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The PPP didn't declare the results of the elections. They disclosed what their tabulation indicates. Only GECOM can declare the results of the elections. If the PPP can do that and in fact did that, Ali would have been sworn by now. Everyone who is in possession of the SOPs already knows that the PPP won the elections. Even the Coalition know too. That is why they have been stalling and insisting on using votes that cannot be validated against the SOPs.


There is an easy way to remove all speculations and doubts. The region 4 RO should resume his verification of the SOPs as he was doing prior to him abandoning the process. He will be in luck because the PPP is not the only party with SOPs. If he is still not satisfied, he can look in the boxes at the actual votes. Hopefully good sense returns to him tomorrow and he does the right thing. The country has been waiting for 10 days already. Cribby must be cussing out GECOM good and proper right now because he always say he doesn't like waiting long for the elections results.


I cannot remember a time when Indian ppl is not in some uproar with Black ppl. One would think, they might have learn't something by now. Dem frigging heads too hard, dem want to operate as if dem deh in India. Listening to that bunch, Granger rite to bully dem-frigging beggars.

Ali suddenly knows about freedom and rights. And again Granger right not to let him govern. He goan be worst than he was the last time he was in authority.

Granger had a talk with Forbes. 


So who brought the country back from the dead after they took over government in 1992 Siggy? Do you see all the infrastructure showing up in all the coverage coming out of Guyana the past week or so. Who was responsible for all that infrastructure? Do you remember how long it took the PNC government back in the 80's to repair the wooden bridge nest to the drivers license office? Have some dignity man.


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