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OH Nadalala should get the Ali Babas in the PPP to stop using and paying Black Thugs from Durban Street $50,000 an event to beat up and rob East Indians.


Right now the Ali Baba gang of 18 thugs are robbing East Indian businessmen for the Ali Babas to drum up hysteria in the East Indian villages.


The opposite is happening, the East Indians are flocking to the AFC since they realise MOSES NAGAMOOTOO is the genuine JAGAN stuff.



Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

OH Nadalala should get the Ali Babas in the PPP to stop using and paying Black Thugs from Durban Street $50,000 an event to beat up and rob East Indians.


Right now the Ali Baba gang of 18 thugs are robbing East Indian businessmen for the Ali Babas to drum up hysteria in the East Indian villages.


The opposite is happening, the East Indians are flocking to the AFC since they realise MOSES NAGAMOOTOO is the genuine JAGAN stuff.



Stop peddling your blatant lies. Do you have facts to justify these allegations? What's your own publication's name? Please send me the URL so I can check it out. 


"Ramotar, Texiera, Nandalall and Luncheon works with Kwame to place thugs in Agricola"

By Editor   October 14, 2012

This reporter has spoken to two men from Queenstown who indicated they along with 15 others were paid by the PPP’s known thug Kwame McKoy to intermingle with the legitimate protestors at Agricola but disrupt the operation by committing violent acts against innocent citizens so that NCN would have something newsworthy to report to deflect the outrage brewing in the country over Roger Luncheon’s earlier utterances that the government was prepared to “rumble” against demands for Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to step down.

This explosive report was made by the young man who claimed they were paid 50,000 Guyana dollars each to go to agricola and create mayhem. The 2 operatives when asked why they complied in such deceit said they needed the money “tings rough”.

This situation MUST BE ADDRESSED!  The Jagdeoites have blood on their hands

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

"Ramotar, Texiera, Nandalall and Luncheon works with Kwame to place thugs in Agricola"

By Editor   October 14, 2012

This reporter has spoken to two men from Queenstown who indicated they along with 15 others were paid by the PPP’s known thug Kwame McKoy to intermingle with the legitimate protestors at Agricola but disrupt the operation by committing violent acts against innocent citizens so that NCN would have something newsworthy to report to deflect the outrage brewing in the country over Roger Luncheon’s earlier utterances that the government was prepared to “rumble” against demands for Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to step down.

This explosive report was made by the young man who claimed they were paid 50,000 Guyana dollars each to go to agricola and create mayhem. The 2 operatives when asked why they complied in such deceit said they needed the money “tings rough”.

This situation MUST BE ADDRESSED!  The Jagdeoites have blood on their hands







Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

"Ramotar, Texiera, Nandalall and Luncheon works with Kwame to place thugs in Agricola"

By Editor   October 14, 2012

This reporter has spoken to two men from Queenstown who indicated they along with 15 others were paid by the PPP’s known thug Kwame McKoy to intermingle with the legitimate protestors at Agricola but disrupt the operation by committing violent acts against innocent citizens so that NCN would have something newsworthy to report to deflect the outrage brewing in the country over Roger Luncheon’s earlier utterances that the government was prepared to “rumble” against demands for Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to step down.

This explosive report was made by the young man who claimed they were paid 50,000 Guyana dollars each to go to agricola and create mayhem. The 2 operatives when asked why they complied in such deceit said they needed the money “tings rough”.

This situation MUST BE ADDRESSED!  The Jagdeoites have blood on their hands

Two Afro thugs said they were paid to create mayhem by the GoG and that becomes fact.  What would be the next excuse for thuggery.


Why didn’t Mr. Kumar help the victims of the Agricola mayhem?

November 13, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor,


Someone sent us a letter to the press written by one Mr. Neil Kumar, a PPP Member of Parliament, on his experience on the day of the Agricola mayhem. We want to reject this letter in its entirety; it is a travesty and a farce on reality. This is classic PPP propaganda, distortions and lies. These PPP propagandists have no shame with their bold-faced lies. Who do they think they are fooling?


You have to be very scornful of the ordinary people to witness “sexual molestation” and run away like a classic chicken, especially when you are a licensed firearm carrier.  To compound the situation, Mr. Kumar chose to publish his comments and expect people to believe him.


What did he do as a Member of Parliament upon witnessing these transgressions of the law?  There were police in the theatre of action, why did he not do the right thing and seek help?  Why did he not call his President and plead with him to call the Army out?



It was Martin Luther King who said “… the greatest tragedy …..was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people?”  We condemn in a severe manner the actions of the thugs who assaulted and robbed good people on that faithful day in Agricola.  But we choose our harshest condemnation for the Neil Kumars of the land.  The people look up to them for service and protection.  But when the people are in dreadful situations like the Agricola mayhem, what did the Kumars and his kind from the PPP do?


They ran away. These people are not ordinary because ordinary people will either intervene or seek help from the police.


Why didn’t Mr. Kumar execute a citizen’s arrest to protect the innocent victims or engage the Police for help? It is either he is telling a blatant untruth or is nothing but a coward who cares little for the well-being of the ordinary Guyanese.


But we do not believe one word from Mr. Kumar and his writing is a dangerous attempt to stir up racial strife, something not unfamiliar to the PPP operatives. The ruling PPP leaders continually try to tell the people that what they say is the truth – no matter what the people saw, no matter what they experienced. Who does Mr. Kumar feel he is to use the newspapers to continually insult our intelligence and our capacity to pick sense from his nonsense?



But what we found extremely interesting is Mr. Kumar’s third and fourth hand information came out of the PPP playbook of the 1960s.  To what end?
How relevant is that information to putting bread on the tables of the poor and working class today?  How relevant is that information in creating jobs for the youths?
This is the diversionary scheme the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal has and continues to use. But there is a grander PPP scheme unfolding since they lost the majority in 2011.
They have sunk to a new low. It is all-out racial strife. But again we must remind the likes of Mr. Kumar, when the poor and the working class “belly a bun, the brain does wake up.”  Nobody is going into any PPP sheep pen.
All the PPP operatives, including Mr. Kumar, who witnessed the transgression and chose to hide, have also committed a sin against those who were robbed, molested or beaten in their presence and should hide their faces in shame.
Might we remind Mr. Kumar that it is the Government of the day that is responsible for the domestic security of all its citizens; whether they hail from Enterprise or Agricola?
We are informing the people of Guyana to be aware of the trap the PPP has and continues to set for them. We are all Guyanese who are striving to do our best to survive and to rid our country of corruption, crime, illegal narcotics, child prostitution and molestation. If Mr. Kumar and the PPP do not know, we as Guyanese are in this together. Stay strong people and stand up to the bullies at Freedom House.



Shame on you Mr. Kumar!

Dr Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh


when i read racist remark on this site it make me sick.i live in guyana and travell throughout this country and i donot i repeat donot encounter any racist problem.i am a indian with many black friends,and when we having a drink we always have a mix crowd.the ppp government will like the guyanese indians to think that the blacks hate them,but if this is true it might be about 1% of  blacks.the ppp government stand to lose if the indians stop being scare of the black people

Originally Posted by warrior:

when i read racist remark on this site it make me sick.i live in guyana and travell throughout this country and i donot i repeat donot encounter any racist problem.i am a indian with many black friends,and when we having a drink we always have a mix crowd.the ppp government will like the guyanese indians to think that the blacks hate them,but if this is true it might be about 1% of  blacks.the ppp government stand to lose if the indians stop being scare of the black people

Indians must never allow themselves to be subjugated again like they were under the PNC.  With the tone of their last election mantra, it's clear a return of the PNC will re-establish that old "glory" days.  Until there is constitutional reform removing the GDF from become a political force again in bed with the PNC, the PPP should remain in power.  You are nuts with the 1%, the AFC fields an Indian candidate, Afros run the other direction.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

when i read racist remark on this site it make me sick.i live in guyana and travell throughout this country and i donot i repeat donot encounter any racist problem.i am a indian with many black friends,and when we having a drink we always have a mix crowd.the ppp government will like the guyanese indians to think that the blacks hate them,but if this is true it might be about 1% of  blacks.the ppp government stand to lose if the indians stop being scare of the black people

Indians must never allow themselves to be subjugated again like they were under the PNC.  With the tone of their last election mantra, it's clear a return of the PNC will re-establish that old "glory" days.  Until there is constitutional reform removing the GDF from become a political force again in bed with the PNC, the PPP should remain in power.  You are nuts with the 1%, the AFC fields an Indian candidate, Afros run the other direction.



Oh Baseman, this is melodramatic tootle from you!

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

when i read racist remark on this site it make me sick.i live in guyana and travell throughout this country and i donot i repeat donot encounter any racist problem.i am a indian with many black friends,and when we having a drink we always have a mix crowd.the ppp government will like the guyanese indians to think that the blacks hate them,but if this is true it might be about 1% of  blacks.the ppp government stand to lose if the indians stop being scare of the black people

Indians must never allow themselves to be subjugated again like they were under the PNC.  With the tone of their last election mantra, it's clear a return of the PNC will re-establish that old "glory" days.  Until there is constitutional reform removing the GDF from become a political force again in bed with the PNC, the PPP should remain in power.  You are nuts with the 1%, the AFC fields an Indian candidate, Afros run the other direction.



Oh Baseman, this is melodramatic tootle from you!

Indians for 40 year cowered when punched, kicked and brutalized by Afros.  This was a national pass-time, so much so that Buxton FF would publicly issue a "2 for 1" equation, until the great Gajraj and cowboy BJ showed up.  The accomplishments of the Guyanese Indian must never be allowed to be rolled back.  At the same time, Afros must be treated fairly and given equal access to the resources and assets of the nation to help them accomplish their dreams individually and as a people.


I get very weary of debates about how to serve the interest of this or that ethnic group. I made the acquaintance of some of the best of the PPP old guard (all gone now), and they had no interest whatsoever in the issue of race. They saw it as a fake issue introduced by the British when they created the PNC.

Originally Posted by baseman:

 . . . Until there is constitutional reform removing the GDF from become a political force again in bed with the PNC, the PPP should remain in power. 

Baseman speaking in tongues again . . . afraid that if he translates for 'general' consumption, his target audience will recoil in disgust


but . . . ah still deh hay with meh flashlight lil man; go scurry back into your hole till next time

Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . Indians for 40 year cowered when punched, kicked and brutalized by Afros.  This was a national pass-time, so much so that Buxton FF would publicly issue a "2 for 1" equation, until the great Gajraj and cowboy BJ showed up.  The accomplishments of the Guyanese Indian must never be allowed to be rolled back.

as it should be . . . there is no penalty for the bellowings of the most egregious demagogues fortunate enough to live in our present time - in a very tolerant country called America . . . ONLY scorn and opprobrium!


i am confident that Guyanese, likewise, will not be led over a cliff to sanctify the insecurities and fantasies of small-time fuhrers like this moron

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 . . . Until there is constitutional reform removing the GDF from become a political force again in bed with the PNC, the PPP should remain in power. 

Baseman speaking in tongues again . . . afraid that if he translates for 'general' consumption, his target audience will recoil in disgust


but . . . ah still deh hay with meh flashlight lil man; go scurry back into your hole till next time

Seeing you are good at translating "tongues", tell me what you think I really mean!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 . . . Until there is constitutional reform removing the GDF from become a political force again in bed with the PNC, the PPP should remain in power. 

Baseman speaking in tongues again . . . afraid that if he translates for 'general' consumption, his target audience will recoil in disgust


but . . . ah still deh hay with meh flashlight lil man; go scurry back into your hole till next time

Seeing you are good at translating "tongues", tell me what you think I really mean!!


Originally Posted by baseman: 

. . . what you think I really mean!!

OK, since u insist; THIS is what you "really" mean:


"the PPP should remain in power [forever]"


your "GDF" conditionality is illiterate - demagogic rhetoric that makes no legal or operational sense UNLESS one understands that, under any imaginable circumstance, a majority black (armed) disciplined force is anathema to Indo-hegemonists like u


Is that a DIRECT enough answer . . . hmmm?


now, go crawl back into your hole you dirty little insect


Contract workers become political stooges to survive the life term of their contracts

April 22, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
The politically appointed squadron of contract workers has rendered re-organisation of the public service in Guyana ineffective as these contract workers serve at the pleasure of their respective ministers not necessarily in the interest of the state as their security of tenure is non-existent.
The PPP is increasingly replacing civil servants with contract workers and such a system compromises the institutional capacity of the state as core competencies are not being developed for the long term. This is a revolving door strategy that has destroyed the public service.
It is this type of public service that procures for the government some 100 contract workers on the protest line for their political masters during the 2012 budget debate.
Prominent among the protestors was Guyana’s chief diplomat Elizabeth Harper, Director General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One is no longer at a loss as to why Guyana is where it is with its diplomatic relations. The reason for this protest is at best questionable when it was the AFC that advocated for a 20 percent wage increase for the workers, while the PPP government only offered 8 percent in 2011.
The AFC has committed to advocating for a cadre of qualified and experienced workers in the public service and putting an end to this political machinery of contract workers that the PPP government is exploiting. This leaves room for highly skilled technocrats to be engaged in contracts because of their niche skill-sets while the drivers and accounts clerks on contract can secure permanent jobs within the establishment as public servants at a living wage.
If one is to look at the table below carefully, a contract worker is rendered into a political stooge of the Minister if that person wants to survive the life of their contract, while a public servant has the ability to have security of tenure and independence from political instruction
It is clearly a case of “champagne socialism” at its best in Guyana, with the PPP interested only in the uses of the working class but not in the working class itself. The action by the Public Service Ministry to hire some 6,000 contract workers is an abuse of the letter and spirit of what contract employment ought to be in the State sector.
Public servants do not have to accept “crumbs” from the PPP “prince-lings” who continue to rape the treasury for their multi-million dollar mansions and luxury assets, a dichotomy singled out by Mrs. Nadira Jagan, daughter of the founders of the party to the ire of the PPP cabal. The PPP has skillfully contrived to mask their surgical deflowering of the public service as they prepare to devour it. The said PPP told public servants that the government can ill afford higher wages as they rolled out an annual menu of 5 percent wage increases.
Yet, this said PPP government in the last 10 years has found a treasure pot to pay for all the pet “fetishes” of the political elite such as the billions of dollars in travel expenses for former President Jagdeo on his “air miles to nowhere” and to pay for its foolish economic blunderings such as the production retardation at the Skeldon Factory, saddling the taxpayers with a price tag of
From page 5
$40 billion dollars. It has also over the years found monies to pay its unqualified political favourites in sinecure super salaried appointments of $700,000 and $800,000 per month plus fringe benefits. It also found $10,000 to $15,000 US dollar per month tax free for nepotistic appointments for loyal expatriates who further the political cause of the government.
The Guyanese people are not dense.  They are furious and are anxious to be rescued from this squanderous cabal.
So what we are observing from the PPP today on the streets is more fear mongering and pure political pomposity; their obvious forte.


Sasenarine Singh

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Contract workers become political stooges to survive the life term of their contracts

April 22, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
The politically appointed squadron of contract workers has rendered re-organisation of the public service in Guyana ineffective as these contract workers serve at the pleasure of their respective ministers not necessarily in the interest of the state as their security of tenure is non-existent.
The PPP is increasingly replacing civil servants with contract workers and such a system compromises the institutional capacity of the state as core competencies are not being developed for the long term. This is a revolving door strategy that has destroyed the public service.
It is this type of public service that procures for the government some 100 contract workers on the protest line for their political masters during the 2012 budget debate.
Prominent among the protestors was Guyana’s chief diplomat Elizabeth Harper, Director General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One is no longer at a loss as to why Guyana is where it is with its diplomatic relations. The reason for this protest is at best questionable when it was the AFC that advocated for a 20 percent wage increase for the workers, while the PPP government only offered 8 percent in 2011.
The AFC has committed to advocating for a cadre of qualified and experienced workers in the public service and putting an end to this political machinery of contract workers that the PPP government is exploiting. This leaves room for highly skilled technocrats to be engaged in contracts because of their niche skill-sets while the drivers and accounts clerks on contract can secure permanent jobs within the establishment as public servants at a living wage.
If one is to look at the table below carefully, a contract worker is rendered into a political stooge of the Minister if that person wants to survive the life of their contract, while a public servant has the ability to have security of tenure and independence from political instruction
It is clearly a case of “champagne socialism” at its best in Guyana, with the PPP interested only in the uses of the working class but not in the working class itself. The action by the Public Service Ministry to hire some 6,000 contract workers is an abuse of the letter and spirit of what contract employment ought to be in the State sector.
Public servants do not have to accept “crumbs” from the PPP “prince-lings” who continue to rape the treasury for their multi-million dollar mansions and luxury assets, a dichotomy singled out by Mrs. Nadira Jagan, daughter of the founders of the party to the ire of the PPP cabal. The PPP has skillfully contrived to mask their surgical deflowering of the public service as they prepare to devour it. The said PPP told public servants that the government can ill afford higher wages as they rolled out an annual menu of 5 percent wage increases.
Yet, this said PPP government in the last 10 years has found a treasure pot to pay for all the pet “fetishes” of the political elite such as the billions of dollars in travel expenses for former President Jagdeo on his “air miles to nowhere” and to pay for its foolish economic blunderings such as the production retardation at the Skeldon Factory, saddling the taxpayers with a price tag of
From page 5
$40 billion dollars. It has also over the years found monies to pay its unqualified political favourites in sinecure super salaried appointments of $700,000 and $800,000 per month plus fringe benefits. It also found $10,000 to $15,000 US dollar per month tax free for nepotistic appointments for loyal expatriates who further the political cause of the government.
The Guyanese people are not dense.  They are furious and are anxious to be rescued from this squanderous cabal.
So what we are observing from the PPP today on the streets is more fear mongering and pure political pomposity; their obvious forte.


Sasenarine Singh

PPP paying stooges in the public service, political stooges to unleash violence against the people?


When they are gonna stop with all these stoogism?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

. . . what you think I really mean!!

OK, since u insist; THIS is what you "really" mean:


"the PPP should remain in power [forever]"


your "GDF" conditionality is illiterate - demagogic rhetoric that makes no legal or operational sense UNLESS one understands that, under any imaginable circumstance, a majority black (armed) disciplined force is anathema to Indo-hegemonists like u


Is that a DIRECT enough answer . . . hmmm?


now, go crawl back into your hole you dirty little insect

So, in essence, a military independent of political interference is not a topic of discussion under your political model.  Oh, that nasty "Indo-hegemonists" term again.  I thought you insisted it was not your phrase.  Well, your "tongues" are not overly complex to decipher, not in the least.


BTW, how does a true democratic process where people vote their choice without fear and able to change next time around should their choice not live up to expectation guarantee any party in power (forever).


So, if that means the PPP in power (forever), can we summise you resist an independent military as a means to ensure the PNC in power (forever)?  Furthermore, can we also conclude, this was the exact message the PNC's GDF campaign cadres were spreading as the stomped for the PNC in 2011?


Well, that does lend credence to the term of old Indians, "shit does eventually float"!  Now, head back and huddle with your latrine buddies.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 . . . Until there is constitutional reform removing the GDF from become a political force again in bed with the PNC, the PPP should remain in power. 

Baseman speaking in tongues again . . . afraid that if he translates for 'general' consumption, his target audience will recoil in disgust


but . . . ah still deh hay with meh flashlight lil man; go scurry back into your hole till next time

Seeing you are good at translating "tongues", tell me what you think I really mean!!


So, are you now Redux's toilet paper?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 . . . Until there is constitutional reform removing the GDF from become a political force again in bed with the PNC, the PPP should remain in power. 

Baseman speaking in tongues again . . . afraid that if he translates for 'general' consumption, his target audience will recoil in disgust


but . . . ah still deh hay with meh flashlight lil man; go scurry back into your hole till next time

Seeing you are good at translating "tongues", tell me what you think I really mean!!


So, are you now Redux's toilet paper?

O, fear me not.

But it is clear you are on a primrose path OH Baseman.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

. . . what you think I really mean!!

OK, since u insist; THIS is what you "really" mean:


"the PPP should remain in power [forever]"


your "GDF" conditionality is illiterate - demagogic rhetoric that makes no legal or operational sense UNLESS one understands that, under any imaginable circumstance, a majority black (armed) disciplined force is anathema to Indo-hegemonists like u


Is that a DIRECT enough answer . . . hmmm?


now, go crawl back into your hole you dirty little insect

[1] [So, in essence, a military independent of political interference is not a topic of discussion under your political model. Oh, that nasty "Indo-hegemonists" term again.  I thought you insisted it was not your phrase.  Well, your "tongues" are not overly complex to decipher, not in the least.


[2] BTW, how does a true democratic process where people vote their choice without fear and able to change next time around should their choice not live up to expectation guarantee any party in power (forever).


[3] So, if that means the PPP in power (forever), can we summise you resist an independent military as a means to ensure the PNC in power (forever)?  Furthermore, can we also conclude, this was the exact message the PNC's GDF campaign cadres were spreading as the stomped for the PNC in 2011?


[4] Well, that does lend credence to the term of old Indians, "shit does eventually float"!  Now, head back and huddle with your latrine buddies.

Your consultations with God-knows-who these past 12 hours have served you poorly . . . In response to your nonsense:


1) baseman: "So, in essence, a military independent of political interference is not a topic of discussion under your political model"
Desperate fakery . . . this is an invented 'conclusion' manufactured out of thin air. BTW
, i was probably THE person who introduced the term "Indo-hegemonist" to GNI . . . where and when did i "insist" that it was NOT my "phrase"?? I suggest you stop listening to the magic antimen in your head . . . there is enough reality to go around


2) you are having an argument with yourself and coming out on top . . . enjoy


3) i actually support a truly independent military, one whose "independence" is not defined by the results of an ethnic head count; unlike you and your ilk who believe that if the members vote PNC or are too black, such a force is illegitimate and CANNOT be trusted to discharge its constitutional duty. Your filibuster cannot hold . . . the GDF 'conditionality' stands exposed as a mealy-mouthed, demagogic FRAUD


4) "shit don't float" is not a "term of old Indians" . . . stop spouting nonsense just because it sounds 'nice'

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

. . . what you think I really mean!!

OK, since u insist; THIS is what you "really" mean:


"the PPP should remain in power [forever]"


your "GDF" conditionality is illiterate - demagogic rhetoric that makes no legal or operational sense UNLESS one understands that, under any imaginable circumstance, a majority black (armed) disciplined force is anathema to Indo-hegemonists like u


Is that a DIRECT enough answer . . . hmmm?


now, go crawl back into your hole you dirty little insect

[1] [So, in essence, a military independent of political interference is not a topic of discussion under your political model. Oh, that nasty "Indo-hegemonists" term again.  I thought you insisted it was not your phrase.  Well, your "tongues" are not overly complex to decipher, not in the least.


[2] BTW, how does a true democratic process where people vote their choice without fear and able to change next time around should their choice not live up to expectation guarantee any party in power (forever).


[3] So, if that means the PPP in power (forever), can we summise you resist an independent military as a means to ensure the PNC in power (forever)?  Furthermore, can we also conclude, this was the exact message the PNC's GDF campaign cadres were spreading as the stomped for the PNC in 2011?


[4] Well, that does lend credence to the term of old Indians, "shit does eventually float"!  Now, head back and huddle with your latrine buddies.

Your consultations with God-knows-who these past 12 hours have served you poorly . . . In response to your nonsense:


1) baseman: "So, in essence, a military independent of political interference is not a topic of discussion under your political model"
Desperate fakery . . . this is an invented 'conclusion' manufactured out of thin air. BTW
, i was probably THE person who introduced the term "Indo-hegemonist" to GNI . . . where and when did i "insist" that it was NOT my "phrase"?? I suggest you stop listening to the magic antimen in your head . . . there is enough reality to go around


2) you are having an argument with yourself and coming out on top . . . enjoy


3) i actually support a truly independent military, one whose "independence" is not defined by the results of an ethnic head count; unlike you and your ilk who believe that if the members vote PNC or are too black, such a force is illegitimate and CANNOT be trusted to discharge its constitutional duty. Your filibuster cannot hold . . . the GDF 'conditionality' stands exposed as a mealy-mouthed, demagogic FRAUD


4) "shit don't float" is not a "term of old Indians" . . . stop spouting nonsense just because it sounds 'nice'

You running zig-zag to confuse people.  It's don't work, your positions are there for those who care to read.


I never said the military is not a professional institution but we have a history to confront and a reality to face.  The fact this was "the" mantra of the PNC GDF campaigners in 2011 indicates this is a real and present danger.


Redux, your shit is floating all around you.  You cannot hide regardless how subtle and careful you try to "squeeze it out".

Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . I never said the military is not a professional institution but we have a history to confront and a reality to face.  The fact this was "the" mantra of the PNC GDF campaigners in 2011 indicates this is a real and present danger.

out of mercy and boredom, i'll ignore the weak rhetorical aspects of your post that are designed to cover your SHAME, IGNORANCE and embarrassing RETREAT . . . and help you along with what little substance there is:


Now, who were the "PNC GDF campaigners" in 2011 that alarmed you so, eh?


Collins, Granger, Harmon and the other retirees . . . hmmm.


If so, then you need to state plainly YOUR belief that serving in Guyana's military should prevent you forever from participating in political life


but apparently there is no "real and present danger" from the likes of Gajie, Jerry, Seelall, Priya husband, etc etc . . . hmmmm


you're like a frightened little girl . . . i have to speak for u


tired of being your brain

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . I never said the military is not a professional institution but we have a history to confront and a reality to face.  The fact this was "the" mantra of the PNC GDF campaigners in 2011 indicates this is a real and present danger.

out of mercy and boredom, i'll ignore the weak rhetorical aspects of your post that are designed to cover your SHAME, IGNORANCE and embarrassing RETREAT . . . and help you along with what little substance there is:


Now, who were the "PNC GDF campaigners" in 2011 that alarmed you so, eh?


Collins, Granger, Harmon and the other retirees . . . hmmm.


If so, then you need to state plainly YOUR belief that serving in Guyana's military should prevent you forever from participating in political life


but apparently there is no "real and present danger" from the likes of Gajie, Jerry, Seelall, Priya husband, etc etc . . . hmmmm


you're like a frightened little girl . . . i have to speak for u


tired of being your brain

Let the PPP remain right there, with all their short comings.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . I never said the military is not a professional institution but we have a history to confront and a reality to face.  The fact this was "the" mantra of the PNC GDF campaigners in 2011 indicates this is a real and present danger.

out of mercy and boredom, i'll ignore the weak rhetorical aspects of your post that are designed to cover your SHAME, IGNORANCE and embarrassing RETREAT . . . and help you along with what little substance there is:


Now, who were the "PNC GDF campaigners" in 2011 that alarmed you so, eh?


Collins, Granger, Harmon and the other retirees . . . hmmm.


If so, then you need to state plainly YOUR belief that serving in Guyana's military should prevent you forever from participating in political life


but apparently there is no "real and present danger" from the likes of Gajie, Jerry, Seelall, Priya husband, etc etc . . . hmmmm


you're like a frightened little girl . . . i have to speak for u


tired of being your brain

Let the PPP remain right there, with all their short comings.

bai, there was/is nothing illegal in being an Indo-hegemonist, PPP bitter ender . . . your elaborate (but poorly conceived) masquerade was never necessary


my job here is done


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I wonder if Old boy Counsee also run away from this protest liek Nel Kumar the coward?

Neel kumar write in the paper that he got to feed wan lady because the PHNC kill she husband out.  So what the PPP police did since then?




ME FADA seh she husband had to die fuh the PPP to drive fear in the East indians.  Nah true story?

Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I wonder if Old boy Counsee also run away from this protest liek Nel Kumar the coward?

Neel kumar write in the paper that he got to feed wan lady because the PHNC kill she husband out.  So what the PPP police did since then?




ME FADA seh she husband had to die fuh the PPP to drive fear in the East indians.  Nah true story?

Killing off the terrorists which have you guys up in arms.  Guyana needs a booster dose of phantomization.

Originally Posted by Devindra:

Base-man you are an extremist and a racist and there is no room for extremist and racist in Guyana.


You deserve to be penned up in GITMO!

Won't happen, the terrorists are the ones you seek to protect.  What is needed in Guyana is a prevention of a repeat of the early 2000's.  Terrorists, criminals, bandits need to be snuffed out without mercy and I make no distinction regarding race.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I wonder if Old boy Counsee also run away from this protest liek Nel Kumar the coward?

Neel kumar write in the paper that he got to feed wan lady because the PHNC kill she husband out.  So what the PPP police did since then?




ME FADA seh she husband had to die fuh the PPP to drive fear in the East indians.  Nah true story?

Killing off the terrorists which have you guys up in arms.  Guyana needs a booster dose of phantomization.

actually . . . people are more disgusted @ your fulsome embrace of the murderers who "phantomized" PPP minister Sat Sawh and his family

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I wonder if Old boy Counsee also run away from this protest liek Nel Kumar the coward?

Neel kumar write in the paper that he got to feed wan lady because the PHNC kill she husband out.  So what the PPP police did since then?




ME FADA seh she husband had to die fuh the PPP to drive fear in the East indians.  Nah true story?

Killing off the terrorists which have you guys up in arms.  Guyana needs a booster dose of phantomization.

actually . . . people are more disgusted @ your fulsome embrace of the murderers who "phantomized" PPP minister Sat Sawh and his family

Nah, we know Fineman gang killed the minister in revenge for the gang bang of Waddel. Alyuh could try to throw up smoke screen as much as you want, they cannot change the truth.  I embrace getting rid of terrorist and bandits by any means necessary.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I wonder if Old boy Counsee also run away from this protest liek Nel Kumar the coward?

Neel kumar write in the paper that he got to feed wan lady because the PHNC kill she husband out.  So what the PPP police did since then?




ME FADA seh she husband had to die fuh the PPP to drive fear in the East indians.  Nah true story?

Killing off the terrorists which have you guys up in arms.  Guyana needs a booster dose of phantomization.

actually . . . people are more disgusted @ your fulsome embrace of the murderers who "phantomized" PPP minister Sat Sawh and his family

Nah, we know Fineman gang killed the minister in revenge for the gang bang of Waddel. Alyuh could try to throw up smoke screen as much as you want, they cannot change the truth.  I embrace getting rid of terrorist and bandits by any means necessary.

What you really smoking baseman.


it was the Kow island deal that went sour and the instructions came from New Garden Street.  If you know what i mean.


Perhaps we need to re-open this case and ask some questions.


1.  Why was Sat killed?


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