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Two West Berbice schoolgirls, an 11-year-old and a 13-year-old ended up at a hospital where it was discovered that they were both pregnant.

The Probation & Social Services department in Region Five and the police are also conducting investigations into the matters. The girls have since been placed in protective custody.

Police are currently on the hunt for the 11-year-old’s neighbour while a 17-year-old boy implicated in the other girl’s case was arrested and placed on $10,000 station bail.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

These are all teenagers, 11,13 and 17. Was the sexual intercourse consented between the partners? If so, then the only thing comes to mind is that they're too hot for themselves. The Ministry of social affairs should focus on more sex education on today's youth. With too much TV exposure, caused for teen experiment.
Originally posted by Cobra:
These are all teenagers, 11,13 and 17. Was the sexual intercourse consented between the partners? If so, then the only thing comes to mind is that they're too hot for themselves. The Ministry of social affairs should focus on more sex education on today's youth. With too much TV exposure, caused for teen experiment.

Mad Mad
Since when the # 11 is considered to be in the teens?

And even if they are all teenagers that does not give the male the right to impregnate the girls.
Originally posted by Inqubus:
in the end it may come out that is their fathers do it - thats part of coolies culture.

The only polite way I can respond to your statement.

what moron left ice cream on the stove? fool, idiot, ass, blockhead, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, imbecile, cretin, dullard, simpleton, clod; informal nitwit, halfwit, dope, ninny, nincompoop, chump, dimwit, dingbat, dipstick, goober, coot, goon, dumbo, dummy, ditz, dumdum, fathead, numbskull, numbnuts, dunderhead, thickhead, airhead, flake, lamebrain, zombie, nerd, peabrain, birdbrain, jughead, jerk, donkey, twit, goat, dork, twerp, schmuck, bozo, boob, turkey, schlep, chowderhead, dumbhead, goofball, goof, goofus, galoot, lummox, klutz, putz, schlemiel, sap, meatball, dumb cluck. ANTONYMS genius

Originally posted by chameli:
Originally posted by Cobra:
These are all teenagers, 11,13 and 17. Was the sexual intercourse consented between the partners? If so, then the only thing comes to mind is that they're too hot for themselves. [].

Mad Frown Mad


you saying dat it's okay for a 17 yr old male to have intercourse with 11 yr old?????? Mad Frown Frown

When me nana married me nanee in 1921, he was 16 years old and she was only 10 years old. Was a bamboo wedding. They stayed together until both died of old age. Me nana was a real sweet man so I presume my grandmother had sex on the wedding night.
Originally posted by Cobra:
These are all teenagers, 11,13 and 17. Was the sexual intercourse consented between the partners? If so, then the only thing comes to mind is that they're too hot for themselves. The Ministry of social affairs should focus on more sex education on today's youth. With too much TV exposure, caused for teen experiment.
The 17 year old needs to go to jail. Until the society begins to change the old ways so our young women can see the opportunities in the world than become baby making machines.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by chameli:
Originally posted by Cobra:
These are all teenagers, 11,13 and 17. Was the sexual intercourse consented between the partners? If so, then the only thing comes to mind is that they're too hot for themselves. [].

Mad Frown Mad


you saying dat it's okay for a 17 yr old male to have intercourse with 11 yr old?????? Mad Frown Frown

When me nana married me nanee in 1921, he was 16 years old and she was only 10 years old. Was a bamboo wedding. They stayed together until both died of old age. Me nana was a real sweet man so I presume my grandmother had sex on the wedding night.
That was then, this is now. My mom is 67 years old now She had 2 of us at by 17. That was then. Not until 1950 did Indians see fit to educate their young women ( primary education) so I am sure your grand ma never went to school.
Today's children are totally different from the children of yesteryear. Today's teens are more street smarter than school smart. This sexcapade will continue with someone, some place, sometime, and we will read about it again. However, in this case, if the girls were not raped, then it takes two to tangle. If the sex was coerced by the 17 years old, he should face justice.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by chameli:
Originally posted by Cobra:
These are all teenagers, 11,13 and 17. Was the sexual intercourse consented between the partners? If so, then the only thing comes to mind is that they're too hot for themselves. [].

Mad Frown Mad


you saying dat it's okay for a 17 yr old male to have intercourse with 11 yr old?????? Mad Frown Frown

When me nana married me nanee in 1921, he was 16 years old and she was only 10 years old. Was a bamboo wedding.

Things are different nowadays. It's time to discard those old glasses and get a new pair of lens.
Originally posted by IGH:
Originally posted by TI:
How can the 11 year old get pregnant? She never even started having her period.



So if the law of nature expects girls to get pregnant at 11, why is society against nature? Just curious!
Originally posted by chameli:
i hope u get lots of grandaughterswavey

you see, u have a may be hard for you to look at an 11 yr old girl and see her as a 'baby' and as a man, you would not understand labour pain....i would die of pain if i had to see an 11 yr old give birth

i believe i had a similar conversation with mike many yrs ago and he did not like dat i said he has sons and will not understand what it feels like to have daughtersWink

It shouldn't be this way but I believe it does have some connection. Prior to the birth of my daughter, I used to kid that if I get a child, I would wash her like in that show, two men and a baby when they used the sprayer in the kitchen. Then on the day my daughter was born I held her so protectively that I couldn't sttretch out my hand until the next day. She was born spotless (I gave credit to all the mangoes that my wife ate since there was an abundance of it that summer) so you can understand how keen I was on her remaining spotless. I remember in school how the boys who had no sisters were more disrespectful to the girls.

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