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Mao and Chang and their followers are out to steal the indian peoples land and to colonialize/exterminate them. Assam was always a part of India.  If you are brown or red it does not matter, be proud to be indian.   People like Geronimo and Johann Trollmann wore their indianess with pride to the very end.  You should too. 

Originally Posted by Wally:

Mao and Chang and their followers are out to steal the indian peoples land and to colonialize/exterminate them. Assam was always a part of India.  If you are brown or red it does not matter, be proud to be indian.   People like Geronimo and Johann Trollmann wore their indianess with pride to the very end.  You should too. 

bai, I leave U to your demons

Originally Posted by Wally:

Mao and Chang and their followers are out to steal the indian peoples land and to colonialize/exterminate them. Assam was always a part of India.  If you are brown or red it does not matter be proud to be indian.   People like Geronimo and Johann Trollmann wore their indianess with pride to the very end.  You should too. 

I do not even know what you are talking about. I can only say nothing of a Souix is Indian except they are of the same specie and of african origin and separated some 50k years ago.


Stormborn go tell those American indians whose tribes were almost completely wiped out by the American army that they are not indian.  You will get beat up really bad.  Those people experienced hundreds of years of brutal racial hate because of the word indian.  Go tell them they are not indian.


Also go tell the gypsies that they are not indian. They have experienced hundreds of years of racial hate in Europe because of their indian skin and features.   You will get beat up really bad.


Red or brown it does not matter.  Wear that name with pride.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Stormborn go tell those American indians whose tribes were almost completely wiped out by the American army that they are not indian.

The man is such an anti-"Indian" racists that he even now rejects the word "Indian" as a description.  He prefers to be associated with an "African specie" when infact many American-Indian tribes were supposed to have crossed the Bering-Straights into North America from Asia.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Stormborn go tell those American indians whose tribes were almost completely wiped out by the American army that they are not indian.  You will get beat up really bad.  Those people experienced hundreds of years of brutal racial hate because of the word indian.  Go tell them they are not indian.


Also go tell the gypsies that they are not indian. They have experienced hundreds of years of racial hate in Europe because of their indian skin and features.   You will get beat up really bad.


Red or brown it does not matter.  Wear that name with pride.

I do not have to tell them. They know.  The decided to call themselves first nations.


What the experience has little to do with the question. They do not even like to call themselves Amerindians. I for example adopted the term Amerind because the conclusion was both the american and the Indian part were contrived. The hybridized form would give neither significance.


Again, no native American people call themselves "Indians".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Stormborn go tell those American indians whose tribes were almost completely wiped out by the American army that they are not indian.

The man is such an anti-"Indian" racists that he even now rejects the word "Indian" as a description.  He prefers to be associated with an "African specie" when infact many American-Indian tribes were supposed to have crossed the Bering-Straights into North America from Asia.

 I am anti the term that represent a mistake that landed Europeans here and resulted in the decimation of native peoples. Read Menchu on why she does not celebrate Columbus day.


I am among native peoples all the time and can say without reservation they do not call themselves all Indians. It has nothing to do with your figment of supposed hate of Indians of the sub continent.


That is mighty self important of you. You do not even remotely broach the event horizon of these people when they consider the term an odium. It is more about the right of a people to label themselves.


BTW, read the whole thread before you intrude with nonsense. I definitively stated we are more related to Mongolians in the near  history and that we are all Africans pre 50 to 100 thousand years ago.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I do not even know what you are talking about.

You hardly do, so it is not unusual.

Old man, you live is a depressing setting and that may be what is getting to you. As I said, move to some green and from those loogie like houses because they drive you to melancholy and irritability.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Stormborn go tell those American indians whose tribes were almost completely wiped out by the American army that they are not indian.

The man is such an anti-"Indian" racists that he even now rejects the word "Indian" as a description.  He prefers to be associated with an "African specie" when infact many American-Indian tribes were supposed to have crossed the Bering-Straights into North America from Asia.

Baseman, let me get this straight . . . Stormborn is an "anti-Indian" racist because he rejects the description that conquering Europeans ignorantly gave to the peoples of the Americas??


and . . . are you THAT stupid that you cannot comprehend what he is talking about (scientifically speaking) when he references the "African" genetic roots of all mankind?


that you can corrupt all this with sneering contempt, i.e., "he prefers to be associated with an African specie . . ." illustrates clearly for those of us who are paying attention that YOUR stink-minded racism doesn't need much to bubble to the surface.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The man is such an anti-"Indian" racists that he even now rejects the word "Indian" as a description.  He prefers to be associated with an "African specie" when infact many American-Indian tribes were supposed to have crossed the Bering-Straights into North America from Asia.

Baseman, let me get this straight . . . Stormborn is an "anti-Indian" racist because he rejects the description that conquering Europeans ignorantly gave to the peoples of the Americas??


and . . . are you THAT stupid that you cannot comprehend what he is talking about (scientifically speaking) when he references the "African" genetic roots of all mankind?


that you can corrupt all this with sneering contempt, i.e., "he prefers to be associated with an African specie . . ." illustrates clearly for those of us who are paying attention that YOUR stink-minded racism doesn't need much to bubble to the surface.

It's clear, all humankind have roots in Africa, what the news here.  So what, he would have preferred they mis-took for Africa?  Or better yet, maybe a large aquarium and call the people "fish".  It nauseates him to even be mistakenly referred to as "Indian", a term which has become widely accepted over the centuries.  So what next, he refute being referred to as West "Indian"?  The man is an Indo-hating racist to the core, and he knows it.  His racism is always fuming.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The man is such an anti-"Indian" racists that he even now rejects the word "Indian" as a description.  He prefers to be associated with an "African specie" when infact many American-Indian tribes were supposed to have crossed the Bering-Straights into North America from Asia.

Baseman, let me get this straight . . . Stormborn is an "anti-Indian" racist because he rejects the description that conquering Europeans ignorantly gave to the peoples of the Americas??


and . . . are you THAT stupid that you cannot comprehend what he is talking about (scientifically speaking) when he references the "African" genetic roots of all mankind?


that you can corrupt all this with sneering contempt, i.e., "he prefers to be associated with an African specie . . ." illustrates clearly for those of us who are paying attention that YOUR stink-minded racism doesn't need much to bubble to the surface.

It's clear, all humankind have roots in Africa, what the news here.  So what, he would have preferred they mis-took for Africa?  Or better yet, maybe a large aquarium and call the people "fish".  It nauseates him to even be mistakenly referred to as "Indian", a term which has become widely accepted over the centuries.  So what next, he refute being referred to as West "Indian"?  The man is an Indo-hating racist to the core, and he knows it.  His racism is always fuming.

Baseman, I don't agree with you that he is an Indo-hating racist. He is against the label that was given to his kind. BTW, I think he has Indo blood in his genetic make up.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The man is such an anti-"Indian" racists that he even now rejects the word "Indian" as a description.  He prefers to be associated with an "African specie" when infact many American-Indian tribes were supposed to have crossed the Bering-Straights into North America from Asia.

Baseman, let me get this straight . . . Stormborn is an "anti-Indian" racist because he rejects the description that conquering Europeans ignorantly gave to the peoples of the Americas??


and . . . are you THAT stupid that you cannot comprehend what he is talking about (scientifically speaking) when he references the "African" genetic roots of all mankind?


that you can corrupt all this with sneering contempt, i.e., "he prefers to be associated with an African specie . . ." illustrates clearly for those of us who are paying attention that YOUR stink-minded racism doesn't need much to bubble to the surface.

It's clear, all humankind have roots in Africa, what the news here.  So what, he would have preferred they mis-took for Africa?  Or better yet, maybe a large aquarium and call the people "fish".  It nauseates him to even be mistakenly referred to as "Indian", a term which has become widely accepted over the centuries.  So what next, he refute being referred to as West "Indian"?  The man is an Indo-hating racist to the core, and he knows it.  His racism is always fuming.

 What the hell are you talking about here? Who denies or mistook africa as the source of homo sapiens?


The point of discussion here is Indian as a people from Asia but "Indian" as a label. It is a mistaken identity and a label assigned by others while the people called themselves by a thousand personal names.


These names mean something. In all cases it is usually a word meaning I am a person or I am or people of the plains  or people of the highlands. What people call themselves matter. It is identity, location in the world and location in a culture.


That you stupidly take affront and decide to call me a racist because of trying to educate you on the subject is your own insecurity. Unlike you, I do not bother myself  with the race baiting you honed to a habit. Check your mention of piwari this or or buck that not to mention your declaration that African peoples are a substandard people. That is racism not this ignorance of the nature of labels.


Your desire to make me "Indian hating" is merely to get traction in your defense of the corrupt PPP. I could only detest these good Indian sons and daughters if I hated them. Well, I do not wast my time with hate. I focus my attention to their habit of being perniciously corrupt.


Further, unlike you who constantly give motivation for PNC corruption as latent cultural and genetic efficiency, my explanation as to why this government is simple, it has to be so given the constitution and electoral system makes the state a prize.But being too stupid and more so a self declared racist you cannot fine explanations as to why we are the way we are in racial limbo outside race.






Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I do not even know what you are talking about.

You hardly do, so it is not unusual.

Old man, you live is a depressing setting and that may be what is getting to you. As I said, move to some green and from those loogie like houses because they drive you to melancholy and irritability.

So, you have selected a loogie to finally pass your days away.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I do not even know what you are talking about.

You hardly do, so it is not unusual.

Old man, you live is a depressing setting and that may be what is getting to you. As I said, move to some green and from those loogie like houses because they drive you to melancholy and irritability.

So, you have selected a loogie to finally pass your days away.

Just giving you some helpful advice. You live in an area that is a step up from a trailer park and it surely contributes to your irritability. You do not have to oppress yourself that way. I do not live in a palace but I live in a park like setting. You need to be able to sit on the grass, feed the squirrels, and throw pebbles in a stream.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I do not even know what you are talking about.

You hardly do, so it is not unusual.

Old man, you live is a depressing setting and that may be what is getting to you. As I said, move to some green and from those loogie like houses because they drive you to melancholy and irritability.

So, you have selected a loogie to finally pass your days away.

Just giving you some helpful advice. You live in an area that is a step up from a trailer park and it surely contributes to your irritability. You do not have to oppress yourself that way. I do not live in a palace but I live in a park like setting. You need to be able to sit on the grass, feed the squirrels, and throw pebbles in a stream.

Stormborn, you are now describing your habitat.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I do not even know what you are talking about.

You hardly do, so it is not unusual.

Old man, you live is a depressing setting and that may be what is getting to you. As I said, move to some green and from those loogie like houses because they drive you to melancholy and irritability.

So, you have selected a loogie to finally pass your days away.

Just giving you some helpful advice. You live in an area that is a step up from a trailer park and it surely contributes to your irritability. You do not have to oppress yourself that way. I do not live in a palace but I live in a park like setting. You need to be able to sit on the grass, feed the squirrels, and throw pebbles in a stream.

Stormborn, you are now describing your habitat.

You can plead ignorance but that is your choice. My habitat is quite fine thank you. It is not a concrete wasteland.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The man is such an anti-"Indian" racists that he even now rejects the word "Indian" as a description.  He prefers to be associated with an "African specie" when infact many American-Indian tribes were supposed to have crossed the Bering-Straights into North America from Asia.

Baseman, let me get this straight . . . Stormborn is an "anti-Indian" racist because he rejects the description that conquering Europeans ignorantly gave to the peoples of the Americas??


and . . . are you THAT stupid that you cannot comprehend what he is talking about (scientifically speaking) when he references the "African" genetic roots of all mankind?


that you can corrupt all this with sneering contempt, i.e., "he prefers to be associated with an African specie . . ." illustrates clearly for those of us who are paying attention that YOUR stink-minded racism doesn't need much to bubble to the surface.

It's clear, all humankind have roots in Africa, what the news here.  So what, he would have preferred they mis-took for Africa?  Or better yet, maybe a large aquarium and call the people "fish".  It nauseates him to even be mistakenly referred to as "Indian", a term which has become widely accepted over the centuries.  So what next, he refute being referred to as West "Indian"?  The man is an Indo-hating racist to the core, and he knows it.  His racism is always fuming.

It is no secret that Strom is an Indo haring racist. Thanks for confirming this known fact. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The man is such an anti-"Indian" racists that he even now rejects the word "Indian" as a description.  He prefers to be associated with an "African specie" when infact many American-Indian tribes were supposed to have crossed the Bering-Straights into North America from Asia.

Baseman, let me get this straight . . . Stormborn is an "anti-Indian" racist because he rejects the description that conquering Europeans ignorantly gave to the peoples of the Americas??


and . . . are you THAT stupid that you cannot comprehend what he is talking about (scientifically speaking) when he references the "African" genetic roots of all mankind?


that you can corrupt all this with sneering contempt, i.e., "he prefers to be associated with an African specie . . ." illustrates clearly for those of us who are paying attention that YOUR stink-minded racism doesn't need much to bubble to the surface.

It's clear, all humankind have roots in Africa, what the news here.  So what, he would have preferred they mis-took for Africa?  Or better yet, maybe a large aquarium and call the people "fish".  It nauseates him to even be mistakenly referred to as "Indian", a term which has become widely accepted over the centuries.  So what next, he refute being referred to as West "Indian"?  The man is an Indo-hating racist to the core, and he knows it.  His racism is always fuming.

It is no secret that Strom is an Indo haring racist. Thanks for confirming this known fact. 

What is clear is both you and that other self affirmed bigot there cannot grasp basic statements of facts or parse any evaluation without introducing the non informational term "race".


Get it in your stupid head. I do not give value to the word. It has not basis in biology and its existence in the lexicon simply as a label that is a synonym for ethnicity or cultural affinity.


It is unfortunate that  for idiots like you, it is a means  to attach categories of human worth because being afflicted with lack of self worth, it is the only basis to attach some value to your lives.


And again stupid man, "West Indies" is a geographical location and not about sublimating a people to nonentity status by a false label.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Stormborn is longing and praying for the days of the United Force Party to return when Amerindian brothers and sisters were thrown in with the combined Euro lot.

What would propel you to write something as silly as the above? That would be the natural inclination for the non thinking insufferable racist souls but not you.


The whole argument about ethnic labels has little to do with "Indians" or anyone else. Do you think scholars the world over who make a conscious effort to use the replacement term First nation or native american do so because they hate indians? Do you think native peoples who prefer to be called by their tribal names do so because they hate Indians?  There are hundreds of articles and books by native and non natives scholars on the matter; do think all of those were driven by hate for Indians ? That is the most asinine suggestion I  have ever heard.


While it is easy to see it coming from the puny insubstantial minds;  has all hope been dashed to a thousand fragments when those like yourselves harbor the thought that "Indians" are so preeminent or an object of odium that Native Peoples re fusing to accept a mis labing do so because they hate "Indians"?


In any event, and more to the inherently stupid nature of your posit; what benefit has the UF provided to Amerinds that was so substantial to the culture that anyone would wish for them to return? Has whites, or any other group  done any other thing than sought ways to rob native peoples? The only reason you write that shit is because you are haplessly infected with the same curse of insecurity as the rest of these ignoramuses. We don't hope for saviors from any other race. We just hope they wake up and realize we are humans like them same hopes and dreams and  that we are not mere objects of derision and opportunity to plunder.

Last edited by Former Member

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