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2-1 Court of Appeal decision indicated that:

- The Court has jurisdiction to here the applicant.

- "more votes cast" in Article 177 is of the same tenor of Article 96 of "valid votes"

- "valid votes" means "more credible votes" 

- Court of Appeal is the FINAL arbiter. CCJ is not an option for the PPP/C and other parties.

This paves the way for Mr. Lowenfield to submit his report with MORE valid votes cast, leading the way for our President Granger to be sworn in for a second term!

What a ride, everyone. What a ride. Now off to celebrate. 

Any orders for some cook-up rice?? See you at the swearing in!!!



Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

Yessssssssssss. Hip hip hooray!!    

You don't understand how excited I am. Tears of joy. We fought and won, no matter the threats from everyone, including the EU and USA. A David v. Goliath situation, and we rose above it.

Can't wait to see our President Granger sworn in. Thanks for being one of the very few that stood by the President and APNUAFC on this forum.


Granger cannot be sworn in until GECOM declares that APNU+AFC won the elections. But that will nullify the whole recount results that the CARICOM team scrutinized in the presence of accredited local and international observers. Nullifying the recount results is not something GECOM Chairman Claudette Singh will entertain.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The court has ruled 2 to 1 that votes cast is equivalent to Valid Votes but has also ruled 3 to 0 that an injunction cannot be made to prevent GECOM from proclaiming a winner. 

Did GECOM   proclaim a winner. 

It will. 

Per Lowenfield's report, tabulated votes favored PPP/C. Valid Votes favors APNUAFC.

Court of Appeal is of the opinion that valid votes can only be used to declare a winner.

Deductive reasoning can only lead to one choice: APNUAFC being the winner.

@Rochelle posted:

It will. 

Per Lowenfield's report, tabulated votes favored PPP/C. Valid Votes favors APNUAFC.

Court of Appeal is of the opinion that valid votes can only be used to declare a winner.

Deductive reasoning can only lead to one choice: APNUAFC being the winner.

OK!  That's your reasoning. All I want to is if any declaration has been made.

@BGMAN posted:


Stop posting fake news. You have been celebrating since March. The coalition has lost the elections. Even Mr. Lowenfield summary of the recount states Valid Votes. As I have stated in another post, the Chairwoman will declare Dr. Irfaan Ali as the next President of Guyana.


Very well, @BGMAN

Let's see in a few days. 

@Rochelle posted:

You don't understand how excited I am. Tears of joy. We fought and won, no matter the threats from everyone, including the EU and USA. A David v. Goliath situation, and we rose above it.

Can't wait to see our President Granger sworn in. Thanks for being one of the very few that stood by the President and APNUAFC on this forum.

Maybe we'll meet at the Swearing in.  I had a $5k bet on this Election and I won!!        



It amazes me how many Guyanese live in foreign lands and vote and respect the will of the people. Some of these same people do not respect the will of the Guyanese electorate. They come on this forum and support an attempt to return a dictatorship to Guyana.

Let me be clear, this is not going to happen.

Who vex, vex.

Who the cap fit, let them wear it.



This is far from over folks ... stay tune 

No photo description available.


Charles Ramson

This is actually turns out to be a win for democracy and the PPP/C despite the efforts of the bullies. The Court of Appeal ruled that the words "more votes are cast" means "more VALID votes are cast" which is something which GECOM already decided on when they did the recount and when GECOM requested Lowenfield to present the report using the numbers from the recount for final declaration. This was not a win for APNU-AFC who wanted to annul this election or for Lowenfield to be the one to determine the valid votes. GECOM should now meet immediately to discuss the ruling and declare the election

@Rochelle posted:


- Court of Appeal is the FINAL arbiter. CCJ is not an option for the PPP/C and other parties.

This paves the way for Mr. Lowenfield to submit his report with MORE valid votes cast, leading the way for our President Granger to be sworn in for a second term!


Lowenfield needs to submit his report on the recount.

Issue will be on what he determines as "more votes cast", "valid votes" and "more credible votes".

No swearing-in of a president until all matters are resolved and GECOM; through its Chairman; makes the official decision for the elections.

@Former Member posted:

An Order such as Order No. 60 of 2020 does not supersede nor take precedence over the exact words of an Act.

Regulations and Orders are developed from Act(s) and they must follow the exact intentions of the said Act(s).

Where words/wordings for Regulations and Orders differ from Act(s), the precise words of the Act(s) takes precedence.

In such cases, the words which differs from the Act(s) are of no value.

The status of precedence is ...

1. Act(s)

2. Regulations

3. Orders.

@Former Member posted:

This is far from over folks ... stay tune 

No photo description available.


Charles Ramson

This is actually turns out to be a win for democracy and the PPP/C despite the efforts of the bullies. The Court of Appeal ruled that the words "more votes are cast" means "more VALID votes are cast" which is something which GECOM already decided on when they did the recount and when GECOM requested Lowenfield to present the report using the numbers from the recount for final declaration. This was not a win for APNU-AFC who wanted to annul this election or for Lowenfield to be the one to determine the valid votes. GECOM should now meet immediately to discuss the ruling and declare the election

Spinning like Lance Gibbs and Shane Warne combined.  

@Former Member posted:

No photo description available.

Valid is clear im perplexed on the basis of the judges decision.

Dave - we (APNUAFC and its supporters) went to court because Madam Singh wanted Lowenfield to prepare his report on the "results of the recount". The assumption here, and the very reason for your celebration last week was you and other PPP/C supporters equating "results of the recount" as the entire tabulated count ("Valid Votes Cast") as reflected in the above Certificate of Tabulation.

The Court ruled that this cannot be the case as GECOM, in its very order specified what it considered valid votes to declare a winner. GECOM cannot use the Certificate of Tabulation to tally all votes and declare, as many of those votes came under scrutiny and were considered invalid on the basis of the Order's instruction on what is considered a valid vote.

Under this same guidance, Lowenfield in his report segregated the votes that were tabulated from the votes that were valid or, in other words, the votes that were not subject to being tainted (ie missing poll books and the like).

On such basis, APNUAFC was of the opinion that it is these untainted votes that should be used to declare, and not all tabulated votes as reflected in each Certificate of Tabulation. The Court of Appeal agreed.

It so reasons that if we were to use Lowenfield's calculation of valid votes and not tabulated votes, APNUAFC is the clear winner.

And though others may not wish to believe this, it is only the CEO that can make that determination - not the Chairwoman.

We shall see what is declared in a few days.

Last edited by Rochelle
@BGMAN posted:


It amazes me how many Guyanese live in foreign lands and vote and respect the will of the people. Some of these same people do not respect the will of the Guyanese electorate. They come on this forum and support an attempt to return a dictatorship to Guyana.

Let me be clear, this is not going to happen.

Who vex, vex.

Who the cap fit, let them wear it.


The rule of law will prevail.  The Court of Appeal ruled today--read it and you'll see how the will of the people will be determined.  Ballot boxes without poll books etc. won't count.  BTW, has Datadin spilled the beans like he apparently said he would about how the PPP rigged?  

@Ramakant-P posted:

Both Jagdeo and Granger said that they would accept any decision by the Chairman.    She could go either way.  Good luck to both of them.

Decision by "GECOM", not the Chairwoman.

The law is clear: the Chairwoman relies on the CEO's report to make a declaration. Only valid votes can be declared.

Love how some of you are playing blind and spinning this. The law and rule is clear. Illegitimate votes cannot be deemed as credible or valid in instances of fraud, discrepancies or anomalies. The tabulated votes that place PPP/C ahead included invalid votes. The Court says the declaration cannot include same.

@Rochelle posted:

Decision by "GECOM", not the Chairwoman.

The law is clear: the Chairwoman relies on the CEO's report to make a declaration. Only valid votes can be declared.

Love how some of you are playing blind and spinning this. The law and rule is clear. Illegitimate votes cannot be deemed as credible or valid in instances of fraud, discrepancies or anomalies. The tabulated votes that place PPP/C ahead included invalid votes. The Court says the declaration cannot include same.

I am not disputing anything or turn a blind eye.    In case of a tie vote by GECOM, the Chairwoman will have the deciding vote.  That's all.  

@Rochelle posted:

Is it, really?

A few days ago, several forum members created similar threads proclaiming Mr. Ali as the President, and went so far as to create a thread on Cabinet picks. Those threads remain open. 

Now suddenly my thread is spam? Please come again. 


Fake News alert. Please delete this thread. It is fanning the flames of propaganda, lies, and deceit.

Bibi Haniffa
@Ramakant-P posted:

I am not disputing anything or turn a blind eye.    In case of a tie vote by GECOM, the Chairwoman will have the deciding vote.  That's all.  

The table has been turned.  The CofA decision gives the upper hand to the Coalition.  Mr. Lowenfield has already reported a tabulation based on valid votes.  It shows the Coalition winning.  You simply can't count the contaminated votes,i.e., those in boxes with no poll books etc.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I am not disputing anything or turn a blind eye.    In case of a tie vote by GECOM, the Chairwoman will have the deciding vote.  That's all.  

Lowenfield's preliminary report has already determined what is considered valid votes, putting APNUAFC in the lead. 

Separately, the Chairwoman already decided that a declaration will be made. Today's decision, however, will require her to revise the basis of her request to Lowenfield: to prepare a report not on the basis of the "recount results" but on "valid and credible votes" to make a declaration. 

Only one way from here, though I suspect some delay tactics from PPP/C. 

But the result is clear: President Granger will be sworn in for his second term. 

Last edited by Rochelle

If we go along with Rochelle's interpretation of election laws then the CEO can put anything on his report as valid votes without taking into consideration the SOPS, SORS, and total recount of all ballots under the strict supervision of observers from Caricom and other groups monitoring the elections.  Which judge or court would accept Lowenfield's magic numbers instead of those that were obtained from the elections itself?  The scrutineers have already dismissed APNU/AFC charges as unsubstantiated.  Lowenfeld's is working for APNU/AFC and not necessarily GECOM.  He is compromised and his reports are just as fraudulent as Mingo's.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Fraud # 1 - Mingo’s Spreadsheet on a dirty bedsheet.

Fraud # 2 - Lowenfield’s Report with crooked numbers.

If the Coalition believes that freedom loving Guyanese and the rest of the Democratic Countries will passively sit back and accept fraud in any shape or form , they are fooling themselves.

The struggle will continue and democracy will win in the end.

The silent majority will rise up and put an end to this coup attempt.



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