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PPP/C councillor accuses Sooba of attempted attack

Posted By Staff Writer On November 14, 2014 @ 5:09 am In Local News | No Comments

PPP/C city councillor Kamla Devi-Ross has accused acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba of trying to attack her.

Devi-Ross told Stabroek News that the attempt was made during a budgetary meeting at City Hall yesterday.

Stabroek News contacted Sooba for a comment but she declined to speak on the incident. The acting Town Clerk has had an acrimonious relationship with members of the City Council since her appointment.

According to Devi-Ross, she was in the City Hall Chambers having a private conversation with the Director of Solid Waste Management Walter Narine.

She said she was telling Narine about the garbage that was thrown in front of the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security last Wednesday and was also questioning him about Queenstown’s garbage cleanup, when Sooba blurted out, “Tell that woman to shut she mouth!”

“After she shouted out, I just ignored her and continued my conversation and she (Sooba) repeated that I shut up, and I didn’t and she (Sooba) got up from where she was sitting and approached me aggressively and I got so afraid. Then the other councillors and persons who was present there ran to my rescue,” Devi-Ross recounted.

She further stated that she made a report to the City Constabulary afterward.

After the episode, Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Greene told Stabroek News that even though she was not present at the meeting, she could testify that Sooba is aggressive towards councillors.

“I was not present at the meeting but I know Sooba always takes an aggressive approach and I know that sometimes it would have escalated and the Minister needs to do something ..,” Chase-Greene said.

Mayor and City Council workers last week Wednesday were caught dumping garbage at the junction of Schumacker and W

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Lamumba scramble a Minister and ran him out of Freedom House.

Kwame had to jump in and breakup de brawl.


In Parliament Another Minister had to tell Lamumba "Shut up this is not House of Israel HQ.....This is House of Assembly"


Lamumba say "I will catch you outside......Where Trotman cannot save yuh ass" 


All these thugs were Implanted in the PPP by Jagdeo & Ramotar.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Strange incident. Kamla Devi-Ross was a vocal defender of Carol Sooba in the past. Looks like Carol has outgrown her shoes and is ready to bite the hands that support her.

The less dishonest PPP members want to escape the stigma of being corrupt so that you all will allow them in.

I keep on saying that the AFC is Indo party II and only the PPP has a problem with that.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Strange incident. Kamla Devi-Ross was a vocal defender of Carol Sooba in the past. Looks like Carol has outgrown her shoes and is ready to bite the hands that support her.

The less dishonest PPP members want to escape the stigma of being corrupt so that you all will allow them in.

I keep on saying that the AFC is Indo party II and only the PPP has a problem with that.

Guys please do try forget what my Friend J has been saying for over 1,000 times

PNC is de party of Black Thugs, Pick-Pocket, Kick-down-door Bandits & Goons.....and AFC is Indo Party II.....If you'll do not understand he will say it 1,000 more times.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

PNC is de party of Black Thugs, Pick-Pocket, Kick-down-door Bandits & Goons..



Note that APNU won 40% of the vote, with few Indians or Amerindians supporting them.  They got 40% by winning virtually all of the black votes, and a substantial % of the mixed vote.


Your racism is loud and clear and obviously the black women who like you have very low self esteem.  I am sure they are the type who call your type of hair "good hair", and their hair "bad".


So we hear you loud and clear about your opinion of Afro Guyanese.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Carib wuh kinda hair yuh talkin bout?

HM do you agree with Jalil that Afro Guyanese are thugs, pick pockets, bandits, and goons?   Because he said this is what the PNC is the party of and almost all Afro Guyanese vote for them.


We will see what the ethnic mix of the protesters were, that is if significant amounts did show up.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Carib wuh kinda hair yuh talkin bout?

HM do you agree with Jalil that Afro Guyanese are thugs, pick pockets, bandits, and goons?   Because he said this is what the PNC is the party of and almost all Afro Guyanese vote for them.


We will see what the ethnic mix of the protesters were, that is if significant amounts did show up.

The 2 of you need to end your racist love affair.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Strange incident. Kamla Devi-Ross was a vocal defender of Carol Sooba in the past. Looks like Carol has outgrown her shoes and is ready to bite the hands that support her.

The less dishonest PPP members want to escape the stigma of being corrupt so that you all will allow them in.

I keep on saying that the AFC is Indo party II and only the PPP has a problem with that.

Guys please do try forget what my Friend J has been saying for over 1,000 times

PNC is de party of Black Thugs, Pick-Pocket, Kick-down-door Bandits & Goons.....and AFC is Indo Party II.....

If you'll do not understand he will say it 1,000 more times.

CaribJ everyone understand what yuh saying...

I ask de Queen from Brooklyn....She say yuh dotish.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Lol - this chap Caribjoker cannot get the racism out of him. Maybe we should connect him wid Kwame so kwame can extract it from him.

CaribJ look how dem bhai eye pass yuh,

I want fix yuh up with a nice gal....

dem want Kwame turn yuh around....

wha I must do now....

I want give you a Queen....Dem want give you a Queer.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Lol - this chap Caribjoker cannot get the racism out of him. Maybe we should connect him wid Kwame so kwame can extract it from him.

You and Jalil have your love affair with Kwame.


In addition you seem to not think that Jalil is racist when he calls Afro Guyanese black thugs, pick pockets and goons.  Obviously you agree with him.


Now cite any similar comments that I have made about Indians.


I describe a fact and that is that the AFC has a focus on the Indian vote.


I look forward to seeing evidence that Indo Guyanese joined Afro Guyanese to show their support for the struggle against the emerging Ramotar dictatorship.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Strange incident. Kamla Devi-Ross was a vocal defender of Carol Sooba in the past. Looks like Carol has outgrown her shoes and is ready to bite the hands that support her.

The less dishonest PPP members want to escape the stigma of being corrupt so that you all will allow them in.

I keep on saying that the AFC is Indo party II and only the PPP has a problem with that.

Guys please do try forget what my Friend J has been saying for over 1,000 times

PNC is de party of Black Thugs, Pick-Pocket, Kick-down-door Bandits & Goons.....and AFC is Indo Party II.....

If you'll do not understand he will say it 1,000 more times.

CaribJ everyone understand what yuh saying...

I ask de Queen from Brooklyn....She say yuh dotish.

I can only wonder what deep self hatred that your black queen must suffer from if she is happy that you describe Afro Guyanese as black thugs and goons.  Yes the same people who turned out in their thousands concerned about democracy while a certain other group are happily hoping to benefit from their struggle.


You know slavery and colonialism did a number and there are black people who have that opinion of themselves.  Obviously your black queen is one of them, because its odd that she objects to my opinion of your statement.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Lol - this chap Caribjoker cannot get the racism out of him. Maybe we should connect him wid Kwame so kwame can extract it from him.

CaribJ look how dem bhai eye pass yuh,

I want fix yuh up with a nice gal....

dem want Kwame turn yuh around....

wha I must do now....

I want give you a Queen....Dem want give you a Queer.

Yes I see Kwame is the black "Queen" who you are boasting about.  He fits the bill as he hates black people as much as you do!  No wonder you obsess about him and mention him in every post, and it appears as if your side kick HM-Redux is in love with Kwame too.  He seems to agree with you that Afro Guyanese are black thugs, pick pockets and goons, because he calls me and not you the racist.


I am always amused when white and Indian racists say the most bigoted things about blacks, and when we call you all on it you call us racist.


Note to you.  A racist is some one who negatively stereotypes an entire group.  NOT some one who objects to such stereotyping.


Now unless you object to being called Indian or "Indo" I see nothing wrong with the AFC being called Indo party II, because that is what it is.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Caribj is the PNC an Afro supremacist party?

There are certainly those who behave as if it is, and it definitely was in the Burnham era.


I know you deeply think that as an independent thinking Afro Guyanese that you think I am a Burnhamite, or that I pretend as if African racism against Indians isn't a fact of life, but you fail on that score.


You see I will admit that the PNC and Afro Guyanese have played a role in creating our inter ethnic morass.  You will pretend as if only the PPP, and not also Indo Guyanese OUTSIDE of the PPP, are responsible.  And you will only blame the PPP because you detest them.


When an Afro Guyanese male applies for a job and the would be (Indian) employer touches his hair and says "Its not Burnham time now," and refuses to consider his application, unless it is as a security guard, that is racism. I have heard of this too often to believe that it is unusual.

Last edited by Former Member

And yes since the AFC has been effectively taken over by the Nagamootoo faction it has developed an Indian face, and it has as its mission to attract more Indian votes.  THIS is why neither Nagamootoo or Ramjattan spoke at that event, sending only AFC blacks, to speak to black people.

Originally Posted by caribny:

And yes since the AFC has been effectively taken over by the Nagamootoo faction it has developed an Indian face, and it has as its mission to attract more Indian votes.  THIS is why neither Nagamootoo or Ramjattan spoke at that event, sending only AFC blacks, to speak to black people.

You should stop dressing like the whiteman. Go speak to your cockroaches.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

And yes since the AFC has been effectively taken over by the Nagamootoo faction it has developed an Indian face, and it has as its mission to attract more Indian votes.  THIS is why neither Nagamootoo or Ramjattan spoke at that event, sending only AFC blacks, to speak to black people.

You should stop dressing like the whiteman. Go speak to your cockroaches.

J tell dem Bhai....Simple Logic

If Rodney say.... Burnham is King Kong a Sakiwinki

 Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Caribj is the PNC an Afro supremacist party?

There are certainly those who behave as if it is, and it definitely was in the Burnham era.


I know you deeply think that as an independent thinking Afro Guyanese that you think I am a Burnhamite, or that I pretend as if African racism against Indians isn't a fact of life, but you fail on that score.


You see I will admit that the PNC and Afro Guyanese have played a role in creating our inter ethnic morass.  You will pretend as if only the PPP, and not also Indo Guyanese OUTSIDE of the PPP, are responsible.  And you will only blame the PPP because you detest them.


When an Afro Guyanese male applies for a job and the would be (Indian) employer touches his hair and says "Its not Burnham time now," and refuses to consider his application, unless it is as a security guard, that is racism. I have heard of this too often to believe that it is unusual.

Oye vey, what a complete kyatt you are. At least you admit one thing the PNC is an afro supremacist party that is all I really wanted to hear the other pile of horse shit is headed for the manure pile.

Originally Posted by caribny:


Why even indulge with these crass individuals. People who cannot make their point, without being boorish, have very little to offer society and you are better off avoiding them.  

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:

And yes since the AFC has been effectively taken over by the Nagamootoo faction it has developed an Indian face, and it has as its mission to attract more Indian votes.  THIS is why neither Nagamootoo or Ramjattan spoke at that event, sending only AFC blacks, to speak to black people.

You should stop dressing like the whiteman. Go speak to your cockroaches.

And how do you dress Mitwah?  Do you dress in a dhoti?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Oye vey, what a complete kyatt you are. At least you admit one thing the PNC is an afro supremacist party that is all I really wanted to hear the other pile of horse shit is headed for the manure pile.

And I have said this many times.  So your point?  Apart from your need to be vulgar.


Doesn't change the fact that the Nagamootoo take over of the AFC has shifted the emphasis of that party to getting Indian votes, and so they have put an Indian face on it to make it less threatening.


I don't have a problem with that, and neither do most Afro Guyanese.  I wonder why does this fact so offend you.  Nagamootoo and Ramjattan didn't show up to what most Indians will consider to be a black people protest, whether they were sympathetic to it, or not. 


Nagamootoo and Ramjattan didn't want the AFC to be closely identified with this protest, so sent black people to talk to black people.


So engage in fecal slinging like a monkey all you want, but obviously you are unable to discuss this issue intelligently.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

J tell dem Bhai....Simple Logic

If Rodney say.... Burnham is King Kong a Sakiwinki

Jalil if Nagamootoo and Ramjattan weren't afraid of how speaking at a black people's protest would make them look to the Indian votes that they so badly need, why didn't they speak?


Sorry had "other engagements" is bullshyte.  The biggest crisis facing Guyana now is the prorogation, which was the PPPs response to Nagamootoo's MONC, so the fact that he was "too busy" to attend the first large protest against this action is laughable.


So you and HM_Redux can behave like baby sakiwinkis and play with your poo, given that feces seems to be something that both of you seem to be obsessed with.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

J tell dem Bhai....Simple Logic

If Rodney say.... Burnham is King Kong a Sakiwinki

Jalil if Nagamootoo and Ramjattan weren't afraid of how speaking at a black people's protest would make them look to the Indian votes that they so badly need, why didn't they speak?


Sorry had "other engagements" is bullshyte.  The biggest crisis facing Guyana now is the prorogation, which was the PPPs response to Nagamootoo's MONC, so the fact that he was "too busy" to attend the first large protest against this action is laughable.


So you and HM_Redux can behave like baby sakiwinkis and play with your poo, given that feces seems to be something that both of you seem to be obsessed with.


Ha Ha !


Facts, just facts. Carib on fire again.


J ......look how Yuji Stupid

Yuji think The Leadership of APNU

 upset with AFC because

Moses or Ramjattan did not speak at

the First Rally....


Roopnarine say J & Yu"J"i  are two Racist

(1) Who in APNU Leadership them getting this Racist Info from?

(2) Who in WPA leadership saying J & U"J" is "King Kong" and not a "Small Sakiwinki"

(3) Is Purple Shoes J or Yu"J"  Friend?

(4) Black people aint stupid...

when the want Moses.....they will Shout "We want Moses Now"

But they were Shouting...."Ramotar must go Now"

and Moses & Ramjattan was there in the Rally.





2,500 Protest Peacefully...

The crowd signaled their agreement, with load cheers and applause, whenever speakers hinted that “Donald Ramotar must go.”

Chairman of the AFC, Nigel Hughes addresses the crowd.

Chairman of the AFC,

Nigel Hughes addresses the crowd.


Also joining the APNU was the minority opposition Party – the Alliance for Change (AFC).


The Party’s Chairman, Nigel Hughes submitted that the President has changed this Republic into a kingdom; urging those gathered that it was a situation to take very seriously and not joke about.


“We must be serious lest we walk backward into colonialism,” he said; adding that “this is an unprecedented move that has thrown the country into deep waters and a political crisis.”


According to Hughes, Former President and PPP Leader, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan must be “turning in his grave” to see the anti-democratic stance Ramotar has taken.


Hughes maintained that there will be no extra parliamentary engagement with the President during this period even as he drew attention to the Party’s intention to lobby international Bodies to have the President reverse his decision and reconvene Parliament.


He plugged too for constitutional reform; pointing out that the President has used constitutional provisions to embark on his dictatorial path.

Last edited by Former Member

Nigel say Blackpeople in Guyana Lucky

CaribJ do not Represent or speak for them.



2,500 Protest Peacefully...

The crowd signaled their agreement, with load cheers and applause, whenever speakers hinted that “Donald Ramotar must go.”

Chairman of the AFC, Nigel Hughes addresses the crowd.

Chairman of the AFC,

Nigel Hughes addresses the crowd.




Is J Crazy?

This Rally is about one thing

"Ramotar Must Go"


J & Yuji - Two Racist want to change this Rally to

"Moses Must Come"


2,500 Protest Peacefully...


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ha Ha !


Facts, just facts. Carib on fire again.

I don't know why you are so happy.  The PPP has terrified their supporters about blacks, and so Nagamootoo has to operate within that context. He knows full well that had he spoken at that almost exclusively black protest the PPP would have been on the Corentyne terrifying them about him.


He is after the PPP base and will collect more votes than you think.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

J ......look how Yuji Stupid

Yuji think The Leadership of APNU

 upset with AFC because

Moses or Ramjattan did not speak at

the First Rally....






Read what Roopnarine's fellow WPA leader David Hinds said about the failure of Nagamootoo to speak.


Granger is happier than a pig in a garbage dump because he has earned points from his base by confronting the PPP.  So he preserves his Afro Guyanese base, because as usual the presidential candidate of the AFC ignored it.


Do you think that Roopnarine will call David Hinds a racist?


I don't think this specific case is a reason to call David Hinds a racist.


Though there are other times and many articles Hinds have written that have seen much rebuke from his peers for their racist commentary.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Nigel say Blackpeople in Guyana Lucky

CaribJ do not Represent or speak for them.





Is J Crazy?

This Rally is about one thing

"Ramotar Must Go"


J & Yuji - Two Racist want to change this Rally to

"Moses Must Come"


2,500 Protest Peacefully...


The thing is that Nigel doesn't represent blacks either.  Granger does.  And will continue to until the AFC shows that they want their support.  Sending the "blacks to speak to the blacks" is what the PPP does when it sends Sam Hinds.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I don't think this specific case is a reason to call David Hinds a racist.


Though there are other times and many articles Hinds have written that have seen much rebuke from his peers for their racist commentary.

Can you describe what David Hinds says that is racist.


Why when a black person speaks of racism directed against blacks is that person a racist.


When Indians complained about the racism directed against them during the Burnham regime, who was the racist?  The Indians who complained, or Burnham who gave them cause to complain.


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