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Early on George is quiet  but that has been his M.O. early. Miami is doing the smart thing by attacking the rim and trying to put Hibbert in trouble. They are also making a concerted effort to crash the offensive glass. DWade looks lively. And an essential ingredient is that the Pacers have turned the ball over a ton.


All that and Miami is up by only one. All those positives mean one thing - Miami will tire late and Indiana will settle down on the turnovers.


Miami has taken 13 more shots than Indiana. 13 more - and are DOWN by 2 points. The Pacers are turning the ball over a lot and missing free throws and Miami still can't pull away. Wow! Doesn't look good for Miami.


With the metrics I'm following Indiana looks on course. Bosh can't buy a bucket. LeBron will have to stop trying to get him involved and make things happen. The bench play will be important for Miami. The Pacers won't play much of their bench. They are younger and have more energy. One important metric is foul trouble and Indiana is looking good in this column.


Let's see if this metric ho9lds. Miami goes into the half 15 up. This 2nd qtr looks like their 3rd qtr in their blow-out win earlier.


Turnover 15 to 5 in Miami's favor. I wonder how much of Hibbert's failure in the 1st half is due to his head or Miami's swarming defense. West, Stephenson and George are playing like they have another Game 7. Miami is out-hustling the Pacers. They better turn the attitude around and hope that nature takes its toll on the Heat who have  played like they must not get tired.



If Indiana does not outscore Miami by 10 inthe 3rd qtr we're looking at Game 1 in So. Beach on Thursday.


The statistical metrics are heavily against this. Down by 15 at the half (my killer metric), no team has come back from this big a hole in a Game 7 this late in the playoffs.


So Ray mah man, our predik-shuns look like pre-Dick-shuns

Originally Posted by Kari:

If Indiana does not outscore Miami by 10 inthe 3rd qtr we're looking at Game 1 in So. Beach on Thursday.


The statistical metrics are heavily against this. Down by 15 at the half (my killer metric), no team has come back from this big a hole in a Game 7 this late in the playoffs.


So Ray mah man, our predik-shuns look like pre-Dick-shuns

bai..we got plenty mo fun in store fuh the next series

Originally Posted by Kari:

Miami has taken 15 more shots than Indiana in one half. Wow! You can't win with that metric

Wha happen cuz, you larning metric?  I mean is every para you write you mention metric. FYI: The HEAT WON!! To say the least, the 4Q was the most boring BBall I ever see. After the 3rd the game was over. The Pacers knew it, Vogel knew it, Spo knew it, the commentators knew it. Only you mighta been optimistic that the Pacers will come back. Well, so much for your optimism.


You know what I'm gonna say: NEXT!!!

Originally Posted by Stinger:
Po Mullah Empty Karahi & Ray eatin a whole lotta crows How dem crows tastin bais?

This is not about eating craw fellahs. I've seen when you posted the ?Heat will dominate Game 6 and Indiana stretched you guys in this series. 8 turnovers in the 1st qtr and 7 more in the 2nd. Miami could not have had an easier time. You would have noticed that all these postings were not about the might of Indiana but the flaws of this Maimi team that is supposed to win not 1, not 2, .......not 7.....


The Pacers played like this was a pre-season game. The Heat played like their lives depended on it - and kudos to them. Their defensive pressure was tremendous, but they got a little wink-wink from the refs. When you get the ball and two guys hit at your hands, your legs, etc. they will take the ball OUT OF YOUR HANDS. Call it tight and this deliberate strategy might not have flummoxed the Pacers into all dem turnovers. You can't win when the other team shoots 15 more shots than you in ONE HALF. And go to the line more more disproportionately.


Congrats to Miami and good luck with Parker, Duncan and co. I look forward to LeBron guarding Parker, or Miami swarming on Duncan. I guarantee you they won't throw the ball away. Not with Pops.

Originally Posted by Kari:

I look forward to LeBron guarding Parker, or Miami swarming on Duncan. I guarantee you they won't throw the ball away. Not with Pops.

Wasn't you the same guy who was guaranteeing us that the Pacers were on the upside and Miami was on the downside. Remember I warned you about the value of talent but you choose to be guided by your bias.


The reason LeBron came here and joined up with Wade and Bosh is because he see it as an opportunity to win not 1, not 2, not 3 ........ championships. And in order to make their teaming up possible, he took a 30 million dollars pay cut. In fact, the three took a combined 57 million dollars pay cut. So what is he supposed to say. I am moving to SOBE and be a slouch. You want to try not being as aggressive and promising the next time you seek a new job and are asked why you should be chosen instead of the other candidate(s)?


But LeBron has come to realize that counting the championships are much easier than winning them and has spoken profusely about how wrong he was in his judgment and has even tried to make right by it.


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