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May 9, 2016 Source

Nearly a year after being ousted from office, a  clash has erupted in the PPP leadership with former President Bharrat Jagdeo at the centre of the maelstrom and a crucial party congress is likely to be deferred as  officials tussle to consolidate their positions.

“Everyone is fighting to get internal voters on their side to better their chances at the top spot. It is a lot going on,” a source close to the PPP leadership told Stabroek News. “There are cliques and it deals with those aligned with specific members of the hierarchy. If this person knows that you are talking to or shows an open likeness for this or that person, then one clique leader tries to sideline that person. So you see people are afraid to openly show likeness especially when Jagdeo is around,” another source said.

A PPP congress is due this year according to the party’s constitution but the sources told Stabroek News that the issue is not being discussed by the hierarchy of the party and it is very unlikely that it will come off this year. A major shakeup of the current executive is expected at the party gathering.

Bharrat Jagdeo
Bharrat Jagdeo

When contacted yesterday, PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee confirmed that a date for the congress has not yet been set while party executive and current parliamentary Chief Whip Gail Teixeira denied that there was infighting. Rohee said he could not definitely say whether the PPP congress will be held before the end of the year. “You will know that later on in the year,” he told Stabroek News.

According to Stabroek News’ sources, the current atmosphere between members is tense which could be the reason why no date is being set. The source said that the hostile atmosphere among the executives has to do with choosing the new leadership and possible presidential candidate for the 2020 General and Regional elections. Currently, there are factions and division among members, the source related.

Another source emphasised that the congress was necessary for stability and a concretised future for the party.

Efforts to contact Jagdeo, who is now the Leader of the Opposition, proved futile as several calls to his mobile phone went unanswered. This newspaper understands that he is currently out of the country.

Currently, the source said, Jagdeo has his sights set on trying for a third term as president. Now retired Chief Justice Ian Chang on July 9 this year ruled that the two-term presidential term-limit is unconstitutional without the approval of the people through a referendum, thereby creating an opening for another run by Jagdeo. The government has signalled that it will appeal this decision.

However,  a showdown looms as Rohee also has presidential aspirations. Some party members also believe that former Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony should lead the party in 2020 while others are rooting for former Minister of Housing Irfaan Ali.

Jagdeo appears to have revived his profile as the most credible campaigner and vote-getter as he intensively campaigned for the PPP in the recently held local government elections and has boasted of his party’s overall vote garnering performance. He had said before the 2015 general elections that he was not interested in returning to lead the party but nonetheless made a comeback that has seen him now being Leader of the Opposition.

Meantime, it is unclear if former President Donald Ramotar will contest for any leadership position in the party. When contacted yesterday, the former president declined to comment.

But the source said that “nothing should be ruled out” and emphasised that a congress is needed to especially deal with the bickering between members.

Teixeira, when contacted, said while she too does not have a date on when the congress will be held, it is a lie if anyone alleges infighting. “A date has not been set as yet, as far as I know,” she stated.

When asked about major issues that would be on the agenda should a date be set and if not holding congress one year since losing office indicated there was party infighting, she responded: “No. It’s a matter internally for the party to set its own date. It has not set a date as yet. There are no issues. The issue is the party to decide when it will do a date. But there are no issues. I don’t know what you are talking about.

“When we set the date all of that will be discussed. I am not here to conjecture what the party will decide. The party will decide and I am not going to speculate what will be the issues now, sorry,” she added.

Further probed on the allegations of infighting, Teixeira dismissed the claims saying that anyone who alleges same was out to create mischief. “I don’t have a clue what you are talking about and whoever is giving Stabroek News that information is causing mischief and deliberately lying to Stabroek News and I have nothing more to say. You better be careful with your source,” she asserted.

The last PPP congress was held in Berbice in August 2013. Then, Ramotar had gained the most votes with 886 followed by Jagdeo with 851. Anthony had gained 724 votes followed by former Attorney General Anil Nandlall with 690 and Teixeira with 651 to round out the top five positions.

Although denying that he was interested in a presidential third term, there was rampant speculation that Jagdeo wanted another tilt at the presidency. Further, at a decision-making forum of the party shortly after the 2015 general elections, Jagdeo was hailed as the leader according to well-placed sources. He was credited with being largely responsible for the PPP/C gathering an extra 38,000 votes at the polls. Critics have however noted that it was gained on the back of a divisive campaign of scaremongering and race-baiting. In the selection of the Opposition Leader, former PPP executive Ralph Ramkarran has said that Ramotar was supported by nine persons from the 35 voting members of the PPP Central Committee with the rest supporting Jagdeo.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Where there is smoke, there is fire. That is axiomatic. I had mentioned in this forum last year that some of the older PPP stalwarts were not happy with the way Bharrat Jagdeo was directing the party, even bypassing the official leader Clement Rohee. Those stalwarts have remained in the party even though they were marginalized by the upstarts. 

I don't know the details of the current internal situation but Gail Teixeira is not truthful when she says there is no division in the PPP. Maybe, 'division' is a strong word, but there is seething discontent for sure. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

How do you know there is seething discontent?

Miss Haniffa, I have relatives and comrades in the PPP, including former MPs and CC members. I am in touch with them via telephone and email. I cannot and will not put in this forum the details they relate. It's shocking.

And, in case you don't know, infighting has always been a feature of party life even when Cheddi and Janet Jagan were alive. Every time Congress comes around there is back stabbing and slander between members of various cliques. Your trusted comrade would betray and bad talk you just to get into the Central Committee.This is an 'open secret.' 

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

The PPP shout get rid of open voting as it could affect fair voting. They should start here if they want a new start.

Ksaz de day PPP get rid of open voting ....... Bharat is a Dead Rat.

Rat plotting to get rid of Anthony, Lunchman, Rohee & Gail ..... they are the only ones who not Blowing, Scratching or running behind de rat.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

How do you know there is seething discontent?

Miss Haniffa, I have relatives and comrades in the PPP, including former MPs and CC members. I am in touch with them via telephone and email. I cannot and will not put in this forum the details they relate. It's shocking.

And, in case you don't know, infighting has always been a feature of party life even when Cheddi and Janet Jagan were alive. Every time Congress comes around there is back stabbing and slander between members of various cliques. Your trusted comrade would betray and bad talk you just to get into the Central Committee.This is an 'open secret.' 

Do your relatives and comrades in the PPP party know the damage you are causing and have caused to their integrity?  "The details they relate" ?????   So you are swearing on third hand information. I can bet you my bottom dollar that no one in the PPP trusts you to divulge such information.

I am sure that there is the usual bickering as with any other political party anywhere in the world. But don't tell me that you know things that inner party members don't know.  If these guys have such a big problem with BJ, then why did they bring him back as Opposition Leader and worked their backs off for him to win the LGE.


Bibi Haniffa
Jalil posted:
ksazma posted:

The PPP shout get rid of open voting as it could affect fair voting. They should start here if they want a new start.

Ksaz de day PPP get rid of open voting ....... Bharat is a Dead Rat.

Rat plotting to get rid of Anthony, Lunchman, Rohee & Gail ..... they are the only ones who not Blowing, Scratching or running behind de rat.

Rubbish!!!!  Again!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

Billy ........ Gilbaka is one of the most Decent, honest and Loyal persons who struggled with the PPP & Dr Jagan.

Gilbaka never depended on PPP for a Paycheck,

Gilbaka is not Corrupt, Jagdeo could not Bribe Gilbaka with A Job, House, Land, Duty-free car, Bribe, B@tty Boy or Funny Woman ......

Gilbaka is not a thief, Scamp or crook.

So do not try to roll up my good friend Gilbaka .... with Jagdeo ....Thiefing & Corruption.



The PPP Central Committee should take example from the PNC/AFC congress held before election. AFC brag about democratic process within their CC member when a group of five were making decisions that caused many grass root members to break ranks over Moses Nagamootoo.

PNC congress was a war zone with "Big Purple" firing gun shots like the wild west that brought political division between Granger and Aubrey Norton for rigging.

The PPP has one last chance to correct their mistakes and they will do it. Jagdeo time out is doing him a greater good for the nation. Yall watch allyou pot bottom before calling the kettle black.



The two terms must be kept but there is nothing preventing him from being Prime Minister. Do you that Hillary will be calling the shots as President with Bill behind the scenes. Anyway time could be better spent advocating for an independent country.


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Jalil posted:
ksazma posted:

The PPP shout get rid of open voting as it could affect fair voting. They should start here if they want a new start.

Ksaz de day PPP get rid of open voting ....... Bharat is a Dead Rat.

Rat plotting to get rid of Anthony, Lunchman, Rohee & Gail ..... they are the only ones who not Blowing, Scratching or running behind de rat.

Rubbish!!!!  Again!!!!

Rubbish .... is when yuh come ya and try tell abee Bibi is a Special Person.

Jalil posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

Billy ........ Gilbaka is one of the most Decent, honest and Loyal persons who struggled with the PPP & Dr Jagan.

Gilbaka never depended on PPP for a Paycheck,

Gilbaka is not Corrupt, Jagdeo could not Bribe Gilbaka with A Job, House, Land, Duty-free car, Bribe, B@tty Boy or Funny Woman ......

Gilbaka is not a thief, Scamp or crook.

So do not try to roll up my good friend Gilbaka .... with Jagdeo ....Thiefing & Corruption.


Quote by: Gilbakka

"I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths". (by exterminating the Indians).


Cobra posted:
Jalil posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

Billy ........ Gilbaka is one of the most Decent, honest and Loyal persons who struggled with the PPP & Dr Jagan.

Gilbaka never depended on PPP for a Paycheck,

Gilbaka is not Corrupt, Jagdeo could not Bribe Gilbaka with A Job, House, Land, Duty-free car, Bribe, B@tty Boy or Funny Woman ......

Gilbaka is not a thief, Scamp or crook.

So do not try to roll up my good friend Gilbaka .... with Jagdeo ....Thiefing & Corruption.


Quote by: Gilbakka

"I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths". (by exterminating the Indians).


Cobra Scratching De Poke again..... eee got the Itch.

When yuh done where Gilbaka posted about PPP becoming a minority because Indians are being exterminated.

Cobra.... why yuh don't quote me....."De Rat made PPP a minority Party in Guyana by signing the Corbin- Jagdeo Accord"

Jalil posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

Billy ........ Gilbaka is one of the most Decent, honest and Loyal persons who struggled with the PPP & Dr Jagan.

Gilbaka never depended on PPP for a Paycheck,

Gilbaka is not Corrupt, Jagdeo could not Bribe Gilbaka with A Job, House, Land, Duty-free car, Bribe, B@tty Boy or Funny Woman ......

Gilbaka is not a thief, Scamp or crook.

So do not try to roll up my good friend Gilbaka .... with Jagdeo ....Thiefing & Corruption.


Gilly got confused with ideology and lost his way into the camp of the PNC where no Indo can truly fit in. When Gilly glorifies a racist like Volda Lawrence one can only conclude that his deep interest in politics and ideology made him blind to his own Indianness. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

Bibi, both Gilbaka and Jalil know more about the inside runnings of the PPP and its Congress than you'll ever know. I would take their pronouncements, not with a grain of salt, but with concern. Jagdeo, for good or bad, is still the elephant in the room and has yearning desire to be at the center of his party and, it is his hope, government.


Kari...... Churchill know a lot too.... but..... Bibi & Kwame only know wha Rat share with dem..... during their Puss-sore-Puss-Sore session.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
for him to win the LGE.



1.  The PPP lost ground big time in G/town, which has 30% of the voters.

2.  PPP lost big time in the interior, where Amerindians were used to offset the decline in the East Indians vote.

3.  The PPP won the same 48 NDCs, that they won in 1994, even though 6 more exist.

And then you still claim that the PPP "won" the LGE?

The thing is you are too dumb to even offer your version of how they won.  Given that all votes are local, totaling up votes is irrelevant.  Given that there are more rural villages (the PPP stronghold) than municipalities, clearly there will be more seats in the former.

But Bibi is a PPP slave, who only babbles what her masters to tell to ramble about.  Not one original thought in her head.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
for him to win the LGE.



1.  The PPP lost ground big time in G/town, which has 30% of the voters.

2.  PPP lost big time in the interior, where Amerindians were used to offset the decline in the East Indians vote.

3.  The PPP won the same 48 NDCs, that they won in 1994, even though 6 more exist.

And then you still claim that the PPP "won" the LGE?

The thing is you are too dumb to even offer your version of how they won.  Given that all votes are local, totaling up votes is irrelevant.  Given that there are more rural villages (the PPP stronghold) than municipalities, clearly there will be more seats in the former.

But Bibi is a PPP slave, who only babbles what her masters to tell to ramble about.  Not one original thought in her head.

How can the PPP lost "big time" when they got close to 50% of the votes?  They lost by a mere 4000 votes. The PNC has never came close to winning an election on its own and come 2020 they will be defeated.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Jalil posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

Billy ........ Gilbaka is one of the most Decent, honest and Loyal persons who struggled with the PPP & Dr Jagan.

Gilbaka never depended on PPP for a Paycheck,

Gilbaka is not Corrupt, Jagdeo could not Bribe Gilbaka with A Job, House, Land, Duty-free car, Bribe, B@tty Boy or Funny Woman ......

Gilbaka is not a thief, Scamp or crook.

So do not try to roll up my good friend Gilbaka .... with Jagdeo ....Thiefing & Corruption.


Gilly got confused with ideology and lost his way into the camp of the PNC where no Indo can truly fit in. When Gilly glorifies a racist like Volda Lawrence one can only conclude that his deep interest in politics and ideology made him blind to his own Indianness. 

But is de Rat who made  the PPP a minority party twice.

Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Jalil posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

Billy ........ Gilbaka is one of the most Decent, honest and Loyal persons who struggled with the PPP & Dr Jagan.

Gilbaka never depended on PPP for a Paycheck,

Gilbaka is not Corrupt, Jagdeo could not Bribe Gilbaka with A Job, House, Land, Duty-free car, Bribe, B@tty Boy or Funny Woman ......

Gilbaka is not a thief, Scamp or crook.

So do not try to roll up my good friend Gilbaka .... with Jagdeo ....Thiefing & Corruption.


Gilly got confused with ideology and lost his way into the camp of the PNC where no Indo can truly fit in. When Gilly glorifies a racist like Volda Lawrence one can only conclude that his deep interest in politics and ideology made him blind to his own Indianness. 

But is de Rat who made  the PPP a minority party twice.

It's those idiotic lawyers from Berbice who conned their own people into voting the PNC back in power. This is not change.  This is retrogression. You have to be an idiotic not to see this. Most of those who voted for change are now very regretful of it. They are waiting to right their wrong in 2020 by voting the coalition gov't. out.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

You misrepresent Gilbakka again, Billy.

Gilbakka posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

You misrepresent Gilbakka again, Billy.

You are a clandestine and shame-faced rebellista in the APNU/AFC camp.  You will soon run out and stake your place with the good people fighting for what is right.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

You misrepresent Gilbakka again, Billy.

You are a clandestine and shame-faced rebellista in the APNU/AFC camp.  You will soon run out and stake your place with the good people fighting for what is right.

Billy I don't think Gilbakka can be bought by Jagdeo

Gilbakka is not a thiefman.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Jalil posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

Billy ........ Gilbaka is one of the most Decent, honest and Loyal persons who struggled with the PPP & Dr Jagan.

Gilbaka never depended on PPP for a Paycheck,

Gilbaka is not Corrupt, Jagdeo could not Bribe Gilbaka with A Job, House, Land, Duty-free car, Bribe, B@tty Boy or Funny Woman ......

Gilbaka is not a thief, Scamp or crook.

So do not try to roll up my good friend Gilbaka .... with Jagdeo ....Thiefing & Corruption.


Gilly got confused with ideology and lost his way into the camp of the PNC where no Indo can truly fit in. When Gilly glorifies a racist like Volda Lawrence one can only conclude that his deep interest in politics and ideology made him blind to his own Indianness. 

But is de Rat who made  the PPP a minority party twice.

It's those idiotic lawyers from Berbice who conned their own people into voting the PNC back in power. This is not change.  This is retrogression. You have to be an idiotic not to see this. Most of those who voted for change are now very regretful of it. They are waiting to right their wrong in 2020 by voting the coalition gov't. out.

You really think they will mek it to 2020.  When dat Treasury money run out, the PNC will want to cut and run too.  The Berbice lawyers already run out of steam.

Jalil posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

You misrepresent Gilbakka again, Billy.

You are a clandestine and shame-faced rebellista in the APNU/AFC camp.  You will soon run out and stake your place with the good people fighting for what is right.

Billy I don't think Gilbakka can be bought by Jagdeo

Gilbakka is not a thiefman who get US $15 million from Rat fuh build Hydro...and when we find out all he own is a Pooja Shop.


Bibi Haniffa posted:


If these guys have such a big problem with BJ, then why did they bring him back as Opposition Leader and worked their backs off for him to win the LGE.


Only the 32 PPP parliamentarians voted for BJ to be Opposition Leader. The PPP is far bigger than 32 members. There are party branches in every region. Regarding LGE, that success was due primarily to BJ's Herculean efforts to rally voters from Corriverton in Berbice to Charity in Essequibo. Everybody knows that BJ has voter appeal.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

How do you know there is seething discontent?

Miss Haniffa, I have relatives and comrades in the PPP, including former MPs and CC members. I am in touch with them via telephone and email. I cannot and will not put in this forum the details they relate. It's shocking.

And, in case you don't know, infighting has always been a feature of party life even when Cheddi and Janet Jagan were alive. Every time Congress comes around there is back stabbing and slander between members of various cliques. Your trusted comrade would betray and bad talk you just to get into the Central Committee.This is an 'open secret.' 

Do your relatives and comrades in the PPP party know the damage you are causing and have caused to their integrity?  "The details they relate" ?????   So you are swearing on third hand information. I can bet you my bottom dollar that no one in the PPP trusts you to divulge such information.

I am sure that there is the usual bickering as with any other political party anywhere in the world. But don't tell me that you know things that inner party members don't know.  If these guys have such a big problem with BJ, then why did they bring him back as Opposition Leader and worked their backs off for him to win the LGE.


They still figured was "abie time now" it's ingrained in dem.

Cobra posted:

Quote by: Gilbakka

"I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths". (by exterminating the Indians).


This is the vilest misuse of my statement by Cobra. After "deaths" I had written "and emigration". I never wrote "by exterminating the Indians."

Jalil posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

You misrepresent Gilbakka again, Billy.

You are a clandestine and shame-faced rebellista in the APNU/AFC camp.  You will soon run out and stake your place with the good people fighting for what is right.

Billy I don't think Gilbakka can be bought by Jagdeo

Gilbakka is not a thiefman.

So, you believe is different from Brian Tiwari.  Has anyone offer a price for the package he offers?

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted: 

Gilly got confused with ideology and lost his way into the camp of the PNC where no Indo can truly fit in. When Gilly glorifies a racist like Volda Lawrence one can only conclude that his deep interest in politics and ideology made him blind to his own Indianness. 

Shall I dignify this trash with a reply? NO.

ba$eman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Jalil posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

Billy ........ Gilbaka is one of the most Decent, honest and Loyal persons who struggled with the PPP & Dr Jagan.

Gilbaka never depended on PPP for a Paycheck,

Gilbaka is not Corrupt, Jagdeo could not Bribe Gilbaka with A Job, House, Land, Duty-free car, Bribe, B@tty Boy or Funny Woman ......

Gilbaka is not a thief, Scamp or crook.

So do not try to roll up my good friend Gilbaka .... with Jagdeo ....Thiefing & Corruption.


Gilly got confused with ideology and lost his way into the camp of the PNC where no Indo can truly fit in. When Gilly glorifies a racist like Volda Lawrence one can only conclude that his deep interest in politics and ideology made him blind to his own Indianness. 

But is de Rat who made  the PPP a minority party twice.

It's those idiotic lawyers from Berbice who conned their own people into voting the PNC back in power. This is not change.  This is retrogression. You have to be an idiotic not to see this. Most of those who voted for change are now very regretful of it. They are waiting to right their wrong in 2020 by voting the coalition gov't. out.

You really think they will mek it to 2020.  When dat Treasury money run out, the PNC will want to cut and run too.  The Berbice lawyers already run out of steam.

The way their spending, especially for this jubilee, I don't there will be anything left in about two years.  Granger is moving around the country as if he is the president of the United States.  He has too many security officials with him.  Several streets and roads are blocked off when he is passing. This man is afraid of his people. Only dictators worry so much about their personal security.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Gilbakka posted:
Cobra posted:

Quote by: Gilbakka

"I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths". (by exterminating the Indians).


This is the vilest misuse of my statement by Cobra. After "deaths" I had written "and emigration". I never wrote "by exterminating the Indians."

I would bring this to Admin's attention because he's a dumb skunkole. This arsehole should be put to the sidelines with his drinking buddy Nehru who he stabbed in the back.


Gilbakka posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

After being duped by the APNU/AFC propaganda Gilbaka has been convinced now that he was taken for ride .... A political Pacu would be the fittest description.

You misrepresent Gilbakka again, Billy.

Gilbakka is not....... one of Bharat Ka-ka-belly Bait Fish


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