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Fat cats unmasked… ‘Disgraceful’ OP operating ‘Dharm Shala’ for friends, cronies

July 29, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 



…super salaries being paid to do little or nothing, “mostly nothing” – Moses Nagamotoo  
Attorney-at-law Moses Nagamootoo, who made headlines on Nomination Day when he defected from the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) and campaigned for the Alliance for Change, says that the latest revelation coming out of Office of the President has vindicated his position during the recent Budget Cuts.
Nagamootoo coined the phrase ‘fat cats’ in reference to persons at Government agencies being paid huge amounts and while he was unable during the budgetary process to unveil them, he says that the information which has been now made public demonstrates that “Office of the President is running a Dharm Shala for friends and cronies.”

Nagamootoo said that it is clear as day to see that there are persons being paid by Office of the President “to do little or nothing, mostly nothing.”


Nagamootoo, during an interview yesterday, said that it is clear as day to see that there are ‘Sinecure appointments’ (persons past political prime)” being paid by Office of the President as well as numerous Freedom House operatives.

He said that it is unfair of the government to be asking sections of the population such as Linden to take on additional hardships while others are being rewarded for next to nothing with super salaries.

Nagamootoo reminded of a proposal recently to pay cane cutters $800 per punt of cane when others were being paid more than 800 per cent above the average worker.

He said that “it is disgraceful that Office of the President would be running a Dharm Shala for friends and cronies.”

Nagamootoo was adamant that it is equally “disgraceful that this is happening under the watch of a government that champions the working class.”

The AFC Member of Parliament pointed to what he called persons being paid by Office of the President to be ‘ghost writers.”

He identified a David DeGroot and asks, “What else could this man be paid for?  What else does he do at Office of the President?” asked Nagamootoo.

He was adamant that this has nothing to do with personal attacks against individuals, but he queried how the Freedom House Secretary, Chitraykha Dass, could be earning more than $250,000 payable from Office of the President.

As the House prepared to debate a motion of no confidence against Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee this past Wednesday, the information was made available as a result of a request by A Partnership for National Unity’s Joseph Harmon.

The APNU Executive Member had requested the names and designations of persons terminated as a result of the 2012 Budgetary Cuts.

The question was posed to Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, where it was revealed that another Freedom House operative is paid almost $400,000.

According to the information which was presented by Dr. Singh in the House on Wednesday, Mahendra Roopnarine, earns $395,000 per month and the salary is paid by Office of the President.

His designation is listed as “Press Undersecretary, OPL” whose salary payable at the end of last month was $395,000.

Roopnarine currently hosts the weekly programme “Getting it Right,” which was previously undertaken by the then Junior Health Minister Bheri Ramsaran.

Roopnarine was also a staple on pro-government television channels during the 2011 Election Campaign.

Controversial Office of the President figure, in the person of the President’s Information Liaison Officer, Kwame McCoy is being paid $334,850 per month. McCoy’s designation is listed as a ‘Communications Coordinator.’

It was also revealed that Government Information Agency (GINA) which had its Budget reduced to $1, pays its Director Neaz Subhan $295,530, while GINA’s Editor-in-Chief Shanta Goberdhan earns $295,460 per month.

Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon, is listed as being paid by Office of the President, a salary of $895,326 while his Deputy, Hydar Ally is paid $550,064.

Office of the President also pays the son of Former Attorney General, Charles Ramson, $430,196 for the position of Technical Legal Director.

Major General (ret’d) Joseph G Singh who has been retained by Office of the President as a Special Assistant to the President is paid some $667,440 for his services while OP’s Protocol Advisor Eshwar Persaud is paid $268,000.

A Cabinet Monitor Officer named Leroy Cort also earns from Office of the President some $155,628.

“Presidential Pol. Liaison Officer” Chitraykha Dass earns $255,000 for his services while Parliamentarian Reverend Kwame Gilbert also receives $294, 585 for his services as a ‘Community Develop. (Social Policy Officer).’

Cheddi Jagan 11, the Attorney-at-Law earns from Office of the President $489,666.

Desmond Kissoon, the Presidential Political Liaison Officer Region Nine, earns some $280,000 while Clive Lloyd, the President’s Advisor on Sports earns $721,000 in this capacity.

Reepu Daman Persaud the ailing Pandit is listed on the June payroll for Office of the President to receive $412,320 for his services as an Advisor to the President while former Regional Chairman for Region Six, Zulfikar Mustapha earns for himself as Head, Community Relations Liaison Officer some $307,600.

Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira, earns for herself $967,985 from Office of the President in that capacity, a salary greater than her boss Dr. Lunch.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Reepu Daman Persaud the ailing Pandit is listed on the June payroll for Office of the President to receive $412,320 for his services as an Advisor to the President


And this pandit gets on the singhasan and preaches that money is maaya (illusion) and one should practice renunciation and yet he is building wealth in his old age. 


Even during the dark days of Burnham, nobody other than Burnham ever got paid that sort of amount of money by the party in power.

The PPP has created an obscene situation of the have's and the have's not where PPP regime allegiance can earn you more money than hard work ever could.


Nagamootoo needs to go back to school or go live in a Jungle. Is he aware that ALL Govt s have high paying Consultants and special Assistants. He really expect a Canecutter to make as much as these People?? If yes, he has to be the BEST COMMUNIST on the bloody Planet.Everytime this man opens his mouth, he spews Garbage and he wanted to be Speaker. He deserves to be locked away in a Basement somewhere. People like him will bring Guyana to the Sewer should they EVER get into POWER!!!1

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira, earns for herself $967,985 from Office of the President in that capacity, a salary greater than her boss Dr. Lunch.

Mits that is about US 4000, youstill thinki it is too much?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira, earns for herself $967,985 from Office of the President in that capacity, a salary greater than her boss Dr. Lunch.

Mits that is about US 4000, youstill thinki it is too much?

That's not her only compensation. The pertinent questions are what is she doing to be worth that much to be retained as an advisor and why is she being paid more than her boss?

When the people are talking about stealing they are talking about such things like  the Freedom House Secretary, Chitraykha Dass, being paid more than $250,000  from the budget of the Office of the President; i.e. from the taxpayers money, not the PPP/C party funds.


That is just one salary they are collecting from one source. These people are collecting directors fees on the many boards and agencies they sit on. For example, Luncheon is the Chairman of NIS, Romel Roopnarine is the Communications Officer of GUYSUCO etc. Gail Texeira and others are on the UG Council.

But as Tar_K said, we need their job descriptions and the results of their work.

Originally Posted by Balwant Persaud:

That is just one salary they are collecting from one source. These people are collecting directors fees on the many boards and agencies they sit on. For example, Luncheon is the Chairman of NIS, Romel Roopnarine is the Communications Officer of GUYSUCO etc. Gail Texeira and others are on the UG Council.

But as Tar_K said, we need their job descriptions and the results of their work.



Correct...they are drawing from multiple sources. Just like Liz...who is on several boards and has two full time jobs.


There are many reasons why the PPP does not want to enact a Freedom of Information Act.  These taxpayer funded salaries are one reason why the PPP is resisting transparency and accountability. 


Abe pan tap!





Originally Posted by BLACKBEARD:

There are many reasons why the PPP does not want to enact a Freedom of Information Act.  These taxpayer funded salaries are one reason why the PPP is resisting transparency and accountability. 


Abe pan tap!





But for how long?


Are these positions and salaries illegal? Or is this just complaints to influence public opinion? In the US the same scenarios exists where govt officials sit on many boards and collect multiple salaries. What law is being broken here? It sounds excessive but would an afc/pnc govt enact laws to prevent such multiple salaries for govt officials?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Are these positions and salaries illegal? Or is this just complaints to influence public opinion? In the US the same scenarios exists where govt officials sit on many boards and collect multiple salaries. What law is being broken here? It sounds excessive but would an afc/pnc govt enact laws to prevent such multiple salaries for govt officials?

How about asking the current PPP curruptocrats for the Freedom of Information Act?


Why don't you publish their job descriptions  as starters.


The PPP’s salaries to its top employees is shameless enrichment on the backs of Guyanese

July 29, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,


Trinidad and Tobago is an oil-rich Caribbean country. Its GDP per capita is US $17,158. Guyana is a downtrodden poor country with a GDP per capita of US $2869, almost six times less than Trinidad. Over a hundred thousand Guyanese have fled from Guyana to Trinidad for a better life. There are many starving themselves in Guyana by rationing what they can eat to make ends meet every day in this country. These people are the forgotten working class poor, discarded by the PPP. So, what is Trinidad with its GDP per capita six times Guyana paying its top civil servants compared to destitute Guyana? The 89th Report of the Salary Review Commission of Trinidad & Tobago noted that the Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister and Head of the Public Service, a position similar to that held by Roger Luncheon as Head of OP, was paid TT $29,300 or $922,007 Guyana dollars per month. Roger Luncheon who is head of OP in a failed state created by the PPP gets paid $895,326 Guyana dollars. The Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago, a country with a GDP per capita six times that of Guyana and a nation that is a developed nation compared to the filth and wreckage of the PPP’s Guyana is paid just $26,681 more than Roger Luncheon, the very man who reportedly said under oath there were no qualified Africans in Guyana to hold key ambassadorial postings. Well, what qualifies Roger Luncheon to obtain a salary on par with his counterpart in wealthy Trinidad and Tobago? Presidential Advisor, Gail Teixeira, reportedly earns $967,985, which is shockingly more than the Head of the Presidential Secretariat and more than the Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago earns.


Hydar Ally as Deputy Head of the Office of the President collects $550,064, which is more than the Clerk of the Trinidad and Tobago Senate and Deputy Secretary to the T&T Cabinet. Major General (ret’d) Joseph G Singh who serves in the OP as a Special Assistant to the President is paid some $667,440, which is more than the monthly salaries of the Head of T&T’s Elections and Boundaries Commission and all of all the Chairmen of the various Service Commissions in Trinidad. When Kwame McKoy, that incredible danger to decency and mocker of competency, can earn more than a Junior Legal Officer, State Counsel, Parliamentary Counsel and State Solicitor in an advanced country like Trinidad & Tobago, it confirms the medieval degeneracy Guyana practices. The same applies to the Attorney-at-Law from OP with less than two years since graduation commanding a salary of $489,666 per month.


We have a situation of barefaced entitlement where those holding onto power see nothing wrong in fleecing this country by paying themselves handsomely while pensioners earn a measly $10,000 per month. If these figures do not represent a brazenly debauched act of enrichment from the public purse of an economically crippled country, what does? Has the opposition verified these salaries? Have they asked for proof that these salaries are as stated by the PPP? Because I don’t trust the PPP and who knows whether they have reduced these numbers to minimize the outrageousness of their enrichment. Furthermore, are these salaries before any gratuities, vacation pay and other perks? With Ashni Singh admitting that over 180 OP staff now out of work because of the budget cuts, who cares when this kind of money is being paid to people to be grossly incompetent? We are now witness to political patronage gone wild. The PPP has created a welfare system to benefit freeloading party members, friends and cronies. Did the PPP impose a crippling 16% VAT on poor people in this country to transfer this astounding kind of wealth to a few party elites? This is a downright travesty that the people of Guyana must condemn. They did not hand their taxes over for this kind of fattening while they suffer.

M. Maxwell

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Are these positions and salaries illegal? Or is this just complaints to influence public opinion? In the US the same scenarios exists where govt officials sit on many boards and collect multiple salaries. What law is being broken here? It sounds excessive but would an afc/pnc govt enact laws to prevent such multiple salaries for govt officials?

How about asking the current PPP curruptocrats for the Freedom of Information Act?


Why don't you publish their job descriptions  as starters.


You fail to answer the question, where is the illegality and what specific law is being broken?  How was the information derived if not by FOI?


Does Maxwell knows old people in Merika does get $400 per month and Govt Officals does mek $18000 per month PLUS Travel, Housing, Appt to Boards and so and so. Maxwell, grow a bloody brain!!!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Are these positions and salaries illegal? Or is this just complaints to influence public opinion? In the US the same scenarios exists where govt officials sit on many boards and collect multiple salaries. What law is being broken here? It sounds excessive but would an afc/pnc govt enact laws to prevent such multiple salaries for govt officials?

How about asking the current PPP curruptocrats for the Freedom of Information Act?


Why don't you publish their job descriptions  as starters.


You fail to answer the question, where is the illegality and what specific law is being broken?  How was the information derived if not by FOI?

 I guess one can make the case that no manner of excess is illegal, not even double dipping or even implanting cronies in cushy jobs or simple as bench sitters. However it is immoral. Go and ask your priest if you still do not understand the concept.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Are these positions and salaries illegal? Or is this just complaints to influence public opinion? In the US the same scenarios exists where govt officials sit on many boards and collect multiple salaries. What law is being broken here? It sounds excessive but would an afc/pnc govt enact laws to prevent such multiple salaries for govt officials?

How about asking the current PPP curruptocrats for the Freedom of Information Act?


Why don't you publish their job descriptions  as starters.


You fail to answer the question, where is the illegality and what specific law is being broken?  How was the information derived if not by FOI?

 I guess one can make the case that no manner of excess is illegal, not even double dipping or even implanting cronies in cushy jobs or simple as bench sitters. However it is immoral. Go and ask your priest if you still do not understand the concept.

You and your political pals are presenting these alleged excesses to us in a negative light. I suggest you do an investigation of your own community and tell me who the fat cats are. In any govt there is appearance of cronyism, however in most cases these appointments are legal. If you and your new found friends in the AFC/PNC were serious, you would table legislation in parliament to stop multiple appointments in govt rather than concentrating on riding these seeming impropriety for political gain.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Are these positions and salaries illegal? Or is this just complaints to influence public opinion? In the US the same scenarios exists where govt officials sit on many boards and collect multiple salaries. What law is being broken here? It sounds excessive but would an afc/pnc govt enact laws to prevent such multiple salaries for govt officials?

How about asking the current PPP curruptocrats for the Freedom of Information Act?


Why don't you publish their job descriptions  as starters.


You fail to answer the question, where is the illegality and what specific law is being broken?  How was the information derived if not by FOI?

I don't think its illegal to run a welfare system for your cronies.


Read and learn. This is only the tip of the iceberg.


1> The Freedom House Secretary, Chitraykha Dass, could be earning more than $250,000 payable from Office of the President.


2> The question was posed to Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, where it was revealed that another Freedom House operative is paid almost $400,000.

According to the information which was presented by Dr. Singh in the House on Wednesday, Mahendra Roopnarine, earns $395,000 per month and the salary is paid by Office of the President.


3>It was also revealed that Government Information Agency (GINA) which had its Budget reduced to $1, pays its Director Neaz Subhan $295,530, while GINA’s Editor-in-Chief Shanta Goberdhan earns $295,460 per month from taxpayers monies.


4>Office of the President also pays the son of Former Attorney General, Charles Ramson, $430,196 for the position of Technical Legal Director and he is less than 2 years out of law school.


If this not shameless enrichment on the backs of Guyanese, then what is?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugii like yuh allergic to cats.


He's waiting for someone from his p-cake league to come up with a lousy half ass-ed answer then he'll jump in saying that they're correct.


Another fat-cat on GuyaSucko board have been exposed.  These peeps have no shame enriching themselves at the expense of the poor Guyanese tax payers who really struggle to pay that 16% VAT.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I don't think its illegal to run a welfare system for your cronies.


Read and learn. This is only the tip of the iceberg.


1> The Freedom House Secretary, Chitraykha Dass, could be earning more than $250,000 payable from Office of the President.


2> The question was posed to Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, where it was revealed that another Freedom House operative is paid almost $400,000.

According to the information which was presented by Dr. Singh in the House on Wednesday, Mahendra Roopnarine, earns $395,000 per month and the salary is paid by Office of the President.


3>It was also revealed that Government Information Agency (GINA) which had its Budget reduced to $1, pays its Director Neaz Subhan $295,530, while GINA’s Editor-in-Chief Shanta Goberdhan earns $295,460 per month from taxpayers monies.


4>Office of the President also pays the son of Former Attorney General, Charles Ramson, $430,196 for the position of Technical Legal Director and he is less than 2 years out of law school.


If this not shameless enrichment on the backs of Guyanese, then what is?


So this is not a matter of illegal activity but rather political posturing on the part of afcites for political gain. Since the AFC is against political appointments and favoritism for PPP members which is the discretion of the ruling party which AFCites disagree with. What will the AFC do to prevent this through legislative means? What law do they propose to stem this practice? Or is your posturing all for political gain rather than your interest in the what is good for the nation?



Political posturing at it's best. The AFC/KFC and PNC can table legislation in parliament if they so wish. 

AFC/KFC and their supporters are the new political drama queens of Guyanese politics. They instigate and encourage extremist elements in Linden and now flee for cover.

We are still awaiting on allegations of electoral fund disappearing. After months, we are still awaiting on the results of their so called investigation. 

The AFC refuses to investigate their own. Shame on the AFC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Shame on the AFC for refusing to investigate corruption in their own party and one of their own.

Where are the results of the investigation ? 

The PPP Dharam Shala is no legend.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Shame on the AFC for refusing to investigate corruption in their own party and one of their own.

Where are the results of the investigation ? 

The PPP Dharam Shala is no legend.


Is this your answer ? People are no longer accepting snake oil. The AFC is finished. Bye Bye. Tata.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Are these positions and salaries illegal? Or is this just complaints to influence public opinion? In the US the same scenarios exists where govt officials sit on many boards and collect multiple salaries. What law is being broken here? It sounds excessive but would an afc/pnc govt enact laws to prevent such multiple salaries for govt officials?

How about asking the current PPP curruptocrats for the Freedom of Information Act?


Why don't you publish their job descriptions  as starters.


You fail to answer the question, where is the illegality and what specific law is being broken?  How was the information derived if not by FOI?

 I guess one can make the case that no manner of excess is illegal, not even double dipping or even implanting cronies in cushy jobs or simple as bench sitters. However it is immoral. Go and ask your priest if you still do not understand the concept.

You and your political pals are presenting these alleged excesses to us in a negative light. I suggest you do an investigation of your own community and tell me who the fat cats are. In any govt there is appearance of cronyism, however in most cases these appointments are legal. If you and your new found friends in the AFC/PNC were serious, you would table legislation in parliament to stop multiple appointments in govt rather than concentrating on riding these seeming impropriety for political gain.

I do not have Palls informing me how to think .I write because it is common sense that this kind of naked corruption strangles the society.


I also do not know what the hell it is the relevance of the mention that other governments are corrupt. We are speaking on our own where we have a responsibility to seek redress.


Lots of things can be addressed in parliament but there again you miss the point. These are men on a criminal bent and confronting them so the people understand they are unworthy of office comes about only with exposure.


There is no seeming here. Practically everyone of these people double and triple dip. Ms Dass gets a salary from Freedom house as a secretary but she is a bench warmer on NIS Board as well While gail has squatting rights on UG board

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Shame on the AFC for refusing to investigate corruption in their own party and one of their own.

Where are the results of the investigation ? 

The PPP Dharam Shala is no legend.


Is this your answer ? People are no longer accepting snake oil. The AFC is finished. Bye Bye. Tata.

You are moraly bankrupt. You support corruption, cronyism and parasites living off the poor. We rode the bus to Ottawa with Sash to fight these very things that were happening under Burnham.

Tata! Go hide under your rock and stay there.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:

We are now witness to political patronage gone wild. The PPP has created a welfare system to benefit freeloading party members, friends and cronies.


Yugii and Drugb have no shame.

It is not a matter of shame. It is a matter of moral bankruptcy. Drugabeer is an avowed newly minted Christian but I guess he is still to embrace its fundamental precepts. Yugi does not count. He does not have the intellectual wherewithal to grasp the profundity of his ignorance.... a bramchari Brahmin.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

We are now witness to political patronage gone wild. The PPP has created a welfare system to benefit freeloading party members, friends and cronies.


Yugii and Drugb have no shame.

It is not a matter of shame. It is a matter of moral bankruptcy. Drugabeer is an avowed newly minted Christian but I guess he is still to embrace its fundamental precepts. Yugi does not count. He does not have the intellectual wherewithal to grasp the profundity of his ignorance.... a bramchari Brahmin.


All this from a cry baby............D2

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I do not have Palls informing me how to think .I write because it is common sense that this kind of naked corruption strangles the society.


I also do not know what the hell it is the relevance of the mention that other governments are corrupt. We are speaking on our own where we have a responsibility to seek redress.


Lots of things can be addressed in parliament but there again you miss the point. These are men on a criminal bent and confronting them so the people understand they are unworthy of office comes about only with exposure.


There is no seeming here. Practically everyone of these people double and triple dip. Ms Dass gets a salary from Freedom house as a secretary but she is a bench warmer on NIS Board as well While gail has squatting rights on UG board


For all your verbosity, you have yet to point out the illegality, case for corruption or suggest legislation to block such multiple appointments.  Is it illegal to have 3 jobs? It happens all the time in the US as politicians sit on different boards collecting multiple salaries. 


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