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THE People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) hopes to get its manifesto out before the end of this month, and Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar yesterday expressed his conviction that the party has the capacity and ability “to bring all our people together under the banner of the PPP/C.”
Speaking at a press conference he hosted at Freedom House in the city, along with Member of Parliament Steve Ninvalle, Ramotar said, “Only PPP haters will not see the progress we have made, and only the PPP haters keep continually burying their heads in the sand…not seeing the cross-over votes that we have been getting from 1992 to now.”
Ramotar said at a regional level, the PPP has made substantial progress throughout Guyana. As a consequence, for example, in 1992, the party managed to rake in a mere 4% of the votes in Region Ten (Upper Demerara/Berbice); however, the last elections saw the PPP getting 23% of those votes.
Ramotar said that the party is ready to sign the Code of Conduct for political parties that is being circulated by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) so that elections could be carried out free from fear.
“We are ready for the elections. Our preparations are going very, very well at this point. We have had more than 400 community bottom-house public meetings throughout the country, and we are preparing to go into the next gear as soon as possible.”
The Presidential Candidate observed that the joint political parties are once again making efforts to derail and slow down the elections.
According to him, these opposition elements wrote a letter to GECOM seeking to have the Returning Officer for Region Four (Demerara/Mahaica) removed.
“I don’t know what grounds they’re using for that, because as far as I’m aware, this person has nothing that I know about that could be questioned. I know that he was with the 1997 elections that were challenged, and which were vitiated on the ground of the voters ID card, which the PNC had agreed on. Those elections were audited by the CARICOM team that came here…in conclusion; they said they found not one single, fraudulent ballot. Therefore, I am puzzled…as to understand why this challenge at this point in time? What are the motives behind such a challenge?”
Moving on, Ramotar commented that Guyana’s economy has grown better than was expected, which serves to testify to government’s proper management of it.
“Our financial sector is strong and we have growth in every area. All the sectors have grown; and [there are] great promises of further development. Our country is much more confident, and we are much more ready to face any of the challenges ahead of us,” Ramotar said.

Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

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The Presidential Candidate observed that the joint political parties are once again making efforts to derail and slow down the elections.
According to him, these opposition elements wrote a letter to GECOM seeking to have the Returning Officer for Region Four (Demerara/Mahaica) removed.

You have not been able to do that these past 19 years what makes you think that you can do it, when you have polices that do not promote inclusiveness?

Guyana is more divided today than it was under the PNC.

The AFC is the only party that has a plan to heal the great racial divide and bring the people together.

AFC!!! flag
The P.P.P/C has always been a multi-ethnic party and is indeed Guyanese truly nationalist party...with the ascension of Donald Romatar to the highest office of the land...he will continue to unite our people...
Notice how the opposition always thread on every good PPP story to promote themselves. Little do they know that they have to deliver their messages to the voters in Guyana and not on GNI. The PPP achievements are picture perfect that can be seen by Guyanese everywhere.

So the workers of Guyana have something to look forward to this year. Public service workers have been assured that they will be granted an increase this year. There was of course never any need for any such assurance. Public servants have received increases each year since the PPP came to power, and that has been nineteen years ago.

But what has been the magnitude of these increases. Except in those years where the government was compelled by arbitration rulings, the public sector workers have been thrown crumbs in the forms of annual 5% increases. In most instances, this 5% is almost immediately eroded by inflation which averaged 3% and then taxes which was 33.3% of the difference. This means that the workers gained in real terms only about a 1% increase each year. This is the working class record of the PPP administration and the particularly the Jagdeo administration.

The increases for 2011 are going to be going to be imposed on the workers because there has been and is not likely to be any negotiations with the unions representing the workers. This may not be all that bad since many unions have been known to make unreasonable and unrealistic demands while others are driven by narrow political agendas. The government which emerged out of the People’s Progressive Party which has prided itself in being a workers’ party no longer has to be worried about the trade union movement. The glory days of labour are gone, not just in Guyana but all over the world. Workers’ power is not going to emerge through unions anymore. Capitalism has meant that workers are now subject to market forces and instead of banding together are now competing against each other for jobs, thereby driving the rate down.

The private sectors in many countries now have allies in government who constrain wages so that the private sector does not have to pay “uncompetitive wages”. And therefore public employees are reduced to pawns. Their wages cannot increase appreciably since this will drive up wages in the labour markets, and this is not considered in the interest of the private sector and these wages are deliberately constrained so as to support the private sector. When trade unions make demands such as a minimum wage of $80,000 per month, they cannot be taken seriously, since there is no way that either the public sector or the private sector can sustain such a wage increase. And therefore an unreasonable and unrealistic wage demand pushes employers to ignore labour to the extent that they can.

Public workers in Guyana have little choice but to accept arbitrary imposition of wages. The government has proven that it has the capacity, had it since 1989, to wait out strikes called by unions. The workers on the other hand cannot afford to be on strike indefinitely and so the workers are in a position where they do not have much power. Last year the sugar workers were told that the sugar corporation was unable to afford an increase because the company was in dire financial straits, so much so that it had to sell land.

This year, an election year, the sugar corporation has suddenly found itself in a situation whereby it can afford to pay a 5% increase in wages. But with inflation said to be tagged at 3%, and with any additional income above the income tax threshold having to be taxed at 33.3%, it means that the workers are not gaining anything at all from the 5%.

And the ruling PPP administration has become a 5% government, content every year to offer this percentage as an increase to workers. This suggests that little attempt is being made to address the issue of a living wage, a disgraceful situation for a party that claims to be working class in orientation.

GUYANA’S continuing economic growth is certainly a matter for resounding applause. President Bharrat Jagdeo proudly declared that this nation’s economic progress could be a source of “envy anywhere in the world…”.
The growth rate definitely compares most favourably with the current trend among member states of the Caribbean Community and is perhaps unique in the pattern of progress within recent years, despite bewildering factors, regionally and internationally.
Even in normal times, given the nature of competitive party politics, it would be too much to expect the political opposition having something positive to say about Guyana’s steady path of social and economic advancement. But certainly not with a new general election a few months away.
Nevertheless, Guyanese of all walks of life, and irrespective of political affiliations, could take comfort in the latest official disclosure of data that the country registered an almost six percent economic growth for the first half of this year.
As told by President Jagdeo himself at Friday’s press conference: “I am extremely pleased with the Mid-Year Report on the economy. It is a great achievement for a country to keep a high level of growth in light of the global turmoil.
“Over the past six or seven years”, he said, “our country has been on a significantly elevated growth trajectory; and for the first half of this year we have had a 5.9 percent growth which is an enviable figure anywhere in the world…”
The official expectation, based on current data and projections, is that Guyana should record an overall economic growth in 2011 of 5.1 percent. Such an achievement could only generate more favourable responses from the international financial institutions in their own independent assessments of what the government, private sector and people in general of Guyana are continuing to achieve—against the odds.
At a time of recurring disheartening news, for various reasons, among both developed and undeveloped, rich and poor nations of the global community, the released information on economic growth for the first half of the year, can only inspire Guyanese to achieve further progress - beyond 2011.


The P.P.P/C will be endorse by the Guyanese populace
Originally posted by albert:

sachin_05.....let your conscience be your P.P.P/C and let progress continue

Yeh right bring all the male predators and pedeophiles together, not me seh duh, Dem Waves quoted a man called Ranger as saying that.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:

Yeh right bring all the male predators and pedeophiles together, not me seh duh, Dem Waves quoted a man called Ranger as saying that.

While others would make statements, it is prudent for individuals to verify the information before propagating them.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Sase Singh:

Yeh right bring all the male predators and pedeophiles together, not me seh duh, Dem Waves quoted a man called Ranger as saying that.

While others would make statements, it is prudent for individuals to verify the information before propogating them.

perhaps, perhaps not...
Originally posted by albert:

sachin_05.....let your conscience be your P.P.P/C and let progress continue

Banna, I notice you begging us here on GNI to vote PPP, if we all did, they'd get approx 85 votes, that's it.

By the way, do you even know what a conscience is?
Originally posted by albert:
); however, the last elections saw the PPP getting 23% of those votes.
Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

Tell teh truth. The most votes the PPP ever got in Region 10 was in 1997. Since then the votes have declined every election, despite the softening support. Lindeners are upset with the PNC. Evidently they dont like the PPP any better otherwise the drop in votes for the PNC would translate to increased PPP votes. Instead we saw the AFC beating the PPP and large numbers refusing to vote.
Originally posted by Cobra:
every good PPP story

What good story. The PPP has seen its support in Linden decline since 1997. Why when Sam Hinds is the PM? Clearly Lindeners dont like what this gentleman from Linden is doing TO them.

Sam Hinds is another one who doesnt like black people. Why does the PPP attract this tyoe of black?

So the workers of Guyana have something to look forward to this year. Public service workers have been assured that they will be granted an increase this year. There was of course never any need for any such assurance. Public servants have received increases each year since the PPP came to power, and that has been nineteen years ago.

But what has been the magnitude of these increases. Except in those years where the government was compelled by arbitration rulings, the public sector workers have been thrown crumbs in the forms of annual 5% increases. In most instances, this 5% is almost immediately eroded by inflation which averaged 3% and then taxes which was 33.3% of the difference. This means that the workers gained in real terms only about a 1% increase each year. This is the working class record of the PPP administration and the particularly the Jagdeo administration.

The increases for 2011 are going to be going to be imposed on the workers because there has been and is not likely to be any negotiations with the unions representing the workers. This may not be all that bad since many unions have been known to make unreasonable and unrealistic demands while others are driven by narrow political agendas. The government which emerged out of the People’s Progressive Party which has prided itself in being a workers’ party no longer has to be worried about the trade union movement. The glory days of labour are gone, not just in Guyana but all over the world. Workers’ power is not going to emerge through unions anymore. Capitalism has meant that workers are now subject to market forces and instead of banding together are now competing against each other for jobs, thereby driving the rate down.

The private sectors in many countries now have allies in government who constrain wages so that the private sector does not have to pay “uncompetitive wages”. And therefore public employees are reduced to pawns. Their wages cannot increase appreciably since this will drive up wages in the labour markets, and this is not considered in the interest of the private sector and these wages are deliberately constrained so as to support the private sector. When trade unions make demands such as a minimum wage of $80,000 per month, they cannot be taken seriously, since there is no way that either the public sector or the private sector can sustain such a wage increase. And therefore an unreasonable and unrealistic wage demand pushes employers to ignore labour to the extent that they can.

Public workers in Guyana have little choice but to accept arbitrary imposition of wages. The government has proven that it has the capacity, had it since 1989, to wait out strikes called by unions. The workers on the other hand cannot afford to be on strike indefinitely and so the workers are in a position where they do not have much power. Last year the sugar workers were told that the sugar corporation was unable to afford an increase because the company was in dire financial straits, so much so that it had to sell land.

This year, an election year, the sugar corporation has suddenly found itself in a situation whereby it can afford to pay a 5% increase in wages. But with inflation said to be tagged at 3%, and with any additional income above the income tax threshold having to be taxed at 33.3%, it means that the workers are not gaining anything at all from the 5%.

And the ruling PPP administration has become a 5% government, content every year to offer this percentage as an increase to workers. This suggests that little attempt is being made to address the issue of a living wage, a disgraceful situation for a party that claims to be working class in orientation.

WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

With the P.P.P/C progress will continue
Originally posted by albert: With the P.P.P/C progress will continue

Progress for you and the ruling elites, albert. Certainly not the working class:


So the workers of Guyana have something to look forward to this year. Public service workers have been assured that they will be granted an increase this year. There was of course never any need for any such assurance. Public servants have received increases each year since the PPP came to power, and that has been nineteen years ago.

But what has been the magnitude of these increases. Except in those years where the government was compelled by arbitration rulings, the public sector workers have been thrown crumbs in the forms of annual 5% increases. In most instances, this 5% is almost immediately eroded by inflation which averaged 3% and then taxes which was 33.3% of the difference. This means that the workers gained in real terms only about a 1% increase each year. This is the working class record of the PPP administration and the particularly the Jagdeo administration.

The increases for 2011 are going to be going to be imposed on the workers because there has been and is not likely to be any negotiations with the unions representing the workers. This may not be all that bad since many unions have been known to make unreasonable and unrealistic demands while others are driven by narrow political agendas. The government which emerged out of the People’s Progressive Party which has prided itself in being a workers’ party no longer has to be worried about the trade union movement. The glory days of labour are gone, not just in Guyana but all over the world. Workers’ power is not going to emerge through unions anymore. Capitalism has meant that workers are now subject to market forces and instead of banding together are now competing against each other for jobs, thereby driving the rate down.

The private sectors in many countries now have allies in government who constrain wages so that the private sector does not have to pay “uncompetitive wages”. And therefore public employees are reduced to pawns. Their wages cannot increase appreciably since this will drive up wages in the labour markets, and this is not considered in the interest of the private sector and these wages are deliberately constrained so as to support the private sector. When trade unions make demands such as a minimum wage of $80,000 per month, they cannot be taken seriously, since there is no way that either the public sector or the private sector can sustain such a wage increase. And therefore an unreasonable and unrealistic wage demand pushes employers to ignore labour to the extent that they can.

Public workers in Guyana have little choice but to accept arbitrary imposition of wages. The government has proven that it has the capacity, had it since 1989, to wait out strikes called by unions. The workers on the other hand cannot afford to be on strike indefinitely and so the workers are in a position where they do not have much power. Last year the sugar workers were told that the sugar corporation was unable to afford an increase because the company was in dire financial straits, so much so that it had to sell land.

This year, an election year, the sugar corporation has suddenly found itself in a situation whereby it can afford to pay a 5% increase in wages. But with inflation said to be tagged at 3%, and with any additional income above the income tax threshold having to be taxed at 33.3%, it means that the workers are not gaining anything at all from the 5%.

And the ruling PPP administration has become a 5% government, content every year to offer this percentage as an increase to workers. This suggests that little attempt is being made to address the issue of a living wage, a disgraceful situation for a party that claims to be working class in orientation.

WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

With the P.P.P/C progress will continue

A victory for the P.P.P/C is a victory for all Guyanese
Originally posted by albert: A victory for the P.P.P/C is a victory for all Guyanese
albert do you know what shame is? For all the money you are being paid, one day, albert, one day you will feel shame for what you have done to the people of Guyana. I believe this day will come sooner rather than later.
Originally posted by albert:
WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

With the P.P.P/C progress will continue

albert did you type this all by yourself? Or did you cut and paste. All you can do apart from posting the PPP logo and ignorant one liners.

And for this you get paid thousands of dollars while teachers must leave in order to survive!
Originally posted by caribj: albert did you type this all by yourself? Or did you cut and paste. All you can do apart from posting the PPP logo and ignorant one liners.

And for this you get paid thousands of dollars while teachers must leave in order to survive!
Tell him caribj, he is just shameless.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by albert: A victory for the P.P.P/C is a victory for all Guyanese
albert do you know what shame is? For all the money you are being paid, one day, albert, one day you will feel shame for what you have done to the people of Guyana. I believe this day will come sooner rather than later.

A few months and his braying will cease, po po Albert. I know that I'll feel sorry for the poor chap but I do promise to go by once in awhile and drop off a bundle of hay for him.
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by albert: A victory for the P.P.P/C is a victory for all Guyanese
albert do you know what shame is? For all the money you are being paid, one day, albert, one day you will feel shame for what you have done to the people of Guyana. I believe this day will come sooner rather than later.

A few months and his braying will cease, po po Albert. I know that I'll feel sorry for the poor chap but I do promise to go by once in awhile and drop off a bundle of hay for him.

Ease up on Albert, you know he is not an intellectual.
Originally posted by cain:
A few months and his braying will cease, po po Albert. I know that I'll feel sorry for the poor chap but I do promise to go by once in awhile and drop off a bundle of hay for him.

cain the problem is the PPP WILL win and he will be really hard to deal with. He will forget that a weak oppoistion which failed to inspire Guyanese to vote will not be a reason to boast and that he should figure out why the PPP vote will be much lower than 5 years ago, despite victory.

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