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First, I believe that youth unemployment in Guyana is very high and is unacceptable. Youth employment is a problem in not only Guyana and in the caribbean or the developing world, but also in the developed world. I do dot think that the PPP has that much reach. They have enough problems even hanging on to their Amerindian support or getting their supporters out to vote on the "referendum" on the present government's performance.

However, we need to look at the article critically. What figures are they using specifically for Guyana and from they did they derive that data. We need to have evidence-based policies so institutions such as the CDB need to figure out a way to aid governments to develop, collect, analyze and dissininate the data in a way that all stakeholders can act on the basis of the data. The publishing of the national census is long overdue and by now it is dated.  The policy formulation and implementation process in Guyana and many developing countries need to improved as should the political process.


ameliaSome don't want to work while others are running for public office and winning elections.  Congratulations Amelia Ali.

In her own words, "I would like to thank the PPP supporters who came out and voted for us. A political party is nothing without it's supporters and for that reason your participation at LGE was extremely vital in ensuring that your community is safe and stable. To all the PPP candidates , especially the young candidates that took up the challenge, congratulations. I urge you to dedicate yourself to the development of your community and it's residents. The PPP will always stand by the people of this nation and will always have the nation's interest at heart. Long live the PPP!"


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  • amelia
Bibi Haniffa
ian posted:

We have businesses in Guyana, YOUTHS DO NOT WANT TO WORK.  

The same nonsense in Canada, people do not want to work.  

Jobs are available . How they come up with these statistics is beyond me.  

Why should they? Choke and rob better than working. Lots of competition around since the release of the criminal gangs. Granger has contributed to the unemployment rate since he has been releasing the criminals. Let the PNC deal with the unemployment of the youths. 

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:

Crime pays. Recently a thief was charged for stealing $500,000. The loot was not recovered. He pleaded guilty and was fined $100,000.

Only in the blessed PNC Guyana. Police probably got 50% of the $500,000 loot. Guyana seems to be operating on 50% salary increase. So the police will be asking for 50%.

skeldon_man posted:
ian posted:

We have businesses in Guyana, YOUTHS DO NOT WANT TO WORK.  

The same nonsense in Canada, people do not want to work.  

Jobs are available . How they come up with these statistics is beyond me.  

Why should they? Choke and rob better than working. Lots of competition around since the release of the criminal gangs. Granger has contributed to the unemployment rate since he has been releasing the criminals. Let the PNC deal with the unemployment of the youths. 

You is a expert on this subject of choke and rob u  train your family how to make this a profitable business 

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ian posted:

We have businesses in Guyana, YOUTHS DO NOT WANT TO WORK.  

The same nonsense in Canada, people do not want to work.  

Jobs are available . How they come up with these statistics is beyond me.  

Why should they? Choke and rob better than working. Lots of competition around since the release of the criminal gangs. Granger has contributed to the unemployment rate since he has been releasing the criminals. Let the PNC deal with the unemployment of the youths. 

You is a expert on this subject of choke and rob u  train your family how to make this a profitable business 

I have the  female members of your family in my home... we make huge profits on this business dummy. 

ian posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ian posted:

We have businesses in Guyana, YOUTHS DO NOT WANT TO WORK.  

The same nonsense in Canada, people do not want to work.  

Jobs are available . How they come up with these statistics is beyond me.  

Why should they? Choke and rob better than working. Lots of competition around since the release of the criminal gangs. Granger has contributed to the unemployment rate since he has been releasing the criminals. Let the PNC deal with the unemployment of the youths. 

You is a expert on this subject of choke and rob u  train your family how to make this a profitable business 

I have the  female members of your family in my home... we make huge profits on this business dummy. 

That is so nice you girls doing each other nails

warrior posted:
ian posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ian posted:

We have businesses in Guyana, YOUTHS DO NOT WANT TO WORK.  

The same nonsense in Canada, people do not want to work.  

Jobs are available . How they come up with these statistics is beyond me.  

Why should they? Choke and rob better than working. Lots of competition around since the release of the criminal gangs. Granger has contributed to the unemployment rate since he has been releasing the criminals. Let the PNC deal with the unemployment of the youths. 

You is a expert on this subject of choke and rob u  train your family how to make this a profitable business 

I have the  female members of your family in my home... we make huge profits on this business dummy. 

That is so nice you girls doing each other nails

warrior posted:
ian posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ian posted:

We have businesses in Guyana, YOUTHS DO NOT WANT TO WORK.  

The same nonsense in Canada, people do not want to work.  

Jobs are available . How they come up with these statistics is beyond me.  

Why should they? Choke and rob better than working. Lots of competition around since the release of the criminal gangs. Granger has contributed to the unemployment rate since he has been releasing the criminals. Let the PNC deal with the unemployment of the youths. 

You is a expert on this subject of choke and rob u  train your family how to make this a profitable business 

I have the  female members of your family in my home... we make huge profits on this business dummy. 

That is so nice you girls doing each other nails

Don't want to hurt your feelings.

Keep Dreaming.  

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I know unemployment among the youth is high.  I cannot say for sure if it is 40%. Government must create conditions for businesses to grow and create employment.

PNC will only Fete and bruk down Guyana. These AFC/PNC idiots cannot even build a toilet, how can they create Jobs ?

These AFC/PNC conmen are good a filling up their pockets and living the high life at the expense of the poor.

64 Percent of Guyanese voted against these AFC/PNC conmen.

yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I know unemployment among the youth is high.  I cannot say for sure if it is 40%. Government must create conditions for businesses to grow and create employment.

PNC will only Fete and bruk down Guyana. These AFC/PNC idiots cannot even build a toilet, how can they create Jobs ?

These AFC/PNC conmen are good a filling up their pockets and living the high life at the expense of the poor.

64 Percent of Guyanese voted against these AFC/PNC conmen.

Continue to think that the PPP did well.  Even Jagdeo is admitting that they lost ground outside of traditional PPP areas.  The PPP CANNOT win in the national election if this trend continues!

Mars posted:

PPP Legacy 40% youth unemployment


So this is the great economic achievement the PPP are always boasting about. A legacy of 40% youth unemployment and the streets flooded with cocaine and guns, is the recipe for disaster we see today in the form of out of control violent crime.

What is the coalition doing to turn this around?

Bibi Haniffa
warrior posted:
ian posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ian posted:

We have businesses in Guyana, YOUTHS DO NOT WANT TO WORK.  

The same nonsense in Canada, people do not want to work.  

Jobs are available . How they come up with these statistics is beyond me.  

Why should they? Choke and rob better than working. Lots of competition around since the release of the criminal gangs. Granger has contributed to the unemployment rate since he has been releasing the criminals. Let the PNC deal with the unemployment of the youths. 

You is a expert on this subject of choke and rob u  train your family how to make this a profitable business 

I have the  female members of your family in my home... we make huge profits on this business dummy. 

That is so nice you girls doing each other nails


Ian walked into that one and it wasnt even for he.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

PPP Legacy 40% youth unemployment


So this is the great economic achievement the PPP are always boasting about. A legacy of 40% youth unemployment and the streets flooded with cocaine and guns, is the recipe for disaster we see today in the form of out of control violent crime.

What is the coalition doing to turn this around?

A clampdown on the drug trade in partnership with the US DEA should help to stem the flow of drugs which the PPP turned a blind to. Young people who were drawn to getting easy money via drug trafficking will have to seek employment in mainstream industries and help to boost employment numbers. Improvements in crime fighting are already paying dividends in the form of a 12% reduction in serious crime for Jan & Feb 2016 vs 2015. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jagdeo DID NOT say that the PPP is losing ground in traditional areas.  The PPP will win if the current trend continues.  How do you go from a 1% loss in May 2015 to a 20% win in a matter of ten months?  That is the trend!

I did NOT say that Jagdeo was losing ground in traditional INDIAN areas.  I am telling you that he LOST ground in the interior. 

In Region 1 the PPP won 70% of the votes.  In LGE seats are allocated on a winner take all basis, so this should mean that the PPP should do even better, as the party with fewer votes does NOT get credit, as they do under the PR system when every vote is used to determine allocation of MPs, and also who wins the presidency.

So if the coalition won 45% of the seats in Region 1, that means that the PPP LOST its share of the vote as they get LESS than 50% in some locations.

Lethem has been UF, than GAP, then PPP.  NEVER has Lethem gone PNC, but this time they did, in response to GRANGER!

So go cheer for Jagdeo's "coolie people party", and ask yourself why some one who isn't Indian should vote for a party which PRIORITIZES the Indian vote, and even more astoundingly ADMITS THIS!

At least 55% of the vote rs are NOT Indian, and not every Indo votes PPP!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

PPP Legacy 40% youth unemployment


So this is the great economic achievement the PPP are always boasting about. A legacy of 40% youth unemployment and the streets flooded with cocaine and guns, is the recipe for disaster we see today in the form of out of control violent crime.

What is the coalition doing to turn this around?

We will see, but this is a PPP legacy, so they shouldn't blame the coalition.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jagdeo DID NOT say that the PPP is losing ground in traditional areas.  The PPP will win if the current trend continues.  How do you go from a 1% loss in May 2015 to a 20% win in a matter of ten months?  That is the trend!

Because GT and Linden knew that no PPP racist was going to be mayor, so they didn't vote. Last year they voted to toss out the PPP racists, and will do so again, unless the PPP stops seeing itself as a "coolie people party".

Bibi Haniffa posted:

But you still have not answered my question.  The information you provide is irrelevant to this discussion.

Cannot remember your question.  Most likely because it reflects your ignorance.

1.  Granger is still president.

2. the Brown bai KKK, led by the Grand Wizard Jagdeo, will soon resume "black man a kill ahbe".

3.  Jagdeo screams that he galvanized the East Indian vote.  Hmmm.  Does he think that he can win where it really counts with a group now only 45% of the vote (maybe even less)?  And how does he think others will respond when he doesn't view them as being worthy enough to campaign towards?

4.  Lethem a PNC town?  Man those Rupununi folks who fought against the PNC in the 60s must be rolling in their graves.

baseman posted:

Now, have you not heard, since your PNC took power, the economy came to a screeching halt and many "mainstream" industries have been laying off employees?


yes, reduced drug trafficking and money laundering does have this effect.  How many "drug buildings" can one try to launder cash through if the DEA is watching?  So of course construction activity is down.

What none of you brown bai racists have been able to tell us is what the PPP actually did to create this "boom" that you all boast of.

And in fact, the IMF still predicts growth in GDP,  interesting given that Surinam, T&T, and Brazil are at best stagnant, at worse in a recession.

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

PPP Legacy 40% youth unemployment


So this is the great economic achievement the PPP are always boasting about. A legacy of 40% youth unemployment and the streets flooded with cocaine and guns, is the recipe for disaster we see today in the form of out of control violent crime.

What is the coalition doing to turn this around?

A clampdown on the drug trade in partnership with the US DEA should help to stem the flow of drugs which the PPP turned a blind to. Young people who were drawn to getting easy money via drug trafficking will have to seek employment in mainstream industries and help to boost employment numbers. Improvements in crime fighting are already paying dividends in the form of a 12% reduction in serious crime for Jan & Feb 2016 vs 2015. 

Oh really!!!  What does all this have to do with youth unemployment!  They will "seek" employment in the "mainstream" industries which have loads of open positions just waiting to absorb these petty "drug pushers" and other "unemployed criminals" displaced by reduced crime!!

Now, have you not heard, since your PNC took power, the economy came to a screeching halt and many "mainstream" industries have been laying off employees?

Oh, I guess you must be on that other wavelength or high on glue!!

And FYI, employment is not boosted by increased persons seeking employment.  It is boosted by increased economic activity brought about by confidence and stability and export (in Guyana's case).  Since the PNC took power, none of these are in play!!

What are your working, voodoo or black magic, no pun intended!!

What are you high on? Daru every day since you don't have work to do? The PPP promoted the drug industry in Guyana to the extent that it employed many youths who do not show up on any company payrolls. Stifle the drug trade and they will have to seek employment from other sources. Your PPP peeps stated that there are many jobs available in Guyana but black people too lazy to seek employment and rather work in the crime industry. Y'all get your lies in sync before you start babbling.

Another lie. The IMF stated that the economy is healthy and predicted 4% growth for 2016 vs the 4.4% predicted by the government economists. Lay off the cheap booze.

baseman posted:

You make no sense.  How do you count the "unemployed" in Guyana?


People who are not employed in a job, and who aren't self employed, like being a vendor.

40% in a third world economy is very high, as there isn't any social support that would lead people to live off benefits rather than taking what ever is available.

Your PPP has the 40% legacy, as that is when the data was collected.  Stop blaming "black man" for the legacy of the PPP!

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:

A clampdown on the drug trade in partnership with the US DEA should help to stem the flow of drugs which the PPP turned a blind to. Young people who were drawn to getting easy money via drug trafficking will have to seek employment in mainstream industries and help to boost employment numbers. Improvements in crime fighting are already paying dividends in the form of a 12% reduction in serious crime for Jan & Feb 2016 vs 2015. 

Oh really!!!  What does all this have to do with youth unemployment!  They will "seek" employment in the "mainstream" industries which have loads of open positions just waiting to absorb these petty "drug pushers" and other "unemployed criminals" displaced by reduced crime!!

Now, have you not heard, since your PNC took power, the economy came to a screeching halt and many "mainstream" industries have been laying off employees?

Oh, I guess you must be on that other wavelength or high on glue!!

And FYI, employment is not boosted by increased persons seeking employment.  It is boosted by increased economic activity brought about by confidence and stability and export (in Guyana's case).  Since the PNC took power, none of these are in play!!

What are your working, voodoo or black magic, no pun intended!!

What are you high on? Daru every day since you don't have work to do? The PPP promoted the drug industry in Guyana to the extent that it employed many youths who do not show up on any company payrolls. Stifle the drug trade and they will have to seek employment from other sources. Your PPP peeps stated that there are many jobs available in Guyana but black people too lazy to seek employment and rather work in the crime industry. Y'all get your lies in sync before you start babbling.

Another lie. The IMF stated that the economy is healthy and predicted 4% growth for 2016 vs the 4.4% predicted by the government economists. Lay off the cheap booze.

You make no sense.  How do you count the "unemployed" in Guyana?

Tell us where these many open jobs are so this "phantom employees" could go and seek employment on the grid!!

The IMF made a "prediction", that has yet to materialize.

Hey, Black, Indian, other youths, tell us where these unfilled job positing are sitting.  Actually, go tell Granger and the rest of the PNC so then can send the youths to go fill these positions.  Why are they risking life and limb working for pushers and under the table!

Why is everyone batting their heads, there are many jobs according to you, just go and fill then and get on the grid!

People who are "employed" in the drug trade do not show up as being employed. Ask your PPP peeps where all the jobs are in Guyana. Y'all really need to get together and have your lies synched up before you starting spouting nonsense. They declared on this very thread that there are many jobs in Guyana but youths are too lazy to work.

There are many young people making too much easy money in the drug trafficking industry that the PPP built so they do not want to work too hard for a buck. 

When Ramotar prorogued parliament, government spending ground to a halt and the economy slowed to a 1.2% growth for the first half of 2015. Once the new government passed the budget last year and government spending resumed, the economy started picking up again and ended the year at more than 3% growth. That was no prediction but what the statistics showed. Based on last year's growth and the current budget, the IMF predicted 4% growth this year. Of course it is yet to materialize since it is a prediction of something that is planned for the future. Duh!!


I see a lot of PPPites playing defense, attempting to throw cold water on the findings of the report. The statistics are what they are.  They point to a pervasive problem that existed for over 15 yrs. 

Yet there was no policy response from the PPP regime. As long as their families and friends were employed the rest of the country can go to hell.  The coalition is left with a herculean task to address this issue.

FC posted:

I see a lot of PPPites playing defense, attempting to throw cold water on the findings of the report. The statistics are what they are.  They point to a pervasive problem that existed for over 15 yrs. 

Yet there was no policy response from the PPP regime. As long as their families and friends were employed the rest of the country can go to hell.  The coalition is left with a herculean task to address this issue.

Yet there was no policy response from the PPP regime.

Are you out of your mind. KUMBAYA go ask yo KUMBAYA grandfather David for a plan. 

ian posted:
FC posted:

I see a lot of PPPites playing defense, attempting to throw cold water on the findings of the report. The statistics are what they are.  They point to a pervasive problem that existed for over 15 yrs. 

Yet there was no policy response from the PPP regime. As long as their families and friends were employed the rest of the country can go to hell.  The coalition is left with a herculean task to address this issue.

Yet there was no policy response from the PPP regime.

Are you out of your mind. KUMBAYA go ask yo KUMBAYA grandfather David for a plan. 

Just because you have a mouth does not mean you should open it ad nauseam. 

Last edited by Former Member

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