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Former Member

Moments after Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Barton Scotland, during Thursday’s sitting of the National Assembly, upheld the no-confidence motion that was passed on December 21, 2018, effectively refusing Government’s request that he invalidate the vote, a letter was dispatched to the Opposition People’s Progressive Party/ Civic  (PPP/C) inviting them to a meeting with Government.

This meeting INews understands is scheduled for January 9, 2019, at the Ministry of the Presidency at 11:00h.

The no-confidence motion brought in the name of Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo against the Government was successfully passed when then Alliance For Change (AFC) Member of Parliament Charandass Persaud broke ranks and voted in favour of the motion.

A total of 10 MPs debated the motion, but when the dust was settled and a vote of division was called, Persaud’s vote changed the numbers to 33 in favour of the motion versus Government’s 32 votes against the motion.

Hours after the historic event, President David Granger said he was eager to engage the Opposition Leader on any concerns he may have. He also provided assurances that there will be no confrontations.

The President’s expression of eagerness to meet with the Opposition Leader came hours after Jagdeo said the PPP/C is ready and willing to work with the coalition Government to determine the way forward.

Source : Inews Guyana

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Lower courts in the specific country before access to the CCJ.

However of note,. there are two distinct items ...

1. No-confidence vote upheld ... hence election within ninety days or a longer period as approved by two-thirds of the MPs.

2. Pursuing the matter through the courts  - local and then CCJ - does not have any relevance to nor hold up the now expected elections.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Lower courts in the specific country before access to the CCJ.

However of note,. there are two distinct items ...

1. No-confidence vote upheld ... hence election within ninety days or a longer period as approved by two-thirds of the MPs.

2. Pursuing the matter through the courts  - local and then CCJ - does not have any relevance to nor hold up the now expected elections.

Really, so what happens if they lose the election but win the case?  Another jhanjat?

Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Lower courts in the specific country before access to the CCJ.

However of note,. there are two distinct items ...

1. No-confidence vote upheld ... hence election within ninety days or a longer period as approved by two-thirds of the MPs.

2. Pursuing the matter through the courts  - local and then CCJ - does not have any relevance to nor hold up the now expected elections.

Really, so what happens if they lose the election but win the case?  Another jhanjat?

The process must be followed.

Speculations on outcome of the final court does not hinder the decision of the Speaker ... no-confidence upheld.


PNC is now a wounded animal, at their most dangerous. They will try all and any crookishness to retain power. Notice how Ronan started a thread asking for the whereabouts of Charrandas in the guise of concern. The cribster took  the bad Indo good Blackman tactic, stirring the pot of racial hate as a desperate measure to invigorate the pnc base. 


This is exactly how the PNC will run their campaign after they are forced to call elections. They will tell Blacks exactly what Carib is repeating here at GNI, Violence. There will be the usual PNC slo fiah campaign. Troubling, very troubling. Carib is basically saying that Guyana can only be governed by a Black government even though blacks are only 29 percent of the population. They are big eye and wrong and strong. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

This is exactly how the PNC will run their campaign after they are forced to call elections. They will tell Blacks exactly what Carib is repeating exactly here at GNI. There will be the usual PNC slo fiah campaign. Troubling, very troubling. Carib is basically saying that Guyana can only be governed by a Black government even though blacks are only 29 percent of the population. They are big eye and wrong and strong. 

More evidence that Cribby is politically connected to PNC. It is interesting if his pronouncements here become mantra for PNC campaign for elections. 


I just saw a press conference with Harmon, Nagamootoo and Ramjhattan. Moses is now saying that the Speaker said that he has doubts about the NCV. I watched the Speaker this afternoon and I did not hear such words uttered. 

Why is the the Prime Minister continuing to mislead the nation. He has no damn shame. Some body should put a good slap in his face. 

Last edited by Former Member

Carib is a very dangerous PNC racist who comes here and spews his racism. He now realizes that GNI Indos are no pushover.

Indos are no longer afraid of blacks in Guyana since brother Gaj showed Indos how to stand up for themselves. Jagdeo made the violent PNC a bunch of toothless poodles. He bussed their balls and and put it in their hands when they tried to unleashed terror on Indos.

Carib can take his shyte elsewhere. He is crying like a baby nowadays and uttering useless threats. They are totally meaningless.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Carib is a very dangerous PNC racist who comes here and spews his racism. He now realizes that GNI Indos are no pushover.

Indos are no longer afraid of blacks in Guyana since brother Gaj showed Indos how to stand up for themselves. Jagdeo made the violent PNC a bunch of toothless poodles. He bussed their balls and and put it in their hands when they tried to unleashed terror on Indos.

Carib can take his shyte elsewhere. He is crying like a baby nowadays and uttering useless threats. They are totally meaningless.

It is not about Blacks but rather PNC bullyism. We as a multinational nation need to be careful with our words especially if they are divisive. The PNC supporters bullied Indos who were also at fault for being too passive. 

Look at Naga, Ramjattan and Amna, they all have become PNC bullies, but are not Black. 

Dondadda posted:

I just saw a press conference with Harmon, Nagamootoo and Ramjhattan. Moses is now saying that the Speaker said that he has doubts about the NCV. I watched the Speaker this afternoon and I did not hear such words uttered. 

Why is the the Prime Minister continuing to mislead the nation. He has no damn shame. Some body should put a good slap in his face. 

I cannot support the part about a slap in his face. However, it is true that Moses has become Giuliani. 


Moses will get his share from PNC congress Place in due course. He is scumbag and a barefaced liar. 

His papa Cheddi must be turning in his grave. 

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Dondadda posted:

I just saw a press conference with Harmon, Nagamootoo and Ramjhattan. Moses is now saying that the Speaker said that he has doubts about the NCV. I watched the Speaker this afternoon and I did not hear such words uttered. 

Why is the the Prime Minister continuing to mislead the nation. He has no damn shame. Some body should put a good slap in his face. 

I cannot support the part about a slap in his face.

However, it is true that Moses has become Giuliani

A real, real, reeealll Giuliani.   

ksazma posted:
Dondadda posted:

I just saw a press conference with Harmon, Nagamootoo and Ramjhattan. Moses is now saying that the Speaker said that he has doubts about the NCV. I watched the Speaker this afternoon and I did not hear such words uttered. 

Why is the the Prime Minister continuing to mislead the nation. He has no damn shame. Some body should put a good slap in his face. 

I cannot support the part about a slap in his face. However, it is true that Moses has become Giuliani. 

Ksazma, I agree with you regarding slapping him in his face. I went too far and sincerely apologize.

yuji22 posted:

Moses will get his share from PNC congress Place in due course. He is scumbag and a barefaced liar. 

His papa Cheddi must be turning in his grave. 

By the way I learned that Cheddi brother Arjoon, passed.

Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:

Next time say that Moses should haul his as*.  Ramjattan said so. 

Haul .. or ..

.. continue to be dragging on his arse.

or continue Pulling on it.

Dondadda posted:
yuji22 posted:

Moses will get his share from PNC congress Place in due course. He is scumbag and a barefaced liar. 

His papa Cheddi must be turning in his grave. 

By the way I learned that Cheddi brother Arjoon, passed.

Funeral is tomorrow in Scarborough.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dondadda posted:
yuji22 posted:

Moses will get his share from PNC congress Place in due course. He is scumbag and a barefaced liar. 

His papa Cheddi must be turning in his grave. 

By the way I learned that Cheddi brother Arjoon, passed.

Funeral is tomorrow in Scarborough.

Drugb posted:

PNC is now a wounded animal, at their most dangerous. They will try all and any crookishness to retain power. Notice how Ronan started a thread asking for the whereabouts of Charrandas in the guise of concern.

that's not funny banna . . . you and i are not friends

know your place

Demerara_Guy posted:

Speculations on outcome of the final court does not hinder the decision of the Speaker ... no-confidence upheld.

The Speaker made no decision. He was quite vocal about the fact that the matter will be resolved by the courts.  This because he is not going to get into a debate as to whether the vote was legal or not.

When the court opines, and this also means the CCJ, then you can chat.

yuji22 posted:

Carib is a very dangerous PNC racist who comes here and spews his racism. 

Indo elites had to pay rogue cops and soldiers as well as former cops and soldiers. Guess what ethnicity these were.  You are terrified of Volda and other black women so cease pretending to be brave.

When an old skinny black woman snatched a banner you were squealing and crying about black bullyism.  That wasn't that long ago.

yuji22 posted:

Look, cry baby is back. Indos a kill Abbie.

Yes you and the AFC/APNU Indos are busy killing each other.  Look at your venom directed against Indos like Naga, and Amna because they dont live on your PPP plantation taking daily whippings from Massa Jagdeo!

Now I thought that Guyana was a democracy, but apparently not.  Does the fact that these people are Indians mean that they must be PPP?

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Carib is a very dangerous PNC racist who comes here and spews his racism. 

Indo elites had to pay rogue cops and soldiers as well as former cops and soldiers. Guess what ethnicity these were.  You are terrified of Volda and other black women so cease pretending to be brave.

When an old skinny black woman snatched a banner you were squealing and crying about black bullyism.  That wasn't that long ago.

Thanks for confirming Guyanese Black women are vicious and the worst kind of bullies. 

Dave posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Carib is a very dangerous PNC racist who comes here and spews his racism. 

Indo elites had to pay rogue cops and soldiers as well as former cops and soldiers. Guess what ethnicity these were.  You are terrified of Volda and other black women so cease pretending to be brave.

When an old skinny black woman snatched a banner you were squealing and crying about black bullyism.  That wasn't that long ago.

Thanks for confirming Guyanese Black women are vicious and the worst kind of bullies. 

No they aren't.  Its that you are such a coward that if a black woman says "boo" you burst into tears and flee.

caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Carib is a very dangerous PNC racist who comes here and spews his racism. 

Indo elites had to pay rogue cops and soldiers as well as former cops and soldiers. Guess what ethnicity these were.  You are terrified of Volda and other black women so cease pretending to be brave.

When an old skinny black woman snatched a banner you were squealing and crying about black bullyism.  That wasn't that long ago.

Thanks for confirming Guyanese Black women are vicious and the worst kind of bullies. 

No they aren't.  Its that you are such a coward that if a black woman says "boo" you burst into tears and flee.

Nop, this collie provide for them economical and financially something you Black men often fails to do. 

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Speculations on outcome of the final court does not hinder the decision of the Speaker ... no-confidence upheld.

The Speaker made no decision. He was quite vocal about the fact that the matter will be resolved by the courts.  This because he is not going to get into a debate as to whether the vote was legal or not.

When the court opines, and this also means the CCJ, then you can chat.

The court has no jurisdiction of this . Motion passed in parliament . Done and seal .. NEXT 

Dave posted:
Nop, this collie provide for them economical and financially something you Black men often fails to do. 

Dude, shut your racist pie hole. Indo and Afro are statistically on par in poverty in GY. Presently some 90 percent of Berbecian don't know where next week meal is coming from. They do not have any reserve cash and have little opportunity to bootstrap t themselves. Indeed I can name a hundred things to do to generate some income but these  people are not like us. They know only a few things to do and need external help that is presently absent. Even your PPP has not served them well in any way except in the coming months they will be under every bottom house promise them manna from heaven.

Dave posted:

The court has no jurisdiction of this . Motion passed in parliament . Done and seal .. NEXT 

You can holler and bawl; jump up and down and roll on the floor. In the end this is going to the court one way or the other and it will be your PPP who will seek the courts intervention after today's ruling. 


Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Speculations on outcome of the final court does not hinder the decision of the Speaker ... no-confidence upheld.

The Speaker made no decision. He was quite vocal about the fact that the matter will be resolved by the courts.  This because he is not going to get into a debate as to whether the vote was legal or not.

When the court opines, and this also means the CCJ, then you can chat.

The court has no jurisdiction of this . Motion passed in parliament . Done and seal .. NEXT 

The court is the third branch. It always has over see rights and is the final check in the system...Anil is dreaming. I however, agree the NCV is a done deal. The APNU better start campaigning.

Dave posted:

Nop, this collie provide for them economical and financially something you Black men often fails to do. 

Yes just like the old white slave massas used to.  Then when they go and vote PNC you scream that they are lazy and ungrateful and ought to be content to remain your concubine.

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Dave posted:
Nop, this collie provide for them economical and financially something you Black men often fails to do. 

Dude, shut your racist pie hole. Indo and Afro are statistically on par in poverty in GY. 

And this is the root cause of our ethnic angst. Rather than having "Social Cohesion" the emphasis should be on "Economic Integration".  Ensuring that resource allocation and opportunities will not be based on tribal considerations.

If desperate people didn't feel that the other tribe had as its intent a goal of making their lives even worse elections in Guyana wouldn't be low keyed tribal wars.   The PPP didn't care about the bauxite workers as most weren't part of the tribe and the PNC returning the same to the sugar workers for the same reasons.

Now the tribes scream that this will be the "mother of all elections".  

D2 posted:

The court is the third branch. It always has over see rights and is the final check in the system...Anil is dreaming. I however, agree the NCV is a done deal. The APNU better start campaigning.

Its the AFC that needs to figure out its future. APNU will be like what the PNC was under Hoyte.  And reverting to its tribal nature, matching the PPP in this.

D2 posted:
Even your PPP has not served them well in any way except in the coming months they will be under every bottom house promise them manna from heaven.

And when they win Jagdeo's Berbice Bridge buddies will be compensated mightily using tax payer funds and Guysuco lands will be distributed at nominal cost to Jagdeo connected land speculators.

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Speculations on outcome of the final court does not hinder the decision of the Speaker ... no-confidence upheld.

The Speaker made no decision. He was quite vocal about the fact that the matter will be resolved by the courts.  This because he is not going to get into a debate as to whether the vote was legal or not.

When the court opines, and this also means the CCJ, then you can chat.

1. The Speaker decided on December 21, 2018 the 33 vs 32 vote.

2. The Speaker reconfirmed his decision on January 03, 2019.

Now, the government MUST proceed with the Speaker's decision that the vote is valid and execute the process for an election within three months or for a longer time with the approval of at least two-thirds of the MPs.

For discussions purposes; --

... had the vote been 33 vs 32 in favour of the government would the PNCR/APNU/AFC have stated that they have won?

D2 posted:

The court is the third branch. It always has over see rights and is the final check in the system...Anil is dreaming.

I however, agree the NCV is a done deal.

The APNU better start campaigning.



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