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Several GECOM staffers have been fired as a result of "lapses" at a polling station, the Commission's chairman Dr. Steve Surujbally has revealed.
Briefing the media moments ago, he said they have been encountering several "excursions into nonsense."
"We have had on occasion instances where our own staff have lapsed unfortunately, we would be firing them immediately so they'll be removed from their positions for express dotishness and in that sense there have been vacancies and there positions have been filled because of the many many competent staff we have to take over positions of that nature," Dr. Surujbally added.

"Express Dotishness" a few posters come to mind, hehehehehe Big Grin
Originally posted by Brodaman:
"Get Out". Residents chase PPP Candidate Kwame McCoy from Lodge Polling station after he allegedly verbally abuse a polling staff after being refused to inspect voting.
the only time the ppp should have this women kwame on the streets is halloween night,then she will get a chance to dressup like a women,and do her women stuff

Polling Agents have reported that 26 PPP supporters, all male Indo Guyanese, and operating as a group, voted multiple times at Polling Stations 412111B (A – L) and 412112B (A-L) which are both located at Timehri Primary School.

It was reported that the ink being used failed to properly stain the men’s fingers and so after they cast their first known votes at Station 41211B, where their names were on that list, they then proceeded to Station 412112B where their names appeared on a second list and they were allowed to vote again.

The fraudulent practice was detected by APNU polling Agent Monica Toyer and an objection was raised with the Presiding Officer Ms Kallicharran who said that she would resolve the matter at close of poll.

The questions must be asked how it will be resolved since the fraudulent ballots were placed in the ballot boxes that contained legitimate votes. How will the fraudulent votes be identified? And secondly how did the men’s names appeared on 2 lists?
Yiou are certainly WORST that a HOE. Slime is a better ingredient than you.
Originally posted by Brodaman:

Polling Agents have reported that 26 PPP supporters, all male Indo Guyanese, and operating as a group, voted multiple times at Polling Stations 412111B (A – L) and 412112B (A-L) which are both located at Timehri Primary School.

It was reported that the ink being used failed to properly stain the men’s fingers and so after they cast their first known votes at Station 41211B, where their names were on that list, they then proceeded to Station 412112B where their names appeared on a second list and they were allowed to vote again.

The fraudulent practice was detected by APNU polling Agent Monica Toyer and an objection was raised with the Presiding Officer Ms Kallicharran who said that she would resolve the matter at close of poll.

The questions must be asked how it will be resolved since the fraudulent ballots were placed in the ballot boxes that contained legitimate votes. How will the fraudulent votes be identified? And secondly how did the men’s names appeared on 2 lists?

Kwame Mc Coy's presence at polling station triggers hostility PDF | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Monday, 28 November 2011 15:58

Mc Coy being escorted out of the polling station by police. Incensed civilians can also be seen.
Kwame Mc Coy, who turned up at the Lodge Community High School to inspect the voting process there, was ordered out of the polling station and escorted from the area by police.
Mc Coy, a candidate for the governing Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC), was told that he needed a letter, authorizing him to do so.
The incident occurred at the Lodge Secondary School, Meadowbrook.
Polling station officials ordered him out and he, in turn, took out his cellular phone, purportedly to take digital images of their behaviour.
The situation became tense, resulting in polling station officials summoning police. Persons in the polling station compound and about 50 residents also became incensed and hurled insults at Mc Coy.
At least 10 members of the police force intervened and subsequently escorted him away from the polling station.
Presidential Advisor, Odinga Lumumba was also present there and he, too, was verbally abused.
GECOM fires Presiding Officer at Eversham, Corentyne
Monday, 28 November 2011

(SN) The presiding officer at a polling station in Berbice has been fired for distributing tendered ballots to voters, Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Chairman Dr. Steve Surujbally has announced. The incident occurred at Eversham, Berbice and, at a news briefing this afternoon Surujbally said that in instances where GECOM staff lapsed, they would be fired immediately. “So, they have been removed from their positions for expressed dotish-ness,” he declared, while adding that GECOM has competent staff to fill the resulting vacancies. Tendered ballots are usually handed out where there is doubt about the eligibility of the person to vote or some other controversy. A decision is later taken on whether the ballot can be validly counted. Otherwise regular ballot papers have to be handed out and this wasn’t the case at Eversham. “It is very clear what a tendered ballot is there for by law, so when you’re seeing the first four persons go into the polling station and they are issued tendered ballots, you know something is wrong, immediately, or for that matter fourteen,” Surujbally said.Persons had complained that they were given tendered ballots, this newspaper was told. No information was provided at the briefing on how many voters were affected and if they were then allowed to vote using regular ballots.Surujbally said the incident was isolated. “It is the only singular occurrence that we know of and I am not worried,” he added.Meanwhile, he also reported that voting was continuing peacefully despite “some episodes” being encountered in the field. While voter turnout was heavy in the morning, he noted, it has started petering out.He added that observer groups are calling in and informing of instances where they encounter “aberrations” and GECOM is acting on them immediately. “â€ĶWe are uncovering, on our ownâ€Ķ some anomalies and we are going to be correcting those with immediacy,” he said.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Brodaman:
Dear All,

A massive misinformation campaign is currently being carried out on the Corentyne by the desperate PPP. Indo Guyanese voters are being told that Khemraj Ramjattan has just resigned from the leadership of the AFC and handed it over to a BLACK MAN. A black man that has killed their people, David Granger. Racism in it's purest form.

You are a liar. An estate coolie like you should be thrown in jail and be castrated.

Why is he a liar. You have been peddling this lie all week.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Brodaman:
Dear All,

A massive misinformation campaign is currently being carried out on the Corentyne by the desperate PPP. Indo Guyanese voters are being told that Khemraj Ramjattan has just resigned from the leadership of the AFC and handed it over to a BLACK MAN. A black man that has killed their people, David Granger. Racism in it's purest form.

You are a liar. An estate coolie like you should be thrown in jail and be castrated.

Why is he a liar. You have been peddling this lie all week.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Yiou are certainly WORST that a HOE. Slime is a better ingredient than you.
Originally posted by Brodaman:

Polling Agents have reported that 26 PPP supporters, all male Indo Guyanese, and operating as a group, voted multiple times at Polling Stations 412111B (A – L) and 412112B (A-L) which are both located at Timehri Primary School.

It was reported that the ink being used failed to properly stain the men’s fingers and so after they cast their first known votes at Station 41211B, where their names were on that list, they then proceeded to Station 412112B where their names appeared on a second list and they were allowed to vote again.

The fraudulent practice was detected by APNU polling Agent Monica Toyer and an objection was raised with the Presiding Officer Ms Kallicharran who said that she would resolve the matter at close of poll.

The questions must be asked how it will be resolved since the fraudulent ballots were placed in the ballot boxes that contained legitimate votes. How will the fraudulent votes be identified? And secondly how did the men’s names appeared on 2 lists?
why you calling the man a *****.you sell your soul and betray your in bed with theives that rob the guyana tax is shit

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