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@Former Member posted:

Any refusal of Granger to leave office after declaration will be resisted – Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo
Bharrat Jagdeo

Risking East Indian poor people lives to rule Africans ,who racially hate you and do not want to be ruled by you, is not the right approach. We must rule our own people. The peaceful struggle for our own independent sovereign country for East Indians of Guyana, Douglas who love their East Indian heritage and the allies of the East Indian people of Guyana regardless of race or religion is the only workable solution.

Last edited by Prashad

Yuh think Blacks are going to allow Jagdeo and Ali to govern them? They are telling the whole world, "it is not going to happen."

Guyana is not a democratic country, so elections do not dictate. The PPP do not have elections, it is decreed by the strongman. If democracy and respect for all the guyanese ppl does not matter then why respect the votes. 

@Former Member posted:

The Party knows who is good or bad for itself. 233,334 voters have no problem with Jagdeo.

The staunch support of the PPP is so screwed up that if all they could put up was jackasses, they would be elected, for sure.

It is because the PPP base hates the country that the PNC has chocks in its tracks. 

I am not a PNC supporter. I believe the electorate must be keen in the development of their country, and vote accordingly.

@Ramakant-P posted:

It would be Dr.Irfaan Ali who will be the President and not Jagdeo.  The buck stops with Irfaan Ali. When are you people going to understand that?

If Granger refused to leave office, there would be no problem escorting him out of the building. I will be there to give a helping hand.

Book your flight ,brace yourself would not be an easy cake walk.

@seignet posted:

The staunch support of the PPP is so screwed up that if all they could put up was jackasses, they would be elected, for sure.

It is because the PPP base hates the country that the PNC has chocks in its tracks. 

I am not a PNC supporter. I believe the electorate must be keen in the development of their country, and vote accordingly.

They did.  They chose the right party. It is the PNC party members who are screwed up. 


This is their last hope, to steal a piece of the pie. These people are know for brutal force and violence, they invented the word RIOT. This is not 1963, Dr Jagdeo is well prepared, he has strong financial backers, many hired guns are on the alert. Tell Harmon to play the fool and see what can happen." This time nah lang time".

@kp posted:

This is their last hope, to steal a piece of the pie. These people are know for brutal force and violence, they invented the word RIOT.

This is not 1963, Dr Jagdeo is well prepared, he has strong financial backers, many hired guns are on the alert. Tell Harmon to play the fool and see what can happen." This time nah lang time".

Y'all looking for serious confrontation ,CIVIL WAR on the horizon.

Guyana’s long election deadlock stirs fears of civil war

Last edited by Django

On a different note, I was a cricketer in my younger days and because Guyana didn't have linseed oil to soak the the face of the cricket bat prior to breaking in them, we used castor oil mixed with coconut oil and it worked wonders. 

Looking back, I always used to wonder why I made several trips to the out house after soaking the face of the cricket bat with castor oil and coconut oil


Last edited by Former Member

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