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PPP to resume protests if President delays – Jagdeo

Dissolution of Parliament

The Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has threatened to resume protest actions if President David Granger does not dissolve Parliament come next month.

President David Granger

Having already set March 2, 2020 as the date for the much anticipated General and Regional Elections and issuing the election proclamation, pressure has been mounting on the caretaker President to also dissolve the 11th Parliament.
But according to Article 61 of the Constitution, “An election of members of the National Assembly under Article 60 (2) shall be held on such day within three months after every dissolution of Parliament as the President shall appoint by proclamation.”

Opposition Leader
Bharrat Jagdeo

Nevertheless, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo contends that come December 2, President Granger will have to dissolve Parliament.
“When the time comes, he will have to dissolve. I’m just making sure that he understands one thing that December 2 is the day… He has to dissolve Parliament; he has to issue a proclamation. Let him delay that and we’ll resume protest because that’s part of the holding of elections – the dissolution of Parliament,” the Opposition Leader stated at his recent press conference last week.
The A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition has been acting as a caretaker government for nearly one year since the December 21, 2018 passage of the No-Confidence Motion (NCM) against it.
Despite having named March 2 as Election Day, the President is yet to have his Cabinet resign and dissolve Parliament. Asked last week about the latter, President Granger indicated that he could not say when Parliament would be dissolved.
“I will stay away from dissolution as long as there is a likelihood that we will need the vote of the whole parliament to pass any measure – financial measure. Unfortunately, for time to time because of urgent matters such as flood or fire, we may need funds and only Parliament could authorise disbursement of funds which have not been provided for,” he stated.
The Head of State further reminded that in light of the circumstances, Government has not drafted a budget for 2020 and as such, has to be prudent in its expenditure.
“It means that if there is any extraordinary expenditure, rising out of any unanticipated situation, whether it’s an act of God, force majeure, or any other, I feel it is prudent to keep the Parliament opened as long as possible,” the President noted.
However, the following day, Jagdeo rubbished Granger’s contention as a “silly excuse” to hold onto office. He pointed out that the Contingency Fund was there for the Government to access in the case of such emergency funding.
“I can’t imagine that a President would be so ill-informed that he doesn’t understand that there is a Contingency Fund for things [like] emergency spending, disasters, etc… that Parliament doesn’t have to exist to have access to the Contingency Fund. In any case, he can’t pass a budget so the one-twelfth provision kicks in next year. But he has, like with everything else, a very vague understanding of how Government runs,” the Opposition Leader, who is a former two-term President, asserted.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sean posted:

De man buss all you BT and y’all crying and running round with a list of 500.

Hey Hey Hey 

Redux is Guyana's Hitler. he wants to make Guyana an African country. That might be ok as Guyana has more trees than Africa. More homes for his people.

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

The PPP has to give the PNC a dose of its own medicine. you brave souls plan on doing that from the US and Canada?

It's a long and dangerous story to be made public. Scan the globe and see how people take care of despots.

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

The PPP has to give the PNC a dose of its own medicine. you brave souls plan on doing that from the US and Canada?


A new Gajraj will rise !

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

The PPP has to give the PNC a dose of its own medicine. you brave souls plan on doing that from the US and Canada?

Are you having a Snow Day, school bus cancelled. 

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

The PPP has to give the PNC a dose of its own medicine. you brave souls plan on doing that from the US and Canada?

It's a long and dangerous story to be made public. Scan the globe and see how people take care of despots.

The PPP can’t do anything but rely on external pressure on the PNC, and the Americans ain’t forget their brazenness when the were in power!

PPP gat nuff mouth and chew on themselves!   PNC knows how to play the game!  PPP always in catch up mode!!

Sean posted:

De man buss all you BT and y’all crying and running round with a list of 500.

Hey Hey Hey 

poor you

ayuh antiman dearly need a hero

but how come meh doan hear no drumbeat from y'all fuh put mala pan Sean Hinds dem and (the late 'great' AXEL WILLIAMS), eh?

wuh happen . . . goat bite dem?

after all, wuz nat dem bais actually doin de ting fuh gajie and RK?

Last edited by Former Member

@ KP
On the topic of snow. We have a lot of snow here today. KP did you guys have snow where you live ? It was -17 last night. 
Me want to go back to Guyana part time retirement as soon as PNC gets kicked out. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

@ KP
On the topic of snow. We have a lot of snow here today. KP did you guys have snow where you live ? It was -17 last night. 
Me want to go back to Guyana part time retirement as soon as PNC gets kicked out. 

Bai we gat lil bit ah snoe hey. But the temp was just brutally cold with the wind chill going below zero F.

Sean posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

The PPP has to give the PNC a dose of its own medicine. you brave souls plan on doing that from the US and Canada?


A new Gajraj will rise ! worst mistake the PPP made is to put Irfaan (Mr cant find my BA degree but got a PhD) to run the mean Jagdeo...who wants to be VP...this is more than being Putinesque...

Go ask dem Indos in Guyana and hear how dey gon condemn Irfaan

skeldon_man posted:

Redux is Guyana's Hitler. he wants to make Guyana an African country. That might be ok as Guyana has more trees than Africa. More homes for his people.

ow bai, i luv when yuh pull down yuh panty and show suh everybady can see yuh disease

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

The PPP has to give the PNC a dose of its own medicine. you brave souls plan on doing that from the US and Canada?


A new Gajraj will rise ! worst mistake the PPP made is to put Irfaan (Mr cant find my BA degree but got a PhD) to run the mean Jagdeo...who wants to be VP...this is more than being Putinesque...

Go ask dem Indos in Guyana and hear how dey gon condemn Irfaan

Bai, you better complete you grade 12 and Stan easy.

Listen, stop your jealousy and just call the man Dr. Ali. Guyana will have two doctors. Dr Ali and Dr Jagdeo !

Me other half just came back from Guyana and EVERY single Indo backs Ali and the PPP. Dem aint want the wicked and racist PNC anymore. Tell you professa dat he should school you some more and test to see if you on drugs.

Hey hey hey

ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Redux is Guyana's Hitler. he wants to make Guyana an African country. That might be ok as Guyana has more trees than Africa. More homes for his people.

ow bai, i luv when yuh pull down yuh panty and show suh everybady can see yuh disease

At least my lips do not enter the front door before my feet and my ass is not 3 feet away. You should know about disease ass with your infected aids sores.

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

The PPP has to give the PNC a dose of its own medicine. you brave souls plan on doing that from the US and Canada?


A new Gajraj will rise ! worst mistake the PPP made is to put Irfaan (Mr cant find my BA degree but got a PhD) to run the mean Jagdeo...who wants to be VP...this is more than being Putinesque...

Go ask dem Indos in Guyana and hear how dey gon condemn Irfaan

You out like South!  Who needs a BA if you have a Doctorate?  Believe me, me know wuh me seh, me izz 3rd farm drop-out!

Between Hon Dr Irfaan and past president Hon Dr Jagdeo, Guyana in good hands!

skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Redux is Guyana's Hitler. he wants to make Guyana an African country. That might be ok as Guyana has more trees than Africa. More homes for his people.

ow bai, i luv when yuh pull down yuh panty and show suh everybady can see yuh disease

At least my lips do not enter the front door before my feet and my ass is not 3 feet away. You should know about disease ass with your infected aids sores.

banal, scattershot and crude

your mastery of the language is that of a 13-year old

at your old age, true wit is beyond reach

Sean posted:

Bai Base, dat banna Vish needs some more schooling. He rass probably went to August month school.

Bai the man went to school during the regular school year. The man was under the school peeping dem lill girls and looking for pencils.

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Yall two sound like yall is rale rale ignoramuses

Maybe bai Cain. I know we are running second and third behind you.

Why yall running behind me, looking to pick up scraps?

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

The PPP has to give the PNC a dose of its own medicine. you brave souls plan on doing that from the US and Canada?


A new Gajraj will rise ! worst mistake the PPP made is to put Irfaan (Mr cant find my BA degree but got a PhD) to run the mean Jagdeo...who wants to be VP...this is more than being Putinesque...

Go ask dem Indos in Guyana and hear how dey gon condemn Irfaan

You out like South!  Who needs a BA if you have a Doctorate?  Believe me, me know wuh me seh, me izz 3rd farm drop-out!

Between Hon Dr Irfaan and past president Hon Dr Jagdeo, Guyana in good hands!

Irfaan lied about his first degree...he pprobably paid someone to write his dissertation.

Regarding Jagdeo: His “Dr” is not a legitimate one earned from attending a university, taking courses and investing time to write the dissertation. It was conferred upon him in recognition of his political accomplishments...whatever those are...

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

The PPP has to give the PNC a dose of its own medicine. you brave souls plan on doing that from the US and Canada?


A new Gajraj will rise ! worst mistake the PPP made is to put Irfaan (Mr cant find my BA degree but got a PhD) to run the mean Jagdeo...who wants to be VP...this is more than being Putinesque...

Go ask dem Indos in Guyana and hear how dey gon condemn Irfaan

You out like South!  Who needs a BA if you have a Doctorate?  Believe me, me know wuh me seh, me izz 3rd farm drop-out!

Between Hon Dr Irfaan and past president Hon Dr Jagdeo, Guyana in good hands!

Irfaan lied about his first degree...he pprobably paid someone to write his dissertation.

Regarding Jagdeo: His “Dr” is not a legitimate one earned from attending a university, taking courses and investing time to write the dissertation. It was conferred upon him in recognition of his political accomplishments...whatever those are...

Weh you living?  Whatever those are..... Remember he was two-term President!

And it don’t matter, he is Hon Dr Jagdeo to you.  Show respect!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

The PPP has to give the PNC a dose of its own medicine. you brave souls plan on doing that from the US and Canada?


A new Gajraj will rise ! worst mistake the PPP made is to put Irfaan (Mr cant find my BA degree but got a PhD) to run the mean Jagdeo...who wants to be VP...this is more than being Putinesque...

Go ask dem Indos in Guyana and hear how dey gon condemn Irfaan

You out like South!  Who needs a BA if you have a Doctorate?  Believe me, me know wuh me seh, me izz 3rd farm drop-out!

Between Hon Dr Irfaan and past president Hon Dr Jagdeo, Guyana in good hands!

Irfaan lied about his first degree...he pprobably paid someone to write his dissertation.

Regarding Jagdeo: His “Dr” is not a legitimate one earned from attending a university, taking courses and investing time to write the dissertation. It was conferred upon him in recognition of his political accomplishments...whatever those are...

Weh you living?  Whatever those are..... Remember he was two-term President!

And it don’t matter, he is Hon Dr Jagdeo to you.  Show respect!

Yes...a two term President, with no moral compass and family values, like other two bit third world leaders who encouraged corruption and cronyism.  

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

The PPP has to give the PNC a dose of its own medicine. you brave souls plan on doing that from the US and Canada?


A new Gajraj will rise ! worst mistake the PPP made is to put Irfaan (Mr cant find my BA degree but got a PhD) to run the mean Jagdeo...who wants to be VP...this is more than being Putinesque...

Go ask dem Indos in Guyana and hear how dey gon condemn Irfaan

You out like South!  Who needs a BA if you have a Doctorate?  Believe me, me know wuh me seh, me izz 3rd farm drop-out!

Between Hon Dr Irfaan and past president Hon Dr Jagdeo, Guyana in good hands!

Irfaan lied about his first degree...he pprobably paid someone to write his dissertation.

Regarding Jagdeo: His “Dr” is not a legitimate one earned from attending a university, taking courses and investing time to write the dissertation. It was conferred upon him in recognition of his political accomplishments...whatever those are...

Forbes Burnham, former President, academic, brilliant scholar and politician had his conferred by Dalhousie University in Canada.

Fransisco Slinger (Mighty Sparrow) world famous calypsonian had his conferred on him, Clive Lloyd, one of the greatest cricketers had his conferred on him,

Sr. Vivian Richards had one Priya Manickchand (formerly of the education sector) had one,

Yesu Persaud, business magnate had one – yet none of these distinguished persons have used the title because they all know better.



All the persons above was conferred with honorary Phd , never used in front of their names. Or individuals refer to them as Dr.

VishMahabir posted:

Regarding Jagdeo: His “Dr” is not a legitimate one earned from attending a university, taking courses and investing time to write the dissertation. It was conferred upon him in recognition of his political accomplishments ...whatever those are...

People through out the world do receive Honorary Dr. degrees on a regular basis, and it was first issued around 1470.

Individuals have the option to use the title with their names.

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

The PPP has to give the PNC a dose of its own medicine. you brave souls plan on doing that from the US and Canada?


A new Gajraj will rise ! worst mistake the PPP made is to put Irfaan (Mr cant find my BA degree but got a PhD) to run the mean Jagdeo...who wants to be VP...this is more than being Putinesque...

Go ask dem Indos in Guyana and hear how dey gon condemn Irfaan

You out like South!  Who needs a BA if you have a Doctorate?  Believe me, me know wuh me seh, me izz 3rd farm drop-out!

Between Hon Dr Irfaan and past president Hon Dr Jagdeo, Guyana in good hands!

Irfaan lied about his first degree...he pprobably paid someone to write his dissertation.

Regarding Jagdeo: His “Dr” is not a legitimate one earned from attending a university, taking courses and investing time to write the dissertation. It was conferred upon him in recognition of his political accomplishments...whatever those are...

Forbes Burnham, former President, academic, brilliant scholar and politician had his conferred by Dalhousie University in Canada.

Fransisco Slinger (Mighty Sparrow) world famous calypsonian had his conferred on him, Clive Lloyd, one of the greatest cricketers had his conferred on him,

Sr. Vivian Richards had one Priya Manickchand (formerly of the education sector) had one,

Yesu Persaud, business magnate had one – yet none of these distinguished persons have used the title because they all know better.



All the persons above was conferred with honorary Phd , never used in front of their names. Or individuals refer to them as Dr.

you should spend some time and understand what is an " honorary doctor" it will save you rass some stress. 

Anyone can have a honorary Doctor bestow on them, its not the same as earning an actual doctorate. But those individuals were recognize.

If Irfan and BJ add Dr to their names, is to torment people like you... they having the last laugh.  

 I am sure your customer in the home land must have said " here comes the Doctor of fixing the instrument. rite 

You need to get over this pettiness.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

The PPP has to give the PNC a dose of its own medicine. you brave souls plan on doing that from the US and Canada?

A new Gajraj will rise ! worst mistake the PPP made is to put Irfaan (Mr cant find my BA degree but got a PhD) to run the mean Jagdeo...who wants to be VP...this is more than being Putinesque...

Go ask dem Indos in Guyana and hear how dey gon condemn Irfaan

You out like South!  Who needs a BA if you have a Doctorate?  Believe me, me know wuh me seh, me izz 3rd farm drop-out!

Between Hon Dr Irfaan and past president Hon Dr Jagdeo, Guyana in good hands!

Irfaan lied about his first degree...he pprobably paid someone to write his dissertation.

Regarding Jagdeo: His “Dr” is not a legitimate one earned from attending a university, taking courses and investing time to write the dissertation. It was conferred upon him in recognition of his political accomplishments...whatever those are...

Forbes Burnham, former President, academic, brilliant scholar and politician had his conferred by Dalhousie University in Canada.

Fransisco Slinger (Mighty Sparrow) world famous calypsonian had his conferred on him, Clive Lloyd, one of the greatest cricketers had his conferred on him,

Sr. Vivian Richards had one Priya Manickchand (formerly of the education sector) had one,

Yesu Persaud, business magnate had one – yet none of these distinguished persons have used the title because they all know better.


All the persons above was conferred with honorary Phd , never used in front of their names. Or individuals refer to them as Dr.

you should spend some time and understand what is an " honorary doctor" it will save you rass some stress. 

Anyone can have a honorary Doctor bestow on them, its not the same as earning an actual doctorate. But those individuals were recognize.

If Irfan and BJ add Dr to their names, is to torment people like you... they having the last laugh.  

 I am sure your customer in the home land must have said " here comes the Doctor of fixing the instrument. rite 

You need to get over this pettiness.

 I am aware what it is !!! the gullible and sheeple need to find out. Some live in first world countries and still backward.


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