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We have to rid Gy of this kind of mentality and it happens varying ways on both sides of the divide. 

We need to speak out whenever it happens regardless of our alliances or else the future for Gy will remain bleak.  

yuji22 posted:


And at the upcoming Local election, PPP will get 95 percent of Idos votes again, much to your warped mentality.



We all already know the results.  APNU will win G/T, New Amsterdam, Linden, and Bartica. The PPP will win every thing else.

So what are you haranguing about? APNU/AFC will continue to control parliament.

Unless you all dump Jagdeo, who is loudly beating the drums of racial war, or APNU/AFC become colossal failures, the PPP will lose.

Why?  Because APNU/AFC will dilute the Amerindian vote, by engaging in the same vote buying that the PPP engaged in.  And the Indian population will be even SMALLER than it was last year.


This is a nonsense of a notion that Indos fled under the PPP.

Indo Guyanese are the most progressive people on the planet.

Indo Guyanese who fled under the racist PNC dictatorship era started getting their Canadian and American citizenships and they are a people who care and as such the sponsorship of family process started.

Many young Indo males returned to Guyana to marry a Guyanese. This is also a fact.

Hundreds of thousands Indos started the sponsorship process and as such the exit of Indos from Guyana. This trend will escalate under the PNC dictatorship part two.

Take a look at where Indo Guyanese Immigrants live and you will notice a very high rate of home ownership and accumulation of wealth. This is a fact.

I drove to a predominantly Afro Guyanese community in NY and did not see the same progress. (I am not afraid to speak what I see).

A new scenario is now emerging where Afros will be sponsoring their relatives hence the start of a new wave emigration of Afros from Guyana.

Those who fail to recognize facts will always holler race, race and continue to live at the bottom of the economic ladder.


“They must stop pretending or believing that the PPP supporters are inept, weak and feeble".

Yes, Dr. Jagdeo, you tell them that Indians will not turn the other cheek. We're ready to shed blood if it comes to it. 

yuji22 posted:

99 Percent of High Profile are being ethnically cleansed by this racist PNC administration.

Your credibility is on the line Django. 

Or now you are actually admitting that 99% of the "high profile," under the PPP, were Indians?

Now how could this be if the PPP didn't ethnically cleanse blacks and ensure that they remained OUT?

Keep on telling you all that when God handed out brains, the PPP didn't get any because they demanded a bribe from God to take the brains, and God refused!

Django posted:
caribny posted:
asj posted:


MY MY MY.  Two middle aged women terrify a bunch of men?

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Caribny..bhai you made my day.

The Indo KKK and their friends are really too easy. They don't know how daily they insist in making themselves look stupid.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The problem I have with the PPP here is that when they were in government, they should have nipped this in the bud. They allowed the PNC supporters to wreck havoc and caused mayhem after every PPP victory. Making threats now is useless.

Agreed,but then again it's not an easy task in Guyana too much race baiting.

The problem is that when the PPP attempted to nip election violence, it was seen as Indos killing blacks, as we all know, the PNC used to unleash their violent arm of the party to murder and burn Indos and their businessesin order to incite racial hate.

Ninety Nine (99) percent of election violence victims were Indos and a similar trend apply to them as victims of crime today.

Know you history and know your facts.

Let me add some clarity,your first sentence have truth it happens during elections,supporters of the PNC became very uneasy, mostly in the capital ,part of your second sentence have a lot of untruths,of recent most of the Indian victims of crime were committed by Indians.

You should refrain from insinuating that Afro Guyanese are the perpetrators of crime on Indo Guyanese.


Yuji22 tried to mix two different situations into one here. Yes, the violence perpetuated by the PNC supporters after the PPP victories were predominantly by blacks on Indians. However, there is a lot of Indian on Indian violence especially by Indian men on Indian women. I don't have the numbers but from the naked eye, I would suggest that there is more Indian men on Indian women violence than there are black men on black women violence.

Nonetheless, the PNC supporters violence when they lose elections is a valid Yuji22 point.

Kaz.. no dispute i said it's the truth,he slyly puts it over that Afros committing crimes on Indian is an everyday occurrence.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:
 However, there is a lot of Indian on Indian violence especially by Indian men on Indian women. I don't have the numbers but from the naked eye, I would suggest that there is more Indian men on Indian women violence than there are black men on black women violence.


And yet you join up with the Indo KKK, who scream that Indians are living in daily terror because of savage blacks.

As to the post election violence. Well why don't you tell the WHOLE story.  All day Kwame and his goons were walking into polling stations in G/T trying to panic the crowds into thinking that the PPP was trying to rig the election. 

This happened because the PPP was appalled at the MASSIVE voter turn out in G/T (ESPECIALLY the in majority black South G/T).  They feared that this might have resulted in a loss, and so they tried desperately to create havoc, in order to have the election canceled.

All day the APNU/AFC wre mounting damage control exercise to quell violence when PPP instigators tried to provoke it. Moses Nagamootoo, AN INDIAN, went to one location and got the majority low income AFRICANS, to quiet down (so much about race!!!!).

In another incident Granger had to RESCUE Kwame from the crowds. The PPP then showed pictures of a brutalized Kwame when videos showed Kwame leaving the polling station and being put into the PNC vehicle UNSCATHED. So WHO BEAT UP KWAME?  NOT PNC supporters!

One incident happened in Sophia, as rumors of attempts by the PPP to rig continued, and that got out of hand.  But APNU/AFC snuffed out other potentially violent incidents.

So let us be honest.  The extreme ethnic paranoia which exists in Guyana creates tensions. The IRRESPONSIBLE PPP tried to PROVOKE violence.  APNU/AFC spent all day trying to quell violence.  The Sophia incident was inevitable given the behavior of Kwame and his thugs.

But for APNU/AFC there would have been far more violence as panicked crowds reacted to PPP instigation.  APNU/AFC acted with an efficiency, that we haven't seen since, to quell this as it would have played into the hands of the PPP

caribny posted:
asj posted:


MY MY MY.  Two middle aged women terrify a bunch of men?

Stop embarrassing yourself.   The men were ignoring those women, as they should.

I dont understand how two loudmouth women can wage a war of words, get into the face of the protesters, a bunch of grown Indian men, and allow one of them to tear up the placard. 

Can someone explain this scene to me???

I am told sugar workers are supposed to be militant.

Are them men or mice???  

caribny posted:

And yet you join up with the Indo KKK, who scream that Indians are living in daily terror because of savage blacks.

As to the post election violence. Well why don't you tell the WHOLE story.  All day Kwame and his goons were walking into polling stations in G/T trying to panic the crowds into thinking that the PPP was trying to rig the election. 

This happened because the PPP was appalled at the MASSIVE voter turn out in G/T (ESPECIALLY the in majority black South G/T).  They feared that this might have resulted in a loss, and so they tried desperately to create havoc, in order to have the election canceled.

All day the APNU/AFC wre mounting damage control exercise to quell violence when PPP instigators tried to provoke it. Moses Nagamootoo, AN INDIAN, went to one location and got the majority low income AFRICANS, to quiet down (so much about race!!!!).

In another incident Granger had to RESCUE Kwame from the crowds. The PPP then showed pictures of a brutalized Kwame when videos showed Kwame leaving the polling station and being put into the PNC vehicle UNSCATHED. So WHO BEAT UP KWAME?  NOT PNC supporters!

One incident happened in Sophia, as rumors of attempts by the PPP to rig continued, and that got out of hand.  But APNU/AFC snuffed out other potentially violent incidents.

So let us be honest.  The extreme ethnic paranoia which exists in Guyana creates tensions. The IRRESPONSIBLE PPP tried to PROVOKE violence.  APNU/AFC spent all day trying to quell violence.  The Sophia incident was inevitable given the behavior of Kwame and his thugs.

But for APNU/AFC there would have been far more violence as panicked crowds reacted to PPP instigation.  APNU/AFC acted with an efficiency, that we haven't seen since, to quell this as it would have played into the hands of the PPP

You really expect us to believe all this nonsense? Kwame beat himself up? The Blacks are saints and never riot? Bad Indian good Black?  At least you are consistent in your nonsensical ramblings.

VishMahabir posted:

I dont understand how two loudmouth women can wage a war of words, get into the face of the protesters, a bunch of grown Indian men, and allow one of them to tear up the placard. 

Can someone explain this scene to me???

I am told sugar workers are supposed to be militant.

Are them men or mice???  

The women thought that they could intimidate the men because "we government in power". 

The men ignored them. I heard one voice responding ti them, while most of the others weren't even looking in their direction.

One woman got frustrated and snatched a sign and then fled.

Now imagine the spectacle of grown men beating up a middle aged female.

But if you really believe that these are mice, who allow 2 middle aged women to terrify them, then doesn't the PPPs current threats of "slo fiah, mo fiah", not look ridiculous?

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

 Kwame beat himself up? .

No Jagdeo did because Kwame's plan to instigate mass riots failed.

Jagdeo allegedly did slap Ramotar for losing the election, so this is possibly true. This is the Evil that you worship. A truly Burnham-like figure! 

FACT.  The video showed Kwame leaving the polling station unscathed.  He was then let out of the car, once they had gotten a safe distant.

FACT.  A few days later a picture of a visibly injured Kwame showed up, claiming that the injuries came from being attacked at the polling station.

Now run along with your demented brown bai KKK.  NONE of you are too bright, and daily you show this.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
 However, there is a lot of Indian on Indian violence especially by Indian men on Indian women. I don't have the numbers but from the naked eye, I would suggest that there is more Indian men on Indian women violence than there are black men on black women violence.


And yet you join up with the Indo KKK, who scream that Indians are living in daily terror because of savage blacks.

As to the post election violence. Well why don't you tell the WHOLE story.  All day Kwame and his goons were walking into polling stations in G/T trying to panic the crowds into thinking that the PPP was trying to rig the election. 

This happened because the PPP was appalled at the MASSIVE voter turn out in G/T (ESPECIALLY the in majority black South G/T).  They feared that this might have resulted in a loss, and so they tried desperately to create havoc, in order to have the election canceled.

All day the APNU/AFC wre mounting damage control exercise to quell violence when PPP instigators tried to provoke it. Moses Nagamootoo, AN INDIAN, went to one location and got the majority low income AFRICANS, to quiet down (so much about race!!!!).

In another incident Granger had to RESCUE Kwame from the crowds. The PPP then showed pictures of a brutalized Kwame when videos showed Kwame leaving the polling station and being put into the PNC vehicle UNSCATHED. So WHO BEAT UP KWAME?  NOT PNC supporters!

One incident happened in Sophia, as rumors of attempts by the PPP to rig continued, and that got out of hand.  But APNU/AFC snuffed out other potentially violent incidents.

So let us be honest.  The extreme ethnic paranoia which exists in Guyana creates tensions. The IRRESPONSIBLE PPP tried to PROVOKE violence.  APNU/AFC spent all day trying to quell violence.  The Sophia incident was inevitable given the behavior of Kwame and his thugs.

But for APNU/AFC there would have been far more violence as panicked crowds reacted to PPP instigation.  APNU/AFC acted with an efficiency, that we haven't seen since, to quell this as it would have played into the hands of the PPP

Big problem with everything that you wrote above bai. Firstly, I don't even imagine race when I comment on the PPP and PNC so I don't join up with (any) the Indo KKK, who scream that Indians are living in daily terror because of savage blacks.

Secondly, the events during and after the last general elections is nothing like that of the 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006, 2011. The events during and after the 2015 elections are a walk in the park compared to the violence after the 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006 and 2011 elections. That is why you chose to talk about this one. Just go back and see how the Coalition supporters were mocking and jeering the PPP for their protest march after the 2015 elections. Granted one can laugh at it since they didn't have to worry about violence as the case after the 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006 and 2011 elections.

You would also note that there are 5 years or less during each of those governments. That didn't happen during the previous PNC era and I don't expect it to happen with this new PNC era.

ksazma posted:

Big problem with everything that you wrote above bai. Firstly, I don't even imagine race when I comment on the PPP and PNC

Well the violence is triggered by racial panic, by an un-empowered people, so you can ignore race all you wish, but it remains right there.

And until you deal with the issue of race, then it will always be the elephant in the room.

The violence in 2015 was NOT instigated by APNU leadership. It was provoked by the Kwame/Odinga segment of the PPP, who themselves are VERY acquainted with provoking violence when they were part of the Hammie Green thug force.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I dont understand how two loudmouth women can wage a war of words, get into the face of the protesters, a bunch of grown Indian men, and allow one of them to tear up the placard. 

Can someone explain this scene to me???

I am told sugar workers are supposed to be militant.

Are them men or mice???  

The women thought that they could intimidate the men because "we government in power". 

The men ignored them. I heard one voice responding ti them, while most of the others weren't even looking in their direction.

One woman got frustrated and snatched a sign and then fled.

Now imagine the spectacle of grown men beating up a middle aged female.

But if you really believe that these are mice, who allow 2 middle aged women to terrify them, then doesn't the PPPs current threats of "slo fiah, mo fiah", not look ridiculous?

"But if you really believe that these are mice, who allow 2 middle aged women to terrify them, then doesn't the PPPs current threats of "slo fiah, mo fiah", not look ridiculous?"

This quote makes no sense...its not based on reality.  

What if the tables were turned? Would an Indian dared do this??

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Big problem with everything that you wrote above bai. Firstly, I don't even imagine race when I comment on the PPP and PNC

Well the violence is triggered by racial panic, by an un-empowered people, so you can ignore race all you wish, but it remains right there.

And until you deal with the issue of race, then it will always be the elephant in the room.

The violence in 2015 was NOT instigated by APNU leadership. It was provoked by the Kwame/Odinga segment of the PPP, who themselves are VERY acquainted with provoking violence when they were part of the Hammie Green thug force.

Bai, there was no violence after the 2015 elections. There was a protest march by PPP and their supporters. There was violence after the 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006, and 2011 elections. You need to broaden your scope if you are going to appear unbiased.

VishMahabir posted:

"But if you really believe that these are mice, who allow 2 middle aged women to terrify them, then doesn't the PPPs current threats of "slo fiah, mo fiah", not look ridiculous?"

This quote makes no sense...its not based on reality.  

What if the tables were turned? Would an Indian dared do this??


This is the memory I have of Blacks in Guyana, wrong and strong, and bullies.  One of the reasons I am glad I left that country.  They wouldn't dare try the same in the US as they would be visited by men in white mask and pointy hats.  Could you imagine an Indian woman doing the same to a group of Blacks protesters, Caribj would have screamed marginalization. 

ksazma posted:
, 2006, 2011.

There was NO race based violence after these two elections.  And in fact this was commented on.  The PNC had stopped their tactic of street protests.

Quit spreading your race based LIES!

1992 violence was due to Hammie Green.  Hoyte put a stop to it.  Hammie screamed that Hoyte was a traitor and a sell out, and left the PNC.

Ironically Hammie Green campaigned with the PPP against the  PNC in the run up to the 1997 in election, as he wished to spite Hoyte.  In fact THIS is what paved the way for some of his thug force to be eventually embraced by the PPP! 

It also meant the end of the GGG.

So we are left with the post election violence in 1997 and in 2001!  TWO elections.


The PPP loses any moral authority to whine about PNC violence when it embraces those who were actively involved in it!  Kwame, Odinga, Joe Hamilton, and others.

The notion of Odinga whining about PNC violence is a scream, when he used to be one of the most active instigators of it!

The PPP and the PNC are two twins of evil. The fact that the PPP embraced folks who used to beat up their supporters, and who are UNREPENTANT, just shows how terrible they are.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I dont understand how two loudmouth women can wage a war of words, get into the face of the protesters, a bunch of grown Indian men, and allow one of them to tear up the placard. 

Can someone explain this scene to me???

I am told sugar workers are supposed to be militant.

Are them men or mice???  

The women thought that they could intimidate the men because "we government in power". 

The men ignored them. I heard one voice responding ti them, while most of the others weren't even looking in their direction.

One woman got frustrated and snatched a sign and then fled.

Now imagine the spectacle of grown men beating up a middle aged female.

But if you really believe that these are mice, who allow 2 middle aged women to terrify them, then doesn't the PPPs current threats of "slo fiah, mo fiah", not look ridiculous?

And you don't see this as hooliganism? Those two women could have expressed their position without making physical contact with the sugar workers. Or is that expecting too much from them?

Even more disturbing is that you expressed humor above rather than contempt.


The video highlights what is to come for Indos in Guyana.

Imaging an Indo woman doing that with Linden Protestors ?

This is for the world to see what this happening under this AFC/PNC administration while the police watch in agreement and endorse that type of behaviour.

I witnessed eye pass/wrong and strong firsthand under the PNC part one. It is back in full swing under PNC part two.;

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
, 2006, 2011.

There was NO race based violence after these two elections.

Quit spreading your race based LIES!.


You are too obsessed with race. I never stated that there was race based violence. I clearly stated that there was PNC and their supporters' violence. Everything doesn't have to be about race bai.

ksazma posted:

And you don't see this as hooliganism? .

OK so when people laugh at PPP supporters calling them a bunch of weak aunty men, they only need to look at these comments by you.

The men ignored the women, because they considered them nuisance, but not a threat. They might have even been amused by their impotent screaming. 

You do not do the PPP, nor Indo Guyanese any service by portraying them as a bunch of weaklings terrified of MIDDLE AGED women.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

And you don't see this as hooliganism? .

OK so when people laugh at PPP supporters calling them a bunch of weak aunty men, they only need to look at these comments by you.

The men ignored the women, because they considered them nuisance, but not a threat. They might have even been amused by their impotent screaming. 

You do not do the PPP, nor Indo Guyanese any service by portraying them as a bunch of weaklings terrified of MIDDLE AGED women.

If the men had retaliated, you would have been screaming that Indos are beating up black women and the police and army should have arrived promptly.

Carry on.

PNC racism and eye pass is alive and for the world to see. It will get worse and will be gladly endorse by you.

yuji22 posted:

The video highlights what is to come for Indos in Guyana.


And here they go. Indo men wailing "we frikken a dem black woman".

You all just undermined Odinga's threat to instigate violence, along the lines that he did when he was part of the PNC thug force.

I mean if 2 middle aged black women strike real terror, how will they confront the police and the GDF, when they try t create mayhem in the streets of G/T?

yuji22 posted:

If the men had retaliated,

I would have said no such thing.  In fact Jagdeo would have been forced to apologize at such a spectacle, which is why the men did the right thing and IGNORE them!


But carry one screaming "we frikken dem big strong PNC black woman".  Cobra already started the rant.  The one who snatched the sign was a small built woman, but you "frikken she baad baad".

ksazma posted:

You are too obsessed with race. I never stated that there was race based violence. I clearly stated that there was PNC and their supporters' violence. Everything doesn't have to be about race bai.

So I see we have PNC blacks attacking PPP blacks? Is that your point?


Or do you think that when Kwame tried to instigate violence in G/T all day, it wasn't because he wished to have video footage of Indians being attacked by blacks?


Politics about Guyana is about RACE.  And in fact YOU illustrate that very well with your open partisanship in favor of the PPP.

Had you been objective you would have noted that the PPP COOPTED the violent elements of the PNC, Odinga, Kwame, Joe Hamilton, Nascimento, and others.

How can you wail about PNC violence and turn a blind eye to the fact that the PPP REWARDED this violence by embracing some of the perpetrators instead of locking them up?

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

And you don't see this as hooliganism? .

OK so when people laugh at PPP supporters calling them a bunch of weak aunty men, they only need to look at these comments by you.

The men ignored the women, because they considered them nuisance, but not a threat. They might have even been amused by their impotent screaming. 

You do not do the PPP, nor Indo Guyanese any service by portraying them as a bunch of weaklings terrified of MIDDLE AGED women.

Your cop-out above makes no sense bai. There is something called law and decency. People can protest any position and others can ignore them or even think that they are silly. But it become hooliganism when one person makes physical contact with another. That placard is an extension of that man's person and it should never have been touched by that woman. I am concerned that you can only find humor in that video.

ksazma posted:

Your cop-out above makes no sense bai.

This is how it goes.  Some people protest, and some heckle.  You really need to come to NYC and see some of our protests here.


The PPP have been just as guilty of heckling as were these women.

In fact under PPP rule PPP MINISTERS used to heckle protestors!

So carry your race based "objectivity" that side.  You excuse the PPP and  feel loyalty to THEM as you feel compelled to defend them for reasons of race!


Last edited by Former Member

Take a close look at 2:11 mins into this video.

Folks, what most of us have been talking and speaking out against have returned under this racist PNC administration supported by the AFC's Moses and Ramjattan.

Notice how the PNC Police force allows this to happen and does not intervene.

Take note folks. The worse is yet to come.

Last edited by Former Member

History under this racist PNC administration supported by AFC's Moses and Ramjattan is repeating itself.

Last edited by Former Member

And let us recall PPP behavior when AFC people protested in PPP strongholds. VIOLENCE.  AFC leader STRIPPED naked.

Linden protestors in Linden SHOUT TO DEATH.  PNC protestors (mainly women) protesting in 2011, TEAR GAS pellets shot at them.


Or when PPP supporters went to Ravi Dev's house in 2001, when they feared that ROAR would split the Indo vote.  GROWN MEN, threatening his wide, who was at home alone!

But Ksaz is so "objective" and free from any awareness of race that he "forgets" to get into all of that.  Only about PNC beating up PPP, and then he squeals "its not about race".

Note that the PPP instigators were NOT 2 middle aged women with lots of mouth and nothing else!

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Take a close look at 2:11 mins into this video.


1.  Any proof that these women were sent their by Granger, and weren't some over zealous creatures seized with indignation because "we party in power".

2.  Now let us compare this with protests under the PPP when police men were sent to break up protests, scatter crowds, and the SHOOT them when they don't move! 

The police represent officialdom. Two stupid uneducated middle aged females DONT!


As expected Ksaz does NOT address the fact that the PPP coopted violent PNC elements to engage in their own reign of terror. 

And Odinga, Joe Hamilton, and Kwame were VERY active trying to instigate violence on election day.

Now why did the PPP coopt the same thug elements who Burnham and Hammie used against them and the WPA?  Some even involved in PNC violence even up to 1997 and 2001?


Defend this all you want. But these are facts and it expose a racist AFC/PNC administration and their supporters.

Sadly, Moses and Ramjattan are a part of this racist administration.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

You are too obsessed with race. I never stated that there was race based violence. I clearly stated that there was PNC and their supporters' violence. Everything doesn't have to be about race bai.

So I see we have PNC blacks attacking PPP blacks? Is that your point?


Or do you think that when Kwame tried to instigate violence in G/T all day, it wasn't because he wished to have video footage of Indians being attacked by blacks?


Politics about Guyana is about RACE.  And in fact YOU illustrate that very well with your open partisanship in favor of the PPP.

Had you been objective you would have noted that the PPP COOPTED the violent elements of the PNC, Odinga, Kwame, Joe Hamilton, Nascimento, and others.

How can you wail about PNC violence and turn a blind eye to the fact that the PPP REWARDED this violence by embracing some of the perpetrators instead of locking them up?

Two things. Firstly, my point is that violence should never be the answer to settle differences/disagreements. Secondly did Odinga, Kwame, Joe Hamilton, Nascimento, and others PNC that went over to the PPP commit any crimes while with the PPP?


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