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ronan posted:

last I remember is Felix chasing RK into the arms of the DEA in Suriname . . . 

Quite unlike the PNC government seeking to have Simpson repatriated to face trial for the murder of Dr. Walter Rodney. 

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Shut yuh rass.  The LEGITIMATE FORCE was part and parcel of the 2000's PNC terrorism against mostly Indians.  They were crushed like cockroaches!

who was "crushed" again?

Like you suffering selective amnesia!

last I remember is Felix chasing RK into the arms of the DEA in Suriname . . . and el Presidente Jagdeo wringing he haan and bawling

Last I remember, the PNC Buxton terrorists were humanely put down in droves!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

What kind of a warped mind would compel someone to use the term PPP dawgs when Guyana history stands evidence to the fact that it was only after each PNC election loss that the PNC hooligan supporters sought to wreck havoc around Guyana.  The PPP peaceful protests after the 2015 elections were mocked by the PNC and AFC supporters. It was easy for them to find the confidence and comfort to mock. Had that been another PNC election loss, the city would have been engulfed by fire and fury.

A barefaced racist punk!

bring it on bro!

you think i din notice alyuh prancing around hea talking of violence

uh huh

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Shut yuh rass.  The LEGITIMATE FORCE was part and parcel of the 2000's PNC terrorism against mostly Indians.  They were crushed like cockroaches!

who was "crushed" again?

Like you suffering selective amnesia!

last I remember is Felix chasing RK into the arms of the DEA in Suriname . . . and el Presidente Jagdeo wringing he haan and bawling

Last I remember, the PNC Buxton terrorists were humanely put down in droves!

you mussbe talking bout Fineman who slaughtered Sash Sawh and family on orders of Jagdeo's best fren Raja?

dead men tell no tales

interesting, no?

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

What kind of a warped mind would compel someone to use the term PPP dawgs when Guyana history stands evidence to the fact that it was only after each PNC election loss that the PNC hooligan supporters sought to wreck havoc around Guyana.  The PPP peaceful protests after the 2015 elections were mocked by the PNC and AFC supporters. It was easy for them to find the confidence and comfort to mock. Had that been another PNC election loss, the city would have been engulfed by fire and fury.

A barefaced racist punk!

bring it on bro!

you think i din notice alyuh prancing around hea talking of violence

uh huh

Who talk violence?  You infer what's in your mind, projection they say!

Bibi made a reference to desperate times/measures and you jump to violence!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

What kind of a warped mind would compel someone to use the term PPP dawgs when Guyana history stands evidence to the fact that it was only after each PNC election loss that the PNC hooligan supporters sought to wreck havoc around Guyana.  The PPP peaceful protests after the 2015 elections were mocked by the PNC and AFC supporters. It was easy for them to find the confidence and comfort to mock. Had that been another PNC election loss, the city would have been engulfed by fire and fury.

A barefaced racist punk!

bring it on bro!

you think i din notice alyuh prancing around hea talking of violence

uh huh

Who talk violence?  You infer what's in your mind, projection they say!

Bibi made a reference to desperate times/measures and you jump to violence!



The PPP and their supporters don't have a history of physical violence. That was always an arena proudly maintained by the PNC and their supporters. The PPP had a protest with placards and they got mocked for it. Thank God it wasn't the other way around. GT would have been engulfed in flames.

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ronan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

jagdeo and his 'phantom' crew of Afro murderers and drug pushers will be crushed like cockroaches and immunity will not protect him

he apparently forgot what Felix did to RK when Uncle Sam said ENUF!!

bring the PPP dawgs of war on!

they will be handled summarily with LEGITIMATE FORCE and JUSTICE!

What do you have against Afro murderers?

I don't think the brother ever expressed any opinion on GNI against afro murderers.

Read his first sentence.  

Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:

The PPP and their supporters don't have a history of physical violence. That was always an arena proudly maintained by the PNC and their supporters. The PPP had a protest with placards and they got mocked for it. Thank God it wasn't the other way around. GT would have been engulfed in flames.

Past history is no guarantee of future performance.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

"If they think that they can rig the elections and have the kind of peace that we have now they are wrong; very, very wrong. I hope they are not thinking that in their calculation,” Jagdeo.

Jagdeo like he threatening some slo fiah, mo fiah if PPP lose.

He probably got some Phantom Squad sleeper cells waiting in the shadows 

He is not a coonoomoonoo pushover like Jagan was. The bullyism and lawlessness of the PNC will have to stop by hook or by crook.  Any fool can see that y'all getting ready to rig the elections.  Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

Listen stupid woman. I don't belong to any political party in Guyana, send them money or work on their behalf and I'm certainly not involved in any plans to rig elections. I leave that for fools like you who run around licking PPP politicians' BT in RH.

Y'all talking nuff fat lately. End of peace, by hook or by crook, desperate measures. Do like a crapaud and jump if y'all think you have mo seed than bolanjay. You will be dealt with accordingly.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

"If they think that they can rig the elections and have the kind of peace that we have now they are wrong; very, very wrong. I hope they are not thinking that in their calculation,” Jagdeo.

Jagdeo like he threatening some slo fiah, mo fiah if PPP lose.

He probably got some Phantom Squad sleeper cells waiting in the shadows 

He is not a coonoomoonoo pushover like Jagan was. The bullyism and lawlessness of the PNC will have to stop by hook or by crook.  Any fool can see that y'all getting ready to rig the elections.  Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

Listen stupid woman. I don't belong to any political party in Guyana, send them money or work on their behalf and I'm certainly not involved in any plans to rig elections. I leave that for fools like you who run around licking PPP politicians' BT in RH.

Y'all talking nuff fat lately. End of peace, by hook or by crook, desperate measures. Do like a crapaud and jump if y'all think you have mo seed than bolanjay. You will be dealt with accordingly.

What do you mean you don't belong to a political party?  PNC is a political party.  Or you does just show up there for free food.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

"If they think that they can rig the elections and have the kind of peace that we have now they are wrong; very, very wrong. I hope they are not thinking that in their calculation,” Jagdeo.

Jagdeo like he threatening some slo fiah, mo fiah if PPP lose.

He probably got some Phantom Squad sleeper cells waiting in the shadows 

He is not a coonoomoonoo pushover like Jagan was. The bullyism and lawlessness of the PNC will have to stop by hook or by crook.  Any fool can see that y'all getting ready to rig the elections.  Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

Listen stupid woman. I don't belong to any political party in Guyana, send them money or work on their behalf and I'm certainly not involved in any plans to rig elections. I leave that for fools like you who run around licking PPP politicians' BT in RH.

Y'all talking nuff fat lately. End of peace, by hook or by crook, desperate measures. Do like a crapaud and jump if y'all think you have mo seed than bolanjay. You will be dealt with accordingly.

What do you mean you don't belong to a political party?  PNC is a political party.  Or you does just show up there for free food.

Is that the reason why you go to Jagdeo's events? For free food? You're real desperate.

Girl, go out in the world and find yourself a good man. You're not going to find one here making an ass of yourself. 


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