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Originally posted by squingy:
Originally posted by ksazma:
From what I remember, you can barely fit a few hundred people at Alexander St and Shell Rd which is where Hillys is. You can fit a few more at Alexander and Barr Sts (where Burnham used to have his meetings) but I doubt you can fit a thousand people there either. Unless many of the buildings there have come down since I left Guyana.

True, true. I remember in 1992 the PPP meeting/rally in front of Parsatoon's Drug Store in Kitty was HUGE and that was estimated at best to be about 7000.

Around Parsatoon can hold more people because you have the length of Alexander St. The intersection of Alexander St and Shell Rd is small.

Investment in human capital will continue- Ramotar
- to thousands at Kitty Market Square

Georgetown, GINA, October 9, 2011

The PPP/C today continued its campaign, as the date for the 2011 national and regional elections is now set for November 28.

Addressing the thousands of supporters who gathered at the Kitty Market Square, Georgetown, the party’s Presidential Candidate, Donald Ramotar said that Guyana has witnessed widespread development in every aspect of government and lamented the attempts by detractors to disregard such progress.

PPP/C Presidential Candidate, Donald Ramotar being greeted by supporters at the party’s rally at the Kitty Market Square.

He recalled that since the establishment of the PPP/C, the development and well-being of Guyanese have remained a top priority and reaffirmed the party’s commitment to ensure social and economic justice for all citizens.

“We will work tirelessly to ensure that we abolish poverty from the land. We will work to see that our country generate enough wealth so it can be equally distributed to all our people,” the Presidential Candidate said.

Acknowledging the work done under previous PPP/C governments, he said that there have been extraordinary changes in the positive direction which will continue as long as the party is voted back into Office.

The party recognises the need for the creation of higher-paying jobs and has already began putting in modern infrastructure and pressing forward with its Information Communication Technology (ICT) strategy.

Ramotar pointed out that the Opposition and their cohorts recognise that hydropower is one of the major impediments for future development of Guyana; hence their strident attacks on the
Amaila Falls Hydropower Project, which is designed to take the country’s development to new heights.

He posited that the unprecedented pace at which Guyana is growing, the hydropower plant which will come on stream in four years time, will not be enough and steps will have to be taken to develop cogeneration, wind power, and bio-fuels as alternative energy sources.

Ramotar emphasised that every Guyanese regardless of race, religion, age or geographic location, is included in the country’s massive development thrust.

“We will ensure that you are provided with education so as to serve the economic development of our societyâ€Ķwe will train more people in the areas of science and technology, management and accountancy, skills that we need to propel Guyana’s future development,” Ramotar said.

He highlighted the need to improve the transportation sector, which holds great potential in driving development and disclosed plans for the establishment of a deep-water harbour. This he said, will reduce the cost of imports and allow for the availability of more resources to be spent on improving the lives of people.


Ramotar pointed out that the Opposition and their cohorts recognise that hydropower is one of the major impediments for future development of Guyana; hence their strident attacks on the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project, which is designed to take the country’s development to new heights.

Hydroelectric power development will be a reality.
PPP/C policies are forward looking – President at Kitty campaign rally

Georgetown, GINA, October 9, 2011
Source - GINA

President Bharrat Jagdeo holds the Party cup while speaking to the crowd of supporters during a PPP/C elections campaign rally at the Kitty Market Square

Overwhelming support from the masses for the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) continues to be evident as the elections campaign rally intensifies, moving to the Kitty Market Square today.

Flags, billboards, posters, t-shirts and other paraphernalia were carried by the exuberant crowd of supporters who turned out from all racial and cultural backgrounds in support of the ruling party.

President Bharrat Jagdeo who spoke before Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar, touted the PPP/C as a party with the most forward-looking policies

“We believe that it is only with a strong focus on the future that this country will change, so some of the most forward-looking policies have been put in place by this government. Young people have to contrast this with the behavior of the opposition,” President Jagdeo said.

Presidential Adviser on Governance Gail Teixeira speaking to the crowd of supporters at the PPP/C elections rally at the Kitty Market Square

He turned his attention to the Information Communication Technology (ICT) strategy which is rapidly emerging in Guyana and is unparallel in the region according to President Jagdeo.

“No other country in the Caribbean has set its sight on doing what we want to do in Guyana. They (Caribbean) think it’s beyond the means of a developing country and even ahead of the developed countries of the world,” President Jagdeo said.

The strategy includes the provision of 90,000 laptops in every household, with priority given to vulnerable groups, computerizing every school and a fibre optic cable investment to bring down the cost of bandwidth, making access to the internet more efficient and reliable.

President Jagdeo then spoke of achievements and reforms in the financial sector that have today enable special tax concessions with collateral-free loans for single parent women, many of whom have taken advantage of the opportunity to earn loans of up to $250,000 under the Women of Worth (WOW) programme.

In 2010 government partnered with the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) to establish the new loan plan to assist women single parents with financing to establish and expand small businesses such as catering, dressmaking, poultry and fabric painting.

President Jagdeo also believes that the nation’s children are protected from sexual and other predators because of the tough laws passed by his administration and the establishment of a Child Care and Protection Agency.

He then drew comparisons to the economic policies of the Opposition which he described as “silly,” pointing a finger at Granger’s proposal for the reinstitution of National Service and the Opposition party’s recent proposal for raising the income tax threshold and lowering the Value Added Tax (VAT).

“It’s this kind of inane, insane policy that led to our country becoming the most indebted in the world, when we couldn’t buy medicine for our kids or send them to school,” President Jagdeo said.

It is widely known that Guyana now uses four percent of its revenue to service debt compared to the era when 94 percent was used for this purpose and under the PPP/C the country rose from being considered a basket case in the Caribbean to the most dynamic.

Presidential Adviser on Governance Gail Teixeira who spoke at today’s rally, said Guyana is a proud nation governed by a party with a robust track record.

Chutney artiste Mahendra Ramkellawan performing before the crowd of supporters at the PPP/C elections rally at the Kitty Market Square

“We are a country showing economic growth that no other country in the English-speaking Caribbean can be proud of; four years of consecutive economic growth rate at a time when there is global, financial and economic crisis,” Minister Teixeira said.

In mid-2011 the Guyanese economy was hailed in an International Monetary Fund (IMF) country report for demonstrating resilience and recording a fifth consecutive year of robust growth for 2010 even in the face of external and domestic shocks.

It stated that real output grew by an estimated 3Â― percent in 2010 reflecting strength in the gold and services sectors.

The country’s monetary policy was described as moderately expansionary, including the stability of the currency against the U.S. dollar, in the context of a steady increase in reserves. Teixeira described such commendations as unprecedented and rewarding.

“Do you know how hard it is to get a bill of health from the IMF. You remember the times when Guyana was un-creditworthy and we had to take loans at impossible arrangements in order to be able to put our country on the map,” Teixeira said.

The exuberance and enthusiasm at the Kitty Market Square rally was similar to the one at Albion, with performances by Mahendra Ramkellawan, Fiona, Vanilla and the Shakti Strings band that provided musical entertainment that kept the crowd on its feet.

Other upcoming rallies are planned for Linden, Good Hope and Stewartville.

PPP/C Kitty rally attracts another huge crowd
Written by Chamanlall Naipaul

Monday, 10 October 2011 02:16

-estimated at over 13,000

-new faces on PPP/C platform

-Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar outlines development plan
FOLLOWING on the heels of the Albion rally the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) election campaign continued its momentum at Kitty yesterday which attracted another huge and jubilant crowd donned in PPP/C jerseys and carrying the gold, red and black party flags, and photos of Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar.

They began arriving from 14:00 hrs for the rally scheduled for 15:00 hrs at the Kitty Market Square.
Ramotar, at the closing of the rally demonstrated his versatility by picking up the microphone and dishing out Bob Marley’s hit song “One Love” and Ram Khellawan’s popular “Dem a Watch Meh”, to thunderous applause from his supporters
The rally also saw new faces gracing the PPP/C platform, including Dr Vindhya Persaud and Dr Emanuel Cummings. The former is a medical doctor and Hindu and social activist, and is the daughter of veteran politician and Hindu leader, Reepu Daman Persaud, while Cummings is a Senior lecturer in Bio-Chemistry at the University of Guyana (UG).
Dr. Persaud, alluding to the progress made under the PPP/C government, noted that the conditions and opportunities have been created to enhance gender equality, and pointed out that today, over 50% of all UG graduates are females. PPP/C Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar (second from left seated next to President Jagdeo.) waves to supporters in acknowledgement of the overwhelming appreciation shown for him.

She also spoke glowingly of the significant progress in the social sector and infrastructure.
“The party is one with a visible track record,” Dr Persaud declared.
Dr. Cummings hailed the PPP from its inception as being open to Guyanese of all races and creed and class, and has never deviated from that path. In this regard, he urged Afro-Guyanese to vote solidly for the PPP/C and not be misled by the other parties, because the PPP is the only truly national party which is the “father and mother of all parties in Guyana.
He exhorted voters not to waste their votes on other parties as they are merely fighting to get a few seats to go into Parliament.
Dr. Cummings said the PPP/C has changed the political landscape from one where there were only nightmares to one where people can actually have dreams come true.
Ramotar outlined the development plan and strategy he will employ under a government led by him, listing the development of the energy as a key component.
He expressed the view that in the near future, the current hydropower station being developed would not be able to supply the energy needs of the country because of the rapid rate of economic development and therefore it would become imperative to develop similar facilities across the country.
The Presidential Candidate also indicated he would work towards diversifying the energy base by developing solar, and wind power generating facilities.
Development of the energy sector is vital for the cheap and reliable sources of electricity in order for the manufacturing sector to expand and become competitive on the global market, Ramotar stressed.
Pointing to the trend in international trade of using larger sea carriers, Ramotar said another key component in his development plan will be the development of deep water harbours to accommodate the larger carriers which he said would enhance Guyana’s imports and exports.

Ramotar said a government led by him will place tremendous focus and emphasis on skills training in the fields of engineering, accounting, and business, to ensure that the country has an adequate supply of skilled personnel, as this is fundamental to the acceleration of economic growth.
One of the special projects, Ramotar revealed, is the establishment of a modern medical facility where the most complex of surgeries and medical interventions will be done. In this way, Guyana could develop its medical tourism sector by attracting the members of Guyanese diaspora.

He said they would have to pay a small fee but it would be much less that they have to pay for similar services in the countries in which they reside. He also noted that many Guyanese living abroad are coming here for dental services because it is much cheaper.
Touching on the significant progress under the PPP/C government, he took a swipe at the opposition using the old adage of “woe be on to those who have eyes but cannot see.”
He declared: “The party has a record that stands out as a beacon of light.”


Dr. Cummings hailed the PPP from its inception as being open to Guyanese of all races and creed and class, and has never deviated from that path.

In this regard, he urged Afro-Guyanese to vote solidly for the PPP/C and not be misled by the other parties, because the PPP is the only truly national party which is the “father and mother of all parties in Guyana.

He exhorted voters not to waste their votes on other parties as they are merely fighting to get a few seats to go into Parliament.

Dr. Cummings said the PPP/C has changed the political landscape from one where there were only nightmares to one where people can actually have dreams come true.


It is widely known that Guyana now uses four percent of its revenue to service debt compared to the era when 94 percent was used for this purpose and under the PPP/C the country rose from being considered a basket case in the Caribbean to the most dynamic.

PPP/C policies are forward looking – President at Kitty campaign rally
Georgetown, GINA, October 9, 2011
Source - GINA

Originally posted by asj:

President Bharrat Jagdeo speaking to the crowd of supporters during a PPP/C elections campaign rally at the Kitty Market Square


The PPP shamelesly display Cheddi Jagan's poster at their election campaign and dump on him at other times. ANY SHAME LEFT.
Originally posted by Tola:
The PPP shamelesly display Cheddi Jagan's poster at their election campaign and dump on him at other times. ANY SHAME LEFT.

Jagdeo/Ramotar have erected a huge billboard with Cheddi looking down approvingly at the Duck and have setup a sound system playing Hindu mantras all day at the Houston junction. coffee
Originally posted by asj:

PPP/C Kitty rally attracts another huge crowd
Written by Chamanlall Naipaul

Monday, 10 October 2011 02:16

-estimated at over 13,000

-new faces on PPP/C platform

-Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar outlines development plan
FOLLOWING on the heels of the Albion rally the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) election campaign continued its momentum at Kitty yesterday which attracted another huge and jubilant crowd donned in PPP/C jerseys and carrying the gold, red and black party flags, and photos of Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar.

They began arriving from 14:00 hrs for the rally scheduled for 15:00 hrs at the Kitty Market Square.
Ramotar, at the closing of the rally demonstrated his versatility by picking up the microphone and dishing out Bob Marley’s hit song “One Love” and Ram Khellawan’s popular “Dem a Watch Meh”, to thunderous applause from his supporters
The rally also saw new faces gracing the PPP/C platform, including Dr Vindhya Persaud and Dr Emanuel Cummings. The former is a medical doctor and Hindu and social activist, and is the daughter of veteran politician and Hindu leader, Reepu Daman Persaud, while Cummings is a Senior lecturer in Bio-Chemistry at the University of Guyana (UG).
Dr. Persaud, alluding to the progress made under the PPP/C government, noted that the conditions and opportunities have been created to enhance gender equality, and pointed out that today, over 50% of all UG graduates are females. PPP/C Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar (second from left seated next to President Jagdeo.) waves to supporters in acknowledgement of the overwhelming appreciation shown for him.

She also spoke glowingly of the significant progress in the social sector and infrastructure.
“The party is one with a visible track record,” Dr Persaud declared.
Dr. Cummings hailed the PPP from its inception as being open to Guyanese of all races and creed and class, and has never deviated from that path. In this regard, he urged Afro-Guyanese to vote solidly for the PPP/C and not be misled by the other parties, because the PPP is the only truly national party which is the “father and mother of all parties in Guyana.
He exhorted voters not to waste their votes on other parties as they are merely fighting to get a few seats to go into Parliament.
Dr. Cummings said the PPP/C has changed the political landscape from one where there were only nightmares to one where people can actually have dreams come true.
Ramotar outlined the development plan and strategy he will employ under a government led by him, listing the development of the energy as a key component.
He expressed the view that in the near future, the current hydropower station being developed would not be able to supply the energy needs of the country because of the rapid rate of economic development and therefore it would become imperative to develop similar facilities across the country.
The Presidential Candidate also indicated he would work towards diversifying the energy base by developing solar, and wind power generating facilities.
Development of the energy sector is vital for the cheap and reliable sources of electricity in order for the manufacturing sector to expand and become competitive on the global market, Ramotar stressed.
Pointing to the trend in international trade of using larger sea carriers, Ramotar said another key component in his development plan will be the development of deep water harbours to accommodate the larger carriers which he said would enhance Guyana’s imports and exports.

Ramotar said a government led by him will place tremendous focus and emphasis on skills training in the fields of engineering, accounting, and business, to ensure that the country has an adequate supply of skilled personnel, as this is fundamental to the acceleration of economic growth.
One of the special projects, Ramotar revealed, is the establishment of a modern medical facility where the most complex of surgeries and medical interventions will be done. In this way, Guyana could develop its medical tourism sector by attracting the members of Guyanese diaspora.

He said they would have to pay a small fee but it would be much less that they have to pay for similar services in the countries in which they reside. He also noted that many Guyanese living abroad are coming here for dental services because it is much cheaper.
Touching on the significant progress under the PPP/C government, he took a swipe at the opposition using the old adage of “woe be on to those who have eyes but cannot see.”
He declared: “The party has a record that stands out as a beacon of light.”


This one shocked me. Vindi the dance teacher at the Kendra. She is a decent lady, what is she doing with these bunch of fleas. It was Vindi who told her father, me, I will never mary Bharat Jagdeo, he is an intellectual arse.
President Jagdeo
“Last week, I suspended CN Sharma on the basis of a report that came to me from the ACB – and the ACB is made up of a member of the PNC, a member from the private sector, and one from the government. They recommended six months suspension. He came to me crying. He begged me to lower it and I did. I made it clear what he was being suspended for,”

There should be no excuse when the opposition are soundly beaten Big Grin


Huge and jubilant crowd at PPP/Civic rally

PPP /C Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar (second from left seated next to President Jagdeo.) waves to supporters in acknowledgement of the overwhelming appreciation shown for him.


PPP/C Kitty rally attracts another huge crowd
-estimated at over 13,000
-new faces on PPP/C platform
-Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar outlines development plan

Written by Chamanlall Naipaul
Monday, 10 October 2011 02:16
Source - Guyana Chronicle

FOLLOWING on the heels of the Albion rally the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) election campaign continued its momentum at Kitty yesterday which attracted another huge and jubilant crowd,
[Huge and jubilant crowd at PPP/Civic rally]

Huge and jubilant crowd at PPP/Civic rally

donned in PPP/C jerseys and carrying the gold, red and black party flags, and photos of Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar. They began arriving from 14:00 hrs for the rally scheduled for 15:00 hrs at the Kitty Market Square.

Ramotar, at the closing of the rally demonstrated his versatility by picking up the microphone and dishing out Bob Marley’s hit song “One Love” and Ram Khellawan’s popular “Dem a Watch Meh”, to thunderous applause from his supporters.

The rally which started around 14:30 hours saw a number of new faces taking the stage including Dr Vindhya Persaud and Dr Emanuel Cummings. Dr. Persaud who is a social worker and medical practitione...

Investment in human capital will continue- Ramotar, Estimated 15000 thousand at Kitty Market Square


AFC cake- shop economists did it again; this time, they are fooling the Guyanese people

Dear Editor

The Alliance For Change ( AFC) cake- shop economists did it again. These propagan dists definitely do not under stand economics 101. I am not interested in their ( Tarron Khemraj and Sasenarine Singh) personal agenda to support a failing party ( AFC).

I am interested in the misleading messages and outright propaganda they convey to the Guyanese people just to secure votes for a party.

Khemraj and Singh continue to brag about the AFC’s shopping list manifesto, which shows that the party is more of a social services unit than a political party. There is still time for them to change their mind about politics.

What is worse is that they cannot differentiate between being a politician and an academic.

They talk about being an academic, but yet they are hopscotch politicians, political opportunists and weak propagandists for the AFC. The AFC is contaminated by a strong contingent of the ROAR people, particularly Khemraj, and his information seems to suggest that he was strongly involved in the ROAR party; while hopscotch Sasenarine Singh left the PPP for the AFC to try to get the taste of the finance minis ter's post.

The AFC is fooling the people with promises that are impractical. Change does not occur immediately, and the AFC vowing to create jobs within a year in office, if it wins the 2011 elections, is merely a way to get votes from the young people. In the end, these politicians all turn out to be greedy politicians who want a taste of the power; and this type of attitude is already noticeable through the party’s constant internal strife.

I am a bit confused about how the AFC, with its cakeshop economists, believes that Guyana can achieve a growth target of seven to eight per cent each year and they still do not understand economics 101. No one is denying that Guyana has the potential to achieve this, but let’s be realistic here: it will be several years before Guyana achieves that growth target, taking into account the external economic shocks, global competition, and strong influences from the World Trade Organisation and Work Bank. The AFC is telling Guyanese that if it gets in office this growth rate will be achieved, and after a possi ble unsuccessful five years, it will be begging to be in power again with the same hopeless promises.

The AFC’s proposals to reduce VAT from 16 per cent to 12 per cent, to increase the income tax threshold to $ 50,000, to increase civil servants' salaries by 20 per cent, and increase old age pension by 50 per cent, and reduce PAYE from 33 per cent to 25 per cent, are obviously im practical.

Even a first- year economics student can determine that these increases, along with the reduction in VAT, can reduce govern ment revenue significant ly and hence reduce government spending. In this case, government revenue will be less than its expenditure, re sulting in government defi - cits. So, who will pay for this eventually? While we think we are going to benefit in the short- run from AFC’s mediocre proposals, we have to pay for the enjoyment of these benefits in the long- run.

In a small developing country like Guyana, the last thing we need is high fiscal or public sector deficit, which can discourage foreign and local investors. Sasenarine Singh should understand that the development of a society and its people are not only dependent on these meagre ostensible benefits.

As for Tarron Khemraj, let me remind him about some of the reasons, other than the lack of capacity for production of non- quarterly GDP statistics. These include the system of data collection and speed of data accumulation – lags that occur in the production process which impede the accuracy of figures cov ering a shorter period, and the difficulty in getting data from businesses in such a short time.

Without understanding the economic constraints that affect Guyana’s economy generally, these AFC people are apparently here to abuse our valuable limited natural resources and exploit our man- power just to achieve their dreamy annual growth rate and fool us about increases and VAT reduction that will lead to high public sector deficits.

Yours, Peter Allen


The AFC is contaminated by a strong contingent of the ROAR people, particularly Khemraj, and his information seems to suggest that he was strongly involved in the ROAR party; while hopscotch Sasenarine Singh left the PPP for the AFC to try to get the taste of the finance minister's post.

Yours, Peter Allen

AFC cake- shop economists did it again; this time, they are fooling the Guyanese people


No one is denying that Guyana has the potential to achieve this, but let’s be realistic here: it will be several years before Guyana achieves that growth target, taking into account the external economic shocks, global competition, and strong influences from the World Trade Organisation and Work Bank.

The AFC is telling Guyanese that if it gets in office this growth rate will be achieved, and after a possible unsuccessful five years, it will be begging to be in power again with the same hopeless promises.

Yours, Peter Allen

AFC cake- shop economists did it again; this time, they are fooling the Guyanese people

Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

No one is denying that Guyana has the potential to achieve this, but let’s be realistic here: it will be several years before Guyana achieves that growth target, taking into account the external economic shocks, global competition, and strong influences from the World Trade Organisation and Work Bank.

The AFC is telling Guyanese that if it gets in office this growth rate will be achieved, and after a possible unsuccessful five years, it will be begging to be in power again with the same hopeless promises.

Yours, Peter Allen

AFC cake- shop economists did it again; this time, they are fooling the Guyanese people

In my humble opinion, the economy is most certainly not a strong suite for the opposition in this election. Their campaign focus should be on the more obvious and simple issues such as corruption , crime, nepotism, declining moral / ethical standard in society, judicial and security reform ...

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