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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PNC has never had this formidable an opponent to take black votes away from them.

You are hoping black and young black people stay home that is regressive thinking and I don't see that happening.

Hughes will not campaign for APNU on the AFC platform this time around, the dynamics have changed.

Freddie Kissoon will not be sharing out APNU flyers at AFC campaign events in the next election.

Hughes campaigned for the AFC in 2011 even though you LIED and claimed that he didn't.


Trotman is no more liked by grass roots blacks than is Granger.  You, like many who aren't black, think that you can stick any black in front of a crowd and they will follow them.



In any case Hughes goes to Linden and wows the crowd and some one asks how come he isn't running for president, what then?  Because they might well feel that they can trust him, but if he has no clout he will not be able to deliver anything to them.  Guyanese don't deal in ideas or ideals.  They deal with people who they think can bring tangible benefits to them..


IF NAGAMOOTOO cannot go in front of black crowds and wow them then there is little that Hughes can DO!


Please note that Sam Hinds, a Lindener, used to be a very popular man, that is until he showed that he was unable to protect Linden from the depradations of the PPP.  So some might see Hughes in the same light.


In 2001 85% voted, falling to 65% in 2006 and increasingly slightly to 68% because the AFC was able to get some of its support back.  So if they collapse this year you have NO PROOF that what happened in 2006 will not happen again.


Region 10, 2001 !8,500 voters (84% turn out)  2006 13,800 voters (63% turn out) 2011 15600 voters (71% turn out).  The AFC vote collapsed by 55% in 2011 and the PPP by 9%.  Not only did more people vote, but clearly some who voted AFC and to a lesser extent PPP, switched to APNU in 2011.


There is a video with Hughes campaigning in Linden.  People were highy impressed with him, but thought that a vote for the AFC was wasted because they were more convinced that APNU would win, or at least gain enough votes to corner the PPP into a minority position.


I am showing FACTS.


What are you showing?

Originally Posted by redux:

HM, your obvious contempt for and condescending posture regarding the 2 most prominent Afro-Guyanese in the AFC empowers the tribal mistrust of people like caribny


your way does not build a transformational multi-racial party dude


and yes, i've been paying close attention . . .



Like I said Indo party II.  Been that way since the AFC conceded to the Nagamootoo factions as they lost confidence in their ability to attract black votes.

Originally Posted by Kari:

I believe it is clear that the President can only prorogue Parliament if there is a national emergency. We have to delve into what defines a national emergency in law.

Don't you know that a risk of a humiliating defeat in an elections that LOOKS free and fair is a "national emergency"?  At least for the PPP who is terrified that Nagamootoo knows where the corpses are buried and arrest the people responsible.


The reality is that EVERY one is worried because NONE of them know who is going to show up to vote.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

When will Granger mek the bold move and merge the PPP and PNC?


Its the next logical step after linden CariBT

When Nigel Hughes and Trotman see what you wrote about ALL black AFC leaders and leave the AFC.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I hear you Carib. Here's my personal opinion briefly. PPP mass support at this moment is at its lowest ebb. The stench of corruption, favoritism, nepotism, crony capitalism has turned droves of folks away from the PPP. Even fair-minded PPP lower rank members admit that in private exchanges.

Given well-planned and coordinated elections campaigns: [1] the AFC will increase its votes and seats; [2] the PNC will not lose its voters, never mind the internal party bickering. Lindeners are on record as asserting that the PNC is still their party. APNU/PNC has to remember mistakes in 2011 elections and rectify them this time. They've already taken some crucial steps like registering GT folks on the PLE. Rohee saw the jump in numbers and squealed like a dethroned fowlcock. APNU has to keep up the momentum and get its voters out. The PPP got only 26,662 votes more than APNU last elections. The PPP Indo-base has dwindled since then, as the 2012 Census shows. APNU stands a chance of winning the presidency. It has promised shared government with AFC getting first preference. AFC may agree or not, depending on their performance in the coming elections. The odds are against the PPP.


  This sounds like reasoned thinking.  Now please deal with HM_Redux as he is behaving like a high school kid running for student govt.




Quote Carib J : Like I said Indo party II.  Been that way since the AFC conceded to the Nagamootoo factions as they lost confidence in their ability to attract black votes.

CaribJ cannot understand the Shit he keep talking about Indo Party II & Indo Refugee is de same like when Jagdeo Scratching his Balls....

So keep saying it if that makes yuh happy....and Scratch yuh Balls too..... Because....

"CaribJ .....Refuse to use his Mind"


Quote Carib J :

Don't you know that a risk of a humiliating defeat in an elections that LOOKS free and fair is a "national emergency"?  At least for the PPP who is terrified that Nagamootoo knows where the corpses are buried and arrest the people responsible.


The reality is that EVERY one is worried because NONE of them know who is going to show up to vote.


CaribJ give it a rest now....

Do you know more than AFC & APNU Leaders...

Should the do what you or the PPP want....Yuh Mad?

"CaribJ .....Refuse to use his Mind"


Quote Carib J : When Nigel Hughes and Trotman see what you wrote about ALL black AFC leaders and leave the AFC.

Yuh think dem playing Phaglee & stupid like you?


"CaribJ .....Refuse to use his Mind"


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I hear you Carib. Here's my personal opinion briefly. PPP mass support at this moment is at its lowest ebb. The stench of corruption, favoritism, nepotism, crony capitalism has turned droves of folks away from the PPP. Even fair-minded PPP lower rank members admit that in private exchanges.

Given well-planned and coordinated elections campaigns: [1] the AFC will increase its votes and seats; [2] the PNC will not lose its voters, never mind the internal party bickering. Lindeners are on record as asserting that the PNC is still their party. APNU/PNC has to remember mistakes in 2011 elections and rectify them this time. They've already taken some crucial steps like registering GT folks on the PLE. Rohee saw the jump in numbers and squealed like a dethroned fowlcock. APNU has to keep up the momentum and get its voters out. The PPP got only 26,662 votes more than APNU last elections. The PPP Indo-base has dwindled since then, as the 2012 Census shows. APNU stands a chance of winning the presidency. It has promised shared government with AFC getting first preference. AFC may agree or not, depending on their performance in the coming elections. The odds are against the PPP.


  This sounds like reasoned thinking.  Now please deal with HM_Redux as he is behaving like a high school kid running for student govt.


 "Who say CaribJ do not have a Brain?" .....

"Look... Like CaribJ using his Mind"


Originally Posted by Jalil:

Quote Carib J : Like I said Indo party II.  Been that way since the AFC conceded to the Nagamootoo factions as they lost confidence in their ability to attract black votes.

CaribJ cannot understand the Shit he keep talking about Indo Party II & Indo Refugee is de same like when Jagdeo Scratching his Balls....

So keep saying it if that makes yuh happy....and Scratch yuh Balls too..... Because....

"CaribJ .....Refuse to use his Mind"


Quote Carib J :

Don't you know that a risk of a humiliating defeat in an elections that LOOKS free and fair is a "national emergency"?  At least for the PPP who is terrified that Nagamootoo knows where the corpses are buried and arrest the people responsible.


The reality is that EVERY one is worried because NONE of them know who is going to show up to vote.


CaribJ give it a rest now....

Do you know more than AFC & APNU Leaders...

Should the do what you or the PPP want....Yuh Mad?

"CaribJ .....Refuse to use his Mind"


Quote Carib J : When Nigel Hughes and Trotman see what you wrote about ALL black AFC leaders and leave the AFC.

Yuh think dem playing Phaglee & stupid like you?


"CaribJ .....Refuse to use his Mind"


Go chat with Gilbakka.  Some how our conversation are more cordial than they are with you, Mitwah and HM.  Maybe he understands Guyana and Guyanese more than you all do, so knows that it isn't this theoretical exercise and that real issues of racial anxiety are very much a feature of Guyanese life.


Ignore where Afro Guyanese are coming from and they will not trust you.  Let HM_Redux say silly things like the black AFC leaders were selfish, and have him pretend that Hughes didn't play a critical role in 2011 and you are just strengthening my contention that the AFC is Indo party II.


I do remember this very kind of reaction from you when you were a staunch PPPite and I told you how racist they were against Afro Guyanese.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

"J" Nigel begging yuh

"Use yuh Mind"

Stop behaving like a Black Racist Sakiwinki

Come on J .... you can do Better..


Go chat with Gilbakka. He is basically saying (in a way that is more diplomatic towards you) what I am saying.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I hear you Carib. Here's my personal opinion briefly. PPP mass support at this moment is at its lowest ebb. The stench of corruption, favoritism, nepotism, crony capitalism has turned droves of folks away from the PPP. Even fair-minded PPP lower rank members admit that in private exchanges.

Given well-planned and coordinated elections campaigns: [1] the AFC will increase its votes and seats; [2] the PNC will not lose its voters, never mind the internal party bickering. Lindeners are on record as asserting that the PNC is still their party. APNU/PNC has to remember mistakes in 2011 elections and rectify them this time. They've already taken some crucial steps like registering GT folks on the PLE. Rohee saw the jump in numbers and squealed like a dethroned fowlcock. APNU has to keep up the momentum and get its voters out. The PPP got only 26,662 votes more than APNU last elections. The PPP Indo-base has dwindled since then, as the 2012 Census shows. APNU stands a chance of winning the presidency. It has promised shared government with AFC getting first preference. AFC may agree or not, depending on their performance in the coming elections. The odds are against the PPP.


  This sounds like reasoned thinking.  Now please deal with HM_Redux as he is behaving like a high school kid running for student govt.


 "Who say CaribJ do not have a Brain?" .....

"Look... Like CaribJ using his Mind"


Analyze what Gilbakka is saying.  No victory for the AFC.  Gains for AFC at the expense of the PPP (attracting Indian votes because of Nagamootoo). APNU not losing much of its base (not venturing to the AFC).


What he said that is most interesting is the potential for a power sharing agreement should APNU win.  No mention of the AFC in bed with the PPP.


If you deal with reality and not with your insecurities you will know that APNU is filled with stupid people who depend much on the AFC brain trust, and so will need the AFC should they win.  Hence the power sharing offer.


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