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Former Member

PPP wins recount

The opposition People’s Progressive Party yesterday held a statistically unbreakable lead at close of recount yesterday, staying ahead of the Coalition incumbent by some 13,069 votes with just 14 boxes left to be tabulated. This effectively gives the PPP a win in the recount of votes and, implicitly, the 2020 General Elections.

Graph showing comparison between the first two declarations, a total based on the PPP figures, and the current count as of yesterday’s tabulation.

The close of day tabulation showed the PPP with a total of 230,328 votes while the APNU+AFC had 217,529 votes.  Taking into account the total valid number of votes, 475589, recorded as cast in the previous declarations, the total tabulated votes so far, 456628, leaves around probably 18961 votes left to be counted.
For the coalition to catch up the PPP, it would have to win over two-thirds and even then the remainder, presuming the PPP and the other parties won zero votes, would not be enough to assure it an extra seat in the national assembly.
GECOM has so far had two previous tabulations.  The first, declared on March 5, showed the PPP gaining a total of 229,581 votes and the APNU+AFC 237,391 votes, a clear coalition win.  However, this was nullified when the Chief Justice ruled that Region Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo had not adhered to the law when he tabulated the votes from that region.
Despite the Chief Justices’ orders, Mingo would go on to repeat his tabulation on March 15 in a process that did not clearly show how he got numbers indicating roughly the same figures from the first declaration, which amounted to a total score of 236,990 for the coalition and 229,483 for the PPP.  Mingo’s declarations led to threats of sanction from the international community, leading incumbent President David Granger to invite a CARICOM team to oversee a recount.  However, before the recount could start, a candidate on Granger’s list, Ullita Moore, represented by another Granger candidate, Roysdale Forde, had unsuccessfully challenged that on the grounds that it was ‘illegal’.
After a protracted court battle that saw the departure of the CARICOM recount observer team, as well as other observer missions, Moore lost both the case and a subsequent appeal, clearing the way for the recount that started on May 6.  Originally slated for 25 days, the order was extended until June 16.
Yesterday, the last ballot boxes, all from Region Four, were removed from GECOM storage containers – while all boxes have been counted, some fourteen boxes are left to be tabulated.  While this paper’s estimation is that there are 18961 votes left in those boxes, the figure is very likely lower considering that – as we have reported – Mingo, during his tabulation, significantly inflated the Coalition numbers. This means that, even though he also deflated the PPP numbers to some degree, the total valid number of votes would likely have been inflated.
Indeed, while the PPP’s projections, based on their SOPs, showed a total of 457201 valid votes cast, the current recount total of 456628 is just several hundred votes short of that figure.   If we are to take into account, as reported, that 29 boxes amounted to almost 7,000 votes, the outstanding 14 boxes should average around 3500 votes.  In this scenario, were the Coalition to win all outstanding votes, the PPP would also be in a 10,000-vote lead.


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Mingo gave APNU+AFC 19,116 votes and stole 3,689 from the PPP/C.

A total of 22,805 in fraudulent votes.

Had this not been uncovered in the recount, APNU would have won the election by more than 5,000 votes unsung Mingo’s declaration.

Same formula as 2015.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

The recount now shows that the

PPP/C     with       233,336 votes

APNU/AFC   with   217920 votes.

The PPP/C won by 15,416 votes.

The Other parties totalled just under 10,000 votes.    

If the PPP or the PNC comes out with  the largest fraction then  the one seat will go to either.


The tabulation of votes recounted during the national recount exercise has been completed and it confirms a victory for the PPP/C in the 2020 General and Regional Elections in Guyana.

According to the vote tabulation, the PPP/C secured 233,336 votes while the APNU/AFC garnered 217,920 – a difference of 15,416 votes.

A New and United Guyana gained 2,313 votes; Change Guyana got 1,953; Liberty and Justice Party won 2,657; Peoples Republic Party received 889; The Citizenship Initiative won 680; The New Movement garnered 244; and United Republican Party received 360.

Bibi Haniffa
@Former Member posted:

All you translate dat to seats. PPP 33, PNC 31 and others 1 ? 

Hope the C in PPP/C is not for Cocky, i.e., arrogant, self-assertive, rude, patronizing etc.... 1 seat advantage is not safe.


They will be kicked out at the next election if the become like Moses and Ramjattan. Make it two votes to trigger a NCV, based on what I hear.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

They will be kicked out at the next election if the become like Moses and Ramjattan. Make it two votes to trigger a NCV, based on what I hear.

So you are now saying 33 is not > than 32.


Think bai think. If PPP gets 33 and opposition has 32

@Mitwah posted:

So you are now saying 33 is not > than 32.

Time for PPP to return the counting favour, PNC squatted for almost two years. hey hey hey. Take it all the way back to CCJ. hey hey hey


Sean will bring all PPP news to GNI on the minute. But he didn't see when Anil Nandlall was singing "Suhahi Raat" and nearly farted as he pulls the long vocal note. I told him to keep his day job.


Those are PNC trumped up charges. You should be more worried about USA investigating alleged charges against Rumjhaat and money laundering. Were you part of it ?

Last edited by Former Member
@Mitwah posted:

Hope the C in PPP/C is not for Cocky, i.e., arrogant, self-assertive, rude, patronizing etc.... 1 seat advantage is not safe.

Watch out for the stuck-up PPP Princesses too!! 

@Former Member posted:

Bai, you have Jagdeo stuck up you craw. PPP voters just gave him a third majority. What planet are you living in ? 

Since when your brain is the same as GECOM ? 


PNC and GECOM up to some trickery.  Nagamakaram did say the recount will see the PPP lead diminish and small parties gain. 

Someone posted it right. They will try to make the PPP a minority and award Top up seats to the small parties. 

my prediction, GECOM will announce:  PPP 32, PNC 31, ANUG 1, JLP 1.

PPP will rule and likely call elections is two/three years and retake the absolute Majority and vanquish the PNC.

@Tola posted:

The PNC trumped up charges caused Jagdeo to build a trumped up mansion on the land. While PPP voters continue struggle to feed their families.    

Well they voted for the PPP, so respect that. 

@Former Member posted:

Well they voted for the PPP, so respect that. 

Who said that I don't respect the voters. Get the PPP to do the same. They used the voters to get into office and then dump on them afterwards.  


@Tola posted:

Who said that I don't respect the voters. Get the PPP to do the same. They used the voters to get into office and then dump on them afterwards.  


It was only 5 years ago they lost. So why you think people gave them another chance and dumped the PNC?

@Former Member posted:

It was only 5 years ago they lost. So why you think people gave them another chance and dumped the PNC?

During the last PPP government, why did voters lives did not improve significantly, while people in the government got richer ?  


How much did voters lives improve under AFC PNC ? Zero, nada, nothing. Certain person's hate is taking over them and driving them to suicide. What was their contribution to the suicide assistance during AFC PNC ? Zero Nada.


Last edited by Former Member
@Tola posted:

During the last PPP government, why did voters lives did not improve significantly, while people in the government got richer ?  

I didn’t ask that. I asked, why after only 5 years they dumped the PNC for the PPP. I’m sure they remember the PPP. 

@Former Member posted:

I didn’t ask that. I asked, why after only 5 years they dumped the PNC for the PPP. I’m sure they remember the PPP. 

You are talking fraaff. You have no proof that they dumped the PNC for the PPP. You have been consuming too much Lysol.

@Former Member posted:

How much did voters lives improve under AFC PNC ? Zero, nada, nothing. Certain person's hate is taking over them and driving them to suicide. What was their contribution to the suicide assistance during AFC PNC ? Zero Nada.


Oh Balahu Brahmin, the last time you ran way from GNI, you were under suicidal watch. 


Baseman, I believe you  might be an intelligent person. 

Why are Indians in Guyana conned into voting for the PPP, but their family lives don't improve ? This is the point is in my original post and not why they voted 5 years later.   

@Former Member posted:

How much did voters lives improve under AFC PNC ? Zero, nada, nothing. Certain person's hate is taking over them and driving them to suicide. What was their contribution to the suicide assistance during AFC PNC ? Zero Nada.


You were the one who tried to commit suicide when you ran away from GNI.

@Tola posted:

Baseman, I believe you  might be an intelligent person. 

Why are Indians in Guyana conned into voting for the PPP, but their family lives don't improve ? This is the point is in my original post and not why they voted 5 years later.   

Cockroach eat his brains.

@Mitwah posted:

Oh Balahu Brahmin, the last time you ran way from GNI, you were under suicidal watch. 

Some people lost all shame to show their face again on GNI, after what they said about Django. Even black pot na good fa dem.  When some Brahmin wrong, dem think dem  right. 

@Tola posted:

Baseman, I believe you  might be an intelligent person. 

Why are Indians in Guyana conned into voting for the PPP, but their family lives don't improve ? This is the point is in my original post and not why they voted 5 years later.   

You always beat around the bush.  Then clearly you don't respect their choice.  You are implying they are not fit to decide for themselves.

How I see it, it's not for me to decide who they should vote for.  The political parties need to take their platform and record and convince them for their votes.  Who ever did a better job wins.

And why are you harping on Indians, the PPP won with more than Indian votes.  Aren't the majority of Blacks voting PNC.  And they did so even when the country was bankrupt and even they were running backtrack.

No need to meander into outer space to find what's lurking just below you nose!

@Former Member posted:

You always beat around the bush.  Then clearly you don't respect their choice.  You are implying they are not fit to decide for themselves.

How I see it, it's not for me to decide who they should vote for.  The political parties need to take their platform and record and convince them for their votes.  Who ever did a better job wins.

And why are you harping on Indians, the PPP won with more than Indian votes.  Aren't the majority of Blacks voting PNC.  And they did so even when the country was bankrupt and even they were running backtrack.

No need to meander into outer space to find what's lurking just below you nose!


Why your long winded crap,  that don't  make any sense ?

This is not beating around the bush.  My original question was, ' Why don't  PPP voter lives improve, during a PPP government'.  

Indians in Guyana perceive the PPP to be their party and should support them. But after they are conned into voting for the PPP, PPP officials gets richer, while the voter living conditions remain the same. WHY ? 

@Former Member posted:

Most likely, it could be ...

33 == PPPC

31 == PNCR

01 == JLP

I don't think that's the PNC plans.  The small parties drew 10k votes, that's a two seat equivalent.  I believe they will use top-up to steal one from the PPP and give to JLP.


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