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Pradoville 2 matter handed over to State Assets Recovery Unit

August 4, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– NICIL oversaw transaction, kept CH&PA in dark

The Ministry of Housing has asked Government’s newly established State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) to look into the ‘Pradoville Two’ deal.

Bharrat Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo

The transaction is quickly evolving into a scandal which at first glance speaks of abuse of state resources by the previous administrations under the People’s Progressive Party. At the very least, Government officials said, the deal was improper. The matter is being examined under forensic audits being carried out at both the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) and National Industrial Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). Yesterday, Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Keith Scott, disclosed that the area situated at Parcel 172 Plantation Sparendaam and Parcel 237 Plantation Goedverwagting, known by citizens as Pradoville 2 was “mutated” and sold subject to a Cabinet decision. While he did not say when, from indications, it was done under last Bharrat Jagdeo administration. His last term in office ended in 2011. The state-owned NICIL/Privatisation Unit was authorized to do all acts necessary to ensure the vesting of the new development project in the CH&PA, the body which is tasked with overseeing housing developments in Guyana. NICIL/Privatisation Unit is headed by Winston Brassington, an executive who oversaw a number of contentious multi-billion-dollar public infrastructure deals. According to Scott yesterday, the allocation of parcels of land to the several former ministers, senior

Minister Keith Scott

Minister Keith Scott

Government officials and friends close to the PPP administration, along with the method to determine the prices paid, were not assessed by the CH&PA. “The method of allocation of lands within this housing development as opposed to other schemes under the control of the Central Authority was not followed,” Minister Scott said in a statement to this newspaper. Regarding issues of whether the recipients, including Jagdeo and Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, were owners of properties at the time of the sale, Scott made it clear the CH&PA seemed not have been in the loop as the paperwork is not there. Under regulations of the authority, persons or families who owned properties cannot be allocated new lands. “Those who were allocated the parcel(s) of land, whether they were the owner(s) of land at the time of allocation and the price attributed to each parcel of land, were not under the control of the Central Authority,” he said. As a matter of fact, the authority’s role in the Pradoville Two construction seemed to be limited. “The plans showing the survey of the area were done at the behest of NICIL/Privatisation Unit.” The infrastructural works were contracted to Atlantic Construction by NICIL/Privatisation Unit. Scott did not make it clear whether the infrastructural works were tendered for. He said from evidence, CH&PA merely acted as the collection agency

Remigrants paid ten times the price that former President Bharrat Jagdeo paid for house lots. Remigrants paid $1,111 per square foot to Jagdeo’s $114 per square foot.

Remigrants paid ten times the price that former President Bharrat Jagdeo paid for house lots. Remigrants paid $1,111 per square foot to Jagdeo’s $114 per square foot.

for the cost paid by the beneficiaries of the land. “The resident/owners paid to the Central Authority the sums stated on their Certificate of Title passed by the Registrar of Land.” Over the weekend, it was revealed that NICIL paid more than $100M to remove a transmitting tower from the Pradoville Two land, an area of prime land on the East Coast of Demerara that overlooks the Atlantic Ocean. An entire new facility had to be rebuilt along Dairy Road, West Bank Demerara. NICIL reportedly also spent tens of millions to build roads, drainage and culverts and lay pipes and in some cases, underground power cables. The developed house lots, complete with infrastructure, were then sold below market value to Jagdeo, several ministers and Government officials and friends. There is no evidence that the house lots sale was advertised or what procedures were used in the allocations of the parcels of the ocean-front properties. Jagdeo himself, according to details of allocations, received two parcels equivalent to two acres. On it, he built an imposing mansion, complete with pool and overlooking the seawall and the Atlantic Ocean. He paid a total of $9.8M. He had owned a property along the Ogle Airport Road in the community that was known as ‘Pradoville One’. However, he sold that property to Trinidadian advertising executive, Ernie Ross. In effect, Jagdeo paid three times less than what ordinary citizens in the Diamond and Grove Housing Schemes, East Bank Demerara, would have been required to fork out. Jagdeo’s payment for the Pradoville Two parcels translated to $5M per acre which works out at $114 per square foot; the ordinary man pays $317 per square foot for his plot. The sale of the Pradoville Two house lots for such a low price would contrast starkly with what remigrants had to pay under the Government’s scheme for returning to Guyana.  Remigrants paid more than ten times the price Jagdeo paid for the same size house lot. They paid $1,111 per square foot. Other beneficiaries included Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Shalimar Ali-Hack; former Head of the Private Sector Commission (PSC), Ramesh Dookhoo; former Ministers Clement Rohee, Priya Manickchand, Robert Persaud and even former Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon.


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Pradoville 2 property ownership sent to State Assets Recovery Unit

Pradoville 2 property ownership sent to State Assets Recovery Unit


by Zena Henry

Beneficaries of the controversial Pradoville Two (Sparendaam) land allocations could come in for some inconvenience if the process is found not to be "above board."
This was the indication of Minister within the Ministry of Communities Keith Scott, who has submitted the issue involving the once state-owned property to the Assets Recovery Unit.
The unit was set up to reclaim assets alleged to have been stolen, siphoned off or misappropriated by the former administration.
When contact was made with the minister Tuesday July 4, he explained that the allocation process saw no intervention by the Central Housing and Planning arm of the agency which is responsible for housing in the country.
He said since National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited(NICIL), a government holding company of State assets, dealt with the prime lands that were allegedly sold below the actual market price, he felt it was best to let the recovery unit handle that matter.
When asked if handing the matter over to the unit was done with the intent of reclaiming the properities if they were allocated illegally, Scott said, "they (unit) will have to do what they have to."
He explained that the lands in the Sparendaam area where Pradoville is located is made up of state and communal lands. He said there is the possibility that some of the land privatised could be communal land.
He added that these lands are suspected to have been sold below market price, and it was never advertised to give other citizens an opportunity to access such prime property.
He said if it was below market price, "it is illegal. You are robbing the State, stealing its assets."
He went on to say that assets in this regard is not just the land but the community had to be established with roads, lighting and water, suggesting the involvment of more state assets.
The Pradoville 2 occupants were said to have paid a mere $1.5m for the prime seaside lands.
In less upscale locations citizens are being asked to pay the same amount of money and even more, it was reported. The property, at surface value, seemed to have been designated for suggested members and associates of the then PPP-government.
Living there are former president Bharrat Jagdeo, former Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon, former Education Minister Priya Manickchand, former Chief of Staff Gary Best and several former top ranking officials of the People's Progressive Party (PPP).

Even PPP General Secretary and former Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee had defended his Pradoville 2 property Monday when he was asked how he got it. He said he was offered the property and he evaluated whether he could have afforded it and purchased it. Other tha. that, he did not know the specifics surrounding its availability.
Scott said however that, "If everything was done above board, they have nothing to worry about. If it is proven that it wasn't, then they (unit) must do what they have to." "They will see what can be done to get the assets back."

Originally Posted by asj:

Nice House: Have to be running drugs to build and upkeep one like this:


Pradoville 2 property ownership sent to State Assets Recovery Unit


What did I just say about coolie crabs?  When they don't have, they say the mattie collie must be running drugs.  Bai, crabs never cease to disappoint me.


I'm sure vising North American crabs must be saying that when they pass some of baseman relatives houses in GT.   But no one saw when they were living skimpy while they save and establish.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Nice House: Have to be running drugs to build and upkeep one like this:


Pradoville 2 property ownership sent to State Assets Recovery Unit


What did I just say about coolie crabs?  When they don't have, they say the mattie collie must be running drugs.  Bai, crabs never cease to disappoint me.


I'm sure vising North American crabs must be saying that when they pass some of baseman relatives houses in GT.   But no one saw when they were living skimpy while they save and establish.

Why you backin dem tiefman dem?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Nice House: Have to be running drugs to build and upkeep one like this:


Pradoville 2 property ownership sent to State Assets Recovery Unit


What did I just say about coolie crabs?  When they don't have, they say the mattie collie must be running drugs.  Bai, crabs never cease to disappoint me.


I'm sure vising North American crabs must be saying that when they pass some of baseman relatives houses in GT.   But no one saw when they were living skimpy while they save and establish.

Why you backin dem tiefman dem?

Banna, dem house don't costs that much.  They look impressive, but not that expenive.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Nice House: Have to be running drugs to build and upkeep one like this:


Pradoville 2 property ownership sent to State Assets Recovery Unit


What did I just say about coolie crabs?  When they don't have, they say the mattie collie must be running drugs.  Bai, crabs never cease to disappoint me.


I'm sure vising North American crabs must be saying that when they pass some of baseman relatives houses in GT.   But no one saw when they were living skimpy while they save and establish.

Why you backin dem tiefman dem?

Banna, dem house don't costs that much.  They look impressive, but not that expenive.

To a poor man that is a castle. Now, the question is, was this above board, we now wait and see.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Nice House: Have to be running drugs to build and upkeep one like this:


Pradoville 2 property ownership sent to State Assets Recovery Unit


What did I just say about coolie crabs?  When they don't have, they say the mattie collie must be running drugs.  Bai, crabs never cease to disappoint me.


I'm sure vising North American crabs must be saying that when they pass some of baseman relatives houses in GT.   But no one saw when they were living skimpy while they save and establish.

Why you backin dem tiefman dem?

Banna, dem house don't costs that much.  They look impressive, but not that expenive.

To a poor man that is a castle. Now, the question is, was this above board, we now wait and see.

Listen banna, so it is, poor and rich all countries.  Sure, but don't pass judgement before facts are known.  This is what crabs do.


I hear crabs saying that multiplex banna was like a drug hit because how else could he get rich.  Well we see, didn't we.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Stop bytching about houses the coolie man built. They sell drugs to blacks and build them.

AHA, gotchya here too, ah understan'.


So, a Indian guy sells the drugs to a black guy, the Indian guy get enuf money to buy a house, making him top dog...ah ketch what you saying.

Now you know there are laws pertaining to assets with drug money right?


Again I go back to "De coke Plane boss, de coke plane." Guess who got it?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Nice House: Have to be running drugs to build and upkeep one like this:


Pradoville 2 property ownership sent to State Assets Recovery Unit


What did I just say about coolie crabs?  When they don't have, they say the mattie collie must be running drugs.  Bai, crabs never cease to disappoint me.


I'm sure vising North American crabs must be saying that when they pass some of baseman relatives houses in GT.   But no one saw when they were living skimpy while they save and establish.

Why you backin dem tiefman dem?

Banna, dem house don't costs that much.  They look impressive, but not that expenive.

In 1992 i built a house close to that style cost

G$ 350,000 still own it.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Wow, Jango sounds like a hotshot. 

Naah..i am an ordinary fella.

Were you one of the drug running pioneers?

Bhai..not that crap in those days,acquired some

dough with my technical skills.


Originally Posted by Observer:

Jango was probably in the money printing business

That's illegal not my cup o tea,i was a lil top dog

with my technical skills which was in demand,

during the mid eighties.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Wow, Jango sounds like a hotshot. 

Naah..i am an ordinary fella.

Were you one of the drug running pioneers?

Bhai..not that crap in those days,acquired some

dough with my technical skills.


A lot of drug runnings in 1992 bai.  Remember that famous Crime Chief and his pilot brother!!


Well, then you mussie did contraband or gold scam, one of Butch Parmanand bais, I mean how else could you afford that house, get my drift?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Wow, Jango sounds like a hotshot. 

Naah..i am an ordinary fella.

Were you one of the drug running pioneers?

Bhai..not that crap in those days,acquired some

dough with my technical skills.


A lot of drug runnings in 1992 bai.  Remember that famous Crime Chief and his pilot brother!!


Well, then you mussie did contraband or gold scam, one of Butch Parmanand bais, I mean how else could you afford that house, get my drift?

Bhai..wha wrong with you my technical skills was in

demand by the rich,i was a pricy tech,any way i left

in 96.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Wow, Jango sounds like a hotshot. 

Naah..i am an ordinary fella.

Were you one of the drug running pioneers?

Bhai..not that crap in those days,acquired some

dough with my technical skills.


A lot of drug runnings in 1992 bai.  Remember that famous Crime Chief and his pilot brother!!


Well, then you mussie did contraband or gold scam, one of Butch Parmanand bais, I mean how else could you afford that house, get my drift?

Bhai..wha wrong with you my technical skills was in

demand by the rich,i was a pricy tech,any way i left

in 96.

Me know, but crabs and them covetous low lives don't see it that way.  They see your big nice house done judge you as a corrupt official or into something illicit.  But baseman believe you bai.

Originally Posted by asj:

Nice House: Have to be running drugs to build and upkeep one like this:


Pradoville 2 property ownership sent to State Assets Recovery Unit


A few years ago, this House was build by Roger Luncheon, but now,  to build one like this would take like about G$15 - 18 Million.

Last edited by Former Member

NICIL paid more than $100M to remove a transmitting tower from the Pradoville Two land.


NICIL reportedly also spent tens of millions to build roads, drainage and culverts and lay pipes and in some cases, underground power cables. The developed house lots, complete with infrastructure, were then sold below market value to Jagdeo, several ministers and Government officials and friends.


Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by asj:

Nice House: Have to be running drugs to build and upkeep one like this:


Pradoville 2 property ownership sent to State Assets Recovery Unit


A few years ago, this House was build by Roger Luncheon, but now,  to build one like this would take like about G$15 - 18 Million.

And what's that, like USD 80k??

Originally Posted by asj:

NICIL paid more than $100M to remove a transmitting tower from the Pradoville Two land.


NICIL reportedly also spent tens of millions to build roads, drainage and culverts and lay pipes and in some cases, underground power cables. The developed house lots, complete with infrastructure, were then sold below market value to Jagdeo, several ministers and Government officials and friends.


If they can justify that, then charge them income taxes on the difference.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by asj:

Nice House: Have to be running drugs to build and upkeep one like this:


Pradoville 2 property ownership sent to State Assets Recovery Unit


A few years ago, this House was build by Roger Luncheon, but now,  to build one like this would take like about G$15 - 18 Million.

And what's that, like USD 80k??

1 million G$ = UD$5,000

15 millionG$= 15 x 5,000 = US$75,000


Buying a house like that in the Good ole USA will run you now US$400,000

Well depends on the Area.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Django:

In 1992 i built a house close to that style cost

G$ 350,000 still own it.




That would have been about a few grand US?

Not a lot a few grand,to cut cost i hired some guys and

my self build the concrete blocks,can't recall the

exchange rate.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Django:

In 1992 i built a house close to that style cost

G$ 350,000 still own it.




That would have been about a few grand US?

Not a lot a few grand,to cut cost i hired some guys and

my self build the concrete blocks,can't recall the

exchange rate.

1992 The US Dollar rate was hovering around G$ 123 -G$ 125 for 1 US$

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Django:

In 1992 i built a house close to that style cost

G$ 350,000 still own it.




That would have been about a few grand US?

Not a lot a few grand,to cut cost i hired some guys and

my self build the concrete blocks,can't recall the

exchange rate.

1992 The US Dollar rate was hovering around G$ 123 -G$ 125 for 1 US$

yep around that rate,in 96 when i left was G$200 for US$1

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by asj:

Nice House: Have to be running drugs to build and upkeep one like this:


Pradoville 2 property ownership sent to State Assets Recovery Unit


A few years ago, this House was build by Roger Luncheon, but now,  to build one like this would take like about G$15 - 18 Million.

And what's that, like USD 80k??

1 million G$ = UD$5,000

15 millionG$= 15 x 5,000 = US$75,000


Buying a house like that in the Good ole USA will run you now US$400,000

Well depends on the Area.

You should not compare Guyana to US.  It's not about the cost of the material.  In that case, the US would be cheaper than Guyana!

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Nice House: Have to be running drugs to build and upkeep one like this:


Pradoville 2 property ownership sent to State Assets Recovery Unit


What did I just say about coolie crabs?  When they don't have, they say the mattie collie must be running drugs.  Bai, crabs never cease to disappoint me.


I'm sure vising North American crabs must be saying that when they pass some of baseman relatives houses in GT.   But no one saw when they were living skimpy while they save and establish.

Why you backin dem tiefman dem?

Banna, dem house don't costs that much.  They look impressive, but not that expenive.

In 1992 i built a house close to that style cost

G$ 350,000 still own it.

Now you cant get land fuh build wan good size lartine fuh dat money

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Wow, Jango sounds like a hotshot. 

Naah..i am an ordinary fella.

Were you one of the drug running pioneers?

Bhai..not that crap in those days,acquired some

dough with my technical skills.


A lot of drug runnings in 1992 bai.  Remember that famous Crime Chief and his pilot brother!!


Well, then you mussie did contraband or gold scam, one of Butch Parmanand bais, I mean how else could you afford that house, get my drift?

Bhai..wha wrong with you my technical skills was in

demand by the rich,i was a pricy tech,any way i left

in 96.

I am still trying to figure out who you are.  Looks like you saw my gun stock which only few people did.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Wow, Jango sounds like a hotshot. 

Naah..i am an ordinary fella.

Were you one of the drug running pioneers?

Bhai..not that crap in those days,acquired some

dough with my technical skills.


A lot of drug runnings in 1992 bai.  Remember that famous Crime Chief and his pilot brother!!


Well, then you mussie did contraband or gold scam, one of Butch Parmanand bais, I mean how else could you afford that house, get my drift?

Bhai..wha wrong with you my technical skills was in

demand by the rich,i was a pricy tech,any way i left

in 96.

I am still trying to figure out who you are.  Looks like you saw my gun stock which only few people did.

VJ,we never meet up in the US,let say we know each other on GNI

and by your last name.I am an Electronics Technician and worked

at a popular Store in GT from yr 1976.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I am still trying to figure out who you are.  Looks like you saw my gun stock which only few people did.

VJ,we never meet up in the US,let say we know each other on GNI

and by your last name.I am an Electronics Technician and worked

at a popular Store in GT from yr 1976.

Bai, every electronic store was popular back then!  So you ain't a lot of help.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I am still trying to figure out who you are.  Looks like you saw my gun stock which only few people did.

VJ,we never meet up in the US,let say we know each other on GNI

and by your last name.I am an Electronics Technician and worked

at a popular Store in GT from yr 1976.

Bai, every electronic store was popular back then!  So you ain't a lot of help.

ok..bhai Robb St not far from Freedom House.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by VVP:

I am still trying to figure out who you are.  Looks like you saw my gun stock which only few people did.

VJ,we never meet up in the US,let say we know each other on GNI

and by your last name.I am an Electronics Technician and worked

at a popular Store in GT from yr 1976.

Bai, every electronic store was popular back then!  So you ain't a lot of help.

ok..bhai Robb St not far from Freedom House.

Suh, you does fix turntables and stuff ?


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