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Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:

In a democratic country, you are obliged to pay your fair share of costs for services, not sponge off the rest of the nation.  You are free to protest, but not disrupt/obstruct the rest of the society, not damage or endanger property, life and limb, not attack and threaten security, etc, etc.


Democracy is not "anything goes", not the law of the jungle.  The security forces may have over-reacted but there were threatening, some radical, mobs which had significantly out numbered the forces.


The instigators should be made to account for their actions in a court of law.

The murderers and their handlers should also face the court if you really want to bring all parties to justice. Knowing you, only one segment of people are responsible.

In a democratic society, due process, an independent investigation and a grounded decision determines responsibility.  You are using the term "democratic" but proposing a dictatorial approach.


Rather than demagoguery, who don't you refute my points.

I'm saying that the murderers and their handlers should ALSO face the courts. In your head, only one type of people are responsible. You give a free pass to the ones who actually pulled the triggers and their handlers. I'm asking for all parties to bear whatever responsibility is theirs. Choose which one sounds more democratic, but I don't expect you to see the difference with your blinders on Herr Basemann.  

Responsibility lies with:


  • The Govt if they issued specific orders to shoot
  • Police if they shoot without clear orders or due cause/imminent danger
  • Instigators/inciters who misled, encouraged, egged on protestors
  • Protestors if they broke the law and threatened property, life or limb.

An investigation is warranted to determine what went wrong, where the blame lies, appropriate action(s) and how to prevent a recurrence.  Now, is that inclusive enough?

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

People are allowed to protest but if you go in a democratic country and shout 'Fire' in a crowed place when there was none you could be charged. It's called being responsible. No one form Freedom House called the police and told them to shoot. This was a decision that was made on the spot and in a desperate situation. The story has three sides. 

What sort of convoluted and illogical argument you are trying to string together here to rationalize what was an atrocious misuse of force?


Freedom house has had a consistent stream of rhetoric, some of which resides here on this site presently, that is laced with characterizations of putting down protests by all means.


This is the second incident in 10 months where the police shot into crowds. The first incident left us with no officers reprimanded and no words of regret that it happened because that is who the PPP are; oppressive fascists intent on maintaining their control of the state as their leech cow.


That there was "desperate situation" confronting the police that they shot at people in the back is another farcical concoction. It is black people protesting so of course they are dangerous is the messaging  so force could always be used!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


That there was "desperate situation" confronting the police that they shot at people in the back is another farcical concoction. It is black people protesting so of course they are dangerous is the messaging  so force could always be used!

Who cares, as only black blood is spilt. Sugrim and the others will sing a different story the day that the police shoot and kill sugar workers staging a protest.  Note that sugar workers can protest w/o harrassment.


But if the police feel that they can kill at will its only a matter of time....then we will read sugrim and others wail about the ethnic composition of the poloice force being the reason for this.


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