dey azzez in every day living to worry about who thiefing what or how much. The opposition need to consider that.

Last edited by seignet
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Redux and Mr T can call me "anti AFC" (so reminiscent of the dictatorial behavior of the PPP and the PNC who damn any who disagree with them as the "enemy").

dude, get a grip . . . how is being "anti-AFC" anything other than my take on your irrationalities and your pique?


i am anti-PPP . . . is that a bad thing?


reflect a bit before u post more nonsense

And if I am "Anti AFC" because I don't see them as a winning party so what?  Ought you not to listen to those who don't support and to attempt to win them over to your side.


89.7% of Guyanese DID NOT support the AFC a scant few years ago.  Various people have various opinions as to why.  It would make more sense to make your case to them and maybe convert them over to you than to insult them.


As of now you have NO evidence that there is a big movement to the AFC so to adopt an adversarial attitude to some one who has issues with how the AFC operates and has questions of it is rank foolishness.  Especially when you have seen conspicuous displays of hostility towards blacks coming from some who support.


To call some one "black sakiwinki" adapting the money as an epithet isn't to demean me.  It is demean even YOU as a black man.  So clearly even the AFC has issues of race within its ranks.  Now how will that reassure those Afro Guyanese who might be reading all of this, and who might be wondering how come the AFC reneged on its ethnic rotation, without explaining why if this is because of those who Nagamootoo brought over from the PPP?

Originally Posted by seignet:
. The people ketching dey azzez in every day living to worry about who thiefing what or how much. The opposition need to consider that.



You are quite correct and so when HM_redux screams that Nagamootoo will get most of the black votes, he misses this point.  Because the MOST alienated person in Guyana is the Afro Guyanese male under 40 y/o and there are lots of them!


Some of them will take GY$5,000 to vote PPP or not to vote and others will think that none of the politicians care about them and so they should busy themselves with their hustles and not wasting time lining up to vote.



So the PPP is corrupt. Well why haven't the AFC and APNU used their power in parliament and influence over the budget process to identify who these corrupt people are, and to bring them up. 


No wonder many people think that the AFC/APNU will be equally corrupt if they were to win!  Talking about corruption, but not attempting to punish those most guilty of it is why many feel that the opposition is weak and useless and that the whole process is fraudulent.


The AFC has the opportunity to do well, but just sitting down in parlament and cussing down the PPP isn't going to cut it. BRINGING the corrupt PPP officials to trial will.


So HM_Redux why hasn't Nagamootoo done so.  As a former PPP official he should know who is corrupt and how they are hiding their ill gotten gains. WHY IS HE PROTECTING THEM!


You want more black people to vote AFC than APNU.  Well ARREST the PPP thieves!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:


caribny must be having a good laugh at y'all falling into his "Indo Party II" trap


u can't make this shyte up . . . smh

No I am not because until 2011 I was a fervent AFC supporter and sent down cash for them.  The PPP was corrupt and racist and the PNC no better, and in addition to that, filled with stupid people. So it was hoped that the AFc would bring a new day.



They went on hiatus after they got into parliament.  I complained that they got lazy and ought to have been building up a grass roots base.  They didn't nothing until Nagamootoo came and then they put all their eggs in the Region 5 and 6 basket.


I asked what would happen if the PNC was unable to get their voters out, as any one who could recall 2011 the PNC didn't start campaigning until a few months before the election and many had given them up for dead.  Gerhard and I had a dialogue and he explained their resource limitations, but conceded that my concerns had merit.  He used to be a frequent poster until the vulgar and racist PPP hooligans ran him off.



Now Nagamootoo has come in and we can see that the AFC now has an INTERNAL race problem as reflected by comments made by HM.


Well as a Proud black man I cannot support the AFC until there is clarification. 


1.  I understand perfectly well why the AFC refuses to join APNU.  I disagree with Gerhard when he says that this will allow the PPP to be beaten.  I predict that it will make no difference as most of the people who supported the AFC would feel betrayed.  If they wanted APNU they would have voted for them.


2.  I also understand why Nagamootoo will be the candidate.  The AFC needs to put on an Indian face if it is to woo over more PPP voters.  Right now the PPP is the dragon to slay as we all know that the PNC is near death.  Once the PPP weakens lots of the race vote that the PNC gets will leave them


3. As far as I know few black people have  a problem with the AFC being Indo party II and indeed I was told that this is how it was perceived by a black man who was over joyed as this would lead the Indian vote to be split and therefore a PPP defeat becoming more likely.  This person is a BLACK AFC SUPPORTER.


Folks just need to own up to it and stop behaving in a vulgar manner.  If AFc puts on an Indian face then racial insecurities suggest that it isn't going to get more of the black vote.  But that doesn't matter because APNU isn't getting more than 40% of the votes, unless Indians boycott the election, so they will be a weak minority party even if they win.


Sadly the points that I made brought out the racism in Jalil, Mitwah and HM_Redux who has now indicted black AFC leaders when he referred to them as selfish. 


Indeed what I feared is indeed true.  The PPP supporters who have fled to the AFC have not changed in their attitude about ethnic domination.  They just have had to leave the PPP (which is why they are refugees) but are clearly not ready for a multi racial Guyana.


How could HM_Redux have made a statement like the black AFC leaders were selfish, or implied that Hughes didn't actively campaign for the AFC, when every one knows that he was a ONE MAN BAND in the black areas while the rest of the AFC was stuck in Berbice.  Indeed I remember seeing a video of poor Gerhard trying to get people in Agricola interested and most of them ignored him because they didn't know who he was.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

You are all over the map.

Why are you arguing with Redux who is clearly a die hard AFC supporter but who is offended by your criticizing and entire group of AFC leaders. 


Were all the black leaders selfish?  Did none of them work to help the AFC in 2011?  Are you implying that they wanted to betray the AFC to help the PNC?  Seems so to me. 


Had you confined your remarks saying that Trotman was selfish that would have been one thing.  But you said that the black AFC leaders were selfish which suggests that there are racial issues WITHIN the AFC.



Interestingly, having undermined them, you then think that Afro Guyanese will view them (none will be the presidential candidate) as being able to ensure that Afro Guyanese will be [roperly represented should the AFC win.


Nagamootoo is a PPP man and the PPP did its best to exclude Afro Guyanese, and Nigel has been very loud about that.  So when blacks see PPP folks arrive and then similar attitudes being introduced it isn't reassuring.


Your comments are quite damaging and if you don't know this, you don't begin to know how Afro Guyanese in general, and grass roots blacks in particular think.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

idiot . . . in 2011 Nigel Hughes was not an executive member of the AFC;

Its obvious that there is a Nagamootoo faction in the AFC.  Hence the attempt to malign Nigel Hughes.


The AFC NEGLECTED the black vote as they rushed to capitalized on the defection of Nagamootoo.  This was because in 2007 Ramjattan had failed to bring votesd with him, unlike Trotman who did.  So he felt that he had to prove himself.


The AFC had a few meetings in G/town, most with the people on the stage out numbering those in the crowd.  At that point Nigel made a heroic effort to energize the attempt to outreach to the black vote.  He did begin to have impact, but sadly it was too little too late.


HM_Redux should tell Nigel Hughes that to his face and see what he gets back.

Last edited by Former Member

CaribJ I was told last note by a Afro Guyanese...

You can never be Burnham....

you are a small rotten potato....

so do not feel Bad


You do not have the Brilliance of A Rodney Either

you cannot comprehend

why Rodney wanted Moses at his Side

and not you, Hammi, Kwame or Rabbi Washington.


 Rodney would never call you King Kong

Rodney would see you as a "Lil Baby Odo"

more like a Black Racist Sakiwinki.

So do not Big up yuh self like a Gorilla.


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