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Originally Posted by Wally:

That is awesome.   I like it.  Guyana is one of the last places in South America where the Red Indian peoples are free from Euro- Latin exploitation.

 We are not red and we are not free. The PPP launches our month! This is just the usual PR bull where their handpicked crew under the auspices of a sellsoul "amerind" minister ( we did not select her) celebrate their personal victory over controlling our lives.


Democracy is a bitch. It let Indians and blacks who are late comers to the land assume the European prerogative to decide who we are in our own world. The operant status being pushed is how happy we should be given the benevolent PPP are "giving" us so many things!


What the hell can any give us what was not ours in the first place! Yes democracy is a bitch when mere numbers mean  we inherit oppressors. In very few SA states do native people control their destiny.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Wally:

That is awesome.   I like it.  Guyana is one of the last places in South America where the Red Indian peoples are free from Euro- Latin exploitation.

 We are not red and we are not free. The PPP launches our month! This is just the usual PR bull where their handpicked crew under the auspices of a sellsoul "amerind" minister ( we did not select her) celebrate their personal victory over controlling our lives.


Democracy is a bitch. It let Indians and blacks who are late comers to the land assume the European prerogative to decide who we are in our own world. The operant status being pushed is how happy we should be given the benevolent PPP are "giving" us so many things!


What the hell can any give us what was not ours in the first place! Yes democracy is a bitch when mere numbers mean  we inherit oppressors. In very few SA states do native people control their destiny.

Stormborn I hope you are not ashamed to be an indian.  I was in Sioux City a few years ago and a Sioux Chief asked me if I am a full blooded Sioux.  I said no I am East Indian from Guyana.  The Sioux Chief then said thats okay same indian different world.



Last edited by Former Member

We have to put a stop to this word Amerindian and instead use the word indian.  It is a Euro-White creation.  Those are indian peoples.  Take a look at the people of Assam and take a look at Guyanese Amerindians.  They are identical.  We have to do away with words such as Amerindian or buck man etc.  Those were words that were created by a racist Euro mind.  Those are indian peoples.

Originally Posted by Wally:

We have to put a stop to this word Amerindian and instead use the word indian.  It is a Euro-White creation.  Those are indian peoples.  Take a look at the people of Assam and take a look at Guyanese Amerindians.  They are identical.  We have to do away with words such as Amerindian or buck man etc.  Those were words that were created by a racist Euro mind.  Those are indian peoples.

Bai, until you invent a new science that claims the historical Siberian peoples for Mother India, most of your post is unalloyed nonsense.


Take a look at all of the peoples of North East India then take a look at the Amerindian people of Guyana.  They are identical.  What is stopping those people from sailing from india to the new world in boats?


People use to laugh at Van Sertima and call him a mad man when he said that Africans sailed from Africa and came to the new world.  Now DNA tests on people from the lowest parts of southern Chile show Van Sertima was right.  They came from Africa


Look at the handicrafts of people from Assam and other parts of North East India then look at Amerindian handicrafts.  They are identical.  Look at the people. They are identical.  That made me believe that Amerindians of Guyana are originally from North East India.  They came to the Guianas from North East India in boats.

Originally Posted by Wally:

We have to put a stop to this word Amerindian and instead use the word indian.  It is a Euro-White creation.  Those are indian peoples.  Take a look at the people of Assam and take a look at Guyanese Amerindians.  They are identical.  We have to do away with words such as Amerindian or buck man etc.  Those were words that were created by a racist Euro mind.  Those are indian peoples.

No one gets to do away with anything. We call ourselves  Native Peoples or  First Peoples all over. The PPP objected to both. They even objected to the term indigenous. Only Amerinds get to be labeled by others.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Take a look at all of the peoples of North East India then take a look at the Amerindian people of Guyana.  They are identical.  What is stopping those people from sailing from india to the new world in boats?


People use to laugh at Van Sertima and call him a mad man when he said that Africans sailed from Africa and came to the new world.  Now DNA tests on people from the lowest parts of southern Chile show Van Sertima was right.  They came from Africa


Look at the handicrafts of people from Assam and other parts of North East India then look at Amerindian handicrafts.  They are identical.  Look at the people. They are identical.  That made me believe that Amerindians of Guyana are originally from North East India.  They came to the Guianas from North East India in boats.

 Van Sertima has been completely repudiated. His thesis is based on speculation and creative massaging of the evidence. Science tells us our ancestors are from mongolia. They are our cloest genetic relative in the Old world. This does not mean we are differend from Africans or Indians. It simply means our inbreeding made us look like them vs Africans with whom we share the same genetic heritage as all peoples

Originally Posted by Wally:

You can laugh but until you show me DNA evidence that people of NorthEast India are not genetic relatives of Amerindians of Guyana then I am sticking with my theory.

you seem to be unaware that I AM speaking to the genetic evidence!


This is not obscure science; you have a computer . . . a few keystrokes and voila! what you need to know is there, OK.


This is much too basic for me to waste time giving a seminar on GNI

Originally Posted by Wally:




Tell me which of these people are from India and which of these people are from Guyana?



They are what they are culturally. Indians are no longer doms, dossas, pillars, chamars, danglyars...etc. They are Indians because they call themselves indians and because they have located themselves in a culture. These people, if they are black as the garifuna and the maroons or look like they just stepped off the boat from Tamil Nadu, are Amerinds if they culturally identify themselves as such

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
We call ourselves Native Peoples or First Peoples all over

Even those who are not full-blooded individuals?

are you a full blooded dalit? Labels are labels not genetic markers you old doddering crazy man.

Your usual nonsensical and unfocused ramblings.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Tell me which of these people are from India and which of these people are from Guyana?

let me know when you want to elevate the 'discussion' from appearance/fashion/aesthetics to science/genetics

You show the genetic evidence that North East Indians are not related to the Amerindians of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Stormborn, you seem to forget that these people are some of the original peoples of India.  Not some recently arrived jump off the boat immigrant.

The "original peoples of India" (inasmuch as that concept is a reality) exist in pockets of South India . . . and I don't need to tell you what they look like.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Stormborn, you seem to forget that these people are some of the original peoples of India.  Not some recently arrived jump off the boat immigrant.

You miss miss the central thesis; a people is what they call themselves and in what culture they locate themselves. There are no other criteria for a cultural people. One cannot look at them or inside of them and say they are from here  or  there definitively. We can say definitively that person x calls themselves an Arawak ( another invented term) as opposed to anything else. That person is who he or she is because they have located themselves in and see themselves as part of a social ethos.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Stormborn, you seem to forget that these people are some of the original peoples of India.  Not some recently arrived jump off the boat immigrant.

The "original peoples of India" (inasmuch as that concept is a reality) exist in pockets of South India . . . and I don't need to tell you what they look like.

Go tell those people in Assam that they are not an original people of India.  They will probably chop off your head.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Tell me which of these people are from India and which of these people are from Guyana?

let me know when you want to elevate the 'discussion' from appearance/fashion/aesthetics to science/genetics

You show the genetic evidence that North East Indians are not related to the Amerindians of Guyana.

OK . . . I see you're looking for an escape route.


Let's define first what being "Indian" is for purposes of this conversation . . . A geographic/political expression or a genetic one?

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Stormborn, you seem to forget that these people are some of the original peoples of India.  Not some recently arrived jump off the boat immigrant.

The "original peoples of India" (inasmuch as that concept is a reality) exist in pockets of South India . . . and I don't need to tell you what they look like.

Go tell those people in Assam that they are not an original people of India.  They will probably chop off your head.

see my last post

Originally Posted by Wally:

An indian is an Indian.  You must be proud to be indian regardless of if you are from the New World or South Asia.  Just like how every owner of an Indian motorcycle is proud to own it.  Every Red or Brown indian must be proud of their indianess.

Your 'response' is apropos nothing . . .


The Chinese claim Assam as historically theirs, and regard their peoples as "Chinese" not "Indian" [as political/ethnic constructs go]


So, where do you want to go with this?

Originally Posted by Wally:

An indian is an Indian.  You must be proud to be indian regardless of if you are from the New World or South Asia.  Just like how every owner of an Indian motorcycle is proud to own it.  Every Red or Brown indian must be proud of their indianess.

Indian is a term applied to peoples from the modern ( recently so) state of India. Indians are composed of over 15 hundred distinctly proud cultural peoples. The term Indian is an umbrella term no less than the term Amerind.


A Sioux is not an Apache and then there is the laKota vs Oglala among the souix and or Chiricahua vs a Mescalero among the Apache.


In Guyana, a Locono is not a Macouxi or a Wapishana is not a Wai Wai.


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