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Former Member

LGE 2018

…tied in 5 others

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) on Wednesday announced that based on the preliminary results of the November 12 Local Government Elections (LGE), it has doubled the margin of votes, resulting in the Party willing 52 of the 80 Local Authority Areas (LAAs) and tying five.
The PPP/C said the margin of votes moved from about 24,000 at the 2016 LGE to over 45,000 in 2018. The difference of votes between the PPP/C and the Alliance For Change (AFC) was a whopping 113,000 votes, validating the Party’s position that the AFC is a spent political force. Between the PPP/C and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), the difference of votes was over 50,000.
The Party said the win was despite the gerrymandering efforts by the APNU/AFC Government. The Party has contended that the new LAAs as well as the reduction and merging of several constituencies was all a ploy by the Government to makesure they win that area.
“Notwithstanding this, the PPP/C increased its win from 48 LAAs in 2016 to 52 LAAs in 2018 Local Government Elections… It is public knowledge that coalition Government created nine new areas as part of the gerrymandering effort to improve its showing at the Local Government Elections. Despite this, in two of the nine new LAAs, the PPP/C won control of the NDCs – the Nile/Cozier NDC, Region Two, and the Wyburg/Caracas NDC, Region Six,” the Party said in a statement.
The PPP/C said that tied the Lamaha/Yarrowkabra and Moruca/Phoenix Park NDCs which are new ones created by the Government. Additionally, changes were made to 14 LAAs via the reduction of 16 constituencies that were won by the PPP/C at the 2016 LGEs.
In Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), two of the LAAs where changes were made were the Evergreen/Paradise and Aberdeen/Zorg-en-Vlygt NDCs – in both of these LAAs the constituency seats were reduced from nine to eight, which resulted in the PPP/C winning four seats and APNU winning the other four. However, based on the PR votes, the PPP/C secured “convincing wins in these areas.” In Evergreen/Paradise, the vote totals show: PPP/C – 1094 (PR) votes; and APNU – 480. In Aberdeen/Zorg-en-Vlygt, the vote totals show: PPP/C – 1,059; and APNU – 390.
Changes were also made in the Bush Lot/Adventure NDC – an area that the PPP/C won in 2016 – which has now resulted in a tie between the PPP/C and APNU. The changes at Malgre Tout/Meer Zorgen NDC, which was tied in 2016, saw the PPP/C not being able to secure the majority seats.

Of the 10 towns in Guyana, the Opposition secured control of five of the towns winning all the seats in Anna Regina, Region Two; 12 of the 16 seats in Rose Hall, Berbice; 14 of the 16 seats in Corriverton, Berbice; six of the 10 seats in Lethem, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo); and eight of the 12 seats Mabaruma, Region One.
“The Party was successful in taking control of the Town Councils in Lethem and Mabaruma from the APNU/AFC coalition, despite the use of State resources (monies spent on chartered flights, distribution of sports gears, bicycles, etc) by the Government to campaign in these areas in an effort to maintain control of the Town Councils,” the PPP/C said.
In Georgetown, the PPP/C made significant inroads, securing a total of seven seats on the Town Council – up from two seats previously held. At the 2016 LGE, the Party secured two seats based on the PR votes. This year, the Party, not only doubled its PR votes, coping four seats, but also won three of the 15 constituencies in Georgetown – bringing the total to seven, the Party added.
Over in Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) the PPP/C recorded a 60 per cent vote increase as well as securing more seats in the municipalities of Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) and New Amsterdam, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne). In Mahdia, the newly created town, the Party secured over 20 per cent of the PR votes and secured one seat on the Town Council.
“The Whim/Bloomfield NDC, Region Six, was another notable win. It was none other than AFC’s Moses Nagamootoo who declared that “there is a straight contest” between the PPP/C and the AFC in this NDC, touted his participation in a ‘mini’ rally and talked up attendance at the AFC leaders at a meeting at Auchlyne School – claiming, in one of his many vacuous speeches in the National Assembly, that the space at the school was inadequate to accommodate the ‘huge’ crowds. The PPP/C secured almost 90 per cent of the votes and 13 out of 14 seats in the Whim/Bloomfield NDC. The AFC had less votes in the NDC than the number of candidates and individuals on the Nominators’ List (backers’ list) that they submitted to the Guyana Elections Commission, proving our point that they had to compile fraudulent lists,” the statement said.
Another notable win for the Party was that of the Buxton/Foulis NDC in Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica).


Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is an impressive win for the PPP. AFC should be dressed up in a yellow coffin and and laid to rest at Congress Place.

Jagdeo showed the PPP how to campaign and work the grassroots. The PPP also put forward a very diverse group of Candidates.

This is very bad news for the PNC but the PPP has to continue working hard and not made the same mistake that Jackass Ramotar made campaigning at the last national election.

Jagdeo paved the way for the new PPP leader and hopefully he or she can translate this to a majority in 2020.

I am just estatic that we can now bury the AFC in a yellow coffin. The AFC made a strategic error given that the turnout was low in PNC strongholds.

Moses and Ramjattan did nothing to assist their local candidates and should have been on the ground similar to what Jagdeo did. They were too ashamed or afraid to face voters after failing to fulfill their massive list of promises and merging with the PNC.

Moses used the voters to have a pension that will be higher than Jagdeo’s. Moses and Ramjattan are scumbags. I waiting for Congress Place to deal with them now.


Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

65% overall WIN. Damn good for an opposition party.

That’s a landslide victory. Mutwah is deeply frustrated and treating the massive wounds that the PPP delivered to the AFC. DJ is bandaging Mutwah’s gashing wounds.

It is now quite obvious why they went all the way to CCJ to stop BJ. He delivered a knock out blow to the AFC.

PNC cannot be written off yet but they have quite an uphill battle ahead. I see a big brawl brewing in the PNC camp if Granger steps aside for Health reasons. They are in deep deep trouble. Their biggest mistake was to shove aside the young and upcoming voter base. They are demoralized and it will be difficult for them to bounce back from such a massive political blow. 


Last edited by Former Member

That is why I keep saying that the AFC leadership failed to support local candidates. They are too selfish. Given the low turnout, they would have scraped a few seats especially in PNC strongholds. Trotman has a support base that he could have rallied and Moses and Ramjattan were too afraid or ashamed to face voters. 

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

65% overall WIN. Damn good for an opposition party.

 LGE is not the predictor of the National Election outcome. I feel LGE should not be along Party Lines. The people should be able to choose the best candidate , regardless of party affiliation, to represent them re local issues and interests other than weeding parapits and cleaning drains. 

Gilbakka posted:

Congratulations to the PPP. I notice the Party has won ALL the seats in Anna Regina town. Baap ray baap; who gon represent non-PPP folks?

That town have mixed population, looks like the Afro Guyanese stayed home.


Afros should not complain that they do not have representation. They need to exercise their right to vote. It seems as if they became very frustrated and disappointed with the PNC. This will translate to their approach to National Elections. Afros tend to stay home when they are angry at their party. Let us not forget that elections are in 2020. The PPP has momentum and their base is energized. 

People power is in the vote and it is important that every single voter exercise that right and do not  give the winner such a massive victory.  

I would have preferred a much closer race. Man, the PPP delivered some big blows to the AFC PNC parties. 

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

And I thought whoever gets elected is there to Rep the Community Gilly

Your thought is noble but an ignoble factuality pervades Guyana's political landscape. There are names for that which I abstain from mentioning here.

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

What sort of pay these representatives get?

Is it pensionable?

According to Labba, small pay but big bribe!!

I just want to know about the small pay check before the "commissions". 

yuji22 posted:

Afros should not complain that they do not have representation. They need to exercise their right to vote. It seems as if they became very frustrated and disappointed with the PNC. This will translate to their approach to National Elections. Afros tend to stay home when they are angry at their party. Let us not forget that elections are in 2020. The PPP has momentum and their base is energized. 

People power is in the vote and it is important that every single voter exercise that right and do not  give the winner such a massive victory.  

I would have preferred a much closer race. Man, the PPP delivered some big blows to the AFC PNC parties. 

What you mean?  Each jurisdiction has representation.  It’s not a race.  What you think will happen, PPP rep guh have the guttah in front coolie house clean and leff black people section clogged? 

Why you translating this to national?  You don’t know why kids walking barefooted in Guyana, how can you know to project this to 2020 with a 28% turn out.  Banna yuh funny no ass!!

The only relevant signal i is the PPP recapturing territory from the AFC!!  That’s notable!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

An insider source told me that plans are already in place to replace Guyana's ambassador to Cuba, Halim Majeed. He is needed at home to do party work.  Moses will replace him as ambassador to Cuba.

Won't doubt, also me thinks Moses won't run come 2020 elections.

Gilbakka posted:

Congratulations to the PPP. I notice the Party has won ALL the seats in Anna Regina town. Baap ray baap; who gon represent non-PPP folks?

PPP is for all the people even if you choose not to vote for them.

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

65% overall WIN. Damn good for an opposition party.

 LGE is not the predictor of the National Election outcome. I feel LGE should not be along Party Lines. The people should be able to choose the best candidate , regardless of party affiliation, to represent them re local issues and interests other than weeding parapits and cleaning drains. 

LGE is to elect which political party representative  that will be in charge for weeding parapits and General Election is to elect which political party will be in charge of thieving . Anyway all is the same.

 Whatever the PPP did at the LGE and can continue the pace for the General Election will give them a clear victory. The LGE shows that people did not vote along race, just take a look at the candidates the PPP posted, they had a good mix of all races where it counts.

kp posted:

65% overall WIN. Damn good for an opposition party.

This is not a national election.  It is 52 LOCAL elections.  The dynamics of each district varies.

The PPP only won 24% in GT so I don't know what inroads into the PNC that they have made.  They merely took back the Indian AFC voters in GT.

yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

65% overall WIN. Damn good for an opposition party.

That’s a landslide victory.  


Yes the PNC winning 2/3 of the votes in GT which is by far the largest municipality with over 1/4 of Guyana's population.

The PPP's time will be better spent trying to woo disaffected PNC supporters than pretending as if they won 64% of the votes. 

yuji22 posted:

Afros should not complain that they do not have representation.

Afro representation is what it always is, especially now that the Jagdeo lie about Buxton has been exposed.  Afros never win NDC's in predominantly Indian areas, so what representation did they lose?

Why did Jagdeo lie about Buxton?

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Afros should not complain that they do not have representation.

Afro representation is what it always is, especially now that the Jagdeo lie about Buxton has been exposed.  Afros never win NDC's in predominantly Indian areas, so what representation did they lose?

Why did Jagdeo lie about Buxton?

Like Trump, its a natural instinct.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

65% overall WIN. Damn good for an opposition party.

This is not a national election.  It is 52 LOCAL elections.  The dynamics of each district varies.

The PPP only won 24% in GT so I don't know what inroads into the PNC that they have made.  They merely took back the Indian AFC voters in GT.

Banna, why yuh gat fuh tek way will lil feel good.  We nah gatt much moo fuh celebrate.  Ayuh deh pin tapp and kicking abie every day.  Now we get lil local govt wuk and yuh pour cold water.  Gwan suh sour puss!!  We win moo dan Alyuh!!

Nehru posted:

Base, one poster seh PNC supporters did not vote, I wonder why

Me thinks dem downtrodden. Dem old haige PNC tief and leff the supporters with white mouth.  Come 2020 when PPP kick them out, dem guh suck wind.  Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, one poster seh PNC supporters did not vote, I wonder why

Me thinks dem downtrodden. Dem old haige PNC tief and leff the supporters with white mouth.  Come 2020 when PPP kick them out, dem guh suck wind.  Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

What English is this ? Please explain. [Japan/China]

Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, one poster seh PNC supporters did not vote, I wonder why

Me thinks dem downtrodden. Dem old haige PNC tief and leff the supporters with white mouth.  Come 2020 when PPP kick them out, dem guh suck wind.  Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

What English is this ? Please explain. [Japan/China]

Use Google!!

kp posted:
The LGE shows that people did not vote along race, just take a look at the candidates the PPP posted, they had a good mix of all races where it counts.

It is about race as everyone knows that blacks in the PPP are toothless tokens with no influence. 

Now that Roger Luncheon has gone silent who are the powerful black voices within the PPP?  Juan Edghill, a man who would be up for all sorts of charges were he in the USA?

The results are predictable.  The PPP won in Indo areas (including Indo parts of GT) and the PNC won in the majority black areas.  Many Amerindians who were sympathetic to the UF and GAP transferred their support to the AFC either stayed home or voted PPP.

This is how voting was in Guyana.  PPP gets the rural Indian vote and some Amerindians.  The PNC gets the black and most mixed votes.  Some Amerindians, urban Indians, middle class blacks, and mixed voters constitute the small swing vote.

Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, one poster seh PNC supporters did not vote, I wonder why

Me thinks dem downtrodden. Dem old haige PNC tief and leff the supporters with white mouth.  Come 2020 when PPP kick them out, dem guh suck wind.  Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

What English is this ? Please explain. [Japan/China]

Use Google!!

Google not explain. Do you know proper English from South America ?

Is your education level high ? [Japan/China].

Baseman posted:
 Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

Many blacks do just fine.  Caribbean Indians on average aren't  better off than Caribbean blacks.  This is in NYC as well as in Guyana itself.  Please stop fooling yourself that the Indo oligarchs define the socio economic position of the average Indian.

Baseman engage in a discussion as to why Indian indentures have done much worse than did their fellow Chinese and Portuguese indentures, and I suspect even the Bajan immigrants, many being the core

Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, one poster seh PNC supporters did not vote, I wonder why

Me thinks dem downtrodden. Dem old haige PNC tief and leff the supporters with white mouth.  Come 2020 when PPP kick them out, dem guh suck wind.  Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

What English is this ? Please explain. [Japan/China]

Use Google!!

Google not explain. Do you know proper English from South America ?

Is your education level high ? [Japan/China].

Nah. Me nah bin Skool!!   Me Jess laka you!!   How kum yuh tek soo laang fuh figure Datt out!  Like yuh sloo or watt!!

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
 Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

Many blacks do just fine.  Caribbean Indians on average aren't  better off than Caribbean blacks.  This is in NYC as well as in Guyana itself.  Please stop fooling yourself that the Indo oligarchs define the socio economic position of the average Indian.

Baseman engage in a discussion as to why Indian indentures have done much worse than did their fellow Chinese and Portuguese indentures, and I suspect even the Bajan immigrants, many being the core

Bai. I just brought up because you always complain how Burnhamism did not serve Afro Guyanese interest!!  I don’t agree, but you always harped on that!

Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, one poster seh PNC supporters did not vote, I wonder why

Me thinks dem downtrodden. Dem old haige PNC tief and leff the supporters with white mouth.  Come 2020 when PPP kick them out, dem guh suck wind.  Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

What English is this ? Please explain. [Japan/China]

Use Google!!

Google not explain. Do you know proper English from South America ?

Is your education level high ? [Japan/China].

Nah. Me nah bin Skool!!   Me Jess laka you!!   How kum yuh tek soo laang fuh figure Datt out!  Like yuh sloo or watt!!

Not understand. You write English. [Japan/China].

Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, one poster seh PNC supporters did not vote, I wonder why

Me thinks dem downtrodden. Dem old haige PNC tief and leff the supporters with white mouth.  Come 2020 when PPP kick them out, dem guh suck wind.  Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

What English is this ? Please explain. [Japan/China]

Hi Japanese,

Guyanese and Caribbean people in general speak English in a continuum.   Those who have studied it claim 2 basilectal varieties (rural and urban), an upper and lower mesolectal, standard English and English when we want to sound posh.

I know its confusing as we tend to view all as English.  When you visit us enjoy!!

Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, one poster seh PNC supporters did not vote, I wonder why

Me thinks dem downtrodden. Dem old haige PNC tief and leff the supporters with white mouth.  Come 2020 when PPP kick them out, dem guh suck wind.  Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

What English is this ? Please explain. [Japan/China]

Use Google!!

Baseman, I think this is one of Tola's students using Tola's ID to post. Remember Tola said he has Indian and Japanese students who are reading this site to learn about Guyana. One of them (noriko I think the name was) conversed with me on another thread.

They don't understand creolese, so write in English. And if yuh English not that good you can ask Bibi to help you. Just don't pay her with Brooklax, arite?

Baseman posted:

Bai. I just brought up because you always complain how Burnhamism did not serve Afro Guyanese interest!!  I don’t agree, but you always harped on that!

And Georgetown was a prosperous booming city in 1985?  The fact that a small PNC elite benefitted didn't mean that this extended to others.  A high % of the black middle class left then so clearly they weren't benefitting, and the WPA's large meetings when Rodney was alive showed that the grass roots didn't either.  One had to be brave to go to those events given that the PPP' thugs, some now PPP MPs, then of the House of Israel, were quite willing to break people's bones.

Ironic isn't it that the tools of Burnham's oppression now sit happily among the ranks of the PPP.

Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, one poster seh PNC supporters did not vote, I wonder why

Me thinks dem downtrodden. Dem old haige PNC tief and leff the supporters with white mouth.  Come 2020 when PPP kick them out, dem guh suck wind.  Black peoples gatt it tough all around, just ask Cribby boy!!

What English is this ? Please explain. [Japan/China]

Use Google!!

Baseman, I think this is one of Tola's students using Tola's ID to post. Remember Tola said he has Indian and Japanese students who are reading this site to learn about Guyana. One of them (noriko I think the name was) conversed with me on another thread.

They don't understand creolese, so write in English. And if yuh English not that good you can ask Bibi to help you. Just don't pay her with Brooklax, arite?

This person asked a valid question and I coached Tola as to how to respond to them.  This is the culture so those who prefer to write in Creolese can continue.


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