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Protesters on the public road yesterday after the arrival of President David Granger at Cornelia Ida.

Protesters on the public road yesterday after the arrival of President David Granger at Cornelia Ida.

October 14 2019


Dozens of People’s Progressive Party (PPP) supporters descended on the Saraswati Vidya Niketan’s secondary school graduation ceremony attended by President David Granger yesterday as the opposition party continued its campaign of protests against the caretaker government.

The opposition supporters believe that Granger should not attend events as president of the country since, they claimed, his government is illegal following the passage of a no-confidence motion in December last year and the absence of general elections within the specified period.

In his address at the graduation ceremony, Granger said that science education is very important to the development of Guyana and handed over a $1 million cheque to assist with the expansion of the Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara school’s science programme and the equipping of the science laboratories, which are presently under construction, the Ministry of the Presidency reported.

President David Granger presenting Chetram Harrinarine, the best graduating CSEC student with a laptop computer. (Ministry of the Presidency photo)

Prior to his arrival, the PPP protestors, including children, gathered and were made to stand behind police barricades on the southern side of the road. “Granger must go” and “Illegal government” were some of their chants. Apart from holding placards, supporters were also carrying black flags, a new addition to their protesting props. When asked about the significance of the flag, several supporters were unable to explain.

“Me na know. It get some significance but I can’t really say,” a woman told Stabroek News.

“He [President Granger] is illegal and he cannot do them things what he is doing. After he illegal, he cannot attend functions and keep meetings. We are against that,” one woman, said when asked what was the purpose of their picketing demonstration.

She added that since the closure of the Wales sugar estate, they have been finding it difficult to get by and their future is filled with uncertainty.  “By time 10 [am], market done. I live at Wales and it is very hard for us. We need what know what would become of the youngsters because we don’t have jobs. We don’t have jobs and some children are not going to school because parents can’t afford. Mr Granger is starving his people because we don’t have jobs and we can’t get money. If this the attitude from them for five years, we need them to go,” the woman said.

 Government supporters sheltering from the rain at a bus shed in the village.

On the picketing line, several protestors also called for the Swami of the Hindu school to resign. “Swami must go,” they chanted with some expressing anger that he had invited Granger to the graduation ceremony. Granger has attended the graduation since 2015.

As the protestors chanted during the picketing exercise, close to 100 policemen, both junior and senior ranks, kept a watchful eye.

Some of the protestors told Stabroek News that despite wearing “Peaceful Protestor” tags, they were harassed by police. They claimed that police pushed the barriers against them causing injuries to several persons.

Stabroek News understands that at the time, police were extending their barriers further south and some protestors were not pleased with the move. It was at this point that the police and the protestors clashed as some protesters held on to the barriers and resisted cooperating with the police. Nonetheless, ranks pushed through.

Police officers and protestors at the protest yesterday
Saved in pictures as approtest

In a video posted on social media, one person was seen being arrested by the police. Commander of the division, Linden Lord, said two persons were arrested but were later released and warned.

Subsequently, the rains came and scattered the main body of

protesters as they sought cover in different places. Some protestors, nonetheless, braved the rains and stood their ground.

A small APNU+AFC group led a counter protest some distance away. These supporters ended their protest when the rains came and they sought shelter in a bus shed.

A few weeks ago, opposition supporters began to protest at events where Granger was present and since then, police have beefed up security in areas where the president was expected to be present.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

President David Granger, this afternoon, attended the 15th Graduation Ceremony and Dinner of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan, located at the Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
In his address, President Granger praised the not-for-profit secondary school for its stellar academic achievements over the years and said that its emphasis on science education is commendable.
“SVN is moving along the correct path. It is emphasizing science education without de-emphasizing the humanities. The school’s decision to erect a science building, equipped with modern laboratories, is a recognition of the validity and urgency of science education,” he said. The school was later given a million dollars towards the completion of that building.
Of the eight-six CSEC graduands, twenty-eight attained at least eight Grade Ones. Also graduating were fourteen CAPE students.
Here are a few photographs:


Why do they protest his attendance?  Ok, I understand the govt is illegal, but in the interest of unity and understanding, let that be.

HE Granger wants compromise but the PNC radicals like Ronan and Cribby want to bring back Burnham days and free money.  

The Honorable B. Jagdeo should temper some of the protesters and let some harmless gesture just be!

Baseman posted:

Why do they protest his attendance?  Ok, I understand the govt is illegal, but in the interest of unity and understanding, let that be.

HE Granger wants compromise but the PNC radicals like Ronan and Cribby want to bring back Burnham days and free money.  

The Honorable B. Jagdeo should temper some of the protesters and let some harmless gesture just be!

Base, I would like to you to observe how civil "dem coolies" protest. No cussing and spitting on people, pulling out lar and asking if tdem coolie women want fuh taste dis, no physical assault compare to a PNC protest and vulgarism. It shows where the PPP supporters are compared to the PNC tree-dwellers.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Why do they protest his attendance?  Ok, I understand the govt is illegal, but in the interest of unity and understanding, let that be.

HE Granger wants compromise but the PNC radicals like Ronan and Cribby want to bring back Burnham days and free money.  

The Honorable B. Jagdeo should temper some of the protesters and let some harmless gesture just be!

Base, I would like to you to observe how civil "dem coolies" protest. No cussing and spitting on people, pulling out lar and asking if tdem coolie women want fuh taste dis, no physical assault compare to a PNC protest and vulgarism. It shows where the PPP supporters are compared to the PNC tree-dwellers.

I agree. Abie not into violence, burn down and destruction. 

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Why do they protest his attendance?  Ok, I understand the govt is illegal, but in the interest of unity and understanding, let that be.

HE Granger wants compromise but the PNC radicals like Ronan and Cribby want to bring back Burnham days and free money.  

The Honorable B. Jagdeo should temper some of the protesters and let some harmless gesture just be!

Base, I would like to you to observe how civil "dem coolies" protest. No cussing and spitting on people, pulling out lar and asking if tdem coolie women want fuh taste dis, no physical assault compare to a PNC protest and vulgarism. It shows where the PPP supporters are compared to the PNC tree-dwellers.

Animals VS Humans!!!!!

Nehru posted:
Ray posted: see how Presidential yuh President look

Now, compare to Irfaan

Ray, Hitler used to smile in Public and say nice things, we do know how that ended!!!

ress yuh rass...the man look good and he doing something good here


Police manhandle villagers picketing Granger at school graduation

…violation of constitutional right of freedom of assembly – villagers

Residents of Cornelia Ida (C.I.) on the West Coast of Demerara (WCD) were reportedly manhandled by members of the Guyana Police Force during a “peacefully” protest outside the Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN) where President David Granger was the chief guest.

A policeman removing one of the flags

The Head of State attended the annual graduation at the educational institution located at Cornelia Ida (CI) Public Road, WCD.
However, upon his arrival, he was greeted by placard-carrying protestors from villagers who were protesting his illegality in office. The picketing exercise was organised by members of the Association for Democracy and Human Rights (ADHR) which is comprised by residents of CI and surrounding villages.
Speaking with the Guyana Times, Director of the Association Vikash Ramkissoon explained that they had emerged from a street in their village opposite SVN and were lined up on the shoulder of the public road picketing when some People’s National Congress (PNC) supporters started to counter protest them. At the time, they were behind the “safe” area barricaded by the police, who numbered over 150 ranks and officers.
According to Ramkissoon, the situation escalated after the president’s motorcade passed and arrived at the school. He noted that the PNC “counter” protestors were allowed through beyond the secured area while they were prevented from doing same by the officers who formed a human barricade to block them off.
“We asked why we can’t go through as well and [the police] had no answer,” he stated.
As such, the ADHR member said that they subsequently moved the protest back into into the street in the CI Housing Scheme located opposite the school where the President was.
Ramkissoon said they were “peacefully” picketing behind the barricades when the police returned in force and suddenly started to vigorously push back the protestors further into the street, using the barricades like battring rams. This, he noted, further escalated the situation and the protestors were manhandled.
“We went into the street opposite SVN where the president was and there was barricade there and so we stood behind the barricade protesting peacefully when the police pushed barricades to get us further back when they could’ve simply requesdt us to move back and that was very rude….
“If the police had made a request formerly to us that we needed to move back then we would have because we were there peacefully protesting behind the barricades. But they were rude, they wanted a confrontation. We didn’t go pass the barricades but they used the barricades to push back on us further into the street,” Ramkissoon recalled. “The had established a “safe zone” but were now arbitrarily expanding it. In doing so they were denying us our constitutional right to freedom of association and freedom to protest.”
He related that this resulted in some of the protestors falling to the ground and even in the nearby drain, resulting in at least one man sustaining injuries to one of his feet.
Ramkissoon related that he was capturing the entire ordeal on his phone when the police arrested him. He said he was placed in a police vehicle with cuffs on his ankle “like a criminal” and his phone was taken away.
He further told his newspaper that there was a young man who was also detained with him and they were left there shackled for more than an hour without being allowed to contact anyone. However, he said that nearly two hours after being detained he was released.
“They released me and told me to move my car and go home so I did just that. When I left the other boy was there still and I don’t know what happened to him because after they told me to go home, I left. I didn’t want to cause any problem,” Ramkissoon said.
Nevertheless, he contended that their he was subject to “false imprisonment” by the police because there was no reason for shackling and detaining him.
However, that Sunday afternoon incident was the second ordeal that the ADHR members had to face that day. In preparation for their planned protest later in the day, the members were erecting black flags to signify the “death of democracy” under the Granger-led Coalition regime.
Those flags, however, were removed by the police, whom Guyana Times understands were instructed by the Ministry of the Presidency to do so.
Another member of the Association, Jeewan Ramcharitar, pointed out that they were surprised with the action by the police.
“The police instructed me to take the flags off but I resisted and say I can’t take it off because it was mounted by some other members, who had to use ladders to place it on the poles… The flags are actually withheld by one of the police officers and he said that if I want back the flags I have to go back to the station tomorrow,” Ramcharitar said.
Moreover, protestors from the community said they were taken aback by the large number of police ranks deployed to the location for just the presence of the caretaker president. It was the largest gathering of police they ever saw on West Coast.
“It was very amazing that the taxpayers’ money has gone to this kind of things… I’m living for 15 years in CI and this is the first time so many police and security force is out here,” one woman stated.
Another man, Sham, pointed out that whenever any crime happens, there is never any police to go to the scene but they found ranks to line the community for the illegal president.
Ramcharitar further added that they were “intimated by such high presence of police. We never see so much of police here. I never expect that we have so much of police up here. For example, if there is a robbery at your home days after then you will see police show up.”

Django posted:

President David Granger, this afternoon, attended the 15th Graduation Ceremony and Dinner of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan, located at the Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
In his address, President Granger praised the not-for-profit secondary school for its stellar academic achievements over the years and said that its emphasis on science education is commendable.
“SVN is moving along the correct path. It is emphasizing science education without de-emphasizing the humanities. The school’s decision to erect a science building, equipped with modern laboratories, is a recognition of the validity and urgency of science education,” he said. The school was later given a million dollars towards the completion of that building.
Of the eight-six CSEC graduands, twenty-eight attained at least eight Grade Ones. Also graduating were fourteen CAPE students.
Here are a few photographs:

If Indians feel that Granger is an illegal president, why don't they protest against the school for inviting him ? 

The school shows their students and future leaders, a lot of respect and dignity for Guyana unity.   


Dem PPP thugs does abuse dem coolie peopkle in de village foh true. Dem deh kill de father of wan ROAR activist in Essequibo and abie suspect dem set up wan driver foh knock down and kill Basdeo pon de East coase...hey hey hey. 

Tola posted:
Django posted:


President David Granger, this afternoon, attended the 15th Graduation Ceremony and Dinner of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan, located at the Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
In his address, President Granger praised the not-for-profit secondary school for its stellar academic achievements over the years and said that its emphasis on science education is commendable.
“SVN is moving along the correct path. It is emphasizing science education without de-emphasizing the humanities. The school’s decision to erect a science building, equipped with modern laboratories, is a recognition of the validity and urgency of science education,” he said. The school was later given a million dollars towards the completion of that building.
Of the eight-six CSEC graduands, twenty-eight attained at least eight Grade Ones. Also graduating were fourteen CAPE students.
Here are a few photographs:

If Indians feel that Granger is an illegal president, why don't they protest against the school for inviting him ? 

The school shows their students and future leaders, a lot of respect and dignity for Guyana unity.   

Tola, from 2015 Swami inviting President Granger for the graduating ceremony.



Then, why don't the opposition protest against the school.

Its similar to  the opposition getting Berbicians to protest against Berbice bridge toll increase.

It like a Trump scenario. Wha come in dem head dat day, the one man show will do.  


free country . . . everybady have a right to protest

props to the police for their forbearance and politeness in the face of calculated provocations by PPP soldiers

however, 'messaging' here by Freedom House is ineluctably racist, disrespectful and condescending to its base

oh, and ah notice some ah dem 'protesters' waving black Isis-type flags

uh huh

Last edited by Former Member

i had no idea that the PPP is against education, even for Indian students. Most of these graduates are not old enough to vote. So why is the PPP spoiling the big day of these students that have no political involvement in who governs them?

Django posted:
Tola posted:


Then, why don't the opposition protest against the school.

Its similar to  the opposition getting Berbicians to protest against Berbice bridge toll increase.

It like a Trump scenario. Wha come in dem head dat day, the one man show will do.  

They weren't protesting the school, it was Granger visit to the school.

On a facebook video, one guy said why he come here, it's a private school.

His Excellency the Illegal President can go to anywhere and especially if invited.  He was invited to the school!

The school is reflecting the supreme thoughts of the Hindu spirit, one of peace and tolerance, even though Mahabharata may be brewing!

Django posted:
Tola posted:


Then, why don't the opposition protest against the school.

Its similar to  the opposition getting Berbicians to protest against Berbice bridge toll increase.

It like a Trump scenario. Wha come in dem head dat day, the one man show will do.  

They weren't protesting the school, it was Granger visit to the school.

On a facebook video, one guy said why he come here, it's a private school.

Django, my point is. Granger had to attend by invitation from the school.  Like any GY president, he would be asked to attend. So stopping the invitation might stop his visit to the school.

Thus, it might not be his choice to attend, but only by invitation from the school.

If the school sees  Granger as an illegal president, [which they don't].  Why keep inviting him ? 

The school initiated the visit, so why not protest for the school to stop the invitation ?

No Granger visit to the school, no protest. Or protest against the school for inviting him.

But some politicians always get it backwards, when they have to deal with their own kind.  

Tola posted:
Django posted:
Tola posted:


Then, why don't the opposition protest against the school.

Its similar to  the opposition getting Berbicians to protest against Berbice bridge toll increase.

It like a Trump scenario. Wha come in dem head dat day, the one man show will do.  

They weren't protesting the school, it was Granger visit to the school.

On a facebook video, one guy said why he come here, it's a private school.

Django, my point is. Granger had to attend by invitation from the school.  Like any GY president, he would be asked to attend. So stopping the invitation might stop his visit to the school.

Thus, it might not be his choice to attend, but only by invitation from the school.

If the school sees  Granger as an illegal president, [which they don't].  Why keep inviting him ? 

The school initiated the visit, so why not protest for the school to stop the invitation ?

No Granger visit to the school, no protest. Or protest against the school for inviting him.

But some politicians always get it backwards, when they have to deal with their own kind.  

thank you Tola

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Tola posted:


Then, why don't the opposition protest against the school.

Its similar to  the opposition getting Berbicians to protest against Berbice bridge toll increase.

It like a Trump scenario. Wha come in dem head dat day, the one man show will do.  

They weren't protesting the school, it was Granger visit to the school.

On a facebook video, one guy said why he come here, it's a private school.

His Excellency the Illegal President can go to anywhere and especially if invited.  He was invited to the school!

The school is reflecting the supreme thoughts of the Hindu spirit, one of peace and tolerance, even though Mahabharata may be brewing!

Granger might be seen by some as illegal. But I am sure he is at the school by invitation. So it might be the responsibility of he school for having him there.

Or did this guy invited himself to a public  Indian celebration, with so much political tension in Guyana ?  

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Tola posted:


Then, why don't the opposition protest against the school.

Its similar to  the opposition getting Berbicians to protest against Berbice bridge toll increase.

It like a Trump scenario. Wha come in dem head dat day, the one man show will do.  

They weren't protesting the school, it was Granger visit to the school.

On a facebook video, one guy said why he come here, it's a private school.

His Excellency the Illegal President can go to anywhere and especially if invited.  He was invited to the school!

The school is reflecting the supreme thoughts of the Hindu spirit, one of peace and tolerance, even though Mahabharata may be brewing!

You sure it wasn't you invite the man fuh bake and saltfish and then turn around and call out the PPP dogs on he....

ronan posted:
Tola posted:
Django posted:
Tola posted:


Then, why don't the opposition protest against the school.

Its similar to  the opposition getting Berbicians to protest against Berbice bridge toll increase.

It like a Trump scenario. Wha come in dem head dat day, the one man show will do.  

They weren't protesting the school, it was Granger visit to the school.

On a facebook video, one guy said why they invite the man here, this is a private place.[edited]

Django, my point is. Granger had to attend by invitation from the school.  Like any GY president, he would be asked to attend. So stopping the invitation might stop his visit to the school.

Thus, it might not be his choice to attend, but only by invitation from the school.

If the school sees  Granger as an illegal president, [which they don't].  Why keep inviting him ? 

The school initiated the visit, so why not protest for the school to stop the invitation ?

No Granger visit to the school, no protest. Or protest against the school for inviting him.

But some politicians always get it backwards, when they have to deal with their own kind.  

thank you Tola

Video, where the guy said why they invite the man here, this is a private place.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ronan posted:
Tola posted:
Django posted:
Tola posted:


Then, why don't the opposition protest against the school.

Its similar to  the opposition getting Berbicians to protest against Berbice bridge toll increase.

It like a Trump scenario. Wha come in dem head dat day, the one man show will do.  

They weren't protesting the school, it was Granger visit to the school.

On a facebook video, one guy said why they invite the man here, this is a private place.[edited]

Django, my point is. Granger had to attend by invitation from the school.  Like any GY president, he would be asked to attend. So stopping the invitation might stop his visit to the school.

Thus, it might not be his choice to attend, but only by invitation from the school.

If the school sees  Granger as an illegal president, [which they don't].  Why keep inviting him ? 

The school initiated the visit, so why not protest for the school to stop the invitation ?

No Granger visit to the school, no protest. Or protest against the school for inviting him.

But some politicians always get it backwards, when they have to deal with their own kind.  

thank you Tola

Video, where the guy said why they invite the man here, this is a private place.

then it's really none of his goddamn business

unless that "guy" OWNS the "private place"

and he does not!

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Django posted:
ronan posted:
Tola posted:
Django posted:
Tola posted:


Then, why don't the opposition protest against the school.

Its similar to  the opposition getting Berbicians to protest against Berbice bridge toll increase.

It like a Trump scenario. Wha come in dem head dat day, the one man show will do.  

They weren't protesting the school, it was Granger visit to the school.

On a facebook video, one guy said why they invite the man here, this is a private place.[edited]

Django, my point is. Granger had to attend by invitation from the school.  Like any GY president, he would be asked to attend. So stopping the invitation might stop his visit to the school.

Thus, it might not be his choice to attend, but only by invitation from the school.

If the school sees  Granger as an illegal president, [which they don't].  Why keep inviting him ? 

The school initiated the visit, so why not protest for the school to stop the invitation ?

No Granger visit to the school, no protest. Or protest against the school for inviting him.

But some politicians always get it backwards, when they have to deal with their own kind.  

thank you Tola

Video, where the guy said why they invite the man here, this is a private place.

then it's really none of his goddamn business

unless "the guy" OWNS the "private place"

and he does not!

The school is an NGO.

Link to website

Tola posted:
Django posted:

President David Granger, this afternoon, attended the 15th Graduation Ceremony and Dinner of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan, located at the Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
In his address, President Granger praised the not-for-profit secondary school for its stellar academic achievements over the years and said that its emphasis on science education is commendable.
“SVN is moving along the correct path. It is emphasizing science education without de-emphasizing the humanities. The school’s decision to erect a science building, equipped with modern laboratories, is a recognition of the validity and urgency of science education,” he said. The school was later given a million dollars towards the completion of that building.
Of the eight-six CSEC graduands, twenty-eight attained at least eight Grade Ones. Also graduating were fourteen CAPE students.
Here are a few photographs:

If Indians feel that Granger is an illegal president, why don't they protest against the school for inviting him ? 

The school shows their students and future leaders, a lot of respect and dignity for Guyana unity.   

The protest was against the Former President and the school.  Many parents kept their kids at home.  Clearly the parents of The child in the pic above performing the aarti ceremony which is sacred to Hinduism didn’t feel the same.  The Swami of this school is a known anti PPP protagonist who receives funding from the government despite the fact that it’s a private school.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The protest was against the Former President and the school.  Many parents kept their kids at home.  Clearly the parents of The child in the pic above performing the aarti ceremony which is sacred to Hinduism didn’t feel the same.  The Swami of this school is a known anti PPP protagonist who receives funding from the government despite the fact that it’s a private school.

ummmm . . . sour face show up

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
Django posted:


President David Granger, this afternoon, attended the 15th Graduation Ceremony and Dinner of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan, located at the Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
In his address, President Granger praised the not-for-profit secondary school for its stellar academic achievements over the years and said that its emphasis on science education is commendable.
“SVN is moving along the correct path. It is emphasizing science education without de-emphasizing the humanities. The school’s decision to erect a science building, equipped with modern laboratories, is a recognition of the validity and urgency of science education,” he said. The school was later given a million dollars towards the completion of that building.
Of the eight-six CSEC graduands, twenty-eight attained at least eight Grade Ones. Also graduating were fourteen CAPE students.
Here are a few photographs:

If Indians feel that Granger is an illegal president, why don't they protest against the school for inviting him ? 

The school shows their students and future leaders, a lot of respect and dignity for Guyana unity.   

The protest was against the Former President and the school.  Many parents kept their kids at home.  Clearly the parents of The child in the pic above performing the aarti ceremony which is sacred to Hinduism didn’t feel the same.  

The Swami of this school is a known anti PPP protagonist who receives funding from the government despite the fact that it’s a private school.

Seem to know too much !!  That village is my former neck of the woods.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
Django posted:

President David Granger, this afternoon, attended the 15th Graduation Ceremony and Dinner of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan, located at the Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
In his address, President Granger praised the not-for-profit secondary school for its stellar academic achievements over the years and said that its emphasis on science education is commendable.
“SVN is moving along the correct path. It is emphasizing science education without de-emphasizing the humanities. The school’s decision to erect a science building, equipped with modern laboratories, is a recognition of the validity and urgency of science education,” he said. The school was later given a million dollars towards the completion of that building.
Of the eight-six CSEC graduands, twenty-eight attained at least eight Grade Ones. Also graduating were fourteen CAPE students.
Here are a few photographs:

If Indians feel that Granger is an illegal president, why don't they protest against the school for inviting him ? 

The school shows their students and future leaders, a lot of respect and dignity for Guyana unity.   

The protest was against the Former President and the school.  Many parents kept their kids at home.  Clearly the parents of The child in the pic above performing the aarti ceremony which is sacred to Hinduism didn’t feel the same.  The Swami of this school is a known anti PPP protagonist who receives funding from the government despite the fact that it’s a private school.

Show where the protest was against the school, the 'aarti girl' don't want to be there, or parents kept their children at home.  

Some protesters  don't even know why they were carrying black flags, so it looks like they were paid to do it, with little understanding.

If the school is anti-PPP, why don't the opposition  use some influence to make them pro PPP ? Or dem money done building mansions.   

Tola posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
Django posted:

President David Granger, this afternoon, attended the 15th Graduation Ceremony and Dinner of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan, located at the Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
In his address, President Granger praised the not-for-profit secondary school for its stellar academic achievements over the years and said that its emphasis on science education is commendable.
“SVN is moving along the correct path. It is emphasizing science education without de-emphasizing the humanities. The school’s decision to erect a science building, equipped with modern laboratories, is a recognition of the validity and urgency of science education,” he said. The school was later given a million dollars towards the completion of that building.
Of the eight-six CSEC graduands, twenty-eight attained at least eight Grade Ones. Also graduating were fourteen CAPE students.
Here are a few photographs:

If Indians feel that Granger is an illegal president, why don't they protest against the school for inviting him ? 

The school shows their students and future leaders, a lot of respect and dignity for Guyana unity.   

The protest was against the Former President and the school.  Many parents kept their kids at home.  Clearly the parents of The child in the pic above performing the aarti ceremony which is sacred to Hinduism didn’t feel the same.  The Swami of this school is a known anti PPP protagonist who receives funding from the government despite the fact that it’s a private school.

Show where the protest was against the school, the 'aarti girl' don't want to be there, or parents kept their children at home.  

Some protesters  don't even know why they were carrying black flags, so it looks like they were paid to do it, with little understanding.

If the school is anti-PPP, why don't the opposition  use some influence to make them pro PPP ? Or dem money done building mansions.   

You are incorrect on all three counts based on lack of knowledge.  The parents who protested the action by the school kept their children at home.

Your claim that “it looks like they were paid to do it” is obviously your own personal bias. As you have no evidence to support your assumption.

Lastly, it’s not the job of the Opposition to make schools pro PPP.  They don’t interfere with children’s education or waste time with preaching politics to those who are not eligible to vote.

Bibi Haniffa

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