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Persons leaving as the PPP Presidential Candidate, Mr Donald Ramotar delivers the keynote speech at the PPP's first rally in the 2011 election campaign on Oct 2. Much of what he says in this clip is from the AFC's action plan for Guyana.

Mr Ramotar, in his speech, also took the time to refer to the computer assembled in a wooden case that I commissioned, as a cardboard computer. I understand he used the words jackass and fool during this part of his speech.

By now the PPP ought to know what will follow. That I will happily embark on a spirited public awareness mission with my little computer, now that they have so graciously provided me with the platform. Ramotar's son, Alexei, has gone on a crusade on FaceBook as well, which only serves to expand my platform.

Thank you father and son wavey
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Sounds to me he said also, "Ayuh wan gee back de country to blackman...ayuh wan PNC..."


my heart is with you as you stuggle to free Guyana from racist like this man who cursed you out. His words "ayu wan gee back de country to blackman" I did not know Guyana belong to any one race.

This is what the product of the PPP bottom house meeting.

It has started.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Sounds to me he said also, "Ayuh wan gee back de country to blackman...ayuh wan PNC..."


my heart is with you as you stuggle to free Guyana from racist like this man who cursed you out. His words "ayu wan gee back de country to blackman" I did not know Guyana belong to any one race.

This is what the product of the PPP bottom house meeting.
It has started.

PPP cuss down politics at it's best. This was the treatment Indians could expect since the days of the PNC if you did not embrace the PPP. Some the these canecutters have migrated to NY.
my heart is with you as you stuggle to free Guyana from racist like this man who cursed you out. His words "ayu wan gee back de country to blackman" I did not know Guyana belong to any one race.
This is what the product of the PPP bottom house meeting.
It has started.

GR, is not freeing Guyana from racist and bigotry, he was there to provoke the PPP supporters, and he deserves a good cuss down. The man reacted to some reference made to him by GR or someone else from the AFC. Both of you peddle lies, and I disrespect that very much.
Okay Gerhard, you did a great job with your videos and photos. I get the picture.
Now, I must say my spirits are rising again. The low turnout at PPP Enterprise and Kitty meetings last week bothered me. And, thanks to your persuasive commentary, I wavered a little. But now there's no turning back; I'm supporting the PPP all the way, as I have done all the time.
True, as Gerhard's photos show, buses and trucks were hired to transport PPP supporters to Albion. The Corentyne is large and Party supporters from distant communities needed vehicles to reach Albion. This is where comrade Ramotar's and comrade Jagdeo's fund-raising drives to the USA and Canada come in. The money donated by PPP supporters in North America and other places is being used to finance the Party's elections campaign, as expected. The Party can thus afford to hire trucks and buses to offer its enthusiastic supporters free rides to its rallies. Nothing illegal.
Evidently, a lot of organizational work was done for the Albion rally. Comrade Churchill yesterday mentioned that PPP groups in the area were bypassed in the preparation. If that is so, I hope the Party will recognize its error when planning the other six upcoming rallies as well as the smaller public meetings. The Party needs all hands on deck!
Bookman says: Vote PPP to move Guyana onwards to modernization!
This shows the diminishing support we are experiencing in regio 5 and 6.

We had to bus a ton of people into the region to get people to attend this meeting.

PPP estimates 28k, divide that in half to get the real number per the Club tobago meeting and everything else they usually do. I would say they had 14K.

That is dismal when you compare that to 2006 when we had 25K from berbice in albion none of this convoy from Georgetown and busses galore bringing people in.

The PPP can try all the spin they want we need to face reality uncle book.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Okay Gerhard, you did a great job with your videos and photos. I get the picture.
Now, I must say my spirits are rising again. The low turnout at PPP Enterprise and Kitty meetings last week bothered me. And, thanks to your persuasive commentary, I wavered a little. But now there's no turning back; I'm supporting the PPP all the way, as I have done all the time.
True, as Gerhard's photos show, buses and trucks were hired to transport PPP supporters to Albion. The Corentyne is large and Party supporters from distant communities needed vehicles to reach Albion. This is where comrade Ramotar's and comrade Jagdeo's fund-raising drives to the USA and Canada come in. The money donated by PPP supporters in North America and other places is being used to finance the Party's elections campaign, as expected. The Party can thus afford to hire trucks and buses to offer its enthusiastic supporters free rides to its rallies. Nothing illegal.
Evidently, a lot of organizational work was done for the Albion rally. Comrade Churchill yesterday mentioned that PPP groups in the area were bypassed in the preparation. If that is so, I hope the Party will recognize its error when planning the other six upcoming rallies as well as the smaller public meetings. The Party needs all hands on deck!
Bookman says: Vote PPP to move Guyana onwards to modernization!

nothing like chutney music and dancing to get yuh back in the fold Big Grin
free rum, food and sportin, i am in. Get me there.......

PPP is fooling no one but ourselves. Uncle Book you are trying hard to get faith and I love your strength and passion. But believe me the signs are there, The PPP held depreciation day dont forget that at the stadium and they have been failing to attract people all over berbice.

So that is what you have to look at in the core of berbice we are getting 20-30 people per meeting today at PPP meetings this is brutal.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Okay Gerhard, you did a great job with your videos and photos. I get the picture.
Now, I must say my spirits are rising again. The low turnout at PPP Enterprise and Kitty meetings last week bothered me. And, thanks to your persuasive commentary, I wavered a little. But now there's no turning back; I'm supporting the PPP all the way, as I have done all the time.
True, as Gerhard's photos show, buses and trucks were hired to transport PPP supporters to Albion. The Corentyne is large and Party supporters from distant communities needed vehicles to reach Albion. This is where comrade Ramotar's and comrade Jagdeo's fund-raising drives to the USA and Canada come in. The money donated by PPP supporters in North America and other places is being used to finance the Party's elections campaign, as expected. The Party can thus afford to hire trucks and buses to offer its enthusiastic supporters free rides to its rallies. Nothing illegal.
Evidently, a lot of organizational work was done for the Albion rally. Comrade Churchill yesterday mentioned that PPP groups in the area were bypassed in the preparation. If that is so, I hope the Party will recognize its error when planning the other six upcoming rallies as well as the smaller public meetings. The Party needs all hands on deck!
Bookman says: Vote PPP to move Guyana onwards to modernization!

This means you are not your own man, just part of the herd mentality. Well, I guess that's where most fall.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Persons leaving as the PPP Presidential Candidate, Mr Donald Ramotar delivers the keynote speech at the PPP's first rally in the 2011 election campaign on Oct 2. Much of what he says in this clip is from the AFC's action plan for Guyana.

Mr Ramotar, in his speech, also took the time to refer to the computer assembled in a wooden case that I commissioned, as a cardboard computer. I understand he used the words jackass and fool during this part of his speech.

By now the PPP ought to know what will follow. That I will happily embark on a spirited public awareness mission with my little computer, now that they have so graciously provided me with the platform. Ramotar's son, Alexei, has gone on a crusade on FaceBook as well, which only serves to expand my platform.

Thank you father and son wavey

I am surprised you didn't mention about the two free t-shirt with Donald picture, you collected for you and the young lady that was standing with you on the road.Another thing i was pleased to see you giving your support to Donald Ramotar and the PPP/C.
Originally posted by SJ4321:
Nothing is wrong with providing transportation for persons to attend and event of their own free will the AFC can do the same. Hopefully they'll finally have an audience of more than 1000 people if or when they do.

Dr. Jagan never had to have free rum and food and booze at his events.
We used to get 25000 people from right in Berbice. This is something that you young taps have to learn and understand.

Soon the PPP will dress you up in a Kurta and Dhoti and put you out there to continue making a fool of yourself.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Sounds to me he said also, "Ayuh wan gee back de country to blackman...ayuh wan PNC..."


my heart is with you as you stuggle to free Guyana from racist like this man who cursed you out. His words "ayu wan gee back de country to blackman" I did not know Guyana belong to any one race.

This is what the product of the PPP bottom house meeting.

It has started.

albert and SJ. Hmmmmmmm. This video should be given to the Luncheon so he can say "I dont know".
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by jags:
Dr. Luncheon is a good man he is a wonderful black we have in the PPP.
true but the boys in court have him losing his memory too bad he did not follow in gandani teachings

The chap is sick sick sick sick. He can barely hear in one ears. He has a bed in his office I am not even sure why his excellency is punishing this man and keeping him working at this age.

He should be in america relaxing his final few days with his children.

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