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Originally posted by caribj:
While that might be true we also know the PPP is equally whats your point. Every day the PPP tries to become as oppressive as Burnham was...this disgraceful attack on old women and children ebing an example of this.

And PPP corruption makes the PNC look angelic.

First the PNC don't look angelic at all. Secondly, if the PNC and AFC do the right thing, the PPP's curruption days are gone.
Originally posted by ksazma:
it was Indians who suffered tremendously. .

Indo clannishness. It is a documented fact, and mentioned even by Odeen Ishmael, that BOTH groups suffered tremendously.

In fact some allege that more Africans were killed...but we dont know one way or the other...and given that both suffered tremendously...its pointless to waste time on this.

I forgive your mother-in-law if she was uneducated so didnt comprehend this simple fact.
Originally posted by ksazma:

First the PNC don't look angelic at all. .

That only means the PPP is really corrupt if the corrupt PNC look angelic in comparison.

Now does the AFC and APNU have to be very aggressive in parliament to demol;ish the PPP..or will they realize they lost any mandate that tehy thoyght they had..and so should listen and cooperate and not shoot innocent people?
ksaz, I note your repeated references to the PNC of 25 and more years ago. Of course, from where you are looking I can understand that view. But you need to take into consideration how much the world has changed since then. Back then there was no internet, and back then the cold war was still raging. This was another jumbie the PPP kept resurrecting in its campaign. A good party shouldn't have to tell its supporters to vote for it out of fear of the opponent. That said, I am not advocating for the PNC in any way shape or form. I like, most Guyanese still feel they are not ready to govern for ALL Guyanese.
Originally posted by caribj:
I forgive your mother if she was uneducated so didnt comprehend this simple fact.

bai, my mother is not uneducated by no stretch of anyone's imagination. Secondly, I stated that my mother in law told me so you reading mother instead of mother in law could be an indictment on your own reading abilities. Smile My mother did not and still doesn't dwell on negative things.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
ksaz, I note your repeated references to the PNC of 25 and more years ago. Of course, from where you are looking I can understand that view. But you need to take into consideration how much the world has changed since then. Back then there was no internet, and back then the cold war was still raging. This was another jumbie the PPP kept resurrecting in its campaign. A good party shouldn't have to tell its supporters to vote for it out of fear of the opponent. That said, I am not advocating for the PNC in any way shape or form. I like, most Guyanese still feel they are not ready to govern for ALL Guyanese.

Perhaps. Remember I speak from what I remembered back then. My boss used to think that I was crazy for refusing to go to Hope estate on a Sunday morning but I did not like Burnham.
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by caribj:
In fact some allege that more Africans were killed...but we dont know one way or the other...and given that both suffered tremendously...its pointless to waste time on this.

So why did you bring it up in the first place. Smile

To show you that each group has its own narrative. There is the African side and the Indian side. So dont go around fooling yourself that your narrative is the only one with validity.
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by caribj:
I forgive your mother if she was uneducated so didnt comprehend this simple fact.

bai, my mother is not uneducated by no stretch of anyone's imagination..


However any one who claims that only one race suffered is either uneducated or dishonest. Take your pick.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by caribj:
I forgive your mother if she was uneducated so didnt comprehend this simple fact.

bai, my mother is not uneducated by no stretch of anyone's imagination..


However any one who claims that only one race suffered is either uneducated or dishonest. Take your pick.

bai, the word 'only' appears no where in my post. Smile
Originally posted by ksazma:
I have a problem with the PNC because I remember clearly what I left. Back then, whenever we gat a barrel from the US, only about half make its way home bacause everyone had to geta piece of it first. And that is only one example of PNC nonsense. Sp what did Granger promise his constituents?

Important conversations to be had about opportunities for historic change in Guyana's politics . . .

and THIS is the level of discourse you bring to the table!

Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by ksazma:
I have a problem with the PNC because I remember clearly what I left. Back then, whenever we gat a barrel from the US, only about half make its way home bacause everyone had to geta piece of it first. And that is only one example of PNC nonsense. Sp what did Granger promise his constituents?

Important conversations to be had about opportunities for historic change in Guyana's politics . . .

and THIS is the level of discourse you bring to the table!


The opportunity was squandered by the PNC when they chose to take to the streets rather than parliament. Don't pin that on me. Smile
Originally posted by ksazma:

The opportunity was squandered by the PNC when they chose to take to the streets rather than parliament. Don't pin that on me. Smile

If the PPP doesnt get over its issues it will force APNU and AFC to ensure that they behave.

The PPP cannot do anything in parliament without the consent of at least one of these parties...not even attempting a vote of no confidence.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by ksazma:
[at it was Indians who suffered tremendously. She told me about the rapes and fires and killings.

Read this again and tell me where in this suggests that Africans also suffered tremendously?

Dont weasle out of this one now.

Don't need to. It means what it says not what you think it means. Smile
Originally posted by caribj:
If the PPP doesnt get over its issues it will force APNU and AFC to ensure that they behave.

The PPP cannot do anything in parliament without the consent of at least one of these parties...not even attempting a vote of no confidence.

What I have been saying all along. So they are more effective in parliament than on the streets. Smile
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by ksazma:
[at it was Indians who suffered tremendously. She told me about the rapes and fires and killings.

Read this again and tell me where in this suggests that Africans also suffered tremendously?

Dont weasle out of this one now.

Don't need to. It means what it says not what you think it means. Smile

yes it means Indians suffered tremendously. It says nothing about African suffering. Note the "it was".

You are peddling a lie and have failed to sell that myth to me. I was there and I knew that both groups had to flee to safety out of family being one of them.
Originally posted by ksazma:
So they are more effective in parliament than on the streets. Smile

The PPP has no intention of cooperating otherwise APNU would have been off the streets by now.

Several PNC supporters were you think it makes good politics for Granger to pretend it was not so, abandoning his supporters?

Ramotar has to come to terms with that if he wants to show his intention to cooperate.

When jagdeo told Ramotar to shoot down as he used to cuss down e set a bad precedent...this has Jagdeo's pawws all over, consistent with the threats that he made about people being "dealt" with.
Originally posted by caribj:
The PPP has no intention of cooperating otherwise APNU would have been off the streets by now.

Several PNC supporters were you think it makes good politics for Granger to pretend it was not so, abandoning his supporters?

Ramotar has to come to terms with that if he wants to show his intention to cooperate.

When jagdeo told Ramotar to shoot down as he used to cuss down e set a bad precedent...this has Jagdeo's pawws all over, consistent with the threats that he made about people being "dealt" with.

In fact the shooting was a setup, Rhoee never gave the order to shoot. It was Blacks firing on Blacks, a smell the APNU behind this to gain political mileage. hahahaa
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by caribj:
The PPP has no intention of cooperating otherwise APNU would have been off the streets by now.

Several PNC supporters were you think it makes good politics for Granger to pretend it was not so, abandoning his supporters?

Ramotar has to come to terms with that if he wants to show his intention to cooperate.

When jagdeo told Ramotar to shoot down as he used to cuss down e set a bad precedent...this has Jagdeo's pawws all over, consistent with the threats that he made about people being "dealt" with.

In fact the shooting was a setup, Rhoee never gave the order to shoot. It was Blacks firing on Blacks, a smell the APNU behind this to gain political mileage. hahahaa

Now if rohee give them real bullets they may go down and kill your indo brothers.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:

In fact the shooting was a setup,

daily you display what an idiot you are who needs to get stomped on daily by me.

If this was not authorized by Rohee the offending officer would have been punished for engaging in behavior that was not authorized. This act has serious legal and political implications for the govt and there is no way that no action would have been taken.

The PPP doesd nothing because they know that if they do the truth will come out.

There would have been apologies to the people affected, to the other marchers and especially to the teachers and parents of the school which was impacted by being in ear shot of gun shots leading to traumatized infants.

None of that. Jagdeo said he will deal with the offenders, before he left. This was his parting shot, knowing that he would not have to fix the resulting mess.
Originally posted by caribj:

daily you display what an idiot you are who needs to get stomped on daily by me.

If this was not authorized by Rohee the offending officer would have been punished for engaging in behavior that was not authorized. This act has serious legal and political implications for the govt and there is no way that no action would have been taken.

The PPP doesd nothing because they know that if they do the truth will come out.

There would have been apologies to the people affected, to the other marchers and especially to the teachers and parents of the school which was impacted by being in ear shot of gun shots leading to traumatized infants.

None of that. Jagdeo said he will deal with the offenders, before he left. This was his parting shot, knowing that he would not have to fix the resulting mess.

Nonsense, Rhoee did not give orders to fire rubber bullets, a pnc supporter gave the order to shoot his own people. Answer this question and you will see that it was a setup orchestrated by the PNC. They set up a few old ladies and james bond and now they looke to gain political mileage. ahahahha
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Nonsense, Rhoee did not give orders to fire rubber bullets.

So why has he not punished the "PNC supporter" who has internationally embarrassed the PPP by showing it to be a govt with no tolerance for peaceful protest?

Guyanese are shopping...I am sure among them many Indos. Clearly no one is worried about the marchers.
Originally posted by caribj:

So why has he not punished the "PNC supporter" who has internationally embarrassed the PPP by showing it to be a govt with no tolerance for peaceful protest?

Guyanese are shopping...I am sure among them many Indos. Clearly no one is worried about the marchers.

That is the job of the commish, Rhoee does not micro manage. Besides, procedure must be followed, if he is guilty of some crime then he will be punished. He may only be guilty of panicking and firing because he felt in grave danger from those hiding behind the grandmothers with loaded weapons.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
That is the job of the commish, Rhoee does not micro manage. .

You mean Rohee doesnt manage. If a major event like that he doesnt handle then what doe he do?

If an officer panicks at the sight of old women, what will he do when he ses bands of well arme d bandits...sorry druggie that excuse is pathetic...try again.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
That is the job of the commish, Rhoee does not micro manage. .

You mean Rohee doesnt manage. If a major event like that he doesnt handle then what doe he do?

If an officer panicks at the sight of old women, what will he do when he ses bands of well arme d bandits...sorry druggie that excuse is pathetic...try again.

It was not old women but the PNC bandits dressed up in women's clothing with ak47 hidden in their skirts. You lucky he did not call for firing with real bullets. Maybe the bai wanted to try out the rubber bullets, so it was not a waste, just a tactical exercise as it proved effective.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by ksazma:
[at it was Indians who suffered tremendously. She told me about the rapes and fires and killings.

Read this again and tell me where in this suggests that Africans also suffered tremendously?

Dont weasle out of this one now.

Don't need to. It means what it says not what you think it means. Smile

yes it means Indians suffered tremendously. It says nothing about African suffering. Note the "it was".

You are peddling a lie and have failed to sell that myth to me. I was there and I knew that both groups had to flee to safety out of family being one of them.

This is very racist. The are slowing showing their dirty PNC past. Take note, these are the folks who pretend to be decent but just cannot hide their PNC violent past. Granger who helped Burnham steal ballot boxes and shoot Berbicians in 1973 is their leader. Take note.

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by TI:


Loads of majority Indo villages on ECD and WCD. And the Mckenzie ferry.

We can play tit for tat. NOt a good use of time though.

BTW dont peddle the nonsense that a PNC stronghold like McK where dynamite was easily available needed to bring it from Gtwn.
Originally posted by Guyana1:
Shame on you. PNC raped and tortured PPP supporters and this is Guyana's little dark secret under the PNC. Shame Shame Shame.

I have frequently talked about what PNC and its supporters have done to the PPP and its supporters.

You as a black hating racist will never admit to what the PPP has done to AfroGuyanese. Starting with the violence of 1964.
Violence in 1964 was started by Afro Guyanese instigated by Burnham and CIA. It seems that you have forgotten your history.

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Guyana1:
Shame on you. PNC raped and tortured PPP supporters and this is Guyana's little dark secret under the PNC. Shame Shame Shame.

I have frequently talked about what PNC and its supporters have done to the PPP and its supporters.

You as a black hating racist will never admit to what the PPP has done to AfroGuyanese. Starting with the violence of 1964.
Originally posted by Guyana1:
Shame on you. PNC raped and tortured PPP supporters and this is Guyana's little dark secret under the PNC. Shame Shame Shame.

Shame on Jagdeo & Ramotar .....who took these very Thugs and planted them in The ffice of the President as soon as Dr Jagan dead.

Now you'll want to know why the PPP supporters rejected Jagdeo & Ramotar today.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Guyana1:
Violence in 1964 was started by Afro Guyanese instigated by Burnham and CIA. It seems that you have forgotten your history.

You have left so I will ignore this nonsense except to say that racial incidents occurred in 1961 with PPP supporters going through Buxton screaming racist anti black slogans. This as part of their victory parades. Even an embarrassed Cheddi had to tell them to stop it...this after a black supporter was humiliated because people thought being black, she was PNC.

There really isnt any innocent side in all this.

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