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PPP engaged in “hooliganism” during Granger’s address to Parliament- Nagamoooto.


November 2,2017 Source

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo has labelled heckling of President David Granger by placard-bearing parliamentarians of the opposition People’s Progressive Party a brand of terrorism and hooliganism, but Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo has justified the protest action.

“I think he [President David Granger] battled on today as a real soldier inspite of an unusual and unprecedented outburst of political hooliganism in the House, I think Mr. Jagdeo has attempted to turn the National Assembly into an arena of domestic terrorism thinking he could intimidate the President of the Republic of Guyana from delivering his charge to the National Assembly”, Nagamoooto was quoted by government’s Department of Information as saying.

The People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) lawmakers did not boycott the sitting as had been expected, but instead opted to remain in their seats and about one minute into the President’s speech, they whipped out placards and loudly chanted slogans while the Guyanese leader was addressing the House at the end of its two-month recess.

At the centre of the PPP’s protest was President David Granger’s unilateral appointment of Retired Justice James Patterson as Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission. Jagdeo said the protest in the Parliament Chamber was aimed at highlighting to the international community the constitutional violation by the appointment of the GECOM Chairman. “This breach (the unilateral appointment of a GECOM Chairman in violation of Constitutional provisions) was so egregious that just staying away was not adequate. We had to be here actively protesting the breach of the Constitution and the (undermining of) the rule of law. Therefore, that is why we took this action – to highlight, not only to Guyana, but to the international community that was here, about how seriously we, and the country, view this matter.”

The President, despite the uproar delivered his speech, where he highlighted measures implemented by the Government over the years and outlined plans or further advancement of the economy, as the Administration work towards ensuring the “good life” for all Guyanese.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, in a special interview following the President’s address expressed dissatisfaction with the Opposition’s behaviour in the National Assembly, noting that the Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo has brought himself down to a lower level.

The Prime Minister further expressed that, “To hide behind a slogan of rigged elections was infantile, but of course… personally, I didn’t expect any different from Bharrat Jagdeo and his political hordes in the National Assembly.”

The Opposition, according to several ministers of Government, not only displayed a high level of disrespect for the Head of State but also a negative image as representatives of the people and further did so in the presence of the diplomatic community.

Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes described their behaviour as unproductive, “Because the Parliament is supposed to be one place where we could have informed intelligent discussions and therefore to see it denigrated in such a manner…my distress is that the People of Guyana did not get to hear the content [President’s address]as clearly as they should have.”

Her sentiments were supported by Minister of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, Sydney Allicock, who noted that, “If we are truly interested in the development of Guyana and the unification of this nation, then we need to put all of our efforts in building that confidence of our People. I think the Opposition had the opportunity to do that over the 23 years and at least they should have listened to the President instead of behaving in the gutter politics, we should now become more matured and realise we have a beautiful country to manage.”

Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources, Simona Broomes also shared her views on the Opposition’s display, noting that, “to demonstrate that kind of disrespect is an insult to themselves. I feel embarrassed for them, I know that the PPP are a wild bunch of people…but to come and demonstrate the level of wildness here…it’s horrible. It is the President we are talking about. The diplomatic corps know about Bharrat Jagdeo and his behaviour, but where’s the pride for us Guyanese?”

As the President addressed the House. Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr. Barton Scotland tapped his gavel several times to restore order, but the Opposition refused to heed his appeal.

The next sitting of the House is scheduled for November 17, 2017, when Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan is expected to present the 2018 National Budget.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I don't dislike Moses Nagamootoo of being the PM of the coalition government, but I dispies his dishonesy of labellng the opposition as hooligans at the parliament today. He is trying to make Granger look like Saint which he is not. Moses on the other hand and his now PNC colleagues have all engaged in hooliganism in the dishonorable house. Moses shouldn't play like people are forgetful of what's taking place in his HO house.

Django posted:

PPP engaged in “hooliganism” during Granger’s address to Parliament- Nagamoooto.


November 2,2017 Source

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo has labelled heckling of President David Granger by placard-bearing parliamentarians of the opposition People’s Progressive Party a brand of terrorism and hooliganism, but Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo has justified the protest action.

The prime minister needs to immediately understand the nonsense he is spouting and try to become a statesman.

ksazma posted:

The thought crossed my mind that the placards shown earlier could have been doctored.

Correct, mars et al along with the departed jalil were masters of the art of photoshopping. 


It clearly shows the depth of NEEMAKARISM in the Bastard Moses. He is willing to eat shit, wash batty, clean toilet , sell his soul and everything dear to him for Power. A certified Parasite and ASS KISSER!!!!

RiffRaff posted:

there is something off when you see protestors in suits.....just does not work....

I would not trust someone who wears a suit to protest

Usually PPP protesters are bussed in from Berbice for a fried rice and a Banks beer or a Pepsi. 

Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:

there is something off when you see protestors in suits.....just does not work....

I would not trust someone who wears a suit to protest

Usually PPP protesters are bussed in from Berbice for a fried rice and a Banks beer or a Pepsi. 

bai...yuh looking to start trouble this Friday

Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:

there is something off when you see protestors in suits.....just does not work....

I would not trust someone who wears a suit to protest

Usually PPP protesters are bussed in from Berbice for a fried rice and a Banks beer or a Pepsi. 

Added they get to see Georgetown.


Says Nagamootoo: "Mr. Jagdeo has attempted to turn the National Assembly into an arena of domestic terrorism...."

What did Nagamootoo think when Opposition Leader Dr Cheddi Jagan removed the hallowed Speaker's Mace at one sitting of the House and walked with it towards a window threatening to throw it outside? 

What did Nagamootoo think when, at another sitting, Jagan stood up and upturned the heavy table before him, causing briefcases and documents and water flasks to spill on the floor?

Since when vociferous heckling became "domestic terrorism"? Nagamootoo can haul his rass.

Boom out #DjangoPropagandising. 

RiffRaff posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:

there is something off when you see protestors in suits.....just does not work....

I would not trust someone who wears a suit to protest

Usually PPP protesters are bussed in from Berbice for a fried rice and a Banks beer or a Pepsi. 

bai...yuh looking to start trouble this Friday

Nah he is very "intelligent" and knows PNC is the greatest they do not need to do anything illegal, immoral or dishonest.  Jim Jones was mad he missed the FILTH HEAD Gang.

Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:

there is something off when you see protestors in suits.....just does not work....

I would not trust someone who wears a suit to protest

Usually PPP protesters are bussed in from Berbice for a fried rice and a Banks beer or a Pepsi. 

This is an insult to Berbicians who are certainly not long-mouthed for free food. Keep that for them boys from GT.

Billy Ram Balgobin

When Nagamootoo utters the word "hooliganism" he must be reminded that his PNC partners are proven masters of hooliganism. During the 2015 election campaign a PNC woman in Warlock East Ruimveldt spread a PPP flag on the road and urinated on it:



I observed that  most AFC supporters are not unhappy about another party replacing the PPP. What they are upset about is the blatant disregard for the Carter formula and the bold attempt by the PNC return Guyana to an era of rigged elections and down-right fraud.

Billy Ram Balgobin
alena06 posted:

Time to stand up to dictatorship.  Keep the pressure on, bring the young people out from all over the country and let your voices be heard.  


Most dictators have several characteristics in common. They usually rule autocracies, governments with a single self-appointed leader and no governing body to check his power. Often, dictators have totalitarian regimes, keeping their power through control of the mass media.


PPP mantra,Dictator and Rigging,lick alyuh wounds.

Gilbakka posted:

When Nagamootoo utters the word "hooliganism" he must be reminded that his PNC partners are proven masters of hooliganism. During the 2015 election campaign a PNC woman in Warlock East Ruimveldt spread a PPP flag on the road and urinated on it:


Gilly, the same PNC beat that Neemakaram Crabdaag, spit on him and then fling him on the parpet like a dead DOG!!!  Is there a lower specie of animal than that Neemakaram???

Django posted:
alena06 posted:

Time to stand up to dictatorship.  Keep the pressure on, bring the young people out from all over the country and let your voices be heard.  


Most dictators have several characteristics in common. They usually rule autocracies, governments with a single self-appointed leader and no governing body to check his power. Often, dictators have totalitarian regimes, keeping their power through control of the mass media.


PPP mantra,Dictator and Rigging,lick alyuh wounds.

You are here to justify fraud and corruption in the present government. Don't try to be subtle. It's crystal clear to see through you.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:
Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:

there is something off when you see protestors in suits.....just does not work....

I would not trust someone who wears a suit to protest

Usually PPP protesters are bussed in from Berbice for a fried rice and a Banks beer or a Pepsi. 

Added they get to see Georgetown.

That's you were able to visit G/T.

kp posted:
Mars posted:


Admin should delete this misleading nonsense, you even had difficulty writing or that's the best you can do.

STFU. How much crap is posted here by your fellow porters and not a word from you or the Admin? I didn't create it fool. It's obviously a joke and I don't have any difficulty with writing like most of you illiterates here.


Last edited by Mars
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
alena06 posted:

Time to stand up to dictatorship.  Keep the pressure on, bring the young people out from all over the country and let your voices be heard.  


Most dictators have several characteristics in common. They usually rule autocracies, governments with a single self-appointed leader and no governing body to check his power. Often, dictators have totalitarian regimes, keeping their power through control of the mass media.


PPP mantra,Dictator and Rigging,lick alyuh wounds.

You are here to justify fraud and corruption in the present government. Don't try to be subtle. It's crystal clear to see through you.

It is the normal trait of an ASS KISSER, BATTY WASHER and Stooge!!!

Mars posted:
kp posted:
Mars posted:


Admin should delete this misleading nonsense, you even had difficulty writing or that's the best you can do.

STFU. How much crap is posted here by your fellow porters and not a word from you or the Admin? I didn't create it fool. It's obviously a joke and I don't have any difficulty with writing like most of you illiterates here.


KPuss does not have a sense of humor. He is one 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
alena06 posted:

Time to stand up to dictatorship.  Keep the pressure on, bring the young people out from all over the country and let your voices be heard.  


Most dictators have several characteristics in common. They usually rule autocracies, governments with a single self-appointed leader and no governing body to check his power. Often, dictators have totalitarian regimes, keeping their power through control of the mass media.


PPP mantra,Dictator and Rigging,lick alyuh wounds.

You are here to justify fraud and corruption in the present government. Don't try to be subtle. It's crystal clear to see through you.

The PPP boys you are defending are clean as a whistle,don't take much to see through you either.

There is a huge difference "I am not Indo-Centric"

Last edited by Django
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:


Most dictators have several characteristics in common. They usually rule autocracies, governments with a single self-appointed leader and no governing body to check his power. Often, dictators have totalitarian regimes, keeping their power through control of the mass media.


PPP mantra,Dictator and Rigging,lick alyuh wounds.

You are here to justify fraud and corruption in the present government. Don't try to be subtle. It's crystal clear to see through you.

Boom out #DjangoPropagandising 

Mitwah posted:
Mars posted:
kp posted:
Mars posted:


Admin should delete this misleading nonsense, you even had difficulty writing or that's the best you can do.

STFU. How much crap is posted here by your fellow porters and not a word from you or the Admin? I didn't create it fool. It's obviously a joke and I don't have any difficulty with writing like most of you illiterates here.


KPuss does not have a sense of humor. He is one 

It would be wise not to follow my posts or I will expose you further. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted: "I am not Indo-Centric"

This is a true statement. Give Django his jacket. 

Another way of saying he is an intra-racist who fits perfectly with the PNC boys.

Did i say,not difficult to see through you.


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