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Former Member



Pandora’s Box…
Written by
Tuesday, 22 May 2012 21:08


AFC’s Ramsaroop pays his workers 50% less than Guyana's minimum wage


EVERY time there is a crisis in the sugar industry, the AFC cabal runs with false sympathy and support. The AFC’s real intention is that of wooing the sugar workers away from supporting the People’s Progressive Party, which has consistently kept faith with the sugar workers and has tried to keep the sugar industry sustainable and viable, despite the staggering blow delivered against the industry by the European Union with its devastating price cuts, external economic and marketing dynamics in a global economy that is reeling from one blow after another, and the anomalies of climate change, not to mention factories that urgently need recapitalisation that has not been possible because when the sugar sector was enjoying preferential prices and was enjoying its glory days, the Burnham regime, instead of rehabilitating the centuries-old sugar mills, siphoned $16 billion in sugar levy to support the bauxite industry, fund the public service, the GNS and other para-military organisations, such as the GPM.



QUOTE: The working class people are mere fodder in the machinery taking Ramjattan and his elitist cohorts up the political ladder.


Yet, despite its show of concern and its constant agitation of sugar workers against the government, every time the government makes an intervention to restore the viability of the industry, the AFC in general, and specifically Khemraj Ramjattan shoots it down.

When the government attempted to empower the Guyanese people, strategising to simultaneously aid two sectors and thousands of the nation’s working class people and their families through purchasing GuySuCo abandoned lands to boost government’s home ownership programme, with GuySuCo receiving a $4 billion shot in the arm and the housing ministry acquiring additional lands to enable thousands more working-class Guyanese and their families to own their own homes, Ramjattan and the opposition cabal, including their friends in the anti-government media went on the offensive, even taking Housing Minister Irfaan Ali before the Privileges Committee.

A $4 billion allocation in the budget to subsidise the industry and help to keep approximately 100,000 persons who depend on the industry – either directly or indirectly for their survival made the AFC pretenders foam at the mouth and scream “bailout”, even while they have no problem with Lindeners enjoying, and wasting, free electricity at the expense of ordinary Guyanese taxpayers, including sugar workers.



QUOTE: Recently, AFC executive member, Gerhardt Ramsaroop admitted that he pays a poor Amerindian family of four a total of $60,000 per month to work on his flower farm.This equates to $15,000 per person per month, which is way below 50% of the national minimum wage.



Recently, AFC executive member, Gerhardt Ramsaroop admitted that he pays a poor Amerindian family of four a total of $60,000 per month to work on his flower farm. This equates to $15,000 per person per month, which is way below 50% of the national minimum wage.

These people live in a cramped hovel in forest-like conditions, with little children who also do odd chores, with all covered by the $60,000. They live so far inland on a vast estate owned by Ramsaroop that it is doubtful whether they can attend school, or if so, whether they do so regularly. They have no potable water, nor any electricity, and the budget cuts by Ramsaroop’s party would certainly ensure that they never access a solar panel that the government had planned for the Amerindian people.



Gerhardt Ramsaroop, AFC Executive Member



The painful reality is that Ramsaroop can easily afford to pay these people well and to afford them some comfortable housing, unlike cash-strapped GuySuCo, because, apart from the huge fees he collects as an IT consultant, each bouquet sells for a minimum of $5,000, and his father left him tremendous goodwill with the hospitality industry and the business community, apart from the sales he racks up during holidays and special events such as parties, weddings, funerals, and various special occasions.

And an AFC executive is asking about the fate of $117 million, as well as millions more that was sourced from supporters from the diaspora and local businessmen, and fund-raisers that was given to Ramsaroop and other party executives during the elections, especially given the fact that they hardly ran ads because most of their PR was free through the opposition media collective, and campaign resources, such as sound systems were provided free of cost by supporters.

But the real face of the AFC is being revealed, bit by bit, as layer by layer their duplicity and corrupt practices, as well as their anti-poor, anti-worker sentiments are being laid bare for their supporters and the world at large to see.
Currently a few of their parliamentarians, including the Berbician MP, are prostituting their duty-free concessions for big bucks.

When appealed to with the fact that even AFC supporters may be forced to go home because of the senseless and vindictive budgetary cuts, Ramjattan responded, “if they gotta go, then they gotta go”, calling them collateral damage.
The working class people are mere fodder in the machinery taking Ramjattan and his elitist cohorts up the political ladder.

As he asked of Yusuf, what did he contribute to the party? The man’s years of sacrifices, his hard work, his loyalty, the relationships he may have lost because of the choices that he made have absolutely no value to Ramjattan and the AFC leaders, because these are mere “collateral damage.”

One can imagine if the two opposition parties ever get control of the nation’s treasury what the outcome would be.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PPP nastiness at its best. 


This is the kind of outright gutter journalism that taxpayers' money is being used to support in Guyana. No surprise that the Chronicle is most used to wrap gilbaka and Banga Mary at the local fish markets.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Politics dutty bai.  Wah mek dah man put ting out deh fuh dem mek nuff news.  Diss is naive politics, di man deh crab dance, he gao geh mud.

They have totally misquoted Gerhard and then publishing this nonsense in a national newspaper. These maggots have no shame.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Politics dutty bai.  Wah mek dah man put ting out deh fuh dem mek nuff news.  Diss is naive politics, di man deh crab dance, he gao geh mud.

They have totally misquoted Gerhard and then publishing this nonsense in a national newspaper. These maggots have no shame.

Mi nah seh wah dem do rite, but politicians muss know wah dem a put out deh.  Dem muss know ting ga come bite dem.  If me bin dem, mi do same ting, dah how politics deh.


 This is a toxic government. Ramotar is poisonous. I mentioned that earlier. In  his short reign the most disgusting in the PPP has come to the fore. Before it was all froth suggesting a foaming at the mouth. Now it is actual brewing of the poison and attempting to kill opponents.  They will fortunately, choke on their own brew. This cannot go on as normal and the society not recoil at its virulence. It is unclean!


Gerhard cries like a sissy. If you cannot stand the political heat stay out of the kitchen.


How about the AFC posting and slinging mud in the KN ?


BTW why is Moses and Ramjattan hiding ? Belly Wuk ? 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a toxic government.

A toxic Government from 1964?

 You tell me. I was four.

Assess the information then make your own statements.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Gerhard cries like a sissy. If you cannot stand the political heat stay out of the kitchen.


How about the AFC posting and slinging mud in the KN ?


BTW why is Moses and Ramjattan hiding ? Belly Wuk ? 

It is a good gauge of my effectiveness when these things happen.  So I will not be getting out of the kitchen.  Sorry.


As it relates to the NICIL "debate", the AFC made it clear it was not interested in a debate. What is there to debate about? NICIL has to come clean, that's all. The correct forum is Parliament where NICIL's books should be opened and then questions asked. What is in the books cannot be subjective and be a matter for debate. This is not a question of whether smoking should be banned in public place or same sex marriage. And so it is absurd to debate the functioning of a public company.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a toxic government.

A toxic Government from 1964?

 You tell me. I was four.

Uncle D_G does have point, Stormborn.  What we have today is a straight and downward continuation from 1964.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a toxic government.

A toxic Government from 1964?

 You tell me. I was four.

Assess the information then make your own statements.

toxicity today is what I address and what matters. You go rummaging among the debris of the past if that is  your desire. In this case it would do little to illuminate the diagnosis that this is a corrupt and diseased party... the PPP that is.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
...this is a corrupt and diseased party... the PPP that is. corrupt and diseased as nothing before...the PPP today is in a class all by itself...therefore, it would be very remiss of us not to focus on the present.


And you know of this corruption?  All I have heard is one unsubstantiated allegation. Moreover, are you saying this allegation absolves the PPP from coming clean on NICIL and other national matters?  Yes? No?


These allegations of corruption and fraud is coming from one of your own elected member. You posted that you are open to an investigation.


Answer the question. How is the investigation coming along ?


Are you afraid to investigate your own for fear of breaking up you party ?


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a toxic government.

A toxic Government from 1964?

 You tell me. I was four.

Assess the information then make your own statements.

toxicity today is what I address and what matters.


You go rummaging among the debris of the past if that is  your desire. In this case it would do little to illuminate the diagnosis that this is a corrupt and diseased party... the PPP that is.

Babbling nonsense, as usual.


Let Gerhard answer. He is on record on this forum that he is open to an investigation. The AFC cannot demand accountability and refuse to investigation in their own party when the facts were revealed by one of their own elected member.


What is there to hide ? 



Ramjattan and Moses hid from the debates. In the same style, Gerhard is now hiding the truth. Talk about double standards.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

These allegations of corruption and fraud is coming from one of your own elected member. You posted that you are open to an investigation.


Answer the question. How is the investigation coming along ?


Are you afraid to investigate your own for fear of breaking up you party ?


Oh.  I thought you were referring to the allegation against me.  A committee did meet with Mr Yussuf and I understand it was amicable.  Dr Ramayya has made it clear he is not claiming any of $4.5M he says he spent out of his pocket back.


Now, why aren't you answering my question as to whether the alleged issues within the AFC absolves the PPP from coming clean on NICIL and other national matters?  Yes or No?

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

These allegations of corruption and fraud is coming from one of your own elected member. You posted that you are open to an investigation.


Answer the question. How is the investigation coming along ?


Are you afraid to investigate your own for fear of breaking up you party ?


Oh.  I thought you were referring to the allegation against me.  A committee did meet with Mr Yussuf and I understand it was amicable.  Dr Ramayya has made it clear he is not claiming any of $4.5M he says he spent out of his pocket back.


Now, why aren't you answering my question as to whether the alleged issues within the AFC absolves the PPP from coming clean on NICIL and other national matters?  Yes or No?

You only give the banna two options how the rant he gonna come up with an answer eh?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

These allegations of corruption and fraud is coming from one of your own elected member. You posted that you are open to an investigation.


Answer the question. How is the investigation coming along ?


Are you afraid to investigate your own for fear of breaking up you party ?


Oh.  I thought you were referring to the allegation against me.  A committee did meet with Mr Yussuf and I understand it was amicable.  Dr Ramayya has made it clear he is not claiming any of $4.5M he says he spent out of his pocket back.


Now, why aren't you answering my question as to whether the alleged issues within the AFC absolves the PPP from coming clean on NICIL and other national matters?  Yes or No?

You only give the banna two options how the rant he gonna come up with an answer eh?



I am not in any way accusing you of any wrong doing.


So to understand you correctly, you did not have an investigation. A committee met with Mr.Yusuf ? I hope that Mr. Yusuf responds.


How about monies collected and was "thrown in a box" ? How about nepotism ?


How about your member demanding monies ? Is this the way to conduct an investigation ? This is like a wild west investigation. I hope that Mr. Yusuf responds publicly about your claim.


As for the AFC allegations on NICIL, I was satisfied with the answers based on the televised forum. The auditor general will provide his audited report. How did the AFC come up with 50 Billion ?


Did Ramjattan do jumbie math in school ?


Since the AFC made this wild claim, why were they missing from the forum ?


Listen Gerhard, in politics if you lie it will come back to haunt you. It now appears based on the KN editor that the AFC made up this number. 


There is no smoking gun.


I will be the first person to call for the police to arrest a minister if there is any evidence, yes evidence of fraud. But we cannot live by smoke and mirrors.


In America, they say that talk is cheap. The people of Guyana is watching the AFC closely and they have lost a lot of credibility lately. 

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a toxic government.

A toxic Government from 1964?

 You tell me. I was four.

Uncle D_G does have point, Stormborn.  What we have today is a straight and downward continuation from 1964.

Wah, nuff nuff abie coolies nah goa gree wid yuh.  YUh bin diss kontry wenn PNC bin kik an cuff abie laka we outsida tek ove dem kontry?  Dem PPP wutliss rass, bu dem nah PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am not in any way accusing you of any wrong doing.


So to understand you correctly, you did not have an investigation. A committee met with Mr.Yusuf ? I hope that Mr. Yusuf responds.


How about monies collected and was "thrown in a box" ? How about nepotism ?


How about your member demanding monies ? Is this the way to conduct an investigation ? This is like a wild west investigation. I hope that Mr. Yusuf responds publicly about your claim.


As for the AFC allegations on NICIL, I was satisfied with the answers based on the televised forum. The auditor general will provide his audited report. How did the AFC come up with 50 Billion ?


Did Ramjattan do jumbie math in school ?


Since the AFC made this wild claim, why were they missing from the forum ?


Listen Gerhard, in politics if you lie it will come back to haunt you. It now appears based on the KN editor that the AFC made up this number. 


There is no smoking gun.


I will be the first person to call for the police to arrest a minister if there is any evidence, yes evidence of fraud. But we cannot live by smoke and mirrors.


In America, they say that talk is cheap. The people of Guyana is watching the AFC closely and they have lost a lot of credibility lately. 





Gerhard is once again in hiding. He failed to respond to my post.


Please D2/Storm/God, Let Gerhard respond for himself. I know that your are a paid AFC poster but let Gerhard speak for himself.

He is currently signed in. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a toxic government.

A toxic Government from 1964?

 You tell me. I was four.

Assess the information then make your own statements.

For Stormborn:

Guyana politics didn't start from post 1992; it began long before that. I was conceived way after you were four, but I know my history. The toxic government (then) was making life hell for your parents. You should ask them to educate you!

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Gerhard is once again in hiding. He failed to respond to my post.


Please D2/Storm/God, Let Gerhard respond for himself. I know that your are a paid AFC poster but let Gerhard speak for himself.

He is currently signed in. 

So what if I am signed in?  Does that mean I am in front of my computer?  And even if I were, am I obligated to answer you whenever you demand it?


What is there to hide from?  The crux of the matter is that Dr Ramayya has made it clear he is not seeking to get back any of the money he spent out of his own pocket.  So what is the issue now?


And by the way, you not answered my question directly as to whether the allegations against the AFC has any bearing on the Gov't's duty to come clean with the people of Guyana.  Does it, or doesn't it?


Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a toxic government.

A toxic Government from 1964?

 You tell me. I was four.

Uncle D_G does have point, Stormborn.  What we have today is a straight and downward continuation from 1964.

Wah, nuff nuff abie coolies nah goa gree wid yuh.  YUh bin diss kontry wenn PNC bin kik an cuff abie laka we outsida tek ove dem kontry?  Dem PPP wutliss rass, bu dem nah PNC.

Fact is, Indians are still running from Guyana today - even more now.  There will always be things that were worse under the PNC and things that are worse under the PPP.  If you weigh the periods, the positives and negatives, there will be a general negative trend from 1964.  If you want to point to economic progress under the PPP, that will have to weighed against crime, corruption, inequity (rich getting richer) and a host of other social problems.  What about the ongoing ethnic conflict?  Would you say it is solely the fault of African Guyanese that we are no closer to resolving our differences?

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a toxic government.

A toxic Government from 1964?

 You tell me. I was four.

Uncle D_G does have point, Stormborn.  What we have today is a straight and downward continuation from 1964.

Wah, nuff nuff abie coolies nah goa gree wid yuh.  YUh bin diss kontry wenn PNC bin kik an cuff abie laka we outsida tek ove dem kontry?  Dem PPP wutliss rass, bu dem nah PNC.

Fact is, Indians are still running from Guyana today - even more now.  There will always be things that were worse under the PNC and things that are worse under the PPP.  If you weigh the periods, the positives and negatives, there will be a general negative trend from 1964.  If you want to point to economic progress under the PPP, that will have to weighed against crime, corruption, nepotism, cronyism, inequity (rich getting richer) and a host of other social problems.  What about the ongoing ethnic conflict?  Would you say it is solely the fault of African Guyanese that we are no closer to resolving our differences?

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a toxic government.

A toxic Government from 1964?

 You tell me. I was four.

Uncle D_G does have point, Stormborn.  What we have today is a straight and downward continuation from 1964.

Wah, nuff nuff abie coolies nah goa gree wid yuh.  YUh bin diss kontry wenn PNC bin kik an cuff abie laka we outsida tek ove dem kontry?  Dem PPP wutliss rass, bu dem nah PNC.

Fact is, Indians are still running from Guyana today - even more now.  There will always be things that were worse under the PNC and things that are worse under the PPP.  If you weigh the periods, the positives and negatives, there will be a general negative trend from 1964.  If you want to point to economic progress under the PPP, that will have to weighed against crime, corruption, nepotism, cronyism, inequity (rich getting richer) and a host of other social problems.  What about the ongoing ethnic conflict?  Would you say it is solely the fault of African Guyanese that we are no closer to resolving our differences?

Now Gerhard is also trying to stir up racial tensions. Gerhard, you have no class.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a toxic government.

A toxic Government from 1964?

 You tell me. I was four.

Uncle D_G does have point, Stormborn.  What we have today is a straight and downward continuation from 1964.

Wah, nuff nuff abie coolies nah goa gree wid yuh.  YUh bin diss kontry wenn PNC bin kik an cuff abie laka we outsida tek ove dem kontry?  Dem PPP wutliss rass, bu dem nah PNC.

Fact is, Indians are still running from Guyana today - even more now.  There will always be things that were worse under the PNC and things that are worse under the PPP.  If you weigh the periods, the positives and negatives, there will be a general negative trend from 1964.  If you want to point to economic progress under the PPP, that will have to weighed against crime, corruption, inequity (rich getting richer) and a host of other social problems.  What about the ongoing ethnic conflict?  Would you say it is solely the fault of African Guyanese that we are no closer to resolving our differences?

Perhaps, the best period was under Dr. Cheddi B. Jagan - 1957 to 1964.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a toxic government.

A toxic Government from 1964?

 You tell me. I was four.

Uncle D_G does have point, Stormborn.  What we have today is a straight and downward continuation from 1964.

Wah, nuff nuff abie coolies nah goa gree wid yuh.  YUh bin diss kontry wenn PNC bin kik an cuff abie laka we outsida tek ove dem kontry?  Dem PPP wutliss rass, bu dem nah PNC.

Fact is, Indians are still running from Guyana today - even more now.  There will always be things that were worse under the PNC and things that are worse under the PPP.  If you weigh the periods, the positives and negatives, there will be a general negative trend from 1964.  If you want to point to economic progress under the PPP, that will have to weighed against crime, corruption, inequity (rich getting richer) and a host of other social problems.  What about the ongoing ethnic conflict?  Would you say it is solely the fault of African Guyanese that we are no closer to resolving our differences?

Perhaps, the best period was under Dr. Cheddi B. Jagan - 1957 to 1964.

Uncle D_G, from what I have read, and heard from elders, I would have to agree - with the exception of the events of 1962/63, which were largely engineered by outside forces.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Perhaps, the best period was under Dr. Cheddi B. Jagan - 1957 to 1964.

Uncle D_G, from what I have read, and heard from elders, I would have to agree - with the exception of the events of 1962/63, which were largely engineered by outside forces.

Indeed, Gerhard.


1962/63 events were quite harsh by forces outside of the PPP.


Your dad and I, personally experienced the events of February 16, 1962.


I left for university studies later in 1962, and your dad left about a year after.


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