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Former Member

PPP employee allegedly beaten by Police

Crum-Ewing murder probe

– Crime Chief says no evidence of injuries found
– Attorneys say police rejected original medical, changed doctors

Freedom House employee Jason Abdulla, who was recently arrested in connection to the Courtney Crum-Ewing murder investigation, was reportedly beaten by the Police Officers while in custody and was subsequently taken to two city hospitals for treatment.

Jason Abdulla

Jason Abdulla


Reports indicate that the detainee claimed he was beaten by investigators as a means of releasing information, however, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum has since denied those allegations.
Guyana Times understands that Abdulla, who had a bandage on one of his feet, was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital but a functioning x-ray machine was not available there, and as such, he was taken to the Woodlands Hospital to be examined.

Blanhum explained that when the doctors examined the suspect, there were no immediate signs to verify the story he related.


This publication understands from police sources that doctors detected swollen tissue under Abdulla’s foot; however, they claimed that it was not as a result of being attacked.
Those sources indicated that Abdulla might have gotten the “swollen tissue” after being on cold concrete barefoot. It was also explained that the bandage was placed on Abdulla’s feet prior to conducting the x-ray and not because he insisted – as stated in other reports.

Attorney’s account
But when contacted Attorney at Law Glenn Hanoman explained that when Abdulla visited the doctor, his feet were swollen and had abrasions.

After examination by a doctor at Woodlands Hospital, he was given a medical and cast in Paris was placed on his foot.
The medical was given to the police by the Doctor who examined Abdulla, the Attorney related.

He said that his client informed that upon return to the Eve Leary Headquarters, the officer in charge was upset with the escorting officer for having taken him to the doctor in the first place.

Hanoman said that he was advised that three different officers were instructed to take him to receive a second medical from a specific doctor and that’s when the officers allegedly threaten the doctor and a second medical was issued stating nothing was wrong with the PPP employee.

The Attorney related that when he visited his client early Wednesday, Abdulla had complained about being beaten and tortured by the police. Since then, he requested that his client be taken to seek medical attention.

Torture, police excess
The incidents of Police brutality in Guyana are alarmingly high.

Back in January 2015, several countries including the United States expressed concerns over the “continued and widespread” reports of excessive violence by Police Officers of the Guyana Police Force (GPF).

Instances of Police brutality, especially against those held in custody, and the slow pace of investigations and judicial proceedings foster a perception of impunity and a lack of accountability,” US representative Divya Khosiahad said at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group meeting in Switzerland.

She had recommended that Guyana increase the capacity of the Police Complaints Authority (PCA) to undertake prompt and impartial investigations of Police abuse, so that the PCA can transfer cases to the justice system for prosecution as warranted.

Meanwhile, Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan had previously declared that all must adopt a zero tolerance approach to Police brutality.

In the midst of the public hue and cry over the promotion of the “torture cops” who were charged with burning a teenager’s genital while in custody, Ramjattan declared that all rogue cops will be accordingly dealt with by the law.
He insisted that where Police Officers were found liable of torture and other cases of misconduct, they will be thoroughly investigated.

“I want to assure that all Policemen, especially, the rogue cops out there, know we have a plan to ensure that they [will] be caught, and [that they] will be removed forthwith from the Police Force,” he had stated.

In another report, Ramjattan pronounced “All rogue cops, especially when judicial officers would have pronounced on the wrongdoings, will go and even those cops who have had serious allegations if internally there are investigations, we find them culpable, they are going to go too. I want the GPF to know that it will be zero tolerance for any harassment of any citizen of people’s rights, harassment to the extent of bullyism and even the grave one of burning people’s genitalia. They are all going to go and there will be criminal prosecutions.”

Meanwhile, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic has since expressed deep concern over the reports of torture.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

In another report, Ramjattan pronounced “All rogue cops, especially when judicial officers would have pronounced on the wrongdoings, will go and even those cops who have had serious allegations if internally there are investigations, we find them culpable, they are going to go too. I want the GPF to know that it will be zero tolerance for any harassment of any citizen of people’s rights, harassment to the extent of bullyism and even the grave one of burning people’s genitalia. They are all going to go and there will be criminal prosecutions.”

Meanwhile, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic has since expressed deep concern over the reports of torture.


All talk. Kanwa boy will have to get permission from his uncle Joe to do anything.

This is like the African countries. What they are doing is arresting any and everybody. They are looking for someone who will say that Ramotar, Jagdeo or Rohee ordered him to commit crimes. When they do, THE OPPOSITION LEADERS WILL BE ARRESTED AND THROWN IN JAIL. ThE opposition will be a thing of the past. DICTATORSHIP AFRICAN STYLE.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This is just the beginning of a repressive state that's being resuscitated by David Granger.

A PPPite gust hot his toes squished and you are screaming repressive state. Where were you when the police under the PPP beat to a pulp and amerindian woman and her kid? Did you comment when the set the little boy's genitals alight? How about the rape of another with a broom? Get your comments in order least you imperil your soul with your god.

Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This is just the beginning of a repressive state that's being resuscitated by David Granger.

A PPPite gust hot his toes squished and you are screaming repressive state. Where were you when the police under the PPP beat to a pulp and amerindian woman and her kid? Did you comment when the set the little boy's genitals alight? How about the rape of another with a broom? Get your comments in order least you imperil your soul with your god.

They seem to have memory loss.

Django posted:


This is a fake picture Guyana Times  used to boost their article.

And how do you know that? is Ms. Cleo working at your business or do you have a crystal ball?

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


This is a fake picture Guyana Times  used to boost their article.

And how do you know that? is Ms. Cleo working at your business or do you have a crystal ball?

Instincts, bhai read between the lines.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


This is a fake picture Guyana Times  used to boost their article.

And how do you know that? is Ms. Cleo working at your business or do you have a crystal ball?

money would have been rolling in if Ms.Cleo was on payroll.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


This is a fake picture Guyana Times  used to boost their article.

And how do you know that? is Ms. Cleo working at your business or do you have a crystal ball?

Instincts, bhai read between the lines.

Not sure what instincts you are speaking about. You must have "dem PNC in-stinks".

Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This is just the beginning of a repressive state that's being resuscitated by David Granger.

A PPPite gust hot his toes squished and you are screaming repressive state. Where were you when the police under the PPP beat to a pulp and amerindian woman and her kid? Did you comment when the set the little boy's genitals alight? How about the rape of another with a broom? Get your comments in order least you imperil your soul with your god.

These are all heinous crimes against people. Of those mentioned above, I have only heard about the one including the little boy's genitals and police abuse, but I am sure others were committed.

All of these should be condemned, left , right and center. If you want to go back to pre-PPP years you can find a lot of heinous crimes, least of which is the killing of Rodney.

But here is the problem. For a smart dude on this site, your comments always unreservedly reflect the antiPPP/anti-Jagdeo (like Redux) deeply rooted hatred that resides deep in the recesses of your brain. 

Why cant you simply condemn all of these crimes as crimes against humanity rather that promoting a tit for tat argument that is certainly bound to invoke a similar reaction from those who you plainly claim ought to be exposed? 

This kind of one sided and lopsided view only reinforces the division and its a microcosm of what we face as Guyanese.


VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This is just the beginning of a repressive state that's being resuscitated by David Granger.

A PPPite gust hot his toes squished and you are screaming repressive state. Where were you when the police under the PPP beat to a pulp and amerindian woman and her kid? Did you comment when the set the little boy's genitals alight? How about the rape of another with a broom? Get your comments in order least you imperil your soul with your god.

These are all heinous crimes against people. Of those mentioned above, I have only heard about the one including the little boy's genitals and police abuse, but I am sure others were committed.

All of these should be condemned, left , right and center. If you want to go back to pre-PPP years you can find a lot of heinous crimes, least of which is the killing of Rodney.

But here is the problem. For a smart dude on this site, your comments always unreservedly reflect the antiPPP/anti-Jagdeo (like Redux) deeply rooted hatred that resides deep in the recesses of your brain. 

Why cant you simply condemn all of these crimes as crimes against humanity rather that promoting a tit for tat argument that is certainly bound to invoke a similar reaction from those who you plainly claim ought to be exposed? 

This kind of one sided and lopsided view only reinforces the division and its a microcosm of what we face as Guyanese.


This fellow was not sanctioned.


I get the point. This is difficult to watch.

Police men and women have been known to be as corrupt and as brutal to their countrymen as far as I can remember. I have heard horrible stories from my parents and relatives that goes back to the PNC era also. 

But to argue, daily and constantly without fail that this problem is synonymous to the PPP era (I dont think Jagan would have tolerated this) is to portray for the younger generation like myself that this problem was only associated with the PPP era. 

The other lopsided point that you are clearly insinuating is that though more heinous crimes were committed under the PPP era, so one guy who is associated with the PPP, who now has his toes "bruised" is nothing for the PPP supporters on this site to squeal about. 

The bigger problem, as I see it is that the police force need reforming, and quickly, before these types of abuses continue. If the police (allegedly) can do this under this new government, who is to say that this cannot continue to more serious proportion?. It should he condemned and stopped, less we become immune to these things. If not, it reinforces the argument from PPP supporters that this is a PNC government...clearly not a recipe for promoting social cohesion. 

Given some of your previous posts, I think you are much smarter than some of the folks here not to see the logic of what I am saying. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This is just the beginning of a repressive state that's being resuscitated by David Granger.

I have to agree. All of the signs of a Burnhamite brutality and oppressive era are back.


Last edited by Former Member

Now we see torture and other forms of police brutality under the afc/apnu regime being condoned by the same folks who were so vocal against it during the PPP reign.   I suppose when you are in power your perspective changes and you are more likely to compromise your morals. 

yuji22 posted:

I have been sounding the alarm bells about a dictatorship in the making. We are just beginning to see the start of Phase One.

Shut your silly mouth. There is no making of a dictator in progress. The system installs a dictator via its constitution and electoral process. You lived with it under the PPP with no protests. You should advocate change in the system or you have to live with this elected dictatorship as well. The PPP used its autocratic powers to co-opt all state enterprise unter the the thumb of its friends and family.

I do not see that happening here but I doubt they will not take advantage of the liberties afforded them. Lets hope it is for the good of the nation. I have not seen them going down a bad path as yet. The firings of PPP implants was necessary. That they happen to be all indians reflect the infiltration of  kith and kin strategy over two decades and a half. 

Drugb posted:

Now we see torture and other forms of police brutality under the afc/apnu regime being condoned by the same folks who were so vocal against it during the PPP reign.   I suppose when you are in power your perspective changes and you are more likely to compromise your morals. 

Look who is talking! You have no foundation to stand on given you support those crooks and defended them slavishly. I do not see anyone condoning the action. 

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Now we see torture and other forms of police brutality under the afc/apnu regime being condoned by the same folks who were so vocal against it during the PPP reign.   I suppose when you are in power your perspective changes and you are more likely to compromise your morals. 

Look who is talking! You have no foundation to stand on given you support those crooks and defended them slavishly. I do not see anyone condoning the police if indeed they continue to think torture is part of the toolbox of good policing. 


VishMahabir posted:

I get the point. This is difficult to watch.

Police men and women have been known to be as corrupt and as brutal to their countrymen as far as I can remember. I have heard horrible stories from my parents and relatives that goes back to the PNC era also. 

But to argue, daily and constantly without fail that this problem is synonymous to the PPP era (I dont think Jagan would have tolerated this) is to portray for the younger generation like myself that this problem was only associated with the PPP era. 

The other lopsided point that you are clearly insinuating is that though more heinous crimes were committed under the PPP era, so one guy who is associated with the PPP, who now has his toes "bruised" is nothing for the PPP supporters on this site to squeal about. 

The bigger problem, as I see it is that the police force need reforming, and quickly, before these types of abuses continue. If the police (allegedly) can do this under this new government, who is to say that this cannot continue to more serious proportion?. It should he condemned and stopped, less we become immune to these things. If not, it reinforces the argument from PPP supporters that this is a PNC government...clearly not a recipe for promoting social cohesion. 

Given some of your previous posts, I think you are much smarter than some of the folks here not to see the logic of what I am saying. 

I never said as you suggested. I noted Gail and the entire heiarchy of the PPP are on their loudest protest mode when this fellow, a crude and bestial fellow who threatened me personally, is harmed, if he is harmed. My point is the hypocrisy is palpable.


None of them came out to support this young woman. The child's leg was broken. They instead said they will look into it and a week later this fellow was back on the job. The complaint disappear into the the pile of the forgotten as it is with the PPP when justice for the marginalized was on the line. And this was not the only instance. The fellows at China Trading is said to enslaved some young Amerindians and held a few as sex slaves. The police rescued one after the company apparently tried to hide him at a different location. Again that disappeared.


Yes we need there should be police reform. And if this administration is serious the fellow who give the order to shoot civilians at linden should be fired. Note that on a public forum he said  that women invite rape by their mode of dress. That alone should have made him unfit but the PPP kept him on. The PPP promoted the cops who set the kids penis on fire. If this administration wants to be taken seriously, none of these cops should be there. That wife beater heading the system should also not be there. A commission to facilitate the backlog of cases should be installed. Any cop shooting a civilian should be on desk duty as here until cleared by an internal review. There are lots of very little things to be done to make this system better and if these are not taken care of it is these very little inconveniences across civil society that will accrue to a large discontent and it is what will make this administration a failure.

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Now we see torture and other forms of police brutality under the afc/apnu regime being condoned by the same folks who were so vocal against it during the PPP reign.   I suppose when you are in power your perspective changes and you are more likely to compromise your morals. 

Look who is talking! You have no foundation to stand on given you support those crooks and defended them slavishly. I do not see anyone condoning the police if indeed they continue to think torture is part of the toolbox of good policing.

You are extremely quiet these days as the afc/apnu govt continues to run the country into the ground. You were one of the vocal ones, you need to be consistent in your criticism regardless of who is in power. As you continue to turn a blind eye to these incidents your tolerance for wrong will increase and soon you will see polpot as a saint. 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Now we see torture and other forms of police brutality under the afc/apnu regime being condoned by the same folks who were so vocal against it during the PPP reign.   I suppose when you are in power your perspective changes and you are more likely to compromise your morals. 

Look who is talking! You have no foundation to stand on given you support those crooks and defended them slavishly. I do not see anyone condoning the police if indeed they continue to think torture is part of the toolbox of good policing.

You are extremely quiet these days as the afc/apnu govt continues to run the country into the ground. You were one of the vocal ones, you need to be consistent in your criticism regardless of who is in power. As you continue to turn a blind eye to these incidents your tolerance for wrong will increase and soon you will see polpot as a saint. 

I do not know that they are running the country to the ground. To the contrary, they cleaned up the city, is rehabilitating stabroek wharf and kitty market, stopped the 500 container of unprocessed hardwoods from leaving, is regularizing mining, has practically wiped out the parallel underground economy by stepping up monitoring of the money laundering, gold smuggling, tax fraud etc.  They have a long way to go given the state the PPP left the economy and civil society so I give them good marks since they entered office. You can hyperventilate on pol pot but the PPP killed some 400 I do not know they iced anybody to date.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

This is just the beginning of a repressive state that's being resuscitated by David Granger.

Your three amigos are singing like twatwas. They are just lieutenants  carrying out orders from their Commanders. They will expose their intellectual authors.

Stormborn posted:

I do not know that they are running the country to the ground. To the contrary, they cleaned up the city, is rehabilitating stabroek wharf and kitty market, stopped the 500 container of unprocessed hardwoods from leaving, is regularizing mining, has practically wiped out the parallel underground economy by stepping up monitoring of the money laundering, gold smuggling, tax fraud etc.  They have a long way to go given the state the PPP left the economy and civil society so I give them good marks since they entered office. You can hyperventilate on pol pot but the PPP killed some 400 I do not know they iced anybody to date.

The clean up of the city was at gained at the neglect of the rural Indian areas, a redistribution of resources from Indian to Black areas. Also it was private people involved mostly in the cleanup, my family alone were responsible for paying workers and hauling 50 truck loads of garbage out of GT. The Stabroek warf is not rehabilitated so please don't toot your horn before the job is done or even started. What good is it if 500 containers of wood is being held to rot when the trees are already felled? There is no evidence that afc/apnu had anything to do with regularizing mining or that it is actually true. Many miners closed down their operations due to low gold prices and the Brazilians have gone back home due to depressed prices.  Also your claim of parallel underground economy being wiped out is a blatant lie as there is no evidence of it. What is your benchmark measurement of this? The chronicle and kaiteur prattle?  Also there is no evidence that the PPP killed 400 people, this is merely claims by anti ppp operatives. 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

I do not know that they are running the country to the ground. To the contrary, they cleaned up the city, is rehabilitating stabroek wharf and kitty market, stopped the 500 container of unprocessed hardwoods from leaving, is regularizing mining, has practically wiped out the parallel underground economy by stepping up monitoring of the money laundering, gold smuggling, tax fraud etc.  They have a long way to go given the state the PPP left the economy and civil society so I give them good marks since they entered office. You can hyperventilate on pol pot but the PPP killed some 400 I do not know they iced anybody to date.

The clean up of the city was at gained at the neglect of the rural Indian areas, a redistribution of resources from Indian to Black areas. Also it was private people involved mostly in the cleanup, my family alone were responsible for paying workers and hauling 50 truck loads of garbage out of GT. The Stabroek warf is not rehabilitated so please don't toot your horn before the job is done or even started. What good is it if 500 containers of wood is being held to rot when the trees are already felled? There is no evidence that afc/apnu had anything to do with regularizing mining or that it is actually true. Many miners closed down their operations due to low gold prices and the Brazilians have gone back home due to depressed prices.  Also your claim of parallel underground economy being wiped out is a blatant lie as there is no evidence of it. What is your benchmark measurement of this? The chronicle and kaiteur prattle?  Also there is no evidence that the PPP killed 400 people, this is merely claims by anti ppp operatives. 


I want to say that many people who watch the political discussions on GNI are very impressed with your posts. I've been told that you alone are capable of battling the AFC/APNU team. Keep up the good work.  Our Amerindian brother, Stormy, has become ineffective as a defender of the Granger regime.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Mitwah posted:

Yugi, you have to prove that foot belongs to Abdulla. I feel like I have seen that picture before.

Are you serious, "I feel like I have seen that picture before" so you felt that foot before? and where was that? Suddenly , you are a foot doctor you specialize in foot.Easy to verify , as your minister buddy to investigate and send you a recent photo.Look the report is now out that the PNC was aware of Walter Rodney's death, if Burnham knew so did Granger, and if by association Moses and Rumjaat Knows. All a bunch of CRIMINALS.

kp posted:

. . . the PNC was aware of Walter Rodney's death, if Burnham knew so did Granger, and if by association Moses and Rumjaat Knows.

huh . . . wah . . . wtf???

alyuh jagdeoite freaks done gone and completely lost alyuh tiny minds

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


I want to say that many people who watch the political discussions on GNI are very impressed with your posts. I've been told that you alone are capable of battling the AFC/APNU team. Keep up the good work.  Our Amerindian brother, Stormy, has become ineffective as a defender of the Granger regime.


Last edited by cain
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

I do not know that they are running the country to the ground. To the contrary, they cleaned up the city, is rehabilitating stabroek wharf and kitty market, stopped the 500 container of unprocessed hardwoods from leaving, is regularizing mining, has practically wiped out the parallel underground economy by stepping up monitoring of the money laundering, gold smuggling, tax fraud etc.  They have a long way to go given the state the PPP left the economy and civil society so I give them good marks since they entered office. You can hyperventilate on pol pot but the PPP killed some 400 I do not know they iced anybody to date.

The clean up of the city was at gained at the neglect of the rural Indian areas, a redistribution of resources from Indian to Black areas. Also it was private people involved mostly in the cleanup, my family alone were responsible for paying workers and hauling 50 truck loads of garbage out of GT. The Stabroek warf is not rehabilitated so please don't toot your horn before the job is done or even started. What good is it if 500 containers of wood is being held to rot when the trees are already felled? There is no evidence that afc/apnu had anything to do with regularizing mining or that it is actually true. Many miners closed down their operations due to low gold prices and the Brazilians have gone back home due to depressed prices.  Also your claim of parallel underground economy being wiped out is a blatant lie as there is no evidence of it. What is your benchmark measurement of this? The chronicle and kaiteur prattle?  Also there is no evidence that the PPP killed 400 people, this is merely claims by anti ppp operatives. 

You are again thinking as racists do. Why is allocations of funds in the City where t here are some 40% indian residents a decision that leaches funds from rural indians? Do you think the 90 billion debt consumed by the nation carrying sugar on its back a national responsibility or is it to be consider Indians on the dole...given your contrary argumentation?

Regardless of whomever is doing the  clean up, due respect to those leading the process is in order. After all, unsanitary practices, is not something any aspire for but it has been the state of affairs existing all through the PPP era. A clean environment matters.

The stabroek wharf is in the process of being rehabilitated. It is a disgusting eyesore not to mention a danger to citizens.

Mining is under review. If you read the papers you will grasp what is being done. Gold prices has nothing to do with it. If any abandoned their claim, there are always a few dozens waiting to claim it. In any event gold is clawing its way up again.

Lumber remaining in Guyana means Guyanese benefit from the logs. That is a no brainer. It is also premium logs and never was there any intent in having these unprocessed logs leave the country. The nation loses every time that is allowed.

The parallel underground economy has its legs in drugs, smuggling ( including gold) and money laundering. We have the DEA on the ground and recently there has been increased capture of drug smugglers. We see the money launderers being raided and the new laws prohibit hoarding of cash. It follows that if these legs are crippled the underground economy will suffocate. Add to that increased watchful eye of the tax man.

RK was a PPP agent and they are responsible for everyone his gang murdered.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

I do not know that they are running the country to the ground. To the contrary, they cleaned up the city, is rehabilitating stabroek wharf and kitty market, stopped the 500 container of unprocessed hardwoods from leaving, is regularizing mining, has practically wiped out the parallel underground economy by stepping up monitoring of the money laundering, gold smuggling, tax fraud etc.  They have a long way to go given the state the PPP left the economy and civil society so I give them good marks since they entered office. You can hyperventilate on pol pot but the PPP killed some 400 I do not know they iced anybody to date.

The clean up of the city was at gained at the neglect of the rural Indian areas, a redistribution of resources from Indian to Black areas. Also it was private people involved mostly in the cleanup, my family alone were responsible for paying workers and hauling 50 truck loads of garbage out of GT. The Stabroek warf is not rehabilitated so please don't toot your horn before the job is done or even started. What good is it if 500 containers of wood is being held to rot when the trees are already felled? There is no evidence that afc/apnu had anything to do with regularizing mining or that it is actually true. Many miners closed down their operations due to low gold prices and the Brazilians have gone back home due to depressed prices.  Also your claim of parallel underground economy being wiped out is a blatant lie as there is no evidence of it. What is your benchmark measurement of this? The chronicle and kaiteur prattle?  Also there is no evidence that the PPP killed 400 people, this is merely claims by anti ppp operatives. 


I want to say that many people who watch the political discussions on GNI are very impressed with your posts. I've been told that you alone are capable of battling the AFC/APNU team. Keep up the good work.  Our Amerindian brother, Stormy, has become ineffective as a defender of the Granger regime.

The people who watch are not all PPP sheep. And if they are impressed by the posts of that PPP shill my writing is not intended for them. It is intended for people with an independent mind that is concerned for our nation and not for the PPP or the APNU or any of the alphabet soup of parties.  I do not defend Granger. I defend my country.

Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

I do not know that they are running the country to the ground. To the contrary, they cleaned up the city, is rehabilitating stabroek wharf and kitty market, stopped the 500 container of unprocessed hardwoods from leaving, is regularizing mining, has practically wiped out the parallel underground economy by stepping up monitoring of the money laundering, gold smuggling, tax fraud etc.  They have a long way to go given the state the PPP left the economy and civil society so I give them good marks since they entered office. You can hyperventilate on pol pot but the PPP killed some 400 I do not know they iced anybody to date.

The clean up of the city was at gained at the neglect of the rural Indian areas, a redistribution of resources from Indian to Black areas. Also it was private people involved mostly in the cleanup, my family alone were responsible for paying workers and hauling 50 truck loads of garbage out of GT. The Stabroek warf is not rehabilitated so please don't toot your horn before the job is done or even started. What good is it if 500 containers of wood is being held to rot when the trees are already felled? There is no evidence that afc/apnu had anything to do with regularizing mining or that it is actually true. Many miners closed down their operations due to low gold prices and the Brazilians have gone back home due to depressed prices.  Also your claim of parallel underground economy being wiped out is a blatant lie as there is no evidence of it. What is your benchmark measurement of this? The chronicle and kaiteur prattle?  Also there is no evidence that the PPP killed 400 people, this is merely claims by anti ppp operatives. 


I want to say that many people who watch the political discussions on GNI are very impressed with your posts. I've been told that you alone are capable of battling the AFC/APNU team. Keep up the good work.  Our Amerindian brother, Stormy, has become ineffective as a defender of the Granger regime.

The people who watch are not all PPP sheep. And if they are impressed by the posts of that PPP shill my writing is not intended for them. It is intended for people with an independent mind that is concerned for our nation and not for the PPP or the APNU or any of the alphabet soup of parties.  I do not defend Granger. I defend my country.

Your posts don't reflect what you want us to believe about you. You have become an angry man.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

I do not know that they are running the country to the ground. To the contrary, they cleaned up the city, is rehabilitating stabroek wharf and kitty market, stopped the 500 container of unprocessed hardwoods from leaving, is regularizing mining, has practically wiped out the parallel underground economy by stepping up monitoring of the money laundering, gold smuggling, tax fraud etc.  They have a long way to go given the state the PPP left the economy and civil society so I give them good marks since they entered office. You can hyperventilate on pol pot but the PPP killed some 400 I do not know they iced anybody to date.

The clean up of the city was at gained at the neglect of the rural Indian areas, a redistribution of resources from Indian to Black areas. Also it was private people involved mostly in the cleanup, my family alone were responsible for paying workers and hauling 50 truck loads of garbage out of GT. The Stabroek warf is not rehabilitated so please don't toot your horn before the job is done or even started. What good is it if 500 containers of wood is being held to rot when the trees are already felled? There is no evidence that afc/apnu had anything to do with regularizing mining or that it is actually true. Many miners closed down their operations due to low gold prices and the Brazilians have gone back home due to depressed prices.  Also your claim of parallel underground economy being wiped out is a blatant lie as there is no evidence of it. What is your benchmark measurement of this? The chronicle and kaiteur prattle?  Also there is no evidence that the PPP killed 400 people, this is merely claims by anti ppp operatives. 


I want to say that many people who watch the political discussions on GNI are very impressed with your posts. I've been told that you alone are capable of battling the AFC/APNU team. Keep up the good work.  Our Amerindian brother, Stormy, has become ineffective as a defender of the Granger regime.

The people who watch are not all PPP sheep. And if they are impressed by the posts of that PPP shill my writing is not intended for them. It is intended for people with an independent mind that is concerned for our nation and not for the PPP or the APNU or any of the alphabet soup of parties.  I do not defend Granger. I defend my country.

Your posts don't reflect what you want us to believe about you. You have become an angry man.

And he is also attempting to sell PNC snake oil. Guyanese will NEVER be fooled again, never.

Sell Storm, Sell. Nobody is buying.

Storm, talk is cheap and you can prove ZERO of your claims, yes ZERO of your claims.



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