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caribny posted:

As expected Ksaz does NOT address the fact that the PPP coopted violent PNC elements to engage in their own reign of terror. 


I deal with facts bai. Not make believe.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

And you don't see this as hooliganism? .

OK so when people laugh at PPP supporters calling them a bunch of weak aunty men, they only need to look at these comments by you.

The men ignored the women, because they considered them nuisance, but not a threat. They might have even been amused by their impotent screaming. 

You do not do the PPP, nor Indo Guyanese any service by portraying them as a bunch of weaklings terrified of MIDDLE AGED women.


you being foolish here again. If these men were protesting, the women had no business getting in their faces...the police should have intervened before things get out of hand. 

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

And you don't see this as hooliganism? .

OK so when people laugh at PPP supporters calling them a bunch of weak aunty men, they only need to look at these comments by you.

The men ignored the women, because they considered them nuisance, but not a threat. They might have even been amused by their impotent screaming. 

You do not do the PPP, nor Indo Guyanese any service by portraying them as a bunch of weaklings terrified of MIDDLE AGED women.


you being foolish here again. If these men were protesting, the women had no business getting in their faces...the police should have intervened before things get out of hand. 

Police are scared to defend the peaceful Indo protesters in fear of being fired.

Remember, PNC dictatorship has returned.

No one dare question the Supreme Leader of the PNC. Listen to what the women said in the video ?


Carib has gone into hiding.

I was warning AFC supporters not to be trapped by the PNC and the likes of Carib etc.

Look at what Moses and Ramjattan have reduced Indos to !

PNC sends their thugs to harass and beat up Indos and they have to remain silent and be humiliated. While the likes of PNC racists like Carib call them weak when they display restraint.

More is yet to come with the AFC/PNC change.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Defend this all you want. But these are facts and it expose a racist AFC/PNC administration and their supporters.

Sadly, Moses and Ramjattan are a part of this racist administration.

Oh go and cry and shake in fright that a 130 lb black woman is threatening to beat you up!

If you guys terrified by this, what is Odinga, famed as one of Hammie Green's henchmen, screaming about?

yuji22 posted:

Carib has gone into hiding.


More is yet to come with the AFC/PNC change.

Why should I hide. If a 130lb black woman terrified you, me a 200lb black man definitely will.

VishMahabir posted:
yuji22 posted:

Here is another video of what the PNC is capable of doing:

More is yet to come. 

18,000 you tube views.

Can Carib please comment on this video?

Oh yes I do recall Cobra was terrified to leave his house for 2 weeks after the election, as this Amazonian female was threatening to beat him up.

Yet Granger lost no sleep when some PPP cowards had effigies of him hanging from a tree.


I guess cowardice is in the PPP DNA, so pardon me when I laugh at the PPPs threats of "slo fiah, mo fiah".  All APNU would need to do is to unleash TWO market vendors, and all  of you will scatter.

Do you know that the huge effort you all are engaging in to demonstrate your fear of black women will merely ensure that the PPP are seen as cowards? 

Expect more Indo women flocking to strong Afro men, if this cowardly portrayal of Indo men is continually peddled.  Women don't like weak men!

How ironic that an Indo KKK has contributed to increased douglarization!

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Police are scared to defend the peaceful Indo protesters

So a group of several dozen men need protection from TWO women now. And not even young women at that?

You really need to stop portraying Indo men as weak cowards terrified of 2 middle aged black women.

You aren't doing much to enhance the image of Indo Guyanese men.

Yes I know you older Indo men have serious masculinity issues, but I am sure that the protesters would be insulted at your portrayal of them being a bunch of weaklings, who ought to be scared of TWO females.

VishMahabir posted:


you being foolish here again. If these men were protesting, the women had no business getting in their faces...the police should have intervened before things get out of hand. 

Yet it was OK for the cops to shoot down Linden protesters.

Let us compare/  In Linden people protested. The cops shot them down in cold blood when they refused to move (in fact even did a count down before firing).

Yet an emasculated "man" like you makes a huge project out of TWO FEMALE hecklers.


Serious, get a grip of yourself a grow a pair, and I don't mean breasts.

yuji22 posted:

Compare that to the excellent restraint shown by the Indo Wales sugar workers described as weak by the likes of Racists like Carib etc.

YOU are the ones screaming that the men are WEAK and need protection!

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

As expected Ksaz does NOT address the fact that the PPP coopted violent PNC elements to engage in their own reign of terror. 


I deal with facts bai. Not make believe.

yes the FACTs that you deal with are your refusal to acknowledge the fact that Odinga, Kwame, and Joe Hamilton were PNC Hammie Green hooligans who the PPP coopted.

I will remind you of this and I will not stop reminding you of this.  These are FACTS!

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

As expected Ksaz does NOT address the fact that the PPP coopted violent PNC elements to engage in their own reign of terror. 


I deal with facts bai. Not make believe.

yes the FACTs that you deal with are your refusal to acknowledge the fact that Odinga, Kwame, and Joe Hamilton were PNC Hammie Green hooligans who the PPP coopted.

I will remind you of this and I will not stop reminding you of this.  These are FACTS!

Did I miss your response to my question on if those former PNC hooligans commit any crimes while they were PPP members?  

ksazma posted:

Did I miss your response to my question on if those former PNC hooligans commit any crimes while they were PPP members?  

So your solution is to reward criminals by hiring them for "honest" work, instead of punishing them for crimes committed?

You may or may not wish to accept the fact that Odinga, Kwame, and Joe Hamilton, were engaged in patterns of mischief on election day.

But why do you accuse the PNC of violence and yet feel that it is perfectly in order for those within the PNC, who were responsible for such behavior, to be rewarded with lucrative employment by the PPP.

This especially in light of the broad based exclusion of Africans from top leadership slots during the PPP era.

It is HYPOCRITICAL of you to scream about PNC violence and yet say NOTHING about the fact that many who were INVOLVED in the violence were REWARDED with lucrative jobs by the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

There was NO race based violence after these two elections.  And in fact this was commented on.  The PNC had stopped their tactic of street protests.

Quit spreading your race based LIES!

1992 violence was due to Hammie Green.  Hoyte put a stop to it.  Hammie screamed that Hoyte was a traitor and a sell out, and left the PNC.

Ironically Hammie Green campaigned with the PPP against the  PNC in the run up to the 1997 in election, as he wished to spite Hoyte.  In fact THIS is what paved the way for some of his thug force to be eventually embraced by the PPP! 

It also meant the end of the GGG.

So we are left with the post election violence in 1997 and in 2001!  TWO elections.


The PPP loses any moral authority to whine about PNC violence when it embraces those who were actively involved in it!  Kwame, Odinga, Joe Hamilton, and others.

The notion of Odinga whining about PNC violence is a scream, when he used to be one of the most active instigators of it!

The PPP and the PNC are two twins of evil. The fact that the PPP embraced folks who used to beat up their supporters, and who are UNREPENTANT, just shows how terrible they are.

Very good post.

"The PPP and the PNC are two twins of evil. The fact that the PPP embraced folks who used to beat up their supporters, and who are UNREPENTANT, just shows how terrible they are."


Anyone wanna say, yay or nay to this?

ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Good thread great conversation,i will miss out a little got to clean some snow at the business place.Keep it going guys.

Be safe bai.

Kaz,thanks bhai, it's 15 mins from home,not lot of snow in CT,my neighbors does help out i just have to do lil finishing.

Last edited by Django
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Did I miss your response to my question on if those former PNC hooligans commit any crimes while they were PPP members?  

So your solution is to reward criminals by hiring them for "honest" work, instead of punishing them for crimes committed?

You may or may not wish to accept the fact that Odinga, Kwame, and Joe Hamilton, were engaged in patterns of mischief on election day.

But why do you accuse the PNC of violence and yet feel that it is perfectly in order for those within the PNC, who were responsible for such behavior, to be rewarded with lucrative employment by the PPP.

This especially in light of the broad based exclusion of Africans from top leadership slots during the PPP era.

It is HYPOCRITICAL of you to scream about PNC violence and yet say NOTHING about the fact that many who were INVOLVED in the violence were REWARDED with lucrative jobs by the PPP.

Did I miss where you tell me if those men committed crimes while they were PPP members?

Secondly, how is it possible for you to state the above to/about me and still say that I am racist?

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The problem I have with the PPP here is that when they were in government, they should have nipped this in the bud. They allowed the PNC supporters to wreck havoc and caused mayhem after every PPP victory. Making threats now is useless.

Agreed,but then again it's not an easy task in Guyana too much race baiting.

The problem is that when the PPP attempted to nip election violence, it was seen as Indos killing blacks, as we all know, the PNC used to unleash their violent arm of the party to murder and burn Indos and their businessesin order to incite racial hate.

Ninety Nine (99) percent of election violence victims were Indos and a similar trend apply to them as victims of crime today.

Know you history and know your facts.

Let me add some clarity,your first sentence have truth it happens during elections,supporters of the PNC became very uneasy, mostly in the capital ,part of your second sentence have a lot of untruths,of recent most of the Indian victims of crime were committed by Indians.

You should refrain from insinuating that Afro Guyanese are the perpetrators of crime on Indo Guyanese.


I challenge the Government to release stats based on the racial background of criminals serving time in Guyana's Jails.

TK posted

.... What I am yet to see is Blacks blaming Indos for all the problems the country faces. I don't see them stereotyping Indos as you Indo KKKs.

You must be existing in you "beautiful mind" banna!!


No wonder so many Indo women get beaten up by their Indo canecutter husbands. Dem guys are afraid of black women. As a matter of fact I can't ever remember hearing of an Indo canecutter who came home drunk and beat up his black wife.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:


you being foolish here again. If these men were protesting, the women had no business getting in their faces...the police should have intervened before things get out of hand. 

Yet it was OK for the cops to shoot down Linden protesters.

Let us compare/  In Linden people protested. The cops shot them down in cold blood when they refused to move (in fact even did a count down before firing).

Yet an emasculated "man" like you makes a huge project out of TWO FEMALE hecklers.


Serious, get a grip of yourself a grow a pair, and I don't mean breasts.

Were these workers lighting fire to a school or placing tree trunks and debris across the road to block traffic?

Knucklehead,..these are peaceful protester

]It does not matter how you spin this. These women had no business interfering. Law enforcement should have intervened and prevent this from escalating....and please, listen to the language of the women.

Your constant reminder about things past does not in any way compare to this incident. That mind of your will forever see race in everything..

Trying to excuse these women behavior by relating a past event does not make any sense whatsoever.  

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

PPP threatening "mo fiah slo fiah".  Go down and help them nuh!

Where is this threat? And which Indo is making this threat? These words were used by Hoyte, no one else.

I get the feeling that you are thoroughly enjoying every moment in seeing Indos suffering...your new motto should be "black man pon top".  You are no different from the two women in the video.

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

PPP threatening "mo fiah slo fiah".  Go down and help them nuh!

Where is this threat? And which Indo is making this threat? These words were used by Hoyte, no one else.

I get the feeling that you are thoroughly enjoying every moment in seeing Indos suffering...your new motto should be "black man pon top".  You are no different from the two women in the video.

You must be very proud of this exemplary behavior.

Instead of condemning the behaviour, you took the opportunity to beat up on Jagdeo and the Indos.


Last edited by VishMahabir
VishMahabir posted:

Were these workers lighting fire to a school

The fire began after the PPP ruthlessly shot down black people.  Stop telling PPP lies.

Indians in Berbice burned down a police station.  No retaliation.

But any way you and the brown bai KKK can scream "blackman baaad".

baseman posted:

Lock down the economy and let them go join the food lines, these uncouth lazy low lives.

Yes do your "blackman lazy thing"  VishMahabir will DEFEND you.

VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe.

You must be very proud of this exemplary behavior.

Instead of condemning the behaviour, you took the opportunity to beat up on Jagdeo and the Indos.


Even dumb Druggie understands that Lumumba is making threats.

Yes that ex PNC thugs who used to enjoy raining blows on PPPites in times past.  Together woth Joe Hamilton.

Now go an celebrate Jagdeo was he runs around screaming "blackman a starve ahbe" instead of being honest and admitting that the PPP neglected Wales and even Ramkarran now admits that fixing it is now impossible, and that discussion should focus instead on transitioning the lands and the labor force to alternate uses.

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

PPP threatening "mo fiah slo fiah".  Go down and help them nuh!

Where is this threat?

Ask the ex PNC thug who the PPP made an MP.  He was the one in parliament making threats. 

BTW why do the PPP enjoy embracing violent ex PNC thugs?

Ignore this fact as you much as you want, and I will rub your face in it!

TK posted:
baseman posted:
TK posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

Why should Indos care whether PPP is in power or not? Except a few rich Indos they have not done anything good for Indos. So, who cares? They allowed drug dealers to infiltrate Indo villages. They turned a blind eye to the pushers. They killed sugar industry which employs thousands of Indos. They governed in the most backward and ignorant manner to benefit a few while jeopardizing the well-being of Indo masses. They refused to professionalize the police force by early employing that old scamp. They ran down UG even though thousands of their supporters go there. They allowed Hammie to make the city become the garbage city. They played the race card openly now making Indos appear like stupid people. PNC always played the race card quietly and tacitly. Indos will be better off under a PNC govt. At least the enemy is explicit and observable. PPP has always been the enemy within. Who really should care? I guess few rich ones.

For a mischief-maker living 3,000 miles away, you gatt nuff mouth about what the Indians should or should not care.  I did not know that some 95% of the Indians could be classified as "few rich ones".

And everyone knows you don't really care, but who cares what you care!!

For little brown bai KKKs like you I would appear to care if I fall into the ethnic network and blame blackman for all Guyana's troubles, na? Let abie write nasty editorials at Chronicle blaming blackman. Dat is how to show care, na?

Professah, buy wan gallan black paint. You are ashamed of being coolie. Go join Freddie K.


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